NBC’s hit competition game show Minute to win it is holding an open casting call in New York City. Minute to Win It is hosted by Guy Fieri and allows contestants to compete for the grand prize of $1 million. The competition has contestants completing various tasks. To win any money the contestant must complete the task in under 1 minute.To win the $1 million, 10 consecutive tasks need to be completed in under a minute. After completing the first task, the contestant can walk away with the cash, or continue on to $1 million. Some tasks may require a partner to complete while others are to be done alone.
The tasks to complete in the show use regular household items and are along the lines of … “Use 1 hand to run a piece of thread through the eye of 10 needles.” Competitors can log on to nbc.com/minute-to-win-it/how-to/ ahead of time to view the games and to practice them. If you are in the New York City area and would like to audition please keep checking back for more information on casting dates and times and leave a comment.
I need to be the one chosen for Minute To Win It because I am a proud Southern Woman from the wonderful state of Georgia. I drink sweet tea and will at times call you sweety or honey. Everything we do in the South revolves around money and competition. I would be awesome on this game show!!
This opportunity to win a million dollars would be the perfect way of making my dreams and goals become real faster! I want to move out of this small town in North Dakota ( a state u rarely hear about) and become an actress! I want to be able to affordable the living there in Calif while I finish school n go after my dreams! I am really good at random tasks like on the show and would love a shot to be the last one standing!!!
id love to be on this show!! Pick me!!
I think I should be considered for the show because I’ve been watching the show for a while and I have gained more confidence in my self from trying new things I didn’t think I could do. I would really like to be on the show and try to win the $1 million for my family and I. I could really use that financially to help out andalso bwing on your show could really help me gain even more confidence in myself with my community supporting me. :)
Best buddies striving to raise more and more money each year for the fight against cancer!!!! We live in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada and we are PUMPED to be on Minute to Win It and win ONE MEEEELION DOLLARS!!!!!
We have matching cancer ribbon tattoos to show off and the drive to entertain and amaze!!!
PICK US! You won’t be sorry.
Mich & Keri from Canada
Hello my name is Ken I am a true survivor and I’ve been watching your show and I always wanted to be on.
Since then I was in an auto accident in March of 2009 and I was supposed to not be here, but my wife said no and here I am. I had my own construction Co. before my accident and now I have nothing. I would like to be on your show to prove that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Dear Producers and Guy,
Hello my name is Jeromishia McGhee, but everyone calls me Jerri. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa.. The reason I feel I should be considered for the show is because I am the shear definition of a survivor and a winner. In January 2012 at 5months pregnant and newly wedded to my husband, we both where driving home in our new vehicle when the stearing locked on us. The truck flipped five times, head to wheels, head to wheel then finally stopped. Once it stopped we both noticed the blood everywhere in the car not even noticing that my husband had shattered both knees and I had broken my thigh bone and hip. After being cut out of the vehicle for a half hour we reached the hospital and found that our baby boy was ALIVE and perfectly healthy! After making it through a difficult year of healing and having our first child, January 2013 came in just as traumatic. My 50 year old mother had a hemorrahagic stroke stopped her from walking, talking eating or performing anything on her own. Me being the only child capable of caring for her, my husband and I took her into our home permanently and we care for her and our new one year old everyday. My family have experienced such hardship these past two years and I feel that we deserve a big break… Prayerfully you’ll give us this priceless opportunity to possibly put our struggles to rest and have what we need to provide for my paralyzed/handicap mother and our one year old. After winning my husband and I will be able to finally purchase our first home with more space to accommodate our family and even take a vacation and spend some much need time with just each other. Please make our dreams come true… Thank you Jerri McGhee
I’m not fooled by the look of these games.
So, before applying I wanted to make sure I was able to perform these games at a decent time, not to waste anyone’s time;
and I AM !
I have practiced and I am ready to WIN the Million dollars.
I am ready to help children with cancer !
I am ready to help my parents keep their house !
I am ready to help my younger siblings get back on the right track.
& I am ready to be the First to WIN the Million dollars and put myself through college and show everyone that is can be done !
All I need now is ONE SHOT !
Dearest Producers and Guy,
I would like to tell you about my family first and then tell you why I should be considered for your show.
