Disney has announced that they will start castings for Descendants, a live-action adventure-comedy that taps into Disney’s heritage characters. Descendants is set to start production in early spring with the hopes of a 2015 debut and the casting directors are now holding auditions for several stand in and extra roles. In a present day idyllic kingdom, the benevolent teenage son of the King and Queen (Beast and Belle from Disney’s iconic Beauty and the Beast) is destined to take the throne. Castings are underway for this hit live action film and this is your chance to audition, if you are a fan of Disney or you are a aspiring actor looking for your big break than this is your chance. Do not miss out apply now!
The story of the Descendants starts in Disney’s universe where the son of Belle and Beast says that the children of iconic Cruella De Vil, Maleficent, the Evil Queen and Jafar — who have been imprisoned on a forbidden island — will get to attend prep school with the children of some of Disney’s heroes. They will need to decide if they want to follow in the footsteps of their parents or if they want to aim for rebellion.
The casting directors at Disney are aiming to start production on the live action film in the beginning of spring and are now looking for male and female actors of all ages for several extra and stand in roles. If you are interested in auditioning please submit a recent photo and contact information. Keep checking back for more information on casting dates times and locations and as always leave us a comment and let us know what you think about the new Disney live action project set to be released in late 2015.
Hi Disney! I love acting, I was in a play in second grade!
I have black poofy hair,
Is a female.
Has dark brown eyes.
Lives in Denver.
Is tan.
Weighs 41.4 kilograms
Is 56 in. Tall
I am nine years old
I hope I make it to finals on this amazing chance!
Hi my name is as and I’m Ashley Slocum 19 years old I live in philadelphia and I have dark brown hair I always wanted to become a Disney channel actor I honestly love descendants and it would be a dream to be on the descendants 2 it would really change my life… This is a dream I was dreaming for years now and I really think that it could come through ..
Your sincerely
ashley slocum
P.s I honestly don’t mind any part even if it’s a extra…. and I’m in a wheelchair and i go to school if i get a part in this movie maybe I can be mal evil sister form another mother…
Hi my name is Ronan Lyons and I’m 14 years old I live in Ireland and I have red hair I always wanted to become a Disney channel actor I honestly love descendants and would be a dream to be on the descendants 2 it would really change my life… This is a dream I was dreaming for years now and I really think that it could come through ..
Your sincerely
Ronan Lyons
P.s I honestly don’t mind any part even if it’s a extra ??
Also I am a male and I can sing and dance I am 5’2 and have brown eyes and brown hair I honestly would love to be a part of descendants cast, it would be wonderful
Sorry about the second post
Hello Disney,
I’m Lauren Graham and I am a descendants :) I have that descendants look and I can be happy and bad. Good luck all my descendant friends!! Can’t wait to see you all on the Disney channel.
I am Casee Glover and I am 21 years old. I am a huge fan of Descendants and I am hoping to audition for the sequel. I love acting, singing, and dancing, and I think Descendants 2 is the way to go for my career.
Can you please answer my email and tell me what I need to do to get there or to audition
i saw descencendant and i loved and i woud love to colaborate with the incradable actors in it !
Hair: straight medium blonde colour with side fringe
Height: tall ‘5″9
Personality: Big and loud! confident toooo!
Skin: fair
My name is Giselle and i must say i loved the first descendants movie!
I would love to be a part of the second one though!
My experiences in acting have been all throughout my school life so far, i also love to sing and dance!
I can bring heaps of new ideas to the show like i could play a character of which could be the daughter or captain Hook. Her name could be Jean and she could have red hair. She could be evil and try to destroy the kingdom or something like that which leads up to Mal and Ben not being together anymore but Ben falling in love with Jean instead.
This would be a thrilling sequel to Descendants 1 but would be even better as it would be number 2!
That’s just an idea and it may sound silly but at least it’s something! You never know if you don’t try!
Please notice me somebody, anybody as i have a big personality and as my friends describe me as confident!!!
But i live in Australia but would be ecstatic to go to America for an audition! With a little help with plane tickets!!!!!!!
Love descendants! so much action while theres dancing and singing etc. There are so many people out there that want to audition and will make it. anyway i love singing i can dance well i learn quickly. I presume you are trying to find someone unique, not sure if I am but yes. anyway I am turning 14 in november, name is laura, have brown hair and brown eyes. I wanted to audittion for twilight but I was too young then. Anyway I loooove Descendants it is a great movie and looking forward to see who gets the part.
hola mi nombre es jessenia rivera soy de ecuador me gusta cantar bailar actuar me gusta mucho disney chanel quisiera que me den la oportunidad para que me conoscan quisiera participar en la pelicula decendientes soy buena actuando actue en el colegio muchas obras se perfectamente el ingles espero lo piense y mi numero es 0994184573 por si acaso tenga oportunidad gracias
I’m not going to comment and brag about myself because I’m just a normal girl trying to fallow her dreams like many other people out there.I am 14 years old and i have experience with dancing and singing …acting on the other hand is something i have little experience with.. but i wish to work with Disney and meet amazing people who can help me live my dream. :)
My name is Nathan Spencer. I am 12 years old and I have experience acting and filming. I have a hobby for acting in school plays and film stop motions and more animations. I would love to be in the next Descendants and will be perfect for the role. I’m 5’3 and know how to act I am mixed and have tan skin and brown eyes and black hair. I was born and raised in San Francisco but feel like Los Angeles is the place for me not only have I been there multiple times but the filming and acting careers always seem to thrive in the Los Angeles area. I am also a huge “Disnerd” and have stacks of Disney Encyclopedia’s so if anybody knows Disney and there villains it’s me. Please get back to me as soon as you can.
Hi I am Nikeily I am 10 I love descendantsand I love singing and dancing I love alot of things i like . please I want to be on TV please
Hi princess jazmine zamora. But people call me jazmine. I am 10 year old. I am a really good singer. I dance but I am not very good. I really have good style of clothes. I am a little shy but not that much. I am a big fan of descendants.
Hi my name is Jeri i am 14 years old and have brown hair and brown eyes i am 5’5 ft tall i have been in many of my school productions including a musical i learn my lines quick. Hope to hear from you soon it would mean alot to be part of descendants
Hi I’m Shannon Barlow and I’m 14 and a half. I’m about 5 2 with flats and 5 4 with my boots. I have blue green and grey eyes, my hair is dyed dark brown into dark blonde ombré and is very fine. It’s quite long, reaching almost mid back, and is layered. My natural hair colour is about a 7.5 or for those who don’t know what that means, light brown. My skin tone is slight tanned/fair and I have few freckles on the bridge of my nose. I have taken drama as a GCSE (I’m British) and I participate in after school drama class. I took dance classes of all sorts for 6 years including jazz and ballroom. I were in all the school productions, a few singing and a few dancing. I also just started a drama group outside of school which is doing a production of sleeping beauty (coincidence?). I would really like to start my acting career now whilst drama is my main focus. I’m a good student with and A/B average I think it’s called in America and most of my predicted grades are A/A* which I think is the equivalent to A/A+. I can also memorize scripts in short periods of time and would love to audition for the second one, I’m assuming there will be a second descendants film. And if not, then. I just waisted 10 minutes of my life selling myself to you. I’m also a little on the chubby side but I’m working really hard to change that. I am a very picky eater and I have lost a lot of weight so I think I’m doing something right. If you would like to give me a chance, you can get in touch my email is shann78-@hotmail.co.uk and if you would like reference from my drama teacher, my school is Haslingden High School and their phone number is on their website http://www.haslingdenhigh.com. Once again, thanks and um yeah. :)
Hi my name is Relissa and I am 10 years old. And it has been my dream to be in a movie ever since I was a little girl. I use to play dress up with my sister and pretend like we were super models. And one day I just want to be in the spotlight and act on a movie set. I hope you want me to be in your next movie.
I am 11 but I am very tall. I would be honoured to even get the smallest part. I have green eyes and browny blonde hair. I live in W.A Mandurah. My skin color is tanned. I have been in 3 plays singing and dancing in the background and 1 singing alone and I’m in 1 now.
hello my name it Katie i am 5’4” brown hair, blue eyes, and light skin tone.
I love disney and it has been a dream of mine to be in a disney movie since i can remember.
it would be an honor to be considered to be a part of the descendants 2 cast. i have only been in a few plays, but i feel in love with acting and would love to be able to be part of the cast. thanks again for the consideration. yours truly, Katie Bullock
I am Kate , I am in 5th grade and I’m almost 11. I Love disney And It would mean so much to me if i got a part, I took acting for 3 years and singing for 5 years. I am an A B student and i have never gotten a lower grade than a B.
Eye color: very light brown
Hair color: dark brown hair. I do not have thin hair , I have thick
Eyebrow color: dark brown
skin color: Tan but not TOO tan,
Facial features: black freckles on my nose and my cheeks
I can also MAKE dimples but i don’t have them when i regularly smile.
I love disney and If i could be a main character in this I could show to my friends, who doubted me that anyone can be a main character in disney.
Hi,my name is Serenity and I live in California Sun Valley, I am 13 years old and I am 5.3. My favorite color is green and my favorite types of animals are reptiles. I have thick brown hair , brown eyes, tan skin tone, my weight is 172 pounds, and I’m big boned. It’s my dream to be an actress! In Descendants I am hoping that I can be the daughter of the Shadow Man or the daughter of a villain, who is good.
Hello my name is Francisco Delgado I am 16 years old male I have brown hair and dark brown eyes and I am slim and fit I am 5.9. I am a singer and I have been in quire for some time now I can also act, write, and dance. I can also do my own stunts and this might be the writer in me but i think you should have scar in descendants 2. Well not scar his son cause as we all know he is dead you should have his son be on the island but he is in jail and the jail keeps him in the form of a lion. When the barrier went down the guards left and dropped the keys and he got them and go out when he got out to a human but with sharp teeth nails and a tail. now he needs to get to Auradon to go after Mal and the others cause there parent’s locked him away for trying to take over when the parent’s were in charge. He should have some powers that go with him being a lion like a roar that blast things he can turn from lion to boy his nails are super strong and his tail can grab things. If you would like to call me to talk about my ideas call me at 909-586-0267 if no one picks up it is impotent to leave a message. In message or in call ask for Francisco Delgado and say why you are calling think you for your time.
by the way this is my email address cur0008@mcclellandcollege.vic.edu.au
hi I know I wrote something on one of the other one but I thought about it and I thought it was a better idea to get on this one so my name is Katherine and I am 13 years old, I have blue eyes, pale skin, I am not really tall, I have blonde hair. it has been a life long dream of mine to be on Disney channel, the only problem is that I live in Australia and I don’t know how I would get to America if I got a job or audition, I really, really want to be in the 2nd Descendants; if you are making one.
Yo soy de quitó la floresta me encantó la película de Disney Chanel desendientes y seria para mi un sueño participar ahí me gusta bailar y actuar aunque no soy profecíonal pero si ustedes me piden algo con esfuerzo yo se que lo lograre por favor elijanme se que hay millones de niñas en el mundo pero se que si me eligen daré lo mejor de mi CUMPLAN ME ESTE SUEÑO PORFAVOR
Hola Yo me llamo ALISSON XIOMARA CUÑAS FLORES soy de quitó la floresta me esncantó la película de Disney Chanel desendientes y seria para mi un sueño participar ahí me gusta bailar y actuar aunque no soy profecíonal pero si ustedes me piden algo con esfuerzo yo se que lo lograre por favor elijanme se que hay millones de niñas en el mundo pero se que si me eligen daré lo mejor de mi CUMPLAN ME ESTE SUEÑO PORFAVOR
Hola Mi nombre es Valentina cedeño Ramírez quiero decirle a Disney Channel que me encantaría ser parte de ellos soy una chica muy compleanno me gusta decir muchas palabras pero me encantaría con mucho honor ser parte de ellos aunque sea en descendientes que es la película que más me ha gustado mi al mundo pero también en otras películas pueden ser por favor que es tu oportunidad para que de mí que nací cantaba bailaba y hacía muchísimas cosas Muchas gracias Y espero que mi comentario les llegue y les guste placer por hablarle
Hi, to the directors of descendants if you are looking for people to be in descendants 2…in you’re making one. I am 13 years old, I live in kenosha, WI, I have blondeish brownish hair, blue green eyes, im close to 5’8 or 5’9, and im very active…I do many sports, im in my school choir…im normally a soloist, i love to dance, im kind of not that skinny because i have a medical condition, and I’ve been wanting to become an actress all my life…if I get to be in the cast it would be a dream of mine come true. It would change my life forever because I want to prove to my mom that I can be an actress…she thinks im not capable of doing such a thing…and my dad is trying to get by he’s working to much to save this house so that me and my sister and brother have a place to live…he almost died once I dont want to almost lose him again or lose him forever…please consider this comment.
P.S my email is pickletime909@yahoo.com
Hi, to the directors of descendants if you are looking for people to be in descendants 2…in you’re making one. I am 13 years old, I live in kenosha, WI, I have blondeish brownish hair, blue green eyes, im close to 5’8 or 5’9, and im very active…I do many sports, im in my school choir…im normally a soloist, i love to dance, im kind of not that skinny because i have a medical condition, and I’ve been wanting to become an actress all my life…if I get to be in the cast it would be a dream of mine come true. It would change my life forever because I want to prove to my mom that I can be an actress…she thinks im not capable of doing such a thing…and my dad is trying to get by he’s working to much to save this house so that me and my sister and brother have a place to live…he almost died once I dont want to almost lose him again or lose him forever…please consider this comment.
I am 5:6 I’m currently in my schools drama class I’m a hard worker and I love to act why I want to be in this movie is first I was amazed by the movie and really thought me a lesson by watching this movie also I will be good for this movie is cause I have always dreamed about this and I’m really the perfect fit I will work hard take the role serious and I know how to Dance a bit so it won’t be a problem for me to dance I hope you guys choose me and thank you
Hi, to the directors of descendants if you are looking for people to be in descendants 2…in you’re making one. I am 13 years old, I live in kenosha, WI, I have blondeish brownish hair, blue green eyes, and I’ve been wanting to become an actress all my life…if I get to be in the cast it would be a dream of mine comr true. It would change my life forever because I want to prove to my mom that I can be an actress…she thinks im not capable of doing such a thing…and my dad is trying to get by jes working to much to save this house so that me and my sister and brother have a place to live…he almost died once I dont want to almost lose him again or lose him forever…please consider this comment.
I am 5:6 I love to act and i saw the first movie and fell in love and I know I will do amazing in this movie !
Im sicily 5ft 8in im 11 gonna be 12 in september first of all i can act and i would live to be in decsendants 2
Hello Disney,
My name is Jay Bonilla and I love Descendants! I have been so fascinated with the movie that I have lost track of the amount of times I have watched the it. I would like to know what are the necessary steps in order to be able to audition for Descendants 2.
