Jerry Seinfeld, NBC, Ellen Rakieten and the producers of “Super Nanny” now bring you…
“The Marriage Ref”:
A comic, reality series where celebrities and a relationship referee help squabbling couples make peace. Created by Seinfeld himself, this is relationship advice… with a comic twist.
“The Marriage Ref” casting team is searching the country for outgoing and opinionated couples in long-term relationships, willing to appear on national television, who have a long standing argument or issue that must be resolved. No problem is too small!
* Is there an object, a person, or a habit (e.g. computer, pet, a friend, the remote control) that is a third wheel in your relationship and causes a problem?
* Does your partner have an annoying obnoxious habit or item that causes fights?
* Does your partner do things like withhold sex after a fight?
Whether you argue about parenting, pets, fashion, money, in-laws, weight, housework, chores, communication, neatness, jealousy, past history, friends, sex… Whatever you argue about, we want to hear from you. Tell us why you absolutely NEED a MARRIAGE REF to weigh in and decide who is RIGHT and who is WRONG.
Couples across America … we want to hear what absolutely makes you nuts when it comes to your partner! Tell us your beef and you might just get the chance to state your case on TV. Wouldn’t it be great to settle the issue once and for all?!
Please include your contact info, city you live in, photos, and a paragraph about why you are the perfect couple for this show. Be sure to include a brief explanation about your arguments and tell us why you are RIGHT and your partner is WRONG!
Lame show idea. It’s just a giant plug for Thor and Jeremy’s bsnsieuses. It’s about promoting them, nothing to do with learning about being an affiliate.The Next Internet Millionaire was a total joke and waste of viewing time. Nothing to learn be entering or watching.
I’m interested in getting an acting career and pursuing my dreams. I highly believe in my dreams and I know that my chance will come to prove that I have natural talent.
Married 21 years. As the wife I have struggled to get my husband to understand my emotional needs. He has narcissistic behavior and refuse to listen. I feel he has no desire to meet my emotional needs as well as our kids, but he will take care of everyone outside the home that calls on him. Football and News take priority over family. He stands at the kitchen sink to eat his food rather than at the kitchen table. When he does sit at the table, he must face the TV. He’s doesn’t relax, always in work mode. He stays fully dress in his work slacks and dress shoes all night until bed time. It drives the rest of us crazy to hear his heels walk across the floor at 11pm. He’s clueless to relationships and what it means to be a real father and husband. I’m a stay home mom, of 3 teenagers. Very bored, lonely and depressed. I’m ready to see an attorney, but don’t want to drag the kids through an ugly divorce. Seattle, Washington
My husband and I have been together for almost 7 years, married for 1. Our argument is about football. Well, fantasy football to be exact (he has 5 teams at the moment). I know that the actual football season isn’t really that long, but at our house it lasts at least 11 months out of the year. That wouldn’t be such a problem, if football and the thought of football players, coaches, contracts, stadiums, training camps, injuries, talk radio, not to mention games didn’t consume his every waking moment. To be fair, I was warned when we first started dating that he was an absolute football fanatic, but he told me it was football and nothing else. I thought I could appreciate his “passion” and actually find it funny and quite entertaining sometimes. However, it seems that his love of the game has morphed into an overall obsession with all sports. Something needs to be done to get this under control before he turns into an old man stuck in a chair, fingers locked around the remote control, yelling at the television! Help!
I am a marriage and family therapist, author and TV personality. I’m interested in giving the clinical analysis of the marital disputes for the show. I’m taping a show this week with previous couple from The Marriage Ref and we are having a great time. I’d love to work with your team! I can do the clinical perspectives with a humorous POV — and yet call it like I see it!www.carolynkelley.com
I have been with my husband for 11 years through this relationship we have fought about everything! Literally he is a man that thinks its the 1950’s and i have to bow down to him and I am not that type of woman so it’s hell literally and we have 2 kids together and i have 2 kids from a previous relationship which we lost one because of how much we fight. We have split up 6 times and he has even had a relationship outside of ours and we got married in 2010 and I thought it would get better not to mention we moved from Ohio to South Carolina because we thought his mom would help. Help? She caused more problems and called me all kinds of names. I think she thought if we moved here she could convince him to leave me….We really need help!
let me just say this would b perfect. we argue almost about everything, some days it can b really good, some days really bad, yet we have a 1 yr old , and have been living with each other for like 2 and a half yrs….(yea kinda fast) weve been together for 3 and a half yrs……exactly so i think we just need someone to clear things up and someone to tell him im always right, because i am!! also this would be good because hes a comedian, a real clown, almost asshole, so hell b able to goof around!