I live in a small town outside Charleston, South Carolina and I never thought that I would ever get married and have children, but 12 years ago I met my wonderful husband we’ve been married for almost 10 years now this March. In the beginning it was very difficult. One reason being that we are of two different backgrounds of ethnicity and the second reason was that I had to make a choice because my immediate family decided to divorce me because of my husband’s color. But my husband’s family took me in and accepted me and I have never felt so loved. My father, who had been divorced from my mother since I was a baby, was the only one in my family who loved and accepted my husband and supported us both emotionally and financially.
The next battle began with our first daughter. when I was 5 months pregnant we found out she was going to be born with her organs outside of her body (liver, intestines and stomach) and we were told that she was not going to live a very productive life. As a mother you never really believe it when someone tells you something like that about your child, do you? Well after enduring five surgeries and many months of rehabilitation she had overcome and won her battle! I fired many people from her care because they gave her limitations and I knew better after all she grew inside me! I am proud to admit she is now 9 years old and you would never guess what she had been through. We also have a son who is seven years old and I just gave birth to our third child in January 2013. I have tried to be an example to my children that in this life you must endure and hold strong.
Of course after experiencing life, shortly thereafter death comes along… My loving and supportive father suddenly felt ill about two years ago and lost his life to a double lung transplant that his body rejected. My husband’s mother also fell ill at a very early age when her heart stopped. Both loving parents were in their late 50s. Suddenly our support system had vanished and a hole was left in our hearts.
My father was always a very good provider and always had looked out for the children. His passing was so sudden that he was not able to get his affairs in order and unfortunately most of the money he had set aside for myself and his grandchildren had to be put back into the estate and into his medical bills. This was very disheartening because the hole in my heart was ripped just a little wider and to think that everything he worked for was gone, just like that. He worked very hard his entire life and was forced to retire early because of his respiratory illness. He loved his grandchildren very much and wanted to spend more time with them, but unfortunately passed nine months after the transplant. We decided, my husband and I, that in honor of my father and his mother that we were going to build our own house and invite as many people in and take care of as many people as we could, just like he did, exchange students, foster children, etc. So, with the little money that we had left my husband began to build our house. My husband is a carpenter so he decided to do all the work himself.
Our life together has had many challenges probably because of judgment passed on us by people because of our color difference, but we always overcome threats and persecution, after all we have an example to provide to our children right? A few months into framing of the house last spring, somebody entered the framed house and spray painted the N-word all over the inside of the house. It was difficult to swallow but we got over it just like we always do because we are better than that and again owe our children an example to follow.
This brings us up to present day. Currently we are out of money to finish the house and we still have about 40% left to complete. My husband and I decided to try to get a loan. So, I began to call all of the local banks and the big banks and all of the local hard money lenders as well as private money lenders to try to get a loan to finish the house. I started back in early September calling and sending letters and emails and after months of research I have not been able to find one bank that would be willing to loan us the $80,000 that we need to finish the house! The only excuse I ever got was that it wasn’t worth the risk. Not that I had bad credit or bad debt to income because they actually were very impressed with both of those, but the only thing they said was that it was too high of a risk and that we had already started building on it so we didn’t qualify for a construction loan or land loan and there was nothing they could do.
My husband and I are completely devastated! We can’t believe that even these local banks who claim that they’re trying to help “buildup” their community would not even take a chance on a family who has just welcomed their 3rd child, who gives back to the community and who are just trying to finish the home that they started building with their bare hands.
And now unfortunately our house will have to stand there unfinished because the banks were not willing to take a risk. I wonder, will this ever change and how long will our house be left standing empty…
To the producers of minute to win it, All I ask is for a chance, an opportunity to give it my all, knowing that I did everything in my power I could to see this project through for my father. I know that there are many contestants that will apply and there is a large chance that I won’t be chosen, but I am asking as a mother, as a wife, as a grieving daughter to consider me to play minute to win it, it would certainly be an honor.