I am 16 years old (turning 17 on December), have a 5’5 height, and weigh 119 lb. I am really athletic, have a good talent for dancing and I’m currently on my schools swim team. Also, I consider myself hard working, and a determined person. In relation to my school, I have won awards such as Citizenship, High Honor Roll, Principal’s Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance for four years in a row.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Hey Disney ,
Hi my name is Angel and I LOVE disney’s movie Decendents. I am 5:6 in height and I also LOVE to act I am currently iny schools drama club it’s so much fun. Why I would be good for any role it’s cause I will be serious when I have to and also will always do my best. I have always wanted to act since we’ll forever. My favorite thing about the movie is fun and cool but not only that it teaches you a lesson. I want to do this not just only for me but for other teenagers like me and tell them always follow your dream no matter what. I hope you guys contact me and I hope I get the role. I LOVE DISNEY
Love ,
Hi Disney, I am Eshita Beniwal. I love the movie Descendants too much and watch it every single time it comes on TV. I think it has a really good story and message. I would be very very happy to have a role in Descendants 2. I know there are many other people who want a part but I think that I have great potential.
I am 12 years old (13 in February), my skin is light brown, I have brown eyes and hair, my height is about 5’1, my weight is 110 pounds, I kind of like fashion, my favourite colour is green, I am from Canada, I love singing, dancing (mostly hip-hop), and I am willing to try acting. I am not really experienced in acting but I still feel like I have in myself and would be able to pull off any type of character. I am also shy but I have a feeling that I can get out of that shell and I fell like I already have. I have a lot of confidence that I can get a part in this movie. It has always been my dream to be famous but I would never agree to take any role in a show or movie unless it’s for Disney. Please give me one chance to prove that I am for Disney and I promise that I won’t let you down!
Hi I love this movie cant even count how many times ive watched this movie im about to be 13 I have long brown hair brown eyes and long black eyelashes I am not very tall fro my age I also have glasses and braces and I really really really wan to to be on the second decendants but its anlong shot since so many other people want to
Hi Disney,
My name is Angel I am 13 yrs old and I LOVE to act. I am also in my schools drama club. I loved Disney since i started to watch Mickey Mouse. I think I would be good for any role it’s cause I won’t let you guys down and also will be a hard worker and take this part serious. I will never disappoint you guys and btw I can dance. I love this movie cause it’s inspirational and very touching when I saw the movie and heard it was on dvd I went straight to the store and bought it since I got the movie I have watched it so many times I even lost count I even memerized the hole movie even the dance routines. I LOVE this movie cause it thought me a lesson which was you are the one who gets to choose your dreams not other people and also to listen to your heart. I just want to say I will NEVER EVER DISSAPOINT you guys
My big dream is to be scarlet daughter of scar off descendants 2
So my dream has been always to act on Disney channel if you could make that dream come true that would be great.I love the movie decendants when it first came out i saw it never gets old!!!!I love the music the actors and everything about it I always sing with the movie I always learn quick!!!! I love dove Cameron ,huge fan of Cameron Boyce u should see my room,booboo Stewart and Sofia Carson!!!!! I am 5’5
Age: Turning 12 September,pounds:98,hair color:brown,skin color: light brown,eye color:brown
I would extremely love to act in the movie decendants!!’ Contact me at Elsanagla@hotmail.com
Thank u so much I really would love working with Disney!!!!! I would love to see all those smiling Disney faces!!!!gender:girl
Hello Disney Channel,
My name is William Dusek. I am 14 and I am looking to audition for Disney Descendants 2. I live in St.Paul, MN and have a lot of acting and musical expierience and am looking to take my career to the next level. For more information call or text me at 651-354-6599 or email me at williambdusek@gmail.com. Thank You for your time and I hope you consider me for an audition.
Hi my name is Angel and I LOVE the movie Disney’s Decendents if I had to pick a Disney villains kid it would be ersula’s kid and his name would be Leo or from the movie The Lion King I would be scars son named Sky or Captain Hook’s son named Harry. I would be a Disney villains kid first cause it’s just cool and also I would be a good part for this cause I have always loved the Disney villains and I know it will not be that hard to play a Disney villains kid. I love this movie so much and I hope you guys have got my info oh and btw I am 5:6 in height
So my dream has been always to act on Disney channel if you could make that dream come true that would be great.I love the movie decendants when it first came out i saw it never gets old!!!!I love the music the actors and everything about it I always sing with the movie I always learn quick!!!! I love dove Cameron ,huge fan of Cameron Boyce u should see my room,booboo Stewart and Sofia Carson!!!!! I am 5’5
Age: Turning 12 September,pounds:98,hair color:brown,skin color: light brown,eye color:brown
I would extremely love to act in the movie decendants!!’ Contact me at Elsanagla@hotmail.com
Thank u so much I really would love working with Disney!!!!! I would love to see all those smiling Disney faces!!!!
hi my name is madeline and I am 9 I would really like to be in decsendants 2 I love decsendants it the only movie that inspired me to act even though I already wanted to act I would really like to be in it and I saw that a lot of people want to be in it to but hopfully I get the part I swear I would pray to god every day saying thank you
Hey I love decendants. I have been in heaps of other movies with dove Carmeron and other people. Would love to be in decendants.
Hi I love descendants I have been in heaps more movies with dove Cameron and so other people. Would love to be in descendants.
This comment goes with the one that says I’m 11 my dream is to be in Descendents2. My name is Michelle.
I am 11 and I have been wanting to be on descendants I see it every morning. And I knew Descendents was made already and I was not in it. But I want to be on Descendents2. I have bronesh hair my dream to act. And be on disney channel. It had always been my dream to act. Please pick me.
Hi my name is Jada Gotoy I am 11 years old my birthday is August 22,next Saturday I will be 12. You don’t no how much I love Descendants before the movie even came out i was obsessed with it. For my mother is going to take my the Disney store where she will buy all the Descendants merchandise for me I love it so much I memorized all the songs and dancing well no so much the dance step only for ‘Did I mention’ ‘Set it off’ and ‘Evil like me’. I made the Heros and villains for Descendants 2 the villains would be Captian hook,Ursula,The Queen of Hearts,and The Big Bad Wolf there kids would be Jamie and jack hook,Ulla daughter of Ursula,Lacey Hearts, and Billy wolf son of the big bad wolf and this time they’d be young kids like me instead of teens I’d imagine me being Lacey Hearts. The Heros wouldbePeterPan,Jasmine,Rapunzel,Merida, and Ariel. There kids would be Piper and Peterson Pan,Aziz son of jasmine and Aladdin,Riley daughter of Rapunzel, Madeline daughter of Merda and Marina daughter of Ariel. It would be my dream to be on Disney descendants 2 I really hope you make another because the first was so great I hope you chose my villains and Herod and I hope I get to play Lacey Hearts daughter of The Queen Of Hearts and I really wish you would chose me Thank you
Hello I would love to be in the movie Descendants 2 playing any villain’s daughter or a minor character. I am willingly to learn any given role with my best effort. I have a baby face that people often thinks I am 10, 13, or 17 years old often because of how I often act like a giddy child or more of a teen, love to mess with people about that. I am 5’1″ tall, brown hair and eyes, and 113lbs that I am working on. I would really appreciated if you give me a chance even if it’s a minor character but it would be a start. Here’s my email: astrid.cruz.harmony@gmail.com, to contact me at any given time. Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Jeez… Ever since I could remember I’ve wanted to be in a movie or on tv or doing something big with my voice. I’ve never wanted to be someone small, someone who didn’t stand out from the rest. I haven’t found the confidence that I need to go out and try and be who I want to be .. This is me. This is my love. I want to act and I want to sing. I’ve had no experience but I have the heart.. I have the passion and the dedication you need for a career like this. I’m just hoping you’d give me a chance? I’ll take any small role or if I’m actually better than I think I’d want to be one of the transfers from the island. Who it takes a lot to break her from being evil but deep down she’s so kind.
•i am 5’1
•I’m 100% Puerto Rican
•i have long brown hair, dark brown eyes, freckles on my nose and cheeks, I have medium sized lips, I have a nose piercing and a belly piercing
•I’m 18 years old .
•I’m a singer, I sing at church, at school, sometimes at restaurants.
•I look around 125-130 pounds
Please give me a chance you can email me anytime about any openings . I’ll put my all into it . This is what I want . Thank you for your time
So I’ve pretty much figured out there is going to be a descendants 2. I would love to play a villains daughter because I an known as the demon at my school. Facts about me include:
*hair color-brown (changes depending on season)
*eye color-hazel (green in certain light)
*gender- female
*hobbies- basketball, dance, soccer, drama, speech, and D.I (destination imagination)
I hope you consider me and thanks for your time
Hi my name is Olivia I’m 12 years and about 4’11 and weight about 85 pounds, I have blonde curly hair with blue eyes. I have figured out about Descendants 2 and I think I could be a good fit for this movie because I had lots of experience of dancing and acting!! I can be very dramatic when I perform. I have danced for many years ever since I was three. I have done plays at my school and at our Local Civic Theatre. I would love to participate in the new Descendants movie. I am going into 6th grade I’m being homeschooled so I will have lots of time to practice my lines. I can fit into many roles even if it’s the opposite of me. I hope you consider on having me join you in the next Descendants. Sincerely, Olivia
Hi my name is Tania I am 11 and I really really love Disney!! I was hoping I can get a spot to play a part in Descendants2 because I watched the video on YouTube! I love acting I try a lot with my family and I’m the only one that can really do! But I am African American a little Indian so I think If I have a chance to really act I might be related to cruella de vil or jafar because our skin colors are really close. I have brown hair and I’m 83 pounds, 5’2 in height and that’s about!
If the people who wrote descendants , wrote a descendants 2 then I would be perfect for the villains children. I can be sneaky and rebellious or I can be the complete opposite. I do kind of have a dark side.
Hair : dark brown
Eyes : hazel
Height : 5 ft 1 or 2
Age : 13 in September
I just loved the first descendants and I think I would do great. Thank you for considering me I hope you’ll pick me but if you don’t I completely understand. And if you think that I’m perfect for a different role please recommend me and contact me at ccastillo@marshalltown.k12.ia.us
Thank you so much.
Hi my name is courtney Im 14 nearly 15 yrs old I love acting as I have been taking acting classes since the age of 9 I have preformed In a couple of theatre productions acting is my passion it’s all I want to do. My acting coach is Stacey Sampson(aka)actress.
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: blue
Race: white British
My 14 year old daughter Lucia Ayala is a huge fan of your movie The Descendents and would love to attempt to audition for any part of a sequel. Can you please provide me with any information and/or tips on how to make this opportunity available for my daughter? We both Love anything Disney and would love an opportunity to be a part of the magic you all put together. I can most definitely provide any pictures you may need. She is half black(Bahamas descent) and Mexican-American and is 5’1 in height. We look forward to any information you can provide in making this opportunity happen.
Hi my name is Blythe Elora i would love to act an i loved the movie and if you could make it into a show with the people who played in it and mabey some new people i would love that. i have ALWAYS wanted to act it has been my life long dream if i could be in some shows my family would cry they have always incuriged me to become i dancer and i singer i have been in plays before in houlton and i have also been in dance recitals this is my 8th year i started when i was 4 and I am still going and im 11 i turned 11 on july 26
hi! i’m tara gokhale, from india (stayed in america for 3/4 of my life) this sure sound’s fun so i think i’ll give it a try!
Oh and it’s Lorelai Davis again. I just commented and forgot to tell you something. I LOVE fairytales. I have read a lot of original fairytales from author’s like Hans Christian Anderson and the grimm brothers. I have also read Alice in wonderland. Thanks!
Hi disney, my name is Lorelai Davis I speak English and a American. I am a 12 year old and love acting. No, I have never been in a play but thinking of joining acting when school starts. I know know I might not be advanced but I can be very dramatic and even though I’ve never been in a play I very good at acting. I enjoy writing plays with my sister, drawing, and reading. I am very optimistic,i do dance, I’m in all honors classes in school, an introvert, and can easily work with people. Now onto my physical features.
Brunette with blonde strands in it not very noticeable
Hazel eyes
I’m skinny
I’m like maybe 103 pounds
I’m 5 feet 3-4 inches
I have pale skin but not very pale
I would love to act in the movie descendants, I would be honored to act in it. It is fine if I’m an extra. Even if you don’t cast me, I would be honored if you even thought of me for it. I am also good at ballet and jazz. I can draw. Thank you I hope you cast me.
Height 4’8
Age 9
Grade 5
I like to be on this show because I dream about all is be on t.vto
Hi, my name is Teirnan Sullivan I am 11 year old girl with dirty blonde hair. I have greenish blueish eyes and I am caucasian. I would love it if you let me preform in your new movie Descendants.I have a very chaotic family of 5 actually 7 but 2 of them dont live with us. I am a twin so its very hard for me to do stuff that I like by my self and a I have acted in a school play before.I have also danced for a couple of years.My brother has done the school play and danced with me so I would so love it if I could be part of your movie.
Sincerely, Teirnan
Hi my name is Gina I live in Billerica I was born on December 12 1997 on Saturday night I am 17 years old my hair is brown my eyes are blue and black I love to dance, sing, selling cookies my hair length long my height is 5 feet tall my weight 140 I love audition for Descendants please email me
Love Gina
My name is Lana and i am 11 years old i stared making my own plays and now i want two act i the big
world. Im a bit shy but, Im getting out of my shell and now want to act. I would love to be a descendants charter looking forword maybe getting in
Hi my name Onita and I’m like Lana (you) I’m just trying to make it in the big of acting because I have been in plays since I was in dippers now I’m 10 years old and I want to take it up a notch in the big woldud
Hello my name is John. I’m a huge fan of Disney, marvel, pixar, everything really I’m currently 11 years old going towards middle school next year Dulles to be exact. My family are huge fans of Disney as well. In fact my awesome mom and sis have almost every Disney film up-to-date. I’m so pumped for decendents and was all ready for it this Friday and kinda bummed about having to wait. I do wear glasses have dark longish hair and have been dramatic ever since I can remember. I have always wanted to be an actor. Also I haven’t told my cousins who watch Disney channel about auditioning so if I do get put on tv they can be shocked by my acurring and when I see them ask very casually Whats new? They’d probably ask how did I get on tv?!
This movie sounds like its going to be another smashing hit from disney. I would love to be apart of that magic.
Hi my name is Iva. I’m 16 years old I’ll be 17 Nov.14.I love watching movies. favorite movie is Descendants PS I have the book and I have read it at least 20 times.Every time I read the book Descendants I dream I’m mal sister. I can tell about my dream if u want me to just send a message at ivammathis@gmail.com. I hope the movie people will make Descendants 2. I have blondish brownish hair, green eyes, If I wuz mal I would get the staff even if it meant I’ll be asleep for thousands of years. I just love Descendants I hope u will make a lot of Descendants movies. I would like to be in descendants because I watch every show that has all the villain’s and there kids, like the movie sleeping beauty,101 Dalmatians,Aladdin,SnowWhite and the 7 Dwarfs.
Sincerely, Iva
He Disney my name is James Johnson if I was in the movie that would be gods blessing to be in the movie so please contact me buy phone (804)513-2803
I have always wanted to be an actress my hole life . please if you are reading this I am not joking
i will love to do the audition please can get the attention please please please
Hi Disney my names is James Johnson I’m ten years old I won the summer and fall basketball championships and I would love to be scars son named scratch and another reason is because my aunt inspired me when she played shrek the musical
Hi Disney this is james Johnson I would love to audition is because if I made it I would have to be scars son and another reason is because my aunt inspired me
I would love to audition is because if I made it I would have to be scars son and another reason is because my aunt inspired me
Hello, My name is Alicia Zacharias I’m 15 years old.I wanted to be an actress from a young age. I can easily memorize my lines please give me the chance to be in a Disney Movie. Thank You!!