My husband and I have been married 3 years now and both have our seperate passions/hobbies that get expensive and lead to arguments 90% of the time. His passion is for Mogul skiing and cycling and mine is for rats. Yes, rats – I have 15 rats as pets and do my utmost in caring for them which can include some expensive surgeries (they are prone to tumors, respiratory issues, etc.) and many visits to our Veterinarian. My perspective is that he spends a fortune on his sports/hobbies that he doesn’t have the right to curb my spending on the care of our beloved pets! They are awesome! Like palm sized puppies :)
My name is Tamara Mcnear and im engaged to Joedell Murray. We argue about little things like my phone being on silent gor I hate wen he shaves and don’t clean up his Hair.
My name is Pam and my Husband is Tim, we have been married for 23 years and have two children a son 23 and a daughter 17. I love my husband, but he drives me nuts. My husband is an obsessive sports fan, although football and Nascar are the most important it doesn’t matter what sport, he will watch.He is in a fantasy Nascar league and fantasy football league. He DVR’s the sprint cup, nationwide, and the truck series, plus we have to watch the qualifying, which most of the time he tapes also. He also DVR’s every football game, while he watches it live, then saves both Nascar and football bacause he might need to watch it again. I am a college student and will need to do homework on my laptop and can’t get on it because he is using it to do what he calls his “homework” which actually means he is researchign either football or Nascar for his fantasy league so he can make his picks for the week. I work full time as does he, but I am also a full time student and I would like time to do things together, but before we make plans we first have to see if football or Nascar is on so we can plan our lives and outings around them. If there isn’t a live game or race on he will watch one he has taped or find one on a sports channel from twenty years ago, he doesn’t care when the race was or when the game was played as long as he can watch. If football or Nascar is not available he will watch basebal, basketball, extreme sports, anything as long as he is watching sports. Just today I wanted to use my laptop and he was watching baseball on it because the race was rained out. Please help me my husband is a sports fanatic!!
My husband and I have been together for twenty three years, and married for twenty years. He wants to retire in one year at the age of 61 and I feel that he should continue to work for another 5 years. I am 43 years old and he is still young, and an extra five year will give me some time and help him stay vibrant and active. Because if he retires now and if I wait and retire at 63, he will almost be 80 years of age. He doesn’t listen to me just all of the guys that he works with at Boeing. Working is good for him, I don’t want him to stop and become a senior citizen.
17 years of marriage he still hates me frying foods but I love fried foods.
We’ve been married for 17 years and the problems that we have we argue about me frying foods in the house.
My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years. Dated since I was 16 years old! We have went through every issue in the book of marriage our on going battle being that he is unhappy with his job/ living location! A good job may I add and is ready to move our family again for pure job satisfaction! Not taking in mind the debt the we have accumulated, the house we bought, and our children’s happiness! Will this on going battle ever end will he ever be satisfied with his job. He believes that this will be the last move and I need to just support him, but I think I need to stand my guns until it is the right time to move, maybe NBC can help settle this debate please!!!!
Imagine, you are all ready to heat up a nice plate of leftovers, only to find that the microwave is being used to dry all 14 inches of the best mink yaki weave in town…My wife and I have been married for 3 wonderful years, and while most men complain about the simply things their wives do – like nagging, talking during sports or withholding sex as a form of punishment – I on the other hand am dealing with a whole different set of problems, ones that can only be helped by a true professional. And what, you may ask, is plaguing me? My wife’s unbeweavable hair! It’s bad enough that she keeps used bags of it under the sink and in the closet, but when I found her drying it in the microwave that was truly the straw that broke the camel’s back. Who in their right mind thinks it’s okay to turn a kitchen (which should remain sanitized) into a make-shift salon. And don’t get me started on the endless shedding. Her hair gets on everything from the couch to the car seats. I even found strands inside the refrigerator (next to the butter) and in our son’s diaper. But the most horrible part is the black bonding glue that has permanently stained both of our clothing, and some of our furniture. Please help me! My wife’s false hair is driving me crazy.
-Bradford Lewis
Saint Louis, Mo.
My husband has a 20+ year habit with buying scratch-off lottery tickets and claims that it is harmless entertainment. We’ve been together for 19 years, married for 17. When we first were dating, he always suggested buying lottery tickets for fun at multiple stops during our weekend travels together. Little did I know, this habit was ongoing way before he met me. My husband claims that he no longer has this bad habit, yet our daughter and I have caught him buying, hidding and covering up his lottery ticket trail. I would like to settle this argument once and for all before it gets out of control. I need help from The Marriage Ref as soon as possible before our bank account goes into the RED!
