Female Dancers, Parkour and Acrobats Casting Call for Assassins Creed
Sci-Fi action-adventure film Assassin’s Creed is set to begin production and will be directed by Justin Kurzel. Casting Directors have announced that Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard are set to star in the feature film. It is not yet clear what roles either Michael or Marion shall play in the film.
Assassin’s Creed is an action-adventure open world stealth video game series that consists of eight main games as of 2013.
Assassin’s Creed The Game
The Assassin’s Creed game series revolves around the rivalry between two ancient secret societies: The Assassins and the Knights Templar, whose world was destroyed by a massive solar storm. The games chronological history begins in the year 2012, and centers around Desmond Miles, a bartender who is a descendant of the prominent Assassins. Desmond was raised as an Assassin, which he forsakes to seek a more common lifestyle. Desmond finds peace and solace in his new lifestyle but is soon kidnapped by a mega-corporation Abstergo Industries (the modern-day face of the Knights Templar) who plan to use Desmond to find his ancestral artifacts better known as the Pieces of Eden. The Pieces of Eden hold the power to control mankind and alter its fate, bringing humanity under a single unified group. Abstergo uses an Animus, a tool used to experience Ancestral Memories, on Desmond.
Desmond escapes the clutches of Abstergo and soon finds himself in the company of a small group of Assassins. Joining forces with the Assassins, Desmond uses their version of Animus 2.0 to access their Ancestral Memories. In so doing Desmond now only experiences those memories but also gains skills from his predecessors known as the Bleeding Effect but at a great cost, Desmond must now live with multiple sets of memories and personalities in his mind.
While the game is presented through the eyes of Desmond Miles, the bulk of the game is played as Desmond experiences his Ancestral Memories through the Animus.
Open Talent Search for Teens and Females
Assassin’s Creed is hosting a open talent search. The casting team is seeking teens between the ages of 14-18 who are fluent in English and female who are between the ages of 20 to 30 who are fluent in English. Talent must be skilled Urban & Hip Hop Dance, Parkour and Acrobatics.
To be considered for a role in Assassin’s Creed you must submit a recent video showcasing your skills along with an audition video. You do not need to have previous acting experience in order to submit. Download an audition script at www.jinajaycasting.com/ and follow all the instructions given very carefully.
Six year old
My name is Larry Alford. I am 17 years old and I live in Michigan more in the twin lake area. I did Parkour “free running” for about a good 3 years along with alot of fight training styles. I have done about 5 years of different sorts of fighting styles and love a good rush. I am an African american male in the more country area by reeths-puffer high school. I recently don’t attend school right now but i’m going to sign up for duck creek (WLACE) by michigan adventures. I used to be part of an acrobatic group which is GRPKP (Grand Rapids Parkour Project). I love to skateboard currently in a very bad situation, my roads are not very good I am currently living in a 8 person tent with only me inside. My height is 5’7 I more than likely weight atleast 158 pounds but very light on my feet. I love acting I normally act out people in movies that I would want to be in the movie. my hair is cut pretty short almost bald barely any hair and I have a couple decent scars not to bad. I am a very focused and reliable person and a well respected person. I grew up in some bad neighborhoods but i’ve grown up in some good neighborhoods so i’m a pretty mutual person alot of people like me.
Hello I am Megan I have done 6 1/2 years of gymnastics and acrobatics I love to dance I am a very flexible cheerleader I got my splits and scorpion down and much more I am a Mexican 11 (almost 12 year old) I have parental permission and I am 78.8 pounds and I’ve always wanted to do some sort of acting it is one of my passions I am 145 cm tall and I would appreciate the chance to do this I want to make small steps into my acting career thanks for the time you took to read this !! :)
Name is Hamza Kebbati, obviously
reason: Love the games, passion for acrobatics and I must say I do have the “look” to be in the movie. It’ll help me advertise myself for possible future careers
I’m 15 and a parkour/free runner I’m not as advanced as some people but I know what I’m doing. I don’t have stage fright and can easily work with and in front of people. I’m 5’2″ from Rochester New York and weigh 125lbs.
I am a 15 year old free runner / parkour athlete for western Australia, i am 5’8, 173 centimetres tall and have been involved in several national and international freeruning/ parkour events. my specialties include tricking and taking things next level. i can do any double flip of a height and also confident on any ground flips, coming out straight every time.
I’m a male, I’m 14 years old.
I do gimnsastics and parkour, I’ve been in plenty school plays, nothing professional but I think I’m pretty good at it, I can speak English and Spanish in various accents, I’m looking for new experiences.
Height: 5′ 7
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: brown
Nationality: Mexican
I’m willing to do whatever it takes to be on screen.