Hair colour:Dark brown
Eyes: dark brown
height: 1:57
Hello! My names Julia. I am a fourteen year old American girl, going into my freshmen year of high school. I live in Connecticut, USA. Ever since I started watching Disney Channel as a kid I’ve always wanted to be on one of their many amazing shows! Growing up I finally figured out that I want to be an actor. I’d love to pursue such a career and I would love to be on this great, new upcoming show, Disney’s Descendants. I feel I could fit one of your roles easily and could pick up acting in no time. Some of my hobbies are cheerleading, track, volleyball, writing, and baking. Some other things you may need to know about me are that I am 5’4″, have medium-length dark brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and weigh 115 pounds. I do not have any prior acting experience, but I am one-hundred percent positive I could pick up on it and I adjust very easily to new things. I am also very dedicated and enthusiastic about all I do. Not to mention hardworking. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment and I hope that you consider me for a role! Thanks again!
Contact Email: julflorence93@gmail.com
Hi, My name is Maren, and I don’t know if casting for this has already ended, but I would be very interested in auditioning. I am three days from being 14 years old and I’m 5’2. I will be in 9th grade in the next school year and I live in Baltimore. I have dark brown eyes and dreadlocks down to my waist. I am African American and I weigh 128 lbs. I have been acting for 4 years and would choose acting as my career choice. I’m also interested in visual arts, dance, singing, and playing the tenor sax. I hope that you will consider me for a role. Thank you.
hi my name is evelyn i really want to be part of this movie i really want to be on tv so pls give me a change i will act what ever i always had this dream to be on tv so pls give me a changes
EYES- dark brown
HAIR-dark brown
TALENTS- sing dance act
Hi.My name is Alexandra Bautista.I am 11 years old and going to be a 7th grader.I can sing,and act.I am also trying to improve my photography. I was in three school plays,the most recent one I played Alice from Alice In Wonderland.I have been in a school choir for 1 year.I love to read and write.I have dark brown hair that I thought was black until I was 8.I have deep brown,almost black just below the shoulders hair.I wear glasses.I am a mix of Filipino and American.I am from Burbank,California and live in Los Angeles,California. I am an advanced reader.Fairy tales and Disney are part of my childhood so it would mean the universe if I get a part.
Hi my name is jewel I am 11 years old I have a dark blondy color hair my hair is short but not to short
Brown eyes
4 and a half feet
I weight 40 kg
I little tan skin
I am brave, smart, funny, I am a little tom boyish strong muscles
If you whold like me to join plz contact my mum dee on email: deegrant0901@hotmail.com
Your kind reagards jewel
Hello, my name is Maeve. I am 14 years old, but I will be turning 15 in September. It is probably too late but I would love to be a part of this. I have previous acting experience with theatre. I started acting when I was 10, my first play was The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. My latest play was the high school production of the Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood. I played the lead female role as Lady Marian. I can’t really describe my personality without sounding pompous but I consider myself to be quite dramatic, positively hilarious, and extremely kind. My height is 5’5. I have green eyes, light brown hair. I live in Indiana currently but I can easily travel. If you have any questions you can contact me at maeve.hukill@gmail.com. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful summer!
Maeve H.
I have a dream to be an actor I am 11 years old and I have been watching disney channel ever since I was 4 or younger I am about 4 11 or 4 12 feet tall I may not be in activities in drama but I know I can learn these things I wish to be part of the Disney team I hope you read this and I’m still in school in 4th grade long story short I had to stop for a year to get hear in the u.s . sincerely nathan kyle m.
cuyugan still haven’t told my parents but if I get a confirmation I’m gonna tell my parents
I have a dream to be an actor I am 11 years old and I have been watching disney channel ever since I was 4 or younger I am about 4 11 or 4 12 feet tall I may not be in activities in drama but I know I can learn these things I wish to be part of the Disney team I hope you read this. sincerely nathan kyle m.
Hi my name is Melanie I am twelve but will turn thirteen on March 5, 2015. I have curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I weigh 107 pounds for a thirteen year old girl. I would love to have a part in this movie and would really enjoy it.
My name is Glenn I am 24yrs old and currently work for the Walt Disney World parks as a custodian cast member. I have always dreamed of doing auditions for anything Disney or pretty much anything that will give me a chance. It has been my dream to be an actor my whole life and I am willing to do what it takes to make my dream a reality. If there is anything you can do to help please let me know. I can’t see myself doing anything else besides acting.
I am 5’2
I weigh 115lbs
I have short dirty blonde hair and an athletic build
140 lbs
Brown hair
Brown and green eyes
It’s been a dream of mine to audition for Disney somehow and I I don’t theink I’m the most amazing actress in the world but I’m at least good
Age 14
Hello My Name is Isabella, I had dream to be in a Disney production since I remember and that means FOREVER. I had act since I was like 3 years old nothing profesional in shows at my 3 schools and in almost all I had being the main character.
I will love to act in Descendants, you will ask why I love Descendants, I will answer you that being honest tell me a girl who doesn’t dream to work with disney and better to be the daughter of Jazmin or maleficent, the answer is no one and I know many people will fit but I know if u choose me I will not only fit, but I will be the best.
I live in Colombia, Atlantico, Barranquilla if you choose me you will not be only making my dreams come true, but also making you a favor so think about it. I born in Mexico DF and reject televisa s.a to be and actress their because insecurity I move to Colombia and I had all those sad memories of when I move to Colombia, but darlings that never put me sad because I know my place is in a show and all actress must have a sad memory for doing a perfect sad scene and honey.
So choose Me.
EYES: dark brown
HAIR: brown like coffe
NOSE: average size
SKIN COLOR: brunette
TALL: not to tall (normal)
AGE:13 (14 in may 3)
CHARISMA: the best one
HOBBIES: act,dance, read and write poetry and books
LANGUAGES: English and Spanish to perfection and I had a good French
SCHOOL: Coelgio Real Royal School
175 lb
6′ 1”
Brown hair
Brown eyes
19 years old
Size 12 shoes
My uncle was Michael Landon, and as I grew up, his performances on television inspired me to act, write, and direct.
Used to be signed with the Crawford Agency until my contract expired. I have been in 1 film called “Letters for Joe.” I currently act in and direct dramas and films in Dallas, TX.
Hello ! I’m sophia and I’m 12 years old . My goal is to become an actor for 2015 . Please help me fulfill it . I would really appreciate being in this and working with other actors . I’ve always wanted to become one when I was young . I’m Asian , 5’3 , and play sport . I also have other talents hidden . And I want to find out if acting is one . Please choose me . Thank you :)
I’m also 13 years old.
I am Kelli Anderson and I am interested in being in the Descendants. I have acting experience and I am enthusiastic, persistent, and personable. I have long brown hair, brown eyes, and somewhat tan skin. Please consider me to be in the Descendants.
Kelli Anderson
Hello my name is Lenie Sellers and I am 13 years old. I am different. I am a fast learner, very expressive, creative, and love to act and really get into the character. I have starred in many church dramas.
Dear Disney Channel,
I am Elizabeth, I am 12 years old and am very tall for my age, although 12 may seem like a young age to start I believe I would be more committed than any other girl that is 14 or 16 years of age. I am very mature and others around me know this and even when you look at me or talk to me you can already get a great impression on who I am. I am writing this because I would love to be in the 2015 original Disney movie ”Descendants’. I definitely have a great passion towards acting and I would like to share my passion worldwide. I can work great with people and it would be an exceptional opportunity to share and bring forth my skills to Disney channel. I definitely have the look I have bright blue eyes brown thick hair and once again I am very tall. I look forward to be kept posted.
Kind Regards Elizabeth.Teleni
Hello. My name is Jennifer Zeng, and I would very much like to audition for this movie. I would like to play or hold an audition for the Princess Anxelin, if that role is available. I am 11 years old, going to turn 12 on Feb. 7. I have black hair and brown eyes, and I am Chinese. I am also good at memorization, and I am currently acting as a narrator in a play for school. Acting in this movie would be a dream come true, and I promise you won’t regret it.
Hello my name is Nour, I am 15 years old, I will turn 16 on the 1st of december 2015. I have been watching disney channel since I was 8 and I have always dreamed of being on one of the tv shows or on one of the movies. I am Egyptian and British, and I live in Morocco I go to a frensh school there. I can speak english, french and arabic. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I want to audition for the role of belle and the beast’s daughter, or any other daughter’s character. Thank you so much for your time.
I have always wanted to act and even though I am fourteen I want to be in a disney movie more then anything even just as an actress. I have almost a stawberry blonde hair and deep brown eyes. Acting is one of the most important things to me it goes family, education, and then acting but this puts it all in one. I really need the money because my grandparents are losing their home and they pratically raised me and i just really want to do something they can be proud of. That place keeps my family together, and I am not trying to use that as an excuse in fact I don’t even know why I said that. But even this letter was wonderful and thank you for the chance, I wish everyone best luck.
My name is Olivia krahn. I have long brown hair with big brown eyes I am very tall 5’7 and I am thirteen years old. I don’t have much experience in acting but I am very good at getting to know my character I am also very easy going I follow rules and respect others around me. I am really good at memorizing ever since I was little I always wanted to be a actress.my family and friends always call me a dramatic one .I am very good at becoming my character. I am an okay singer.I don’t have a website but do have a Facebook and instagram If you decide to pick me Please email me at Oliviakrahn3@gmail.com and if you want to see pictures of me please contact me through email or look on my Facebook and instagram
Thank you for considering me
I did take dancing lessons
And if I don’t get a part in this Please consider me for other movies and shows.
My facebook-Olivia krahn
I am 5’3, hispanic, dark brown eyes and hair. my birthday is august 4 1995. I would be honored to be a part of this even an extra.
My name is Madison, I have always had a deep passion inside me to act. Acting makes me feel like I am finally good at something that I enjoy doing. I have struggled to go to auditions due to completing early college but I have time now and have finished my school work. I love to act and Disney has always been a childhood favorite, So this opportunity or even just the chance to try and see if my acting career will blossom means the world and is something that I will be extremely grateful to be a part of. I have medium blue eyes, Had blonde hair(I can get it dyed to color needed) currently I have a dark to medium brown hair color and it is medium length. My height is currently 5 ft 2, my weight is 98 ILBS and my age is 16 years old. I would love the opportunity to be contacted further about this audition, that is if it is still available. Thank you so much for taking the time out to read this comment!
My email is Maddyrane@hotmail.com
My name is Jenna Sipe I’m 18 YEARS YOUNG. 4 ’10″and a half.im from springfield, ohio. Ive acted in multiple church plays and was in choir for 3 years. I love to sing and dance. I’ve been told by many people I have a very Charmin and bubbly personality. I know that I would be and amazing addition to your set and movie.
hi i’m Gaius and an african and i am 5’3 and i am 13 years old,landing a role in the decendants would be a great,wonderful experience and it is the exact kind of movie iwould be perfect for
Hi, I’m Piper and I’ve been watching Disney Channel ever since i can remember.
I’m 12 years old turning 13 this year, I have hazel eyes and my hair colour is a light brown with blonde streaks.
I love the idea of acting as one of the Disney characters that I’ve grown up with, whether it’s a villain or a hero. My favourite Disney chracters are Maleficent, Rapunzel, Cinderella and Ariel.
I would really appreciate it if i had a part in the movie, no matter how big or small.
Thank You :)
My name is Sydney Johnson I’m am currently 14 my birthday is November 14 2000 I am 5″5 I also have brown wavy hair and brown with a hint of hazel eyes . I’ve been in a few plays and my mom tends to call me a drama queen lol . But I would really be honored if you would email me . Well thank you.
hey there! im selena im 16 years old and well i have high hopes and big dreams for acting i love acting i love being on the stage it make’s me feel like im in another world i feel like the stage is where i can truly be myself and when i heard about disney’s descendants i just had to make a move disney is my life i am a huge disney geek ! disney channel is my whole childhood i would love to be on this show or any even being a extra no one understand’s it would truly mean the world to me if i get this chance the chance to prove my family wrong , to prove everyone wrong i’m 5’1 i have medium dark brown hair and brown eyes i really hope you consider looking at this message also i have been in school play’s i am a drama geek i have had some lead role’s played little red riding hood and played rosamada the arrogant princess i have some experience thank you so much for your time i can be reached at selenaortiz636@yahoo.com thank you (:
Hello this is a girl who has a dream to be on your show if you want to here me play piano or guitar just send me a email. The only two reasons I’m doing this is because one I love to act and when I act I feel like I’m experience a new personality like there’s more to me than a girl In a big world and that dreams are possible two is because Ive been getting bullied that I have to do another 10,00000 auditions to make it were I want to be I just want to be a actress and show them they were wrong I wouldn’t want to hurt a hair on there head I just feel really sore in my heart when I get rejected please don’t reject me I now I like in South Africa but please take a online audition for me and if you reject me I understand you couldn’t take me but please just a wish if you can please send this to Ariana grande, Demi lavato,Selena Gomez and Katy perry I now it might never happen but I’ve got now 10,99999 auditions left just saying I act dance sing and play instruments
Love keiomarah
Hi! I’m Trinity, I have a half-shaved head, and dipped dyed hair. I could be a “rebel” type of student. I’m turing 12 in March 2015, and a little over weight for my age. My hair is brown, brown eyes, a round shape head, and tan. I think I would fit for cruel de Ville daughter! I don’t have much of a acting history, but if I don’t make the part, I would be happy to make an extra!
Age: 20
Weight: 136
Height: 5’5″
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Body type: Athletic build
– I have amazing work ethic
– I’m willing to work crazy hours
– Contact email for pictures
Hey , my name is Una I am 13 years old and I’m from Serbia . I would realy like to get a chance to bee in a Disney movie . I watch them since I was born . I always wonted to become an actor . Thanks for opportunity ! <3
Hi! :) (hope you read this)
About me:
My name is Katherine Rogers (not my real name I use this name as my english name, my real name is Katja). I come from a country named Slovenia (Europe). I’m 14 years old and have green-blue eyes, long brown hair and my height is: 5ft 3in. I speak english perfectly (I also speak german). I love singing and dancing ( I would like to become a singer and I can dance very good ), I also like football, basketball, drawing (everybody are saying that I draw very well) and…
I can speak english since I was 4 years old, cause I was watching Disney channel since I was little and I learned to speak english from the shows. :D
I am a shy girl, I was never in any play but I think that is time that I show who I am, what I wanna do in my life and I wanna show everybody that you can do everything if you just belive in yourself. ♥♥♥
I love fashion, but I don’t wear a lot of expensive clothes (I don’t have so many) , because we don’t have a lot of money and my mom and dad are working very hard to make some money….My mom is sometimes working on sundays and her hands are really tired ( sometimes she’s working on holidays) and I just want to help her and my dad to have a good life, cause they give a lot of money away just to make me happy and I love them for that……I’m not very smart haha but my dreams are to become an actress to be an inspiration to other girls who don’t belive in their abilities…
If I would become a part of Disney family, I would be the happiest person in the world and my mom and dad would be proud like never before.
