Spanish-language network Univision has scheduled auditions for its popular reality competition “Nuestra Belleza Latina” (Our Latin Beauty) in San Antonio. Auditions will be held at the Lila Cockrell Theatre, 200 Market Street, San Antonio. It is the first time in five installments that the program has held nationwide try-outs.From a Univision press release:
“Nuestra Belleza Latina” features some of the most charismatic, intelligent and captivating Hispanic women in the U.S. and Puerto Rico as they face-off in a thrilling competition in which it takes more than looks alone to succeed.
“Beauty certainly helps,” commented Mary Carmen López, first runner up in the 2009 contest. “But a pretty face is not enough, since not all that shines is gold. Women who participate must all have talent and be able to show it off. I would highly recommend coming prepare, as they would for a job interview and very importantly, they should possess that “spark.” Many women can be really pretty, be tall and nice, but they don’t succeed because they lack that spark that judges are looking for,” added López, who started her career in television after her participation in the contest. She is now the entertainment reporter for Univision 41.
Once auditions are complete, the selected group of women will vie for the title of “Nuestra Belleza Latina 2011” and compete for the opportunity of a lifetime: a contract as Univision’s newest on-air personality and $250,000 in cash and prizes.
Females auditioning must be between the ages of 18 and 27, speak fluent Spanish and able to reside in Miami during the length of their participation in the program.
Participar en bellezita latina
Me deberían de dar la oportunidad de participar porque se que tengo no solo la belleza pero el carisma también! Siempre eh querido participar en un evento como este y que mejor oportunidad que Nuestra Belleza Latina. Siendo latina y bonita, no nada mas porque me lo dicen mis papas pero amigos e incluso personas que no conozco también me lo dicen. Seria una experiencia inolvidable al participar.
Hola mi nombre es Ana Vergara tengo 16 años hablo ingles y español. Vivo en California y desearia tener una oportunidad Para la actuacion. Amo actuar y e estado en geupos de Teatro. Tambien bailo soy responsable Alegre y muy comprometida. Por favor concideren mi aplicacion. Gracias POR su atencion. Cell number; 404-453-1031 San Jose C.A
Because we are in 2015 and I am 30 years old appearing to be in my 20’s, so they say! Let us let the judges be the judge of that!
Hola me llamo viviana y me gustaría tener una oportunidad para estar en nuestra belleza latina por que creo que tengo la mayoría de las cosas que se necesitan para ser toda una reina inteligente, linda, alegre y sobre todo muy humilde.
Me gustaría participar porque soy una muchacha bien feliz y talentosa. Quiero enseńarle al mundo :D !
me gustaria participar en esto porque he luchado para llegar lejos soy una persona que me gusta luchar pero ante todo jamas pierdo la humildad:)
Como le ahgo para ganarme la mochila de nuestra belleza latina
Hello my name is Diamond, i am currently a high School Senior graduating this June. Class of 2013!!!!! I am 18 years old and my dream has always been to become a model and especially model for univision because i have been watching it since i was a baby. I love univision it is my favorite channel and being part of latina Belleza would complete my dream of ever having a chance to model. I love to speak infront of people, it is my passion. I was validictorian and said my graduation speech in Middle school (in spanish) and when i went to High School i won Homecoming queen and i have been a cheerleader the whole four years of highschool. I love music and i love to dance im very outspoken and fun to be with i like to take challenges!
yo boto por noemi
Hi my name is milagro also known as miracle I heard about this nuestra belleza Latina and I thought if give it a shot..I always watched th e show and always imagined myself in it..I have always dreamt of being a model..I have the looks and I feel like i have what it takes..I’m beautiful and smart and I would like to be given to the chance to prove to the world what I can do..I’ve modeled before in the p ast and I would love to step it up..I love the challenge and It would be a dream come true..thank you for the opportunity I would do my best
My name is Carmen Nunez 21 years old from Denver CO. Yo soy nacida en Mexico en un pequeño pueblo en Durango llamado Rodeo.My dream has always been to be a high fashion model, I’m not perfect you know nobody is but I like to succeeded at what I put myself to do. Yo soy una persona muy alegre que me gusta ver a la gente que esta al rededor de mí alegre, me encantan los animales, me gusta mucho asear actividades en la naturaleza, me gusta aser ejercicio. Iam a very enthusiastic person that has plenty of goals in life. I believe that I have alot of potential in modeling being that I have a lot of confidence. I know that I am an attractive person because I get compliments on my natural looks at least twice a day as well as comments that I should be a model. Si me dan la oportunidad yo les mostraré que yo soy la persona que están buscando.
You should have a Mrs Belleza Latina for older category group without the cutoff age limit of 18-27 for beautiful successful Latina women!!
Hello! :)
First I would like to start of by saying I am 19 years old and I was born in Puerto Rico! Wheeepaah! A little sense of humor doesn’t hurt! Lol I live in Miami,Florida and i love it.In February I will have my personal training license, being healthy and helping others be healthy and fit is what I consider a wonderful lifestyle. In January I will begin college to study law, as a career. I believe that with faith all things in life that are impossible can become possible! God plays a VERY important role in my life. To people they say I am a beautiful young lady inside and out. I’m still in process in getting a small portfolio done but I will in no time. I am a very down to earth and positive person, friendly and a thrill seeker. I like to be on the edge and do things that people might find dangerous, by next year I hope to skydive and have my scuba diving license. I love dancing I guess that is the Latin blood running through my vains! My opinion I would be able to show the person I am 100% in person if I am provided the chance! I will be more than glad to represent miss teen Latina Puerto Rico and also Represent Miami represent true beauty from within something REAL !! Muchas gracias.