Please im a young female looking for this acting job
Im 18 im 5,9ft tall and i have been practicing parkour for around 2 month now , but in my eyes im doing some pretty big progressions ! As you might see in the video !
Hi my name is Mark I am 15 years old I feel like I would be great in a part of the film because I am flexible,fast,and agile not many people can catch up with me.I also have a great balance and im not afraid of heights some people call me spiderman lol.Age:15 Height:5’5 Race: African American With Caucasian Weight:105
And yes I live in The City of Dreams, Toronto.
Also I do Parkour, freerunning, Tricking, Many martial Arts like Ninjutsu, Qung-Hao, Taikwen (Street Fighter ; Shin Gouki, I also dance. Im Highly trained School wise, Adversity wise, Religiously, Faithfully etc. My Passion is God I AM WHO I AM Exodus 3:14.
I’m apart of the Assasins Creed, but I’m a Man so I want a Man’s role the top role in the movie, I’m Assassin number one in the creed, my name is Sephiroth I;m God the one who created this earth.
Hello, my name is David, And i would like to play as one of the teens in the movie Assassin’s Creed. I am 13 ( But because of my height, I look 15 ) and parkour is something that i have been practicing for a long time. I have climb and run up a wall, stick the landing, i can run on walls ( a little bit ) and i have been a Assassin’s Creed Lover Since 2011. I know all the names by heart. Altair, Ezio, Conner, Edward, Arno.
Height : 5’6″
Weight : 140
Skin Colour : Brown
Hair Colour : Black
Shirt Size : Large
Pant Size : 20 – 22
Shoe Size : 11
Race : African
Experience ; None at the moment but I can have this as my first movie/ play
Hello my name is ananda gardley I am 14 years old and I love to sing and dance and do cool stunts all my life I have planned for this day I love to act I love getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that I thought I couldn’t do I also love to be serious and focused when I have to be or want to be it would be an honor to play in this movie I’m in Houston Texas I’m 5,4 and I’m very energetic
hey im india i am 16 i am 150lbs i play sports like basketball,baseball.and competitive dance,i love to sing and i love acting out scripts i am good to work with and always ready to learn
Hi I’m Leah, I’m five foot two, I weigh 104 lbs, and am 11 years old. I live in Plamdale, CA. With my mom and Lake Balboa, CA. With my dad. This role sounds very interesting to me because I do contemporary dance and acrobatics. Please contact me if I am what your looking for. Thanks.
Hi I am Rhett from Tennessee I am 17 years old 6 foot 3 150 lbs I have played all the AC video games and I have been doing parkour since I played the first game. I have always told myself if a movie came out I need to be in it and this is my chance. If you will please conact me on facebook under rhett landrum. I would like the part of younger Ezio but will take what ever you give me.
Hi I am Rhett from Tennessee I am 17 years old 6 foot 3 150 lbs I have played all the AC video games and I have been doing parkour since I played the first game. I have always told myself if a movie came out I need to be in it and this is my chance. If you will please conact me on facebook under rhett landrum.
hey my name is Jack,(15) i am a parkour athlete who competes in in Colorado. i have been a parkour athlete for roughly 3 years and have been recognized and competed with some of the best freerunners in the world, including Jason Paul, Anan Anwar, cory Demires, and jessie la flair. i probably cant dance, but when it comes to parkour and freerunning, im a good choice. i dont care about pay, just spreading the art of parkour around the world.
Hi, I’m Manisha, I live in Birmingham, England. Drama and dance are my passion along with the full game series of Assassin’s Creed. I have been street/hip hop dancing since a young age and have created a short action film from research alone in which I also played a main role. I hope the opportunity for me to act, learn, and show you the talent that I have arises.
Thank you!
Hello everyone, my name is Rebecca and I’m a 5’3″ 17 year old female from Toronto, Canada. I have been dancing competitively in all genres specializing in acrobatics since the age of 7 and have loved every minute of it. Over the years I have won numerous awards and titles including Teen Miss Dance Canada First Runner Up 2013 and Senior Miss Dance Canada Second Runner Up 2014. I have never acted on a large scale, but would love an opportunity like this one. Being able to dance and showcase my acrobatic skills for Assassins Creed would be amazing and I thank you for taking your time to consider me.
Hi im 15 year old boy. I have experience acting and i know all the story lines of plots of all the assassins creed games. Also i have experience with parkour. Thank you for your time
Hi! I’m Ilaria, i’m 29. I have a 12 years experience in dancing, in different styles: hip-hop, modern, jazz and contemporary. Hope you’ll give me this great opportunity! Thanks! Ilaria
Hi! My names is Elena (16), I love acting, singing, and most of all dancing ( I’m an irish dancer; full time occupation, also know; hip hop, jazz, and a ill bit of ballet). I have a lot of experience in front of cameras, and in front of thousands of people. I love Assassins Creed. I play it with my brother!