Hope you read this, thank you
Katherine Rogers
Hi, my name is Daniela Hernandez and I am 11 years old. I would love to be in Descendants! Any role would be fine with me, I’ve always wanted to be an actress so I started researching auditions and found this one. My eyes are blue/green, I have dark brown hair, and I’m around five feet tall. I can sing a little and I’m not bad at dancing. I’m not afraid to step out of my comfort zone and I’m so glad I found this amazing chance to be in such a creative film like this. I haven’t had as much acting experience as I’d like to have but I have been in multiple school shows and dance recitals. I hope you consider me :)
Hi. I am Tina Zheng. I love to act and sing. I had performed in musicals such as Oliver! with the organization NAAP. Also with NAAP, I performed in Altania during the Junior Theater Festival. I am 13 years old and Asian. I am also a New Yorker who loves to play sports. I hope for a chance to audition and play a part in a Disney Movie. Thank you.
Hi i’m Allison and i really love your show idea i think allot of people would watch.I am 11 years old i am 5’2 i have brown hair and brown eyes. I work really hard and i don’t let anyone down.I sing, i make very good grades in school,and i love acting.I would love to be on your show if you would consider me.Thank you so much for this chance i really hope i can get picked.Thanks again.
Hi! I’m Addison and I’m a 11 year old male. I will be turning 12 in January 2015. I have brown hair and green eyes, I’m around 4,7 feet tall and have an outgoing personality
I have brown eyes, light brown hair, I’m 92 lbs, and 54 inches. I have sang countless times and acted in school productions 3 times, starring once. I love acting more than anything and will be the best of the best. I love disney! Get back to me if you need any info!!!!!! :) :)
Hi, my name is Brittanie an I was born in Sanford Fl. I moved with my mom and my 2 sisters to Germany where we live since 2009. I am almost 14 years old and about 5 foot an 7 inches tall [171 cm] my hair color is blond and I have blue eyes, I weigh 55 Kg. My dream is to become a actress and I would love to take this opportunity to audition for this movie. Thank you and sincere wishes from Germany to you…
hello, im ciaira dorsett,
– im 13 years old
– im a singer/songwriter
-and dancer for 12 years
-i am very outgoing and funny and love to make people smile and laugh
-i have been in my bestfriends music videos her name is Katia Nicole
-i am half chilian and bahamian but was born in the U.S
-i dont act on a daily bases but i love to practice with my best friends with all types of scripts going from snow white to alice in wonderland and we love to swap chracters to have a practice in all the different moods and emotions
– i have had a tad of piano and guitar uses i can play fur elise on the piano but like to make songs on both instruments
-my dream is to help my family becuase we are in need
– but i would love to get out in the world and enjoy everything
i think this would be a great oppurtunity for me and my family and i hope i get casted in something but if i dont that only means to practice more and learn tips.
thank you…
Hi, my name is Grace Di, I’m 12 years old, I live in Washington, and would love to be a part in this show. I am 5 feet tall, 85.8 pounds. I have long black hair, side bangs, and dark brown eyes. Acting has always been my ambition, and I hope one day I can become a successful, inspirational actress.
Hi! My name is Bailey.
I am 14 years old.
I have long-ish brown hair and blue eyes.
I am about 5’6″.
I have been acting/singing/dancing for over 6 years.
I watch Disney movies/tv shows every single day:)
I would be so thrilled to be even considered for this movie, and even though that probably will not happen, I still have some hope… Please contact me if so:D
I have been hoping to land some kind of audition, so this would really help me
Hi, my name is Nadia Romans and I’ve loved Disney since I could remember. Every since I was able to understand the words on the tv and watched the Lion King I fell in love with Disney. I’m 17 years old and I live in Switzerland, Geneva. I would really love to star in this movie because I love Disney, I’m an aspiring actor, and I think it would be a great experience and a chance to meet new people. So please give me this opportunity to show you what I am made of and allow me to audition for this movie.
Please and thank you!
Hi! I’m Caroline. I have golden hair and turquoise colored eyes. I would love to be on your show if you would consider me. Thank you for this chance.
hi i really want to get an addition please please i badly need this
Romy mccarthy
Romy mccarthy December 22, 2014 at 12:34 pm | Permalink
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Hi I’m Romy , I take three different acting classes and I am very well spoken . I like working and communicate well with people of all genders and ages . I am good at following instructions but I can also put my own spin on things . I have always wanted to star in a classic like this as a have a very classic look . I do a lot of theatre and musical theatre and have auditioned for feature films in the past . I am very musical and can sing as well . I am intelligent and would love to be considered for the amazing opportunity . I have wanted to be an actress since a very young age and I go to a highly academic school – so I am relitavely intelligent .
Age : 13
Birthday : 22/11/01
Hair colour : black/dark brown
Eye colour: green
Skin colour : White ( British)
Height: 5’4
Weight : 50 kg
I have been in three productions- The Cicle of Life (Shaw Theatre 2012), Fame ( Bloomsbury 2011), Bugsy Malone (Bloomsbury 2010), and Quality street (Stratford circus theatre 2013)and OMG (The Novello theatre 2014). I am currently working on a production called Quality Street in the Stratford Circus Theatre. I have been invited to audition for three feature films Nativity 2, The Knot and A song For Marion. I was short listed for Nativity 2.
I have been in ‘The 12 year old shopaholic ‘ (channel 5 , 2014 )
Munch Box ITV 2014
I am currently on MB talent agency
Kind regards
Romy McCarthy :)
I absolutely love Disney movies I have seen every single movie and I know the lines by heart I would love to have a role on this show it would be a dream come true if I could be apart of it
height: 5’4
weight: 149
age: 15
I really hope you consider me ive been in many school plays so I have lots of experience
My name is Leslie
I’m 11 years old and this shows a comedy
I don’t know why but I feel like this show is perfect for me I love what this show is about and I’ve been watching disney since I was little I would love to be on This show
My dream is to be an actress and I would love to be on this show
I’m mexican but I’m good at English I can speak Spanish too
So I live in San Francisco,California
I would love loveeeeeee to be on this show
I just love disney so much acting is a life goal life dream I would love this
If you would want me in it my email is leslievallejoavila@yahoo.com
So please If you consider me email me
Thanks director really hope you would consider me:)
Good day:)
Hi my name is Arshia and I am an 13 year old canadian. I have a strong Martial arts background (taekwondo to be exact) and I have also dabbled in a little bit of stunts. I have a little bit of acting experience and have high hopes to become an Actress.
Hello, Im Jessica but I go by Jess. I’m 17 years old and with that I can play within a wide margin of ages. I have fair/pale skin along with dark brown hair. I’m also willing to dye my hair for an opportunity in this movie. I’m hoping for this amazing opportunity, thank you.
Hi! I am Sadie. My goal is to become an actress. I would love to be in many movies and be friends with people such as Isabelle Fuhrman, Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, etc. I think that this movie sounds super fun, and I hope you give me a call. My number is 504-710-4480. I would love for this to be a bright beginning to my acting career. I am..:
– 13 years old
– red hair
– freckles
– white skin
– 5″1 = my height
– 108 = my weight
– I can act dramatic, scared, nervous, tired, bored, shocked, in love, and so much more
– any script you give me will do
– i will follow directions
– i will behave
– most importantly i will have fun, if you offer me this audition, and i get it, you will be very close to my heart for setting off my acting career
– i was thinking if there is an ariel i can audition for her
– i would like to be one of the main characters, so managers will notice me
– call whenever, and thank you so much for your time
Since I was small I wanted to work with Disney . I always wanted to draw the Disney sign with the magic wand. I want this job because I love acting and Disney . I have been in several school plays (5) in which 3 was the lead.i can be play any type of character. Descendants is what I’m looking for I have always wanted to be in a movie or tv show where I play a famous character . I think I can pass as princess jasmine and Aladdin child. So here’s my information.
Name: Apryll Tyson
Age: 12 ( 13 next year 2015)
D.O.B: August 11th 2002
Height: 5’9
Weight:110 pounds
Hair:natural dark brown hair
Skin complexion : fear but a little dark
Nationality : American
Email: apryllshai@gmail.com
I use to live in New York for about 6 years now I live in the Caribbean .
hi my name is jakiah moore. I would love to be in a Disney movie. I’ve watched Disney all my life. Me wanting to be an actress, I thought it was perfect. I’m in drama club, and I take theater. I also went to the fine arts association, were I was excepted into a advanced acting class.
i love disney and would love to play a sinester villians daughter im 14 at the moment 5’3 have fair skin and have medium brown hair with blue/grey piercing eyes.
Hi I’m KC.i have a really short name so it’s easy to remember.i love love love disney channel for a long time.im 12yeRs old turning13 in January 2015.i would love to audition for Disney because I’m sure I am really talented .i have been in plays such as the wizard of oz.ive been in the talent show and danced a lot it was fun.i am an African American and I’m 5’8 tall so that means I can be a model if you need one.i love fashion and I’m good at it picking out the right clothes.i hope you can email my mom at veranckb@gmail.com and send me an email how to be on Disney and where I can audition.have a nice day
Kc Ashiogwu
Hello :)
My name is Melis Selina Makinist but i like to be called just Selina :)
I have Brown,curly hair ,dark brown eyes and i am 5’7. I’m 15 years old(but i look oder).
I already played roles in the school plays and in a movie in germany. I loved it !! By side the acting i love to play keyboard, to swim and play drums.
Please contact me :)
Hi my name is Anthony and I would love to be apart of this. I am 17 years old and I have always wanted to be an actor for as long as I remember. I live in the city of Las Vegas, NV. I have Dark brown eyes and really dark brown hair. I am 5 ft 10. I am of Asian decent and I hope I get an opportunity. Thank you.
Hi my name in Nugwa i would really like to be a character on decsendant. so i have acted before in a lot of places it is easy for me to learn my lines once i sang at a huge crowd. I am 11 years old i am turning 12 in may, I have very dark brown eyes, and a black kind of brown hair and i also have a brown skin. I know you looking at a million of these but i would really really love to be in this movie and if i was a student to attend the school in decsendant i could be Tiana’s daughter. If you see this hopefully you consider me thanks.
Hello! I’m Andrea Garcia. I’m not a US Citizen, I’m a Filipina (I live in the Philippines) I’m fifteen years old and about five feet in height (Yes, I know I’m short) I have a fair complexion and people say I look American. I speak English very well. I have dark brown hair and eyes. I can sing (Do you need that?) Anyway, I think this concept is awesome! Hands down. I’d really like to be part of it since I love Belle and Maleficent and Disney and so much more… Please contact me any way you can, tell me if you need something, like a photo of some sort. Thanks you so very much!
Hello my name is Annette Acevedo, i’m Mexican-American,and yes i speak both English and Spanish and i’m 17 years old with long dark brown hair and i guess you can say i’m thin but i just like to say a good size and i’m an average height of 5’1 which i think is kinda short. I read about what the sitcom was going to be about and i would be very thrilled and interested to have a chance to audition for a part in this new and up coming television series. If its possible i would like to say thank you so much for at least giving me a chance at me dream.
Hi I am Christie I would LOVE to be in a Disney show or movie I am very talented in the acting area and I work AMAZING with other people. I can have many different emotions and flip easily this would be a great way to kick off my career and a lot of the stars I admire started on Disney and I would LOVE to be the Same way!
I would like to be in this film because I have always had a thing for action movies. I’m very active and love moving around. I do not take karate but I think I’m kind of good at it. I would like to be a daughter of malificent maybe but I would love it if she was a little nicer because I don’t like being a mean person. I wear a headscarf, where I can’t show my hair so it won’t be that hard to fix it or anything. I live in Texas and I speak English fast but I can go slow. I’m 11 years old but I am 5.3 ft tall so I’m quite tall.Please consider me.
I do not have much experience, but I am a hard worker! You know what they say, “The hard part isn’t the acting, it’s the rejection.” I can take tough criticism very well, may I add.
•brown hair/eyes
Hello my name is Libby. i understand you have many comments to read but please may you read mine. I also understand you may even have chosen the few you want but again please read mine. I was not able to put in my details because i live in Wales and so i was unable to fill some of the requirements needed: post code (zip code) and the telephone number. So i will put them in at the end.
My details:
Name: Libby Strain-Thomas
Age: 14
Date of birth: 1/8/2000
Gender: Female
Hair colour: Bleach blonde
Eye colour: Green
Height: 5″4
Weight: 7 stone
Address: Hendre Gaerog, South Road, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, Wales, LL55 2HP.
Nationality: Welsh/English mostly
Contact number: 01286 479720
Family number: 07724 693978 (please contact this number if unable to get through to the other)
Personality: Happy, upbeat, funny (so I’ve been told)
Hobbies: Singing, acting, sketching
I personally think that i would be good for this because i will work hard as it will be my first time on set. I will be polite and will respect all workers there. I would love to be in this because i would love the experience. All my life I’ve wanted to be an actress, but not just to be on telly to experience what its like to make a programs and to meet new actors/actresses and great directors. This would be a dream come true for me so please if you will contact me back i would be ever so grateful.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Yours Sincerely,
Libby Strain-Thomas.
HI! My name is Serena and I am 11. I would love to have the opportunity for a part in the Decendants. I’m white and 4’9” ,long dark blonde hair, blue eyes, 102 pounds. I’m cyber schooled at home with my sister. I can draw cartoons and animation well and have made some of my own short cartoons. My little sister and I love to voice act and just act in general. We have grown up watching Disney movies and the Disney channel and love the movies and shows. My sister Andrea who is 9 almost 10 would love to be considered for anything you may need for the movie. She is about 4”8′ and 80lbs. She has medium long dark blonde hair, green eyes. We are willing to play any role you may need but prefer good people instead of bad guys. We are from Pennsylvania. Thank you very much.:)
I am 14 years old and am fascinated with acting preforming in font of cameras and on stage.
I’m 5’4
I have very long brown hair
lightly tanned skin
my eyes are blue, green, and hazel.
*I can sing. I can act I’m very fun outgoing and easy to get along with. I am not skinny but I’m not thick I’m an easy between
Hey , my name is julia . I am 9 years old in 4th grade. i can sing , dance and act . I hope u pick me . Thank you
Hiii my name is savannah and I’m 13 years old brown hair brown eyes I’m 5,3 and weigh 97 pounds.im in beauty pageants and I would love to be a part of the descendants cast
Hello! I’m Linda and I have been growing up watching Disney Channel for as long as I could remember! It would be an honor to be in the new series Descendants. I am a girl, I am 12 years old (Almost 13) I have brown eyes, and brown curly hair. I have been in school drama productions since Kindergarten and if you ask my family, I am always acting around the house! I recently was in a school production of the movie “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” and that’s when I realized I love acting. I just think the ability of being able to express yourself as a different person is such a great experience in learning about different types of people. I am 5″3 and I’m in pretty good shape. I love all the Disney stories and I’ve watched all the movies. Being the daughters of one of them could be a really good fit for me. Especially maybe if my parents were evil but I was born with a kind heart and chose to not follow my parents’ paths. I don’t know, I think that would be an interesting idea if I were in a role in this.
About myself:
~I am a really kind person and just enjoy the feeling of making others smile. It’s the best feeling ever and acting fits with it perfectly, because entertaining makes others smile. I am also a very enthusiastic girl and I love laughing and making others laugh. Thank you! :)
Hello my name is Unique and I’m 11 years old I love acting and singing I think this will be a wonderful oppritunitie.I’m very energetic and I have an awesome and humorus personaility.Thank You!