I am looking for opportunity. Two years ago I began my journey of pursuing my childhood dream and heart’s desire of becoming a career pilot. My up-bringing did not encourage this pursuit of knowledge and education. Now, married for 18 years with 3 children, 17, 14 and 8, I am determined not to look back and battle my way through this tough scenario of working full time and pursuing a completely new career. Aside from a full time (six day a week job), I have obtained my private pilot’s license and am nearly ready to complete the next certificate “instrument rating”. In order to get all certifications under my belt in order to make this my career, I may need an “Act of God”. At some point, I need to leave my job and get to school to obtain the last several ratings to get things moving a bit quicker as I am getting older. I love a challenge and this would be right up my alley. Thanks Guy for your consideration.
i would love to be in minute to win. besides loving the show my life economicly has been tough since i was a child and secondly i love challenges. hopefully i can get an opportunity.
i watch your show every tuesday, and i think its great. i would like to try thoses challanges and see how far i get.
i should be considered for the show because i love to watch it and i think i can win the million dollar prize!!!!! me, my husband and three children could really use a chance at this. This would be a great oportunity for us to start our family in a new home and give my children and husband the life they deserve. This could help us out financially and that would be amazing. so please consider me for the game, atleast let me try to make my family happy. I AM IN IT TO WIN IT ALL!!!!!!!!
i’ve been watching the show for a long time and believe I can beat all the challenges that you put in fromt of me. I am spirited and would love a chance to win some money this could change my life
I love to watch minute to win it and i can say i am able to win the million dollars or reach at least halfway. Minute to win opportunity will grant me the opportunity to pay for my tuition and help me start my future and cement my place in life. Thanks for considering and I AM IN IT TO WIN IT!!!
I would love to be on this show to show everyone how to win the challenges! I could make it to the million dollars and that could help me out big time with the wedding coming up and the honeymoon.
My fiance and I would love to be on Minute to Win it because we are competitors, we love to win and we have fun doing it. We are game players, we work well as a team and we would not be opposed to winning a little extra money. Give us a chance to show the world what we can do!
I am very confident and ready to take on the challenges that will make me a better individual. My fiancée and I are very passionate and this will definitely be something good for us in our life journey together. Thankyou.
Im’a game show fanatic. Never have I been on one and would love a shot at $1 million bucks!
I believe my fiancé and I are perfect for the show!! Right now I am currently 1 month pregnant and just lost my job!! We are doing everything we can to make ends meet and he is currently working 2 jobs. We are also trying to help his family with some finicial issue they are having after paying for 2 funerals in the same month. We LOVE the show and know we will make all the way to the million!! It would be a dream come true if we were picked to be contestants on the show!!
You should allow me or me and my fiancee on the show. I am 22 and he is 23 we live on our own and are struggling tremendously with rent every month. We dont have a car so we would get a car to help us get better jobs and not being stuck in the apartment all the time. We live in a studio apartment with no nice things just a bed and tv. We would get a nicer one bedroom apartment, a car, help our families and live comfortably. It would also go to our student loan bills and our credit card debt bills. we need to pay them off to have good credit and get a nice house someday. Please let me or me and my fiancee on the show! We have what it takes to win. We play minute to win it games home on the wii as well as in our own house. thank you for reading this. We would also love to get married and have our dream wedding.
I’d be great for this show, I never back down from a challenge. Especially when there’s money on the line;)
We watch Minute to Win It every single week, we never miss an episode! WE LOVE THE SHOW! We practice almost every game at home, plus we create our own different types of games that would be great to perform on Minute To Win It. We usually complete the games in about 45 seconds or less! We are VERY competitive as well! This show has brought our family closer together because every week our parents join us to watch Minute To Win It, and that’s part of the reason why we love the show so much. We are very enthusiastic and energetic people!
I think I should be on the show because I have a daughter and I am expecting another baby in December again. They will only be a year and two weeks apart. I live with my family members and sleep on the floor because the house is two small and I would love to win some money to have my own place with my family. I Currently work at a hotel to keep money comming in for diapers and wipes!!! I bust my butt and work hard for everything and I deserve a lot more !!!
I believe i belong on the show because growing up in the PJ’s innovation was our second nature of survival. If i can survive that i can definitely survive any challenge.
All I can say is show me the MONEY
I wii be the first to win 1,000,000 dollars! I am a never say die type of NY guy! Just need the chance. My daughter would be a great partner for father daughter show!
Pat Vechhione
I be the first to win 1,000,000 dollars! I am a never say die type of NY guy! Just need the chance. My daughter would be a great partner for father daughter show!