Yours truly , Fabiola Krystal Gonzalez.
Me considero bella, inteligente, con ganas de superacion. Tenga claro que la belleza no lo es todo.
me encantaria estar entre las muchachas me encanta bailar,
actuar, cantar ni loca perdon pero soy cincera me gustaria pues
me demostraria que soy buena en algo ( soy cincera )
Because is something ive looked up too all my life put together with everyone elses.
I love to dance.
bueno yo soy bien divertida y me gusta luchar y segir adelante y yo si voy no es por competensea me voy a llevar con todas yo lo que qiero es cumplir m sueno soy de padre honduerno y madre nicaraguense qiero presentar nicaraga
I think I have the beauty,skills,personality and mental abilty.I WOULD LOVE TO PARTICIPATE IAM FROM VENEZUELA.I HAVE ALOT OF TALENT.
I think I have the beauty,the skills,personality and mental ability. I WOULD LOVE TO PARTICIPATE AM FROM VENEZUELA.
I should be picked because I have that extra spark that the judges are looking for y porque yo voy a ganar!!!
I no univision an what its all about I ve been watching since I was a young girl do consider me on your search I have the qualitys your looking for I live in the rio grande valley Thank. For your time
Que falta de Ortografia tiene la mayoria de las personas que han comentado en esta pagina. OMG impresionada!!!!!
“arriba las indias” bueno esto va a la venezolana , para que No seas tan ignorante , ustedes son mas INDIOS que los nicas ,aqui estan las tribes de ustedes. ignorante .
The Akawaio Indians
The Anauya Indians
The Arawak Indians
The Baniva Indians
The Baniwa Indians
The Bari Indians
The Camaracoto Indians
The Carib Indians
The Chaima Indians
The Cuiva Indians
The Cumanagoto Indians
The Curripaco Indians
The Guahibo Indians
The Guajiro Indians (Wayuu)
The Guarequena Indians
The Guinao Indians
The Japreria Indians
The Macushi Indians
The Mandawaka Indians
The Mapoyo Indians
The Maquiritari Indians
The Panare Indians
The Paraujano Indians
The Pemon Indians
The Pemono Indians
The Piapoco Indians
The Piaroa Indians
The Puinave Indians
The Tamanaco Indians
The Tunebo Indians
The Warao Indians
The Yabarana Indians
The Yavitero Indians
The Yukpa Indians
I would like for your agency to consider my younger sister; she’s not only a breath taking, stunning beauty! But she is highly intelligent, courageous, compassionate and highly talented. She is the quintessential representation of what true Latin beauty represents; she’s loved and admired by all, she is an inspirational young lady. I believe that she would be an amazing competitor and that most people would want to tune in to watch and follow her mesmerizing personality! she’s as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
quiero botar que devo de hacer
x favor voten x patricia corcino
yo digo que maribel de santiago
no se debio de ir se debio ir
diana cano x lo fea que esta
PATRICIA !!!!!!! WOOOO!!!!
Yo deberia ser nuestra belleza latina porque se que tengo todo para hacerlo i siempre quize ser famosa i ser nuestra belleza latina seria tener todo fama i ser bella .
Suerte el domingo chica
de todos modos es un grade paso para cada una de ellas seles vañ abrirmuchas puertas
yo le voy a maribel por que tiene muchas agallas save lo que quiere
buena suenta a toda so linda y algola que se le alga el suen~o de su vida se la nustra belleza latina?
Mi opinion en el sertamen es que la banda que esta jirando el dia de hoy domingo 3 de abril 2011 es una prueba nnnooo NECESARIA x q es un sertamen de BELLESA y no de equilibrio¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ESO PARESE UN JUEGO Y ES COMO UNA BURLA
Me gustaria que hicieran un concurso para mujeres mayor de 48 A 55 y mujeres my bonitas a esa edad. Muchas gracias y Dios les bendiga.
para ganar el bolso que ustedes ofrereceron en el programa de Sal e Pimenta. El programa se diz todo: Sal e Pimenta. Las canditada son tremendas.
este senor esmejoe que nunca lobuelbamn inbitar a nuestra bellesa latina la berdad que no tiene educasion que lastma por la audiecia esbueno que leponga una demanda a univision por ese senor
Que alto grado de ignorancia de parete de las participantes al no saber nisiquiera donde estan paradas como dise el dicho bonitas pero cabezas huecas…..
I believe that nuestra belleza Latina should base on what you are inside not outside. Also, it gives bad example to our teen that for one reason (thyroid) or another are a little bit overweight. My baby (9) ask me why all this girls are skinny. I said ask God that question.
I believe I have what it takes to be nuestra belleza latina I speak Spanish I was born in puerto Rico….hard worker…talented and very fun to be around.
Deveria ser parte de nuestra belleza Latina porque tengo talento, y a pesar de todos Los obstaculos que se me presentan matengo mis metas y sueños en alto! Soy una persona con muchas ganas de superarse y me encanta ponerme retos para creecer como persona y crear cosas que mi mente me dice que no soy capaz de superar.