Trust me
I’m 54 inches
91 pounds
Brown hair
Brown eyes
And totally determined
Well, I have brown hair, brown eyes, I’m 54 inches tall, and I’m 91 lbs I’m kinda short cause I’m 10 years old, but I’m determined and confident. I’ll be sure to make you proud.
This is my dream. i love disney channel, i am 10 years old, and i’m pretty good at singing and acting. thanks for your time!
Hi I’m Morgan! I filled out an application and I wanted to tell you a little more about me! First of all this sounds like an amazing show/movie and I would love to take part in the making of it!!
I am 13 years old.
I have auburn hair.
I’m 5’3.
My birthday is May 30th, 2001.
I’m very athletic. I play volleyball and run track.
I am in the eighth grade.
I think this sounds like a great part for me and have always wanted to be a part of disney! I hope you consider me for a part in this movie/show! Any questions please email me!!! PLEASE PLEASE CONSIDER ME
i am 13 years old, i have been acting for 8 years in mostly student films and plays but i have grown an interest in television.
Hello, my name is Cameron and I am 11 years old (12 in December) and 5’3 in height. I love the concept of this movie and would be very greatful to take part in it, please contact me if you would like to learn more about me.
Hello! I’ve read about this and found it very interesting. Please consider letting me audition, and I hope to see you sometime soon!
Blond hair
Blue eyes
Loves to sing, dance, and act
Great personality
hello my name is jessica im 13 and I have been in drama since second grade or 9 years old. I was in several plays such as alice in wonderland and i have been in many skits. I ussally that girl who trys to look stupid to get a laugh so i love making people smile but i also have the skill to stay serious when i had a good day i usally act out my day im gonna be honest i might add a boy in there sometimes I can act shy, cool, pretty. I can play the ages from 13 – 18 it would just be amazing if i could be apart of this experience and i hope my acting career takes off
Hi i’m kieran o’leary and i am dying to be on theis moive.
Age 11
Birthday 7/12/3
Hi i am 13 turning 14 and i am 5’3 and i would love to play a part in a role even if im in the backround – thank you!!
My name is Brooke Silence and I am 16 years old with long brown hair and blue eyes. I’m 5’2” and 120lbs. I think this would be a great experience and I can promise you, I won’t disappoint. Contact me at bsilence13@gmail.com.
Height: 5′ 3″
Weight: 95 lbs
Age: 12
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: Asian
Hi, My name is Taylor Gregg and I am 13 going to be 14 in april and ever since I can remember I have watched disney channel and I have always want to be an actress I don’t think that there could be a better place to start than Disney. And I think that it would be amazing to be in this movie , and also an awesome expierience . I’m 13 but i could pass inbetween the ages of 14 and 18 i’m about 5″9 and slender I have brown hair and blueish green eyes. I hope you consider me Thank You,
Sincerely, Taylor Gregg
HI Kieran and acting has been a dream of mine and this opportunity would blow my mind.
I’m 13 super pretty and lots of fun I think the pretty part just about sums it up so choose me I love Disney it is the best I this sounds really good
I’m Lorelei, I’m 12 years old. I’d love to be apart of a Disney movie. Especially if its about the famous villians. Growing up I was in love with them. I had the movies, the dolls the hair accessories and posters and etc. I recently watched the new movie about Maleficent and it was very interesting seeing her story. It would be cool to play one of the villians daughter or son. I personally would pick Maleficent. It would be interesting because every princess had a happy ever after, except the villians. It would be cool to see there storys when they had kids. So i think it would be cool to play a descendant.
Please messege me if you do consider me for an audition i could play an extra but it doesnt matter so thank you bye
Oh and btw i would best play for a character that is very sarcastic because i myself am sarcastic so maybe i could be a daugter of Little Red Riding Hood? Anyways thanks for reading (if you did) LOVE YA!
– Maddie <3
Hi, my name is Madison Smith as you can see from the title. But most people just call me Maddie. I am not expirianced i acting but i can act and i think that this would be a great oppurtunity to start a acting career. Especially with something you love so much! AKA Disney :) I think b the way i look a d my personality i would best fit for a daughter of belle but seeing that they don’t have a daughter whatever will be fine :) Here are some facts about me:
HAIR: Dirty blondish; naturaly wavy, 2-3 inches past shoulders
EYES: Green/Blue/Some Hazel/ Some gray yes these colors are all in both my eyes (sometimes my eye color changes :)
RACE: White
SKIN: Tannish (i can be mistaken for a mexican)
AGE: 11 turning 12 april 1, 2015 (some people mistaken me as 9 because of my height)
PERSONALITY: Bubbly, book worm, artsy, acting, sometimes can be shy, funny, weird, crazy (sometimes)
HOME: I live in a small town in TEXAS!
Hope you take me into consideration! Thank you :)
– Maddie <3
My name is Jack McDonough. I am 14 years old. I have been in all of my school plays as starring roles. I am slightly tan with soft brown hair and brown eyes. I am 5 feet tall and weigh around 100 pounds. I have been watching Disney channel since I was 2 and I loved it. I still do. Acting (and singing) is my passion. It’s my favorite thing to do. Please consider me for an audition. Belle and Beast could use a son like me! Thank you!
Height: 5′
Weight: 100lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Tan – ish
Gender: Male
Accent: Normal american accent but able to do many
My Name Is Taveion Coleman and Im 18. Im Looking For A Good Way To Start My Acting Career. I Do Sports and Dance. I Love Acting. I Love Entertaining People.
hi im jimena, my dream is being an actor and a singer and im good at singing and acting and also at dancing, i hear is brown but it seems a little black i have brown eyes im tall and skinny and i really think that i have the things that are necessary for this movie.
hope you consider me thank you so much!
Hi, I would love to be in this movie:
I am 13 (almost 14) I’m a little short for my age, I have really blonde hair down to my lower back, green eyes sometimes blue. I hope you consider me playing a role :)
Hey my name is maddie winchell and im looking for a great way to start my acting career… im 14 years old with green eyes and brown hair. im 5’0 and weigh about 100 pounds and this would be a great experience. I hope you consider me thank you!
Hi my name is Malia. I am 19 years old. I have been told many times that I have a cute voice. Some people over the phone have mistaken me for an 11 year old, 10 year old, one time someone said I sound like i’m 6. My voice varies depending upon my mood. I have a bubbly personality and I am a huge Disney fan. I attended a school for the arts and have taken acting classes. While my appearance isn’t up to standards, my voice and ability to step into the mind of different characters is up to par.
Hi my name is Anastasia and i love disney channel! I have long dirtyblonde hair and emerald green eyes..I’ve been performing for the last 2 years and I am an actress who has studied drama. I have been leads in many plays too. I dont have much experience but acting is my life, my passion. I hope you will give me the opportunity to show you that i deserve to be a part of this show and make my dreams come true!
Hey I have been looking everywhere for an audition and I think I found the one. I have wanted be an actress since I can remember.
I am 15 year old have dark brown hair and brown eyes. The only problem is that I live in the Netherlands but I hope you can give me a chance.
Hello my name is Amie Woodhouse I come from a small town in Northern Ireland. I adore everything Disney and this new movie sounds amazing even If I don’t get a role I can’t wait to see what this film has in store. Anyway I have dreamed of being an Actress from a very young age, I sing dance and of course act. It would be an fantastic opportunity for me I hope you find who you are looking for to act out these roles even and especially if i am not cast.
Thank you for reading this
Yours faithfully
Amie Woodhouse
Oh, yeah almost forgot I live in Pierce City, Missouri my phone number is 417-489-3950
also I’m playing Aladdin in the play Aladdin, and I’m a girl. I think playing in a tale of fairy tale change would be fun and I loved the last movie Zapped it was so good.
Hi my name is Ayia and I love Disney channel I have always wanted to be on Disney channel since I was 8 years old I really really really want to be an actress and I have applied everywhere but all are scams please please give me a chance.
My name is Brynthia Adams and I love Beauty and the Beast. Being in a show about thier desendent would be amazing. I have many different talents.
Height: 5’3”
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Weight: 120
Hobbies: Soccer, Colorguard, Reading, Playing Violin, Cooking
Special Skills: Acting, Soccer Goalie, Colorguard
Acting Credits: Dallas in my seventh grade school play, Snow White in fifth grade
Gender: Female
Hi Im a 12 and can be easy dress like a 14 year old girl , Im a white girl, im 5ft2in and 97pounds I have dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes, and I can sing , I have good memory, and I love acting and Im very dedicated to my job:) thanks.
and,and,and… why not , it will be fun !!!
Hi, I’m Julia Hyatt. I would really love to be in this film since I have grown up with Disney and I love it.
Age: 13 (I look a bit younger though, maybe 11 or 12)
Height: 5’2″
Weight: about 90 pounds
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Brown, pretty long
Eyes: Brown
I am very adventurous, and I love ziplining, rock climbing, etc. I play both basketball and lacrosse. I am in my school’s band where I play saxophone, but I also play guitar as a hobby. I am in eighth grade, and I have all A’s in all advanced classes. I also have many hobbies like acting, baking, fishing, hiking, going to the beach, etc.
My dream is to play Christine Daae but I would love to be in your movie. I’m 5’3 and I have wavy, shoulder length brown hair
Hi, my name is Lauren, can I please be in your movie. I’m eleven and I’m an amazing singer
I have always wanted to be in a disney show or movie. I have been watching Disney Channel for almost my whole life. I’m usually very outgoing. I’m energetic. I do gymnastics, I can sing, I do dance and I’m in an audition required dance company. I have always enjoyed acting. I don’t have that much experience but I am good at it.
Age: 13
Height: About 5 ft. 1-2 in.
Weight: About 95 lbs.
Hair: lightesh dark brown hair, little past shoulder
Eyes: hazel, and depends on what I’m wearing
Skin: Tan
I would love to be in a Disney movie. I’ve watched a lot of Disney things and thought, I would love to do this.
Age: 9 (I look older)
Height:About 4 ft.2 in.
Weight:About 90 lbs.
Hair:Dark Brown and 6 in. over shoulder length
Eyes:Dark Brown
Skin: Tan
I would really love to be in the new Disney movie Descendants, I think it will be fun and hope you give me a chance. I speak my mind and can play both mean and nice, due to my off and on attitude. I have brown hair, speak English only, I have blue eyes I believe I’m 5 foot 2 but not really sure. I talk a lot and care for and help other a lot. I love Disney Channel, oh yeah and I’m 15 years old and I hope you consider me, thanks!
Hello! My name is Nora Lapena. I’ve seen this trailer on YouTube many times and an opportunity to be included in this film even as an extra well be such a great experience to have. I have taken a few acting class from Gary Spatz: The Playground, but because of financial issues I was not about to continue. II love to dance play the guitar and piano, and I sing a little. This experience will greatly help me to grow my hopeful potentials. I greatly appreciate your time for reading this.
Name: Nora Lapena
Age: 17 soon 18
Height: 5’4
Nationality: Southern Asia
Hair color: Dark dark brown
Eye: Dark dark brown
I don’t have a website but I have Facebook so yeah (=^^=)
Im Angelic, ever since I was little i always wanted to a actress. I really have lots to learn,but i pick up things very quite. I am 13 years old and very smart. I am known to be the “funny insane one” to my friends but still make senses. I don’t have any experience but my family always call me a dramatic one or little miss actor. I like to make suspense or something with and big BOOM!!!!! I speak english and spanish. I play a trumpet and guitar. I also sing. Im every emotional when it comes to a sad part or anger. If you decide to pick me Please email me at jesusfreakforever2@gmail.com or call my mother at 407-619-0396
Name: Angelic Torres
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Skin tone: Tan
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Age: 13
Thank you!!!
My name is Casey Burton and I am 12 years old. I have long blonde hair and green eyes. I am a cheerleader for our school and I take currently take dance, chorus, tumbling, and took drama last year. I have been a singer and dancer since I was three years old and enjoy every part of acting.
I am a very positive and energetic person and I would enjoy working on Descendants.
Respectfully submitted,
Casey Burton
Hi my name is Christine and i’m from the philippines and I would like to audition. I am 15 and soon to be 16 at Oct 25. My hobbies are singing, dancing and acting. But I also play volleyball, basketball and badminton. I was hoping if I could get a role in dixsney because love to act and show off my talents infront of people and in the big screens. I’m gonna be a college student next year. I am a filipina and 5’6″ tall. Brown hair and black eyes. If you give me a chance to ne part of this movie then its a very big blessing to me do that I can help my family.
Hoping for your reply.
Hey! I’m from Barcelona, Spain.
My email: carlacapdevila10@hotmail.com
I enjoy acting since I was little, I love it. I’m cheerful and friendly person.
Age: 13
Height: 1,63 cm
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Thank you!!
Name:kyla m knebel
Hair:dark brown natural color is blonde
Eyes:light brown
Body type:medium
Factual features:fecals long lashes dimples
Talents:i been in plays i was in commercials and i was in lots of short movies i can sing a little i can control my emoshions i can cry on q
Why i should be in the show:i always wanted to be on disney when i was 7 i loved watching the show and now that im older i really want to be in the show plz plz plz i always wanted to act im like jessie im a struggleing actress im watching it right now im not the ritchest but plz make my acting dream com true thank u for reading this
I would love to be in this episode because I love acting and I love to dance and sing a lot . I am 12 years old but also very tall.
Hey! My name is Veronica, I’m 14 years old and I live in Miami, FL. I’m a huge fan of all Dysney’s princesses. I’m Latina, so I can speak english and Spanish fluently. I also play the piano, and I’m a pretty good actress. If you need any more info about me please send me an e-mail. Thanks!
I have only experience in the field of school Chorus/Drama but i dare you to give me a chance , you WILL NOT be disappointed.
Again Thanks!
-Autumn Manning
Hey my name is Autumn Manning but my Stage Name will be November Rain.I live in Georgia , and I am willing to follow my dreams and if that includes moving to get this part I’m all down.I would love to get this part!!! It Seems so awesome!!!
Height-5 ft. 7 in.
Hair-Black or Brown (dye) but i am willing to dye hair for a good part
Eyes-Light Brown with green in them sometimes
Extra Notes-I have a Southern Accent , Play Guitar , Very Funny , and talented writing.Also, i can kinda sing but can write very good songs.
My name I Eva. I have always loved the disney charecters it would be amazing to be on disney. More than amazing a dream come true.
I am 13. I am about 5 feet and 70 lbs.
I have been told I look like sabrina carpenter. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. Please consider.
Name: Grecia Dominguez
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown.
I love live action things. I wish I could be on “Descendants.” It sounds interesting. I’ve been waiting for this moment to finally get on a related Disney show. I hope you can accept me.
Hello , I’m Jessenia I’m 14 people say i look older i am white , puerto rican , & African America mix with lots of things , It would be a really big honor to be on this movie i’ve been watching disney movies since birth i had every single princess painted on my wall when i was younger i loved movies like these ! i was in a frozen play at my school i played elsa which was really fun . I’m a cheerleader at my school which makes me really bubbly & i play soccer which also makes me determined to get things right . I go out of my city for cheering & soccer which makes me life pretty busy . But my whole life i have always wanted to be an actor and if i got this part it would make me so proud even if you make me an extra that would still make everything perfect to me . If you read this thanks for taking you time out have a nice day thanks (:
Hi! My name is Callie Reid. In the past few years I have been in multiple productions and have been in the drama class at my school for the past two yrs. Acting is very important to me, it’s a place where I can escape and be myself in front of my peers, without being judged on the things I enjoy and/or like. Frankly sometimes I’m embarrassed when I tell people that I love fantasy, make believe, and of course dragons. But acting is a way through which I can express my feelings without being criticized. It doesn’t really matter to me what type of role I get, what matters most to me is the experience.