I need someone to help me convince my husband to build me a pool. We have been married for 12 years and since we got married I have begged and pleaded for him to put us in an in ground swimming pool. We have the money and a good space. I think it would be good for entertaining and for our children and our grandchildren!!
He says…NO! He works a public job and we have a poultry farm and there’s no way he’s building a pool to add to his list of things to do. The only reason he won’t is because he thinks that I will not keep it clean; BUT, I promised him I would do it!!
I would love for someone to help me. Because, I am having no luck talking him in to it
My husband and I have been married for 12 years. Before I married him I noticed that he used to over dressed at the time I said this probably will go with the time. Now we have an 11 yrs. old daughter and 4 yrs. old son and that made things even worse. My husband does not like us to go outside or visit friends only if his kids are wearing the best clothes. I always get scared when he took the kids outside for shopping or even to the park or to other places because he will always come back with new clothes for him and them. When I ask him why all the spending in such economic situation he will answer me “honey they are on sale or they are for next year”. We have enough cloths for our kids for the next five years and I do not even have space for the clothes. Because of that I do not buy for me any clothes trying to save extra money for my family.
We always argue about this subject, but he does not listen especially because the kids are on his side.
I need your help before things get out of control and I see my house change to a shopping place and we can not pay our bills.
My husband and I have been married 34 years. My husband is a smoker. I used to smoke but quit whenever I became pregnant with the kids. Now I can’t stand to be around smoke. He makes his own cigarettes at the smoke shop. He is obsessed about not having enough cigarettes. He caries the carton around with him. He counts the cigarettes in his pack before leaving the house to go somewhere. He smokes while riding the riding lawn mower. My house smells. The cars smell. Everything has a yellow film on it. My hair smells like cigarettes. My clothes smell like cigarettes. I can’t get a way from it. I’ve asked him to go outside and smoke but he refuses. We live in Florida and have a covered back porch so it’s not like I’m asking him to weather the elements. I love the man but he could literally be killing me….HELP!!!
Why should we be considered for the audition??? You name it, and it is an issue within our marriage! My husband and I are two upscale, active, silly, and down-to-earth individuals that have been married for two years….. and boy is this relationship totally different than when we were dating and engaged. Everything he said he would never do, he does. And all the things that he claimed he rarely did, he does all the time. My 29 year old husband was neat, responsible, endearing and selfless BEFORE we were married. Now he plays video games all the time, downloads movies all day, pretty much lives at the gym and has began putting other peoples (mom and BFF) needs before mine! Is it me or was I set up?! And to top it all off….he swears nothing is wrong with anything he does..and he truly thinks that!! Really America???
My husband and I have been together for 3 years, married for 18 months. Every time I get sick he acts like I’m faking it! He acts all nasty and makes it worse. He even told me to go talk to someone about it! I PROMISE I’m sick when I say I am! I really want to prove him wrong and get the sympathy I deserve!
I have been maried for 16 years to the same beautiful woman.
I have seen it all and undrstand the challenges in marriage.
I have been through good times and bad.
I understand that to be a great husband and father it takes a great wife to make a man be better than himself.
My husband of 20 yrs wants me to cook everything from scratch, including deserts. We never go to eat out. We have 4 kids who are also prohibited from going to any fast food places,etc. My husband clames that it is much more healthier to cook at home than to go to any fast food place… I also have a job and cooking 24/7 is just too much… HELP!!!
My husband saves his time off for work for hunting season!! He takes 1 full month off in September and most of October. The worst was when I was pregnant with our 3 child. We had our kids pretty close in age. So when my son was born I also had a 18 month old and a child who had just turned 3. So I really needed help when my son was born. He was born in July and my husband took maternity leave for SEPTEMBER. Not to help but to hunt.
My husband and I are great together. I am silly and he is serious! A great balance, 3 great kids, and I like to show my affection by what he says is “annoying”….Sticking my finger in his bellybutton, sticking my finger in his mouth when he yawns, spank his booty and shout “good game”….I think its endearing and him…..he wants to wear armour around me. He belongs to me :)
I like to have the freedom to do things to him noone else would ever think of!
I am 54 and obssessed with fireworks. My husband is an older gentleman who gets tired of the noises, the surprises, the smoke and its hysterical !
