The American thriller TV series, “Mr. Robot” has been rebooted for a second season on USA Network. The production is to begin shortly. The renewed season is constantly on the lookout for background talent. This time, the casting directors are seeking intimidating Chinese males to play the role of gangsters who are engaged in criminal activities.
About “Mr. Robot”
‘Mr. Robot’ centers on Elliot Anderson, a young security engineer in a cyber security company called Allsafe in New York City. He suffers from clinical depression and social anxiety disorder because of which he faces trouble socializing with people. He is delusional and paranoid, which affects his thinking process. Suffering from the ailment (which he fails to acknowledge), his only way of interacting with people is to hack into people’s accounts. This leads him to serve as a “cyber vigilante”. Quite mysteriously, he gets hired by an uncanny secretive rebellious anarchist called “Mr. Robot”. He is compelled to become a part of the team of activists called the fsociety. One such mission of the secret organization is to bring down the largest corporation in the world called as E Corp (which Elliot believes stands for Evil Corp) by cancelling all of its debt. The prestigious E Corp also happens to be the client of Allsafe – which Elliot has sworn to protect.
Filming Date
Filming of the scenes with Chinese gangsters will be done on Monday, 13th June, 2016.
Casting Call for Chinese Gangsters
The second season of Mr. Robot is on the lookout for Non Union or SAG-AFTRA actors to play the character of menacing Chinese gangsters who indulge in criminal activities. The working date is mentioned above. If you are interested to play a role in the series then follow these steps:
In the body of the email, include:
Your legal name
The union status (SAG-AFTRA/ Non Union)
Contact Number
Latest snapshot
Mention if you are fine with having fake tattoos on your body
Mention if you have worked on the series before. Specify the role.
The subject line should be captioned as “Chinese Men 6/13”.
*** Important Note: This is an extra role. Please do not apply if you do not fit the character description or are not a local of NYC. ***