The brilliant guys of Ghost Lab and Paranormal State are in search of talented people like you! Recently they have been releasing a casting notice for families who think that they are being haunted by spirits, good one and bad ones. Currently casting families who believe they are being haunted by spirits. If you and your family have some visits from the unknown and want to share your tale with the rest of the world this may be the perfect project for you. The project is casting for families as well as paranormal professionals who can assist different families that are haunted by these spirits and ghosts and different demons. A&E is known for their work on sable and satellite television as a network that provides Arts and Entertainment to it’s viewers, and is well-known for it’s shows such as “Dog the Bounty Hunter”, “Intervention”, “Storage Wars”, “Criss Angel Mindfreak”, and “Paranormal State”. Paranormal State is very similar to the idea of The Haunting with paranormal activity and paranormal life. The network is known for showcasing unique programs of biographies, documentaries, and drama series. It has also expanded into reality television with it’s self help programs for different people.
This particular show, “The Haunting” is looking for families or just regular people who have previous experience and evidence of paranormal activity via video or photos, as well as who are definitely looking to share those encounters with the world on a reality television show. People over the age of 18 are encouraged to apply and submit a photo. Everyone will be processed by the casting department and then contacted via phone for auditions or an interview/sit down. If you are under the age of 18 and looking to apply for an opportunity like this you do have to be aware that you do need parent or guardian permission in order to be booked. Please submit with info on your family, details of the paranormal experiences, and the best way to reach you. Find the nearest casting department near you to book you for this A&E next hit show. Best of luck!
hi um as you know my name is austin knight i was born 11/27/00 and i live in lufkin TX and i have some experience with acting because i work in a haunted house called total insanity haunt park and i have always wonted to be an actor so yeah that’s basically it .
We have been haunted where ever we live and in our current home as well. Everything from sightings to things turning on by themselves. We also have a photo of what appears to be an orb with a reflection in the mirror.
My name is Akasha Wolf a witch Youtuber. I make YouTube videos teaching about witchcraft, spirituality, metaphysical, and paranormal things. I come from a family of witches and psychics. We have many stories to tell. But there is one in particular.
I am an auto-writer. I’m not a psychic, I can’t see the future, but I can communicate with ghosts. From a young age, I’ve always been able to speak to spirits. Now, when I’m in an area that has an active spirit (or multiple spirits), I can talk to them by allowing them to guide my hand with pen and paper. I love going to places that are purported to be haunted, it’s easy for me to feel if there is activity, and sometimes I catch flashes in my mind’s eye of what happened there, if the situation was particularly traumatic in some way. I would love to help your production, I’ve always wanted to be able to use my gift with others. I’m a dynamic, fun, team player, with some public speaking experience. I am not shy of being on camera or using my paranormal gifts in public. I helped with some ghost hunting teams in El Paso, TX in the past and it was a lot of fun, mostly for me, the people I helped were a bit freaked out.
I can be contacted at licieoic@gmail.com at any time. Thank you!
Check out our website and see what we do!
I paranormal investor im one the best there is I don’t have a zip code so I can’t enter can you help me please
I have a strange gift I see and film the paranormal. I can also film the paranormal on my own body and can prove it. Don’t know why the paranormal gets on my body and I can film it.just Dont understand what is really happening to me. Would love to know why this happens to me. I’ve looked all over the internet for some one who has a gift like me. Can not find no one. But would love to meet them . so I could understand. Would love to show you photos and video’s. Thank you crystal mccann
I am a paranormal investigator on a team of four female investigators. Should you require any assistance or any of our evidence we have from our investigations please feel free to contact. We would love to be part of this project!!
I am the founder and lead investigator for Access the Paranormal in Seymour Indiana. We have tons of videos, pictures and hundreds of EVPs. We do private and public investigations of all things paranormal. Would love to investigate any claims of paranormal activity that get reported to you and report all the findings back to you guys for evaluation. Members of our group have appeared on Ghost Stalkers, My Ghost Story caught on camera, Wave3 news in Louisville Ky and been approached by others. We have access to a couple the most haunted locations in the country. We can be contacted on Facebook .
My home has been described by several paranormal investigative groups as “the most active home they’ve ever investigated”! I have both ghost and demons and can’t seem to be cleansed. Bill bean has preformed two separate deliverances 6 months apart and sadly both have been un successful. I have tons Of documented proof (audio, video and still shots). The pic I submitted was taken by a paranormal group (Enlarge slightly follow behind my back to the black candlestick and you’ll see what sits on top). There is never a time that I cannot capture something, the trick is I have to be in the picture. It seems not only have these things taking possession of the house but me as well. The home is a beautiful Victorian built in the late 1800s lots more history to share at a later time.
we run a paranormal research group out of CT deal with a lot of paranormal have been real successful on ridding a home of entities have been all over dealing with the paranormal
I have been a paranormal investigator for over 15 years, I have quite a few videos which can be seen on my Facebook page paranormal now investigations wales and YouTube page.
My name is Chris Bores, I am an up and comer in the field of ghost hunting. I have worked as a ghost hunting tour guide for a while now and my new approach to the paranormal has been highlighted on local television, the reality show Hardcore pawn (within the next month or so), and I have lined up a publisher for an upcoming book. I have been able to classify spirits, communicate with them, and can get some great interactions with them to occur on camera that have never been seen before.
We use psychology, philosophy, and more to get our results. This is the next step in ghost hunting. No one else has been able to take this field to the next level like we can. Everyone else keeps doing the same thing while we have been getting things to continuously happen that people have never seen before. All the other shows are child’s play compared to this. You can check me out more at: http://www.pursuitoftheparanormal.com
Recently diagnosed out of nowhere with night terrors & severe panic anxiety. 3am every night. Bruises, scratches, abrasions weekly at different times. I’m scared to death…and all after an uncensored ghost/paranormal tour. I’m successful, great family, no issues with mental illness ever. Afraid of sleeping.
I am lead investigator and my team was season finale winner on the Travel Channel’s Paranormal Challenge. This show was hosted by Zak Bagans. I have had many experiences, and was regressed by my psychic. I have been followed home, scratched, and had entities around me. While filming in Jerome Arizona for Paranormal Challoenge, I had some very scary things happen. I would love to tell you about it.
We deal with these types of haunting and we are 100% successful and guarantee to be able to fix any haunting or spiritual issues. We are experts in this field. Blessings
We have activity in our home . We live in the metro dc area and would like for our home to be investigated