Pat Vechhione
Becuase I’m awesome and don’t want to work, so i’d like a million dollars :)
i love this show so bad that i know i have what it takes to be on it im very competitive and am in good shape for any thing i love competition i always have to win and why not have fun while doing it!!!! if i was picked to be on this show all my friends and family will be there cheering me on thats all i need!!! thats IF I WERE PICKED:)!
i recently had a new born girl…i wanna give her the life i never had…going on this show would help me…
i just had a new born girl recently and i would love to give her what i never had…i want the best for her..and going on the show would really help me
I am a husband and family man. I work full time to provide for my family. As a kid and into adulthood I took a special interest in “carnival games”. The idea of completing tasks that many others cannot is very interesting. In addition, I have always told my children that while they can overcome many obstacles in life, they will have to work hard to achieve success. It would truly be an honor to be on the show and put my own words to the test regarding hard work and perservation to achieve the difficult things in life. It also helps that I love this show and never miss an episode. Thank you for this forum and I hope to soon be a contestant on the fantastick game show, “Minute to Win It”.
Because im n nd of sum cash badly n i think i’ll when the million cuz im very cordinated so give me a chance!!!!!!
I Just want to win it…win it win it win it…so if giving a chance i will win it..
I Just want to win it…win it win it win it…
I find the challenges interesting and who wouldn’t want the chance to win a lot of money. I could use it right now…lol
Also!! it would be an amazing 18th Birthday present. July 16th :)
I am going to be considered because i know, you know, I AM IN IT TO WIN IT!!! :) I have been practicing to be on this show for almost a year now. Winning a million dollars would be such a blessing to me. I would finally be able to afford a place of my own and my fiance and i would finally be able to get married. Currently, we are living in the back room of his cousins house and the room is barely big enough to walk in. We might have a child on the way too. I have seen the contestants you have selected before. They have sooo much energy and are sooo grateful to be on A Minute To Win it. I am just the same. :) Please email me to set up an audition time. :) Thank You.
Me and my fiance should be considered for Minute to win it because we were just watching the show and were thinking of what we would do with the money. If we were considered and won the money we would use some of it for our wedding and my biggest thing is we would donate some of it to Preeclampsia Foundation, i recently had a little boy and towards the end of my pregnancy i was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia that almost killed me and my son. My son was a miracle baby he was 6 weeks early. I would love to donate money to that foundation so more pregnant women are aware of preeclampsia because most know nothing of the condtion. I would also put money away for a college fund for my son.
Hello ,I am Rupa and I think I should be considered for the Minute to Win It beacuse I am very challenging,energetic and confident .I have played almost all the games at home and I am pretty good in all of them .I am eagrly waiting for the audition call. Thank you.
My sister and I should be considered contestants for the Minute to Win It Audition because we are single mothers raising 4 chidren between us. We are cheerful, energetic, Fantabulous(which means we are fans that are xtremely xcited) and we evoke positve energy around us. We both are special education assistants who teach developmental challenged children academics, social and life skills. I have introduced these games to other members in the family and we have incorporated them when we come together for family functions. These games have brought our family closer together and I do appreciate that a large corporation would take the time out to involve familes to participate in something that could benefit the good of many. Thank you for this opportunity and we are waiting to audition for Minute to Win It.
I feel I should be considered for the Minute to Win It Auditon because I am a very competitive person with alot of jolt! I am easy going and have an unflappable personality. I am the father of twin boys, one of who has a rare medical condition (prune belly syndrome) and I could use the money won to pay off some increasing medical bills and if I won the million I could get him the medical equipment he needs that would make his life easier by not being in/out of hospitals all the time, he could stay at home!
Me and My Husband should be considered for the next Minute to Win IT!! We are what I like to call the best of all worlds. What I can’t do…He can. What I don’t know…He does. We just married in August 2010 we really prove the saying opposites attract. We are different in so many ways from interests to majors in college to musical choices, to our age to our favorite T.V. show. One thing we seem to always agree on is that we want to Win. We do NOT loose and if we were in the next show, We would NOT leave without the top prize. This show is going to realize that a minute might be too long after we break timely records. We’re ready to WIN the big prize!!