I’ll love to be required.
Hi! My names is Elena (16), I love acting, singing, and most of all dancing ( I’m an irish dancer; full time occupation, also know; hip hop, jazz, and a ill bit of ballet). I’ll love to be required.
Gender: Female
Age: 14 (almost 15)
Height: 5’4
Weight: 130 pounds
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair: Dirty Blonde; Long
State: Virginia
Qualifications: I auditioned and got accepted into a governor’s school and I am a theatre major there. I’ve taken multiple acting classes dealing with all aspects of theatre. I have experience with auditioning also.
Skills: Dance (almost 10 years) and Cheer (7 years)
I am tommy and i have never been i front of the camera but i hope to do good i live in cherry hill new jersey but i can do acrobat.
Kyler albert im 6’2 i can i run on trees like connar and climb buildings like ezio
Im a boy 6foot 2
Been waiting for my chance to act i can climb trees and walls like ezio and connor kenway i just send me an amail and i should have a video made by than just give me three weeks i just just had a son born it would be great to show hom whag his father can do
Hello I am Amanda I am a 17 year old professional dancer, actress, singer in Atlanta Georgia. I have an extensive preformance resume in Atlanta theatres such as the Fox. I am 5’4 have been preforming for 14+ years. I do have experience in dance areas such as hip-hop, tap, contemporary, lyrical, jazz, and Latin salsa, tango, bacchante, and merengue. I do have acro experience and can do full right, left, and center splits, back bends death drops, toe touches, bathmats, front and back flips. I hope o hear from you for this amazing opportunity.
Hi, my name is Kelley. I’m 20 years old, 5’0 tall and from Miami, FL. I’ve been a dancer for a little over ten years. I’ve performed various times over the years, and hip hop is my strong suit. I have also played (and beat) every Assassin’s Creed game, and am a HUGE fan of the series. I would absolutely love to have a role in the upcoming game. Thanks for reading!
Hello my name is Fanta Cisse I am 10 years old I live in Manhattan,NewYork ,and I am in an acting school called one source talent I think you should put me in this play because at home I make up my own dance moves I have a dance class,and I also play act with costumes with my friends at home,I feel like I am perfect for one of these roles and I think this can be a big beggining for my dream and I would love to be in this shot
I’m ready to act, and dance, or whatever you need, I love this kind of stuff! just shoot me an e-mail!
have a supppppperb day!
Hey! I am Anastasiia. I am 23, 5’3, 110 lbs. I am a black belt in Tae Kwon do. Also have experience in Aikido, Hapkido, Boxing. Also I am a former professional gymnast. Enjoy Parkour and Acrobatics.
I love Assassins Creed and I would be honored to be a part of it!
Thank you!
Hi! My name is Yannie, and I am a ballet and contemporary dancer in Los Angeles. I am 14 years old, 5’6 in height, and I love expressing myself. I know ballet isn’t a very in your face kind of dance style such as hip hop, but I feel like it is very graceful but athletic as well. Please contact me at yanniedlee@gmail.com. Thank you~
I do mild parkour, but I’m really just throwing my name into the ring because I look exactly like Ezio Auditore, am learning to speak Italian, and would love to be in the film of the second game.
Hi im korrina from florida im 5’2 103 pounds im 21 years old been dancing for 9 years and i love video games so i know all about this video game and this would be such a great opportunity!
I’m Miesha and I love to act, sing and model.
5″11 Athletic build
Hi I’m 15 5’8 125 lbs, model type, dancer and tennis player. Looking forward to the opportunity.
Hello my name is Kiana Franklin and I’m a hiphop dancer and instructor and I learn and adapt well to different settings and I am also always a big advocate to learning more! I know I am perfect for this position and my actions can speak louder then my words will ever do!
Hi I’m Thalia and I have little but some acro experience I can do basic floor work and such. I am 13 and live in Saginaw Michigan. I’m trying to get into movies and shows and I think i would be good for the roles.
Hi! I’m Mikaila Murphy, 15 year old girl, 5’7 from Michigan! I am a dancer and have been dancing for 12 years now! It would be an honor to have a possible role in this movie!!
Hi , I’m a parkour athlete and teacher Also I play Anikin Skywalker I would be perfect for this film
Hi I’m Alisha. I’m 17, 5’7 and i live in Brooklyn, New York. I love acting. I’m a great actress. I have wrote my own screen plays before. And I hope to be able to show my talent. I would grateful if I got a role in this movie.