Casting teams are looking for talents to play a general and an admiral in a new show. Along with those two featured roles, they need actors to play extras as sailors and other military personnel. You should be physically fit and around 35 – 65 years old.
Amazon has picked up the old BBC series, Electric Dreams. It is an episodic sci-fi anthology series from Ronald D. Moore, Michael Dinner, Bryan Cranston and Amazon Studios. The show is based on short stories by the award-winning novelist, Philip K. Dick. Each episode will be a stand-alone based on Dick’s shorts stories.
Bryan Cranston has been partnering with Amazon Studios lately, creating one of the most underrated shows on TV, Sneaky Pete. Sneaky Pete was produced by Bryan Cranston and distrubuted exclusively on Amazon Video. He is known mostly for his roles in Malcolm in the Middle and Breaking Bad, but he has recently been focusing on directing and producing. Since both of those shows ended, he has appeared in several different movies like Godzilla and The Masterpiece. He is often seen as one of the great artists among his Hollywood counterparts. He often takes his time with projects and dives into his characters like they are apart of his real self.
Along with those extras, the team is also looking for some good female character types to play old-fashioned diner waitresses and male character types to play old-fashioned diner cooks. This is a great opportunity to appear in a new series with a great producer and actors. Not only will you earn money as a featured actor or extra, you will gain valuable experience that can help boost your career to new heights. Do not hesitate to apply, working with Cranston open up hundreds of new doors for you.