About Me:
Hair: Auburn
Eye Color: brown/blonde or greenish
Age:12 almost 13
Weight:96 lbs
Grade: 7th
Interesting Facts about me:
I enjoy singing
I play soccer
I used to play football(flag)
I have freckles
Where are these auditions being held
My name is Michelle Csigi (age 19; 5’3″; Eyes: Brown; Hair: Dark Black) living in Oahu, Hawaii. I have always wanted to become a disney princess or villain since I was 6 years old. Been inspired by previous disney casts growing; and my dream has been to be a part of a disney cast. I am now taking theatre at my current college and experienced my first audition for an upcoming play called “Clockwork” which has characters such as Prince Charming, Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping beauty. Hoping you folks will consider my interest for the Descendants. I believe this show is interesting and twisted with overlapping villains. I can’t wait for the turn out!
Much Mahalo
I take part in my community plays and I really want to be an actress. Out of everything I want to be on Disney channel. I hear so many great things about Disney and I want to be part of that. I’m a twelve year old girl and I love to act. I play volleyball and I have pretty good grades in school. I’ve gone through some rough times and some great times. I love to read and my favorite genre is fiction…So Descendants sounds amazing!!!!!! I have shoulder length dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I’m about 5’3 and I’m Caucasian. I really want to be an actress so please do something to get me on this show!
Hi guys, my name is Liam and i am from a small country town in New South Wales Australia… I’m not anyone special… i havent had a lot growing up… but i guess i cant complain… i have a roof over my head and food in my stomach. I have been acting and making videos since i can remember and acting is the number one thing i want to do in life and i know that nobody owes me anything and nobody will give me anything.. but i can have anything in this world if i want it bad enough and work hard enough for it. Which i am prepared to do! Even if you don’t chose me for this i will still be pursuing acting with everything i have and work my entire life until I obtain my dreams!
I have been watching Disney channel and for a long time and always sit around trying to create a charactor for myself on the show and practice my acting and always just invision myself as an actor on the show. I am very easy to work with, a very fast learner and a huge team player.
I cant make you chose me… but i can guarantee you that if you do you will not be disappointed as i pride myself on bringing everything i can to the table and really getting to know the character i am portraying and put myself in their shoes.
Heres some information about me!
Age: 14
Height: 5 foot 11 inches
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair colour: Dark Blonde
Eye colour: blue
Traits: Long eyelashes, Short styled hair, tall slender build
Achievements: Gold swimming medal won at a national level, lead roles in multiple school plays, Televised interview at a Youth Eco Summit, Bronze medallion life saving and CPR course certificate, multiple swimming medals at State levels. Highest marks in my class in drama and heaps of other both sporting and acting achievements.
I have little experience in being an actor, but for me I think that this would be a good shot for me to help out my family, and to be good at something. I can cry on command and am a very fun,loving, and caring person.I also love the show once upon a time.
Race: Mix of Mexican and African American.
Age: 13
Hair:Short but kinda curly.
Weight:A little bit chubby,pudgy,stocky.
People think I’m adorable with a high voice.
Hi! My names Sabrina but everyone calls me Sam. I have been watching Disney since I was a little girl and would absolutely adore being on one of the shows and or movies. I really want to become a remembered actor, someone who’s known. I want to inspire people that it’s not impossible to reach your dreams or goals. The theme of this has also caught my attention since the villain’s are something I am rather interested in. I also have a bubbly personality and can portray many emotions.
Name: Sabrina Martinez
Height: 5’3
Hair color/type: Black/curly
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Thank you for reading this and hopefully consider me for the role.
Hello, my name is Miles Borden, and I would really like to audition for this movie. My biggest role to date is Prospero in the Tempest which was performed at the Chief Theater in my hometown in Colorado. I am a 5’2 Male age 13 with hazel green eyes and short brown hair
Hi my name is Savannah Pero I am 13 years old almost 14 and ever since I was little I always wanted to be in a movie or tv show and my dad always supported me but he just recently passed I am very good at singing and dancing and very athletic and this would be a great opertonitie for me. I would be great in any open roles or spots you have for me.
Hello my name is bridie Sheedy,
I am a thirteen year girl, I live in wellington, New Zealand and have a passion for acting! At the moment I am acting as Timon in the lion king production we we doing at school, I am very good at acting but no so good at singing, which Is what let me down from getting Simba. I have been looking at something to audition for, for years now! This opportunity is so good! I would be happy to be even considered, and am very happy playing any role. I have been told I have a natural acting talent, as I am quite a drama queen! I love acting and do it all the time! I jumped at this opportunity! It would mean the world to me if I got given a part, or even an audition! I am a scholarship student if that helps with anything! Thank you so much for taking your time to even read my form!
Warm regards
Bridie Sheedy
Hope to hear from you soon!
Ethnicity: European
Height: 158 cm
Hair: light brown, sandy hair. Just past shoulder length
Eyes: brown
Special features: freckles and a great big smile! :)
Hello I am brandon I live in Tampa Florida im “5.10” red hair 13 years old and ive been watching Disney since I’ve been a baby and would love to play in this movie.
Hey! My name is Au’Reon Deramus and im a HUGE fan of disney and its magical characters. I like the villians more thn the heroes because the villians make the heroes. Im a track runner and Im very smart. Im the kinda guy who wont stop trying until i get it.I would like to be the child of a villian BUT i also accept heroes, whatever you guys choose is fine! Here is some basic information on me:
Name: Au’Reon Deramus
Gender: Male
Height: 5’3
Ethnicity: African American
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black, cut
Age: 12
HI, I am interested to work in this film. I am a 67 years old Asian female but look younger. I love acting. I finished acting for films, improv and commercial workshops. I hope you will consider me to work as an extra or in any stand in role that may match me with a character in the film. Thank you.
i have always wanted to be an actor and i have been on this website looking for aditions for a while now so i would really like to be a actor
Hi I am a 15, soon to be 16 year old female. I love acting and have been in acting camps, and plays for school & my family puts on plays. I would love to be a part of this.
Gender: Male
Height: 6’2
Weight: 185lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
age: 18
Location: Sydney Australia
Just trying to make a dream a reality,
Hallo.My name is Anastasia, I’m 14 years old. I want to be an actress and I think that Desendants is really cool movie. I think that I am the person that you need. Thank you for attention.
hi i’m yoni stanley , i’m 5’7 im 13 years old and i have a love for acting, dancing, and singing. i have watched disney channel my whole entire life and i think i would be good for roll in any disney show as long as im doing what i love.
Hello my name is Nunzia Battaggia…
I am 11 years old and i live in Venezuela.
I am 153cm witch brown eyes and long black hair.
I speak two lenguages fluently , Italian , Spanish and am studyng
My dream come true would be to take part in a film . I can sing , dance and play the piano .
Looking forward to hearing from you
Hi my name is Emeril I really like to act.I have been in school plays and in talent shows.I even got second place before.Iam fourteen years old going to be fifthteen in October.Iam 5’3 and I’m African american.I’m in football and I play baskeball.I really dont like to just sit in the house I like to be active.I dont wanna act for the fame and the money I wanna act to be successful in life.So if I get a chance I’ll show you what I can do.So email me or call me you already have me information.Thank you and have a good day.
Hi my name is alberto my dream is to be a show. I’m jrotc in high school my favorite disney character is captain hook I’m 19 years old.
I am 5,2/3
Eye colour: greeny,bluey,brown
Hair colour red but will dye if needed
Hi im savannah bailie im 16 years old and will be 17 in july 2015 i live in monkstown northern ireland and was wondering if i could possibly get an audition for descendants? I take GCSE drama and am a pretty good actor so if you could get back to me i would be very grateful thankyou!
Hello, I would love to audition for one of the roles but I’m not sure if this is strictly for american actors only, so are people from other countries allowed to apply? If someone could tell me that would be great! Thanks.
Hi my name is brandy alvarez,i am 11 years old ,I’ve always wanted to be an actor or singer but acting i like more,I’ve been in school plays such as the story of the mayflower,and many other more .ive watched the Disney channel and i love all the shows ,i could even make accents of any kind ,i could play any character so please recommend Brandy Alvarez for a role in this movie .
me encantaria partisparen
Hi! I’m Cristina a 15 year old girl who doesn’t only love acting but lives it! Ever since I was little I have always wanted to take this path in my life. When I act I’m in another world! I would love to be in this movie because I love Disney and I think I would be a fun person to work with and I will have a lot of fun doing it :) and I hope I can be one of your choices. I hope this movie becomes a success.
Hello my name is June Jeong. I am Korean, so I am particularly going for the role of Mulan’s descendant. I am 5’3, 113 lbs, live in Orange County, 15 years old, and I love singing and acting. My natural hair is black, but right now I have it dyed dark brown. You guys are the ones that make dreams come true, so I would like mine to become true just like the actors and actresses on your channel right now. Thank you so much for giving me this chance.
Hey! Spencer here. Since I was younger I used to get bullied a lot, it felt like no one was listening or helping. I turned to writing and performing and it helped me so much. I love to write poetry, act, dance, and sing. I’ve been in choir at my school, dance team at my school, acting at church and school, and writing for a long time even before the bullying. I want to inspire people and make sure they know no matter your past you can achieve your dreams. I’ve always wanted to act as a career no matter the struggles. Ive been running track and cheering since I was six also. I hope my dreams come true so I can live it and so I can inspire others. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and hopefully you pick me for any job you have out there.
Name: Spencer Shelton
Gender: Female
Height: 5’0
Ethnicity: African American
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Age: 16
Hello! I am 13, soon to be 14, I am a girl. I have long hair and my height is about 5’3.
I know 3 languages and I am a fast learner, my dream has been to become an actress since the age of 7. I know how to do multiple accents and I am in theatre classes. I have been in two plays at my school. Everyone I meet tells me that I should become an actress. It’s my passion, and I love to make people laugh.
It would truly be an honour to be picked, Thank you.
Hi everyone,
My name is georgia and i am a young aspiring actress , age 14 who loves performing for anyone and everyone. i have had 7 years of drama, school musocal and dance experience so im ready for anything you all throw at me…. i think. Being on stage and performing is my passion and i hope you would be able to make my dreams come true.
Im a dedicated hard worker and i would love to be granted a role in this production.
many thanks Georgia
My name is Jennie. I have a great personality great sense of humor eager to learn eager to please. just a down to earth humble person would love to be a part of your project.
Hi my name is Emeril and I am fourteen years old.I really like acting I have been in plays when I was in the fifth grade.And I also was in a talent show and got 2nd place.And I’m also in wrestling.What I like to do is play football and to ride my bike.I’m not trying to act for the fame I’m trying to act so I can be successful in life so if I get a chance I’ll show you what I can do.
Hi! My name’s Margherita, i’m 14 and i live in Italy. i really want to play a part in the movie descendant. i live in italy but it isn’t a problem for me! i’m 1,73 high and i’ve got long straight brown hair. i learned dance when i was baby and i can sing very well. PLEASE TAKE THIS COMMENT SERIOUSLY. here in italy we don’t have many possibilities to became someone or play in a movie. I watch the disney’s movies since i was a little girl. please, GIVE ME A CHANCE.
Hello, my name is Mackenzie Versluys. I am 11 years old and I live in Hemet, CA. Iwould love to work on this show. It would be spectacular if I could get a chance to work with all of the actors, actresses, and crew. I have lots of talents, hobbies, and sports that could come in handy in this t.v. show or movie. Please give me a chance to prove my worth at an audition.
Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m 16 and I would love to be a part of this. I’ve always loved the Disney Channel shows and movies, and it would be a dream come true to play in this.
I absolutely love the idea of this movie! I know that you already have almost 500 submissions but I hope that you will at least take a look at mine. My name is Renee York, I live in Sandpoint, Idaho and I’m 13. I have light blue eyes and my hair is a red toned dark blonde with natural light blonde streaks, I have never dyed my hair, and I am from 5′ 4-6″. I absolutely LOVE singing and this summer I sang the Star-Spangled Banner in front of 2,500 people! Acting, is my dream job (then again it’s everyone’s). I expect that you are very busy and I hope I don’t waste your time. If you need further details I can be reached by my email: ReneeRose0514@gmail.com
Thanks for reading,
Renee York <3
Hi! My name is Elizabeth McBride,I live in LA and I am 10 years old I am also about 5 ft and I love disney it’s one of the greatest things that anyone in the world can make and just make it so magical.Anyways I am 10 years old and just want to be an actor my friends and me would make up stories and just act it out and I get so into it and it’s so fun.I actually was going to be on disney channel but I had to go to Hawaii and if I could I would stay I would.Well that’s all and I hope I could be an actor
Thank you
I will love to be in the cast of descendants it will be fantastic for me. I am a great actor.im male, I’m five feet tall I have brown eyes and I’m African American.
I am a great singer and actor,i’m 14 years old and I have been watching Disney since I was 4 years old. And I will be gratefull if I can get an act in any of your shows please. I will love to sing and act for Disney,and I can dance a little. so call me at 4694331 or 4625196.
Hi , my name is Aaliyah and my dream passion and everything is to dance and act and to be on the disney channel show Jessie because i really love that show i want to be able to have this opportunity because i want to become famous and i really want to be on the show jessie so please please please let me have this opportunity i will be a great actress please
This is awesome. I’ve been waiting my whole life to get a chance in a Disney Channel movie. But I always had one big problem. I live in Belgium and my parents didn’t want me to go to America on my own, until I was 18. Lucky me, I’m 18 now! I really like acting and Disney of course, it’s so much fun. I’ve been a dancer since I was little too. I really want to be an actress.
Love, peace x
Hi!!! My name is Kylie I am currently 13 years old, I LOVE acting!!! I have been in multiple plays, I play piano and do a little tumbling. I have dreamed about being in a movie all my life!! I am Brave, silly, and a good learner!! I can be serious when I need to be(unless someone tries to make me laugh). I would absolutely LOVE to be in this movie!! Please consider. THANKS!!! ;)
Hi my name is Sophia Francesca Morgan and I would love being in this movie because Disney movies are my favorite. At the top of my list are the stories about the children of older Disney characters. Like Lion King 2. But most of all I just love to act and I can’t think of a better place to start a career than with Disney. I have been in many plays including Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol”.
age: 10
grade: 5th
hair: dark brown
eyes: brown
height: 4’4
weight: 57 lbs
Ok this ones a no way for me but oh well.. I think this will be a good update on the beauty and the beast! I always loved that movie :)
I’m Enoch Adelani and this is my story:
I’m currently 14 live in the small state Connecticut and have the dream to become big. Most people say I’m smarter than I look ha! But I use this to my advantage I come of as a small cute shy boy but one I’m comfortable you’ll know how fiery I really am I say I have a mouth on me and some say my words are like a blade sometimes. I’ve been a singer dancer actor since I was 2. Although my parents never took me serious until this summer of 2014 where I was the star Sebastian in our musical: The little Mermaid. I know Disney is the way to break into the industry and that’s what I’m going to do no one stoping me! I’m short 4’9 to be exact, brown, brown glassy reflective eyes and black hurr!!And my name is great very trademarkble lol.
hello peeps. So i am a very tallented guy and ive been in a new amsterdam theatre aladdin show 2 years ago and i am dreaming to be an actor. It has been my dream the rest of my life. and i am also athletic. and please if you are interested please mail me at zikrich@gmail.com. okie dokie.