My husband and I have been married three and a half years. There has been a long standing issue in our house that causes fights year around. I’m determined I am right and he swears he is. We fight about the correct temperature on the thermostat. He sets it way too cold in the summer and too hot in the winter. He’s always hot and complains of sweating while I’m freezing under two blankets. We have ceiling fans going and he brings out a box fan also because its “so hot”. I ask him to go hang out in our finished basement and watch tv because its about 5 degrees cooler down there so I can be comfortable upstairs but he won’t do it. We are constantly turning the thermostat up and down behind each others backs. We will never agree! We further then fight about what to keep the thermostat at when we aren’t at home. He wants it kept low so its freezing when we get home, while I want it set higher because we are wasting money cooling the house all day with no one here.
My fiancé and I have been together for three and a half years, yet we still live with his parents. Even worse, his 21 year old sister and her 1 year old child does too. I’ve argued with him day in and out about moving out and having out own space but he won’t hear of it. My argument is that I would love my own kitchen/living room/bathroom etc to decorate or well just have. He says that I take for granted out “free” housing.
if u are looking for a funny who can do comedy i’m who you are looking for
Been in my relationship for 2.5 years. And currently expecting our first child. We got married 9 months so I can always be with him with all the moving that happens in the army. I don’t feel appreciated at times. And he says he does but he doesn’t see in what way I see it or how I feel. I feel I should be first priority but with conflicts wuth his side of the family I don’t feel as if I’m important sometimes. One day he agrees that I need my space when it comes to his family and I shouldn’t be forced or pressured to have to be around them. But days later its the complete opposite, i then become the bad person and I need to not cut his family out. Although its not my intention… I need a marriage ref!! He always thinks he is right!!!!
Gregg and I have been arguing for the last 20+ years. Early on he was the greatest gentleman i.e. opened my car door, pulled out my chair etc. Now he walks around the house with food in his mouth attempting to talk to me. I tell him to talk to me when he has finished eating, which is almost never. I can;t understand what he;s saying so he accuses me of being deaf. He eats out of the fridge and drinks out of the communal coke or milk bottle – yuck. I may be hard of hearing (?), but more the reason not to speak with food in your mouth. Besides its disgusting. .
He wants me to sell my horses because he feels its a luxury we can’t afford. Instead I bought another horse and didn’t tell him. Its MY money! He found out about the horse when the insurance statenent arrived in the mail. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission right?! I think the Gregg, my husband, will go long before the horses. There’s a lot more, however I really do love him.
I’ve been in a relationship for now 5 years, and expecting our first child. He always talks about marriage. When it comes time to it, he then tells me I’m not summiting to him. All I do is stay at home, cook, clean, wash is close, I even get up @ 4:50 am in the morning to fix his lunch. I moved here to be close to his job, a place down the Bayou, NOTHING HERE TO DO. I do what he needs done, and I’m not wanting to sumit to him. WHAT! I have been by his side when no one else belived in him. He admits to me, He has done the dramtic change and admits He’s thankful for me doing and being by his side @ the HARDEST TIME IN HIS LIFE, jail!
We have been together 11 years and been married for 7 years. During that time he has been a pain to me. I try to tell him to stop thinking everything will fail and he says he is right because nothing works out. I think he is wrong because each day is a gift and a chance to do something great. Mr negativity has no idea how good it is cause he wont stop being stubborn,
TeAndra Clayton & Alvin Lee Sr.
LaPlace,La 70068
My on and off fiance needs a Marraige Ref BADLY!!!!! We are twenty yrs apart in age range, he has 16 kids which includes my two and the three outsiders that he made while we were together. We have been together for five yrs, and its hurting more and more every minute. He blames me for his cheating, and his stupidity for making babies. He tends to think hes Gods gift to women, he is 50 and in damn good shape…..very handsome! Therefore, hes an obnoxious bragger! The first 6months in our relationship he cheated and got her pregnant the following month afer I lost mines, I stayed with him! the following year I got pregnant again and lost another(stressed) After I had enough and he moved out for thr 30th time I started seeing someone. After a couple of months he caught me on the phone with the person got jealous and moved bk in. Things were going ok until I found out he was still cheating with the girl he had the baby with. Mind you, I had two of his kids from another female that I was raising while he worked out of state. Anyway I got pregnant again yrs 08 & 09 (successful) inwhich he also was working on another baby with someone else in 09 also. Followed by the mom of the kids i was raising, shes pregnant now!!! He says because i cheated on him his wrong is no different from mines. Now hes telling me he loves me but not sure if he can trust me!!!! This story goes on and on, and he thinks he is right. HELP!
Because I’ve been married for 9 months and I’ve heard, ” If you make it thru the first year of marriage, you two will be okay. The first year is always the hardest” more than I can count on my two hands.