Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity Wars” Casting New Talent

Marvel casting teams are hiring photo doubles to work on the new Marvel feature film, Avengers: Inifinity Wars.  Filming will start this January 2018 in Fayetteville, Georgia. Actors will be paid $125/10 for their work on the feature film.



Infinity Wars is an upcoming Marvel Avengers movie that will hit theaters on May 4th, 2018.  Since the movie is a high budget blockbuster film, the casting team is wasting no time finding good talent to film significant roles.  They are always casting for extras, but currently they are in need of two featured actors to play vital characters in a fight scene.

This new film will be a culmination of everything the Marvel universe has seen up to this point.  This means dozens of your favorite superheros and villainous characters will make appearances!


Man #1: Looking for a male; Caucasian, 20’s-40’s. Height 5’11-6’1, chest size 38-40, very slim build. Shaggy to medium- length dark brown hair.

Man #2: Looking for a male; Caucasian, 20’s-40’s. Height 6’1-6’3, chest size 44-46. Short to medium- length golden brown hair.

So far, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, The Defenders, Doctor Strange, Falcon, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hulk, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Scarlet Witch, Thor, Captain America, Vision, and Wong have all been rumored or confirmed to be in the newest Marvel movie.  If the rumors are true, this will easily be the most star studded and action packed Marvel film to date.  This is a great opportunity to appear in a blockbuster film that is guaranteed to be a box office success.



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