Hello, my name is Kat. I really want to stand out from the rest. So this comment can’t help but make me feel the same as everyone else; just dying for a role in a film or t.v. show or animation. And now, I will say this. Please consider me. Acting is all I’ve ever dreamed about. I can show everyone that they were wrong. That I can do something with my life. But anyway… I am 5’5-5’6, 150 lbs. My eyes are brown, and so is my natural hair color. My skin tone is “white”. My age is 14. I can act, sing, and dance. I also have the weird talent of changing my voice to match someone else’s to a T. But please, don’t go asking to change myself just for the sake of your “Show”. I will not do so. You don’t have to be perfectly skinny or anything, as long as you can portray a character, right? And let me know ahead of time if you’d like to use me, I’ll need sometime to get things arranged. I thank you for your time, goodbye. Hopefully we will meet sometime.
Hi! I am 13 years old, but can play any age from 12 to 16. I have blonde hair, hazel eyes, clear Caucasian skin, average weight and i am 5’5, 5’6. I love acting and take drama and acting classes every year. I am willing to go anywhere for filming! Please do consider me. I am funny, kind, lovable, and i love to talk. I am OK with taking criticism. Please consider me. I would be honored if you chose me to be in the movie. I would be honored if you even just barely considered me. Thank you!
Alyssa Kira
Hi my name is Crystal. I really would like to join your new Disney creation. i would be a great asset on your crew. thanks
My name is Kellee Elise Martini. I was born in 2001. I have been acting and singing since I was seven, doing plays at my community theatre with roles that included Joe in Little Women, the Wicked Witch of the West in Wizard of Oz, Chef Louis in Little Mermaid and many other supporting roles. In 2012, I attended The Acting Camp in Santa Barbara, California under the direction of Erik Lingvall where I learned valuable skills and information about the business. I am currently learning to play the piano and guitar.
hight- 5’3
hair color- light brown
hair length- lower back
eye color- blue
weight- 101 lbs
ethnicity- caucasian
age roles- 10-16
I hope to make a Huge Splash in the world through my love of acting and singing. I would greatly appreciate being considered for an audition or role in an upcoming Disney movie or TV show.
Thank you
Hi I am Richard,
I have been the lead in 4 different school musicals/plays. I do gymnastics,soccer,flag football,have a camo belt in taekwondo,base ball,and run track. I am in advanced coir at my school that scored a 9.5 (out of 10) in Hershey championships.I play the drums,piano,and cello also for my school. I am a computer wizard and a serous gamer. My favorite subject science. I started acting when I was 6 doing just small background jobs. I love acting because of the thrill it gives you. just being someone totally different or exactly the same is exiting and exhilarating; because through the process of becoming and embracing the character give me a a certain feeling that I just love.
Gender- Male
Hair- black
Eyes- brown
Age- 12- turning 13
Skin color- Dark brown (chestnut)
Weight- 102 pounds
Height- 5 foot 2″
i could talk about how good I am I could be what I’m not all I am saying is give me one chance to make it and you won’t be disappointed.
Hi, my name is Chloe Ann Hamilton.I am excited for an opportunity to be in a disney movie ( Maleficent, or a cast member on Disney Channel Movies). I am able to sing,act,dance and very inspired by my family and friends! I would be honored for an opportunity to try out via video or if you wish, I can come to your studios for final reviews. I live in Grand Rapids,Michigan and willing to travel for acting,singing and dancing.
Thank You, Chloe Hamilton
I really would love to be a part of this movie that sounds like its gonna be awesome and I just hope you can take me to be part of it and start my dream.
Ive audtioned for disney twice and many people gave me cards but at that momment i was busy with moving and what not but now i am ready to do what i allways wanted my name is cali flugence and i want this audtion more then anything i am a poet,and singer i am cute and smart I WANT AND NEED THIS AUDTION I AM A FEMALE 11 YEARS OLD
hi, my name is Ciara, and I would love to audition for this movie. I feel like this would be a good opportunity for my starting my acting career. I am 4’11 and im 13 years old. I have brown hair and brown eyes and tan skin. thanks for reading this
Hi my name is Amy, I’m 15 years old, have mousey brown hair, dark green eyes and a constant smile on my face.
I have always loved acting, singing and dancing and have preformed some lead roles in an amateur dramatic theatre company in my local area.
I have always had a strange love for Disney movies even at my age and continue to watch them all the time, I would love to have the chance to be involved in something as amazing as a Disney movie because I think it would be an amazing experience and sounds really fun. I would also love the opportunity to maybe play a darker character as in previous performances I have always played the ‘good girl’.
thank you and I really hope you will consider me to play a part in your movie.
Hi my name is Damla,
I am 14 years old and I can speak 3 languages: German, Turkish and english. I love acting and DISNEY it would ake mme very happy if I could attend to this movie
Age: 14
Height: 5’3
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair: chestnut brown
Eyes: dark brown
As I said I woud love acting, Disney and also dancing :)
Hi my name is Damla,
I am 14 years old and I can speak 3 languages: German, Turkish and english. I love acting and DISNEY it would ake mme very happy if I could attend to this movie
Age: 14
Height: 5’3
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair: chestnut brown
Eyes: dark brown
I am a fifteen year old Caucasian female of roughly 125 lbs and 5″5 height. I should also mention that I wear braces. I have been performing in a private theatre company since I was eight and have been doing some light assisting and instructing during this past year as well; so I am not unexperienced. I have nearly always operated in live theatre, acting and singing, but strive to peruse this passion and branch out and I would love to express my interest in this project.
Hi. I have been watching disney channels for as long as I can remember. I can’t say that its always been my dream to be an actress, but as the years have gone by I have become much more fond of the idea. All I want to do now is act and ever since and I have wanted to be an actress I have always wished that if I do get an acting jobs that it would be for a fun channel like disney.
My name is Karina, I´m from Venezuela and I´m 16 years old. I believe that I can be part of this show because it would be really good to have a latin presence. Some of my friends say that they loved The Wizards of Beverly Place even more when they found out that Selena has latin family, so they felt more related to the show and with Selena herself. Plus, my acting and singing skills are good and I´m improving them as well. On the other hand, I´m really good to work with and love making people laugh hard.
I have experience of being on stage since I had 5 years old and I learn really fast!
To end with, I want to make emphasis that I know that it won´t be easy at all, but, I will put my heart and lot of effort (and of course fun) on it to improve and share with you and the audience lwhat I love the most
Hi! My name is Basil Chatha, I’m 15 years old and I’m from Cedar Falls, Iowa. I have recently been signed to an agent- check them out: bratty model.com — Well anyway, I am 5′ 8.5″ and I am 135lbs. As I have gotten an agent, I am very committed to this industry and would love to be part of this production. I am very outgoing and I can pull of many accents-if you could tell by my name, I am Pakistani but born in the US so don’t have a natural accent but can pull many off and have been told I’m quite funny which a disney channel show actor should be. I am looking for my big break like everybody else but would love if you gave me the opportunity of working on this production!
Hello! My name is Mia and I would love to be considered for this opportunity. I turned 15 in July and I am starting my freshman year this year, I have a lot of experience in dancing and gymnastics. I have attended many regional and national dance competitions and I have basic gymnastic training. I have had singing lessons in the past, and I have also starred in many of my local theater performances, and school plays. I’m known as the fun/ quirky girl that makes everybody laugh:)
Height: 5ft 5in
Weight: 120-125
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Complexion: Fair to Med.
Race: Part Asian, part Caucasian
I live in the Los Angeles area, and my schedule is flexible. I am always open to working with anybody and I keep an open mind going into anything I do:) Please email me if you are interested brutemida@gmail.com
Hi mi name is Lia its short for Natalia im 13 years old andi love disney channel, its every kids dream to be in a disney movie, and if you were a kid like me you would watch disney channel 24/7 ihave a lot of pottential, i know you literally hearthis everydayabout how some young teenager wants to be a disney star and not all of themget there dreams come true but i wont give up. I’ve been in some plays and in 1 comercial of some bram for snorkling, i know im not really disney material. but please give me a chance to try, i can sing,dance and act.i also speak perfect spanish. Please give me a chance i would do anything to be in disney i would move right now to Los Angeles California if you give me the chance
thank you.
Hello, my name is Chris however all my friends know me as Anthony, which is my middle name. I am 14 years old and ever since I was born I have loved entertainment, and I currently go to a Performing Arts school. I have black hair and dark brown eyes, and i’m 5’6″. This would be a dream come true for me! Thank you for your time.
My name’s Annie, I’m fourteen years old. I use sign language, lip-reading, my own voice, hand gestures, and interpreters to communicate because I am deaf. I cannot hear at all and can’t hear very much with my hearing aids. I think that hiring a deaf person to act in this would get more publicity and viewers and more variety in the deaf and hearing culture. I have an average beauty because I have brown eyes, brown hair and an hourglass figure. I have an average height. It’s hard to understand me sometimes, and it would be best to use closed caption for hearing people so that they may understand my speaking and my sign language. I hope you’ll take me under serious and careful consideration. I absolutely love Disney movies and I’ve adored Belle since I was five years old. Thank you very much for your strained time. I appreciate it.
Age 12
Dob June 15 2002
Eye color Hazel
Height 5″2
Hair blonde
State Pennslyvannia
Grade Seventh
Hello my name is Elizabeth, it is my only dream to be able to act. Most people start at twelve so i thought this would be a chance. In my school seventh grade starts highschool. I really never see actors on disney from Pennslyvannia, i”m not really sure why though. I am an average girl with average grades. Acting is my number one dream acually my only dream. I love disney it is perfect and the first time i want to act i want it to be on disney channel. I have made my own movies at home before for so many years, but i really want to experience it now. Disney characters are my role models they taught me everything. I can also dance a little and sing too. It would be my dream and finnaly someone woulf be proud of me for something i did. I have three brothers and i am average weight i love disney. Please get back to me through email i will do anything♡♥♡♥
i would love to do this the chances are very slim but its still worth getting to meet all of the amazing cast i did some research and I’m so excited to see it even if i don’t get a role in the show even as an extra
Name:Sophia/Sophie Barry
Age:13 (I’ve been told I look older )
Hair and eye colour:chocolate brown hair dip-dyed hazel, brown/green eyes.(also I have naturally long eyelashes)
This is why I think you should consider me:)????
Okay so, I have always had a passion for acting ever since I was little but I have been a bit to shy to tell my mom and dad that I wanted to act so I just told them a few days ago , I grew up watching disney channel and someday I hoped that people would watch me and look up to me like I did to Selena Gomez,Miley Cyrus,Demi lovato and raven symone.Since I live in Ireland there is not that many opportunities for acting, but I have been asked to model for Andrea Roche in Dublin and pulse models in cork but I’m to young a while, I need to be 5’9 and 15.Also,I’m very good at athletics and I’m quite fit, every morning at 8:30 I wake up and do two laps of my estate, ( my estate is huge!)I’m very good at memorising lines and dances, I can pronounce
my words clearly and properly,I used to dance with my local studio for 3 years, but I quit 2 years ago to play soccer and I’m happy I did. I now play for my county in soccer :).Also we are talking about a disney movie, so there has to be some form of a little song and a dance,I’m not asking for a huge role just a line or two but a big role wouldn’t hurt either:) ,I would love to participate in your picture so please consider me thanks for reading
hello my name is Alexander i am 13 years old i live in sweden and i love Disney channel so i thought this wouide be a great chance to be apart of the channel my acting experience mainly comes from school playes and acting videos on you tube and som other stuff that i will not revial here anyway i wouide love to be apart of your Movie wouide mean alot see you later
Hi, I’m Taylor Mae and I am just getting into acting. Most recently I shot a levi’s video and I can’t wait for the next opportunity. I am a traveling dancer and want to do more acting. I am outgoing and this sounds great to be in a movie about the son of my favorite princess Belle. Life is good….
Hi I’m Maeve and i know you should pick me because I LOVE acting. Ok that’s an understatement. Acting gives me the most exuberant feeling in the whole wide world! I literally couldn’t imagine a life without it. I take singing dancing and acting classes. I found my dream for acting when I was 8. Since then I have done a ton of musicals and plays at different theatres. I m 5.2″ and 95 lbs. I am 12 years old and I have brown eyes and beautiful red curly hair.( My aunt says that’s rare.) I promise if you give me a chance I will brighten your world with my charisma, work ethic , confidence,uniqueness and love and respect towards others!( love ya Disney)
A little bit about me
I know everyone says the same things on these, and im not trying to join the cliché but, I have grown up on Disney since I was born. I have always dreamed of being on a movie or a Disney channel show. I love doing impressions of the Disney characters, and on a few, (mostly singing) im told im pretty good. to have the opportunity to play as a daughter as one of my childhood rolemodels and joys, would be so amazing I literaly cant stop smiling. it really would be a dream come true
Im 5’7
I am turning 15 in October 2014 but can look 12-18 even
I love to sing and act, although besides school and church plays, have never been in a role. im bubbly, and told that im pretty funny. but, I can be mean if I have to be haha, so I think I could play villain as well as heroin. if you look at this it would be my dream come true. thank you
Hi I’m Katherine Chahin! I’ve been a disney fan since i was small and since now it like the only thing i watch! and i’m 15 years old and i still love everything of disney. I love singing and i’ve always dreamed on being part of the disney cast acting and singing! hope you get to se this! thank you :D i would love to be part of descendants!!!!
Hi I’m Katherine Chahin! I’ve been a disney fan since i was small and since now it like the only thing i watch! and i’m 15 years old and i still love everything of disney. I love singing and i’ve always dreamed on being part of the disney cast acting and singing! hope you get to se this! thank you :D
My name is Natasha and I am 12 years old and LOVE to act since I was a little kid and I would love to audition for this movie so I can have a chance to be in a movie even if I was an extra. I take drama class at school and have performed 2 times at my school. Please contact me and consider my form which I have just submitted. Thank You!
5’3″ not 5’3″ Sorry!!
Hello! My name is Hannah Nguyen. I am 14 years old and 5’33”. I enjoy singing and acting; I would be able to play any role. As an extra curricular activity, I compete in fencing! I have made Honor Roll every year in middle school and have just started high school. My cousin has tried to push me towards modeling, as well. Please give me this opportunity of my lifetime and I will prove myself. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Hello my name is Max LiPuma . I have taken a year of acting lessons and was the lead of both the ending shows. I was in Wizard of Oz as the Corner. I was in Seussical the Musical as a Who. I was in Shrek the Musical as Baby Bear and a Dwarf . I was in 101 Dalmatians as the Scotty narrator. I was in Captain Louie as Archie. I auditioned for Hooray for Hollywood and got the lead but could not do it due to scheduling problems. I was also in Your a Good Man Charlie Brown as a gang member. I am in singing in the rain at the Shubert this fall as a background character. I am 12 years old but could probably play a character up to 14 . I have blue/green eyes and I am about 5’4 but growing every day. I weigh about 120. I can do a lot of voices and my own voice is naturally higher. I love everything Disney , Disney is basically my life. I will be in Walt Disney World in November 2014 and April 2015 for a vacation . I would love to hear from you.