Not only will my husband and I have a blast at playing these games, But the money we get from the show would really help us to establish a solid savings. I’m a significant amount of years younger than my husband, and we got married so suddenly that we didn’t have time to save up for my dream wedding. Since we are both college students, We plan on renewing our vows when we graduate. This money would also really help to make that dream wedding a wonderful reality.
how old do you have to be to be on the show?
hi my name is thaisha im from new jersey and im 10 years old. i think that minunte to win it should have a kids show. i love minute to win it and i have done almost all the games in 50 seconds!!!!!!!!
Plain and simple! I am awesome and those games look to easy. I would have that million dollars in half the time it takes everyone else. I have done a few at my house parties and if you can have some drinks and still do them in a minute….. I got this on lock down! Pick me if you want an exciting show with a master!
The money I win would go to freeing my parents from debt, paying for the double funeral of my grandparents, and hopefully if there is money left starting a pit bull rescue since Denver insists on killing them. I am fun loving and funny I love a challenge and am a quick thinker. Also if it’s really testing me the world might get to see that concentrated look I do where i stick my tongue out slightly and bite it. I have a lot of goals and a lot of things I would like to accomplish in my life that I can not do alone as fast I would like. One day I will have my rescue/shelter and one day my parents can retire and no longer struggle with their debt. Would like to have a child someday but me working 3 jobs, I guess I could afford to have a kid but could never spend anytime with it. At least moving in with my boyfriend my Dog now gets a lot more love and attention. I need tires on my pick up, a new house, pay off my mounting college debt and heck lets thro in I need to sky diving! Need some excitment in my life be it jumping from a plane or being on tv. Bet they both give me just as many butterflies!
I think me and my friends should be on this show, because at the age of 17 one became pregnant with her first child, and now she is 19 pregnant with her second. My other friend is 19 and pregnant with her first child. My friend Kelly was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer at the age of 17. And I have a kidney disease. If we were to win some money it would help greatly… We would all love to go to college, but none of us can afford it.
I should be on the show because who would not want to be on a great gameshow? Everyone types out these long essays for you guys to read, and they all all say the same thing. I am not going to do that, because one I have a great story like everyone says they do, two, I am different than everyone, and three, I am a straight up tank at the games on the show.
I am totally hooked on this game show! I have never seen a show use such creativity and energy as this show. Guy Fieri is right there, backing up the contestants and encouraging them to go for their dreams. This is a chance for any real-life person to get a shot at changing their life! Oh the people I could help, and the great things I could do with 1 MILLION DOLLARS! You guys want someone who can get the crowd pumping their fists, and get the people at home off their couches and cheering someone on at Minute To Win It??? Get me to that audition!!!
I would love the chance to be on this show to win that Million!! I’m nutty competitive it’s actually rediculous. I would love to win to help my younger sister out, she was just recently divorced from an abusive relationship and now has 4 young children to raise and is desperatley trying to keep her house. Her ex is basically a dead beat and it’s been really hard for her. I would love to with this to help her and the kids out.
I can do those games with my eyes closed and my family can surely use 1 million dollars right abouttttt now!!
Because I LOOOOOVVVEEE Minute to Win It!!! I watch it every week. I have hosted a Minute to Win It Birthday party, played it at our neighborhood Christmas party and encourage people in my office to watch and play the games at home for lots of fun with their family. My friend and I love this show and we KNOW we can do this and win BIG money!!! I would absolutely love to be able to audition with my friend so we could be on the show. I would like to be able to help my daughter through college. She carries a full load and works part-time. I want her to be able to graduate from college without any student loans. I know other people would probably have better uses for the money, but this is the dream and gift I would like to be able to give to my daughter. PLEASE OH PLEASE give me and my friend the opportunity to audition and play Minute To Win It! We are huge fans. Love the show, love the host and practice a lot. We just need the chance.
I’m a very competitive girl who can be a sore loser at times but i have character and very funny most times well all the time i would love to bring my character full of life and excitement to the show!
I should be considered because i would use the money to get my lil sister and I through college to get our degrees, and to fund start up cost for a business i would like to persue. The money would also allow my daughters to have a better life.
I love it when an opportunity comes by as a challenge, because nothing is impossible. Enough said WoooWoop, let me loose to destroy your challenges.
i think it’d would be a fun experience and id love a shot at a million!
I should be considered for the show because I am confident enough to say I can win that million dollars and be the first to do it if it has not been done.