Max LiPuma
Hello. My client Scarlett Smith is the perfect person for this production. She is 12 years old, and very mature. She is sweet, loyal, and honest at all times. She has dreamed to be a movie star since she was 2. She was the lead in her 5th Grade Production of Oklahoma! Jr. She also, has done multiple singing competitions and won all of them. She is a beautiful young girl, and she would be perfect for this production. You are making the worst mistake of your life if you don’t choose Scarlett Smith.
Courtney is a 10 year old female who lovesto dance, sing, and act….but her passion is acting. at age 8 she played scout in to kill a mockingbird at a local theater and she’s currently in a production at one of the largest theaters here in branson (seats (2400). She would also be excellent for voice overs. not lime a little kid cute but like a 10 yearr old a little mischievous anda little tomboyish/but still diva sweet cute. she can also do accents such as british, and others. she also sings and dances…has been dancing since age 3 and also used to compete. she sings, as well but hrr strong point is the acting. she absolutely loves it and its nothing for her to take on a charachter and she’s very believable at whatever she is acting and has excellent memorization skls. i wish i could email a video, you wouldnt be disappointed, and i really believe if the right casting director saw her, they would snatch her up in an instant. Dr phil aired a video clip of her when she was 4 or 5…I’m telling you, it’d just something in her, she’s a natural. . thanks for reading this, and if pissible, could i have an email address to send in a video of her? Oh i wanted to add she is a little tall for her age so she probably could not play a younger child. thanks
Hi, I’m Natalie. Im 12 years old, can sing, can act, and dance if taught a routine. I, so far, always get A’s, I don’t have very much stage fright, and I’ve been dreaming about being on Disney. I get very deep into research about characters that I love, but even if I get an unimportant character, I’ll learn as much as I can. Although, really, every Disney character is important. I’m about 5 foot 3, either blue/green/gray eyes, dirty blond hair, glasses, and I live in Illinois. I really hope you consider me.
Hi, I’m Anna. I love the movies you make. They have never ceased to amaze me. I’m a 12 year old girl who has always dreamed to be “part of the magic”. I hope you can help me make that happen.
hello my name is zoe hillshafer I would really like to be in this movie my whole life ive loved acting I even try out for local plays this year I got a great role I even got to sing I even sing! PS I dance ive done ballet hip hop you name it! I hope I get a part!
Kaia Wiley
Height: 5 ’3″
Weight: 115 lbs
Eye color: brown
Hair color: Light brown/black
Hair length: short to my shoulders
Ethnicity: african american mixed with indian
Hi! My name is Jasmine and am 16 years old. I have brown hair, black eyes and I’m Asian. My skin is in between white and olive. Currently living in Jakarta but I have no problem visiting the states if possible to land an audition, I love love love acting, it’s kind of like my second nature. I adore pretending like I’m someone else, it’s refreshing somehow. No professional experience yet but if I could land an audition I promise I won’t let you down. I absolutely love Disney, the series and movies are fun to watch, I get hyped everytime a new series aired. It would mean the whole world to me as acting is my life<3 And I also sing so that's another plus I've got. Thank you so much! :)
Hi my name is Lana I´am 5´5˝ tall and I would love to act in this move.
I hope i get chosen but i want u guys to know why im doing this and its because my family going through hard times we need the money and i just love singing and this would be a dream come true this is me
Hey I’m Desiree Alonso I’m 13 years old and I would love to be part of descendants because I want to start of my acting career great. I would be so grateful if you let me be in descendants because in always wanted to be disney channel. I always loved acting ever since I was young and now I want to start my career. I will SERIOUSLY Be GRATEFUL if you give me this because I need experience being an extra to would help because experience will be experience. Thank You for reading this comment
I have watched Disney Channel for years and would love to be apart of this film!
My name is Shirley Wen and I am 13 years old. My nationality is Chinese and I speak three different languages (English, French, Chinese). I am currently studying at Vincent Massey Collegiate in Montreal, Quebec. I can sing, dance, act… I studied tea ceremony and social dancing when I was younger that includes the act of elegancy. I am a really big fan of disney’s work ever since. Eventhough this might be one in a million chance I am still willing to take the chance. I even bet that you, wouldn’t even read this reponse. Well thank you please do contact me if there is anything @(514)576-0506 or @mei.shiu.shirley.wen@gmail.com
Hola! My name is Xiomara Eve Montalvo. I am a 17 year old Puerto Rican girl. I’m kind of short 5.3 ft to be exact, but I love to sing and have been playing the violin for 8 years now. My life revolves around music and art and always has been since before I was born. I’ve graduated from Barbizon’s modeling and acting school and I am going on to my final year of high school. I’m a straight A student with a GPA of 4.4. In the past I’ve only acted in plays, dramas, and skits at church and in Barbizon, but I love it nonetheless. Acting allows me to show others the different versions and personas I can portray. It gives me the liberty to pick up a mask and bring it to life. Then there’s the development of a sense of family among the cast and crew, a sense of unity and interdependence, that cannot be found anywhere else.
I would be honored to be blessed with an opportunity to act. Especially for Disney. I’ve grown up with Disney since I was little like I know many others have as well. I have seen the change in Disney and the freedom it allows the actors to be themselves while acting; to express who they really are and share that with the world. As a result a plethora of children globally admire, aspire and desire to be like the actors and actresses they have seen on the television. I’ve always grew up with a passion to work with children and make them smile. If Disney can permit me to do just that by acting than I would honestly be the happiest person the world, and I get to share that happiness with others. Thank you for allowing me to take the first step just by applying.
Hi, I’m Flora and I’d love to be in the cast of Descendants.
I’m 13yrs old, turning 14 in October. I live in New Zealand but I’m Chinese. I’m 5’1 I’m extremely fluent in English and I love acting. I can also sing quite well too.
I love the Disney movies and I’m a huge fan. I’d be absolutely delighted to work with the Disney stars! Acting has always been my dream and I really hope that you would take me in.
Thanks :)
Disney Channel is my life! I have been watching it eve since I was little, and it would be amazing if I got a part in this movie. I am great at acting, and I can sing very well.
Hello, I am Hannah. I am a actress, model, singer, songwriter and dancer. I have a lot of acting and singing experience and would love to be apart of this. I am 14, 9th grade 5″8 actually by now most likely 5″9. Please email me for a full resimae. Thank you for your time.
Hi! I’m Meghan! I would absolutely love to have a part in this movie! I am 5’3″, blonde, hazel eyes, and I’m 13 years old. Please let my dream come true!!!
Hi my name is Rylee I love Performing on stage I use to be a lot more shy then i am now i have been on stage before so i wont get shy on camera:AGE:12/Height:5.2/Hair Color;blondish brown/Eye Color:Brown Skin Color:White/Tanned/Gender:Female:Thank you and i love Disney Hope You Find Intrust in ME
Hi, My name is Jamila Wright. I am 14 years old, standing at 5’9. I would love to be in a tv show/movie . It’s always been my dream to be in the big world. I have some acting experience from my 8th grade musical theatre class. I helped my classmates prepare for their part, by rehearsing with them. I would love to be apart of this production. Thank you for your time.
Hi my name is Emily,
I’ve been in a few plays and a lead role as a butterfly and did a middle school Disney production for high school musical jr. As pretty much an understudy for a lot of the characters.. Like coach Bolton, Taylor, and once got to play Gabriella
I love to sing and get solos for concerts. I also attempt to sing with my best friend Alina for YouTube Cred and once auditioned for Americas got talent
I’m not the best drawer but I doodle
Instead of watching Dora the explorer I went straight to Disney. It would be a dream to just audition for Disney. Which is why I signed the little audition form and I’ll see what happens :-D
So I just hope someone from the Disney community just reads this comment!! <3
Hi, my name is Shea (pronounced Shay). I’m 14 years old and I’ve been raving to everyone I know about this movie coming . I’d die if I became apart of the cast. it’s been a dream of mine to always be in a tv show or movie, as is any other young teens’ dreams. but I’d really open my eyes up to a whole world of business that I’ve never been apart of.
My Name is Emmanuel Munyanya I’m 13 yrs old and in the 8th grade also I live in Manchester,NH I am originally from The Democratic Republic Congo. Acting for me has always been like a sport or a hobby, some of my hobbies would include stand-up comedy, singing, and plain sports furthermore the comedy type of movies, shows, or songs are always the best. I don’t know if we’ll be having to do like the audition thing (which I think we probably will be doing) Thank you for reading this and I hope you can reply as soon as you can and also make my dreams come true, personally to me it’s not about the fame or the money it’s literally about having your voice heard and Entertaining people. I’ve been watching Disney since I was the littlest thing you could ever see. Once again I say thank you for reading this.
Hello, my name is karen and I enjoy watching disney movies and have been inspired. I’m 15 years old and I’m short, 5.1. Dark brown wavy hair and dark brown eyes. I also know I might not have the chance to be in the movie because I live in arizona ,my whole life , but I’m taking a chance. I like to act out and I mostly do faces that I don’t even relize I’m doing it. All I’m trying to say is to be part of the movie and hopefully boost my career.Thank you.
I’m a singer, dancer, and actress I would love to be in maleficent . I assure you I wont waste your time this is a dream of mine and I would be so excited . please contact me
HEYY! Did that get your attention? GREAT. Now I only need a couple minutes of your time.
My name is Deja King(pronounce Deja Vu). I live in Los Angeles. I am African American. I have dark brown eyes, black hair, I am 5’5, and 14 years old. Fun fact; I taught myself how to play the piano. I have been taking acting, dancing, and singing classes since I was 10. I have also been in 4 plays. I know there must be a lot of people saying giving me a chance or “I WON”T LET YOU DOWN” But I am begging you to put your trust in me. I will promise to give my all to do my very best if you pick me. If you interested in me give my father, Christopher Edwards Sr, a call at (562)-500-7528. But if you think im not right person for this part then maybe you can use me for another part. If that not the case either then I am tramendously sorry for wasting your time. Have a very good day.
I’m savannah and I am currently a 14 year old highschool honor student in florida that will be 15 in September of this year. I would love to have this opportunity for this movie. I am 5′ , 105lbs, blonde/light brown hair (But I am willing to die my hair to what ever color that is needed for the role). I am a current pageant title holder so I do have experiences with talking in front of people and crowds, I also have experiences in modeling, and dancing. I am a current competitive dancer that dances 5 days a week. I am very active in community involvement. I usually spend time volunteering when I am not dancing, studying, or practicing my acting skills. a great opportunity would be great because I would be able to show my skills not only as an actor but as a person too. I would be able to change into full character and show what acting is about. I hope you will consider me for a role. thanks you so much and have a great day.
name.markash anderson-holmes
hair;dark brown
I watch Disney channel all the time and I All ways wanted to be on it and its my favorite channel,and I love to play sports and being a actor.
hi I’m Tiffany Taylor I’m have a lot of different personality’s when I’m acting I’m only 11 and very ,mature for my age id luv to come and audition for this so bad this can bring to a whole different level because i also sing to and would just fit
Hi my name is Kyle Alabastro and I am 13. I’m turning 14 This September 6. Black hair but most people see my hair as Dark Brown Colored. My skin tone is white.
I watched A lot of movies, dramas, theatre, Plays and many more. I Have a lot of Acting Experiences. We made a Play About Jesus and Jerusalem and Another Play about The Last Samurai. According to my teacher, We Made A Tremendous Play. I can Act, sing, dance, write poems and more. Ive been practicing since I was 8-9 years old. I’ve Always wanted to be an Actor one day. Maybe Someday You will accept me to the cast because I Believe, Hope, and Wish that I’m on The Cast. Hopefully the Lord and You will put me there.
Have anymore Questions? Email me at kyle_alabastro15@yahoo.com.pH
See ya soon!
-Kyle Alabastro
I’m stephanie and I’ve always wanted to be an actress I am in the drama club and have been in a play I gotta day I was pretty good not only am I thirteen but I look mature for my age I think I have a perfect personality for acting so email me for moe information please
Hello I’m a 12 year old boy I go to Thelma Gaylord lyric academy of Oklahoma for acting. I have auditioned for two pixar movies and got like a second choice rating and I would really give to be apart of this. I am 12 but don’t act like one I can sing and dance so that sums me up thanks for listining
I was also thinking of a character to add. Her name is Evilianna the second daughter of the evil queen. Since Cinderella had TWO stepsisters there has to be TWO daughters of the evil queen in the show. Evilianna is the good one of them three, she doesn’t do any crimes or get into trouble, but no one didn’t know she was on the good side, but when people found out she had to choose to either follow her mothers footsteps to make her mother, her sister, and her villan friends proud or do what is right and let her family and friends down. Please think about it. This will add “What would she do” and have everyone on the edge of their chairs. It would increase the number of people who watch it because people are going to wonder which side she’s going to choose. Thank you for reading this.
My name is Valentina, I’m 13 years old, and I can play 10-14 roles, and like Riley I wanna make the world my own, and and this is my dream and what I want in my life, I’m white,I have athletic body, green/brown/golden eyes and brown hair, if you pick me send me an email, thanks for this opportunity
Hi, I am Payton but everyone calls me Pay.
I have blonde hair brown eyes and I am 5’1.
I’m 14 years old and I had a passion for acting, singing and dancing.
I would play any part needed even if i don’t speak. All I ever wanted to do is act but mainly for Disney. There’s always a Disney star who goes bad but I want to be a role model for kids showing them it’s good to dream but better to make it true.
My name is Breyanna, everyone calls me Breezi. I have kind of long dark blackish brownish hair. I’m 5’3, I weigh about 90 or so pounds. I’m 12 years old and turning 13 in 3 months. I love fashion I make my own clothes. I love to sing and make my own songs. I also play the piano and viola. My favorite sport is gymnastics. I’ve always wanted to act and be on Disney channel. I would really like to be in Descendants because its a villain and hero movie where they go to school together and they are also the daughters and son of the well known Disney characters. If you give me a chance to be a villain or hero in this movie, I will do my very best and put all my work into it because this is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for, but if you don’t choose me its ok. Thank you for reading this.
Name: Sadie Jones
Age: 12
DOB: September 22, 2014
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 110-115lbs
Hair: Curly, medium length and medium brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian and African American
Location: Orange County, California
Dance Skills: I have taken Jazz, Tap, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, and Ballet classes in the past.
Instruments I Play: Alto saxophone, percussion, I teach myself how to play piano, I am learning to play guitar, and I sing.
Sports/Hobbies: I play lacrosse and volleyball, and I used to play soccer and softball. My hobbies are singing, dancing, acting, reading, and writing poetry.
I would feel greatly honored to be a part of “Descendants” because I love everything Disney, and this sounds like an amazing movie. It kind of reminds me of the Kingdom Keepers books. I have experience being in plays, and I do not have a very difficult time memorizing lines. I love all things that have to do with Disney villains, and even if I am not selected to be in this movie, I cannot wait to see it. Thank you for taking the time to consider me, and I would be honored to hear from you!
Hello. My name is Isabel Juarez i am currently 16 years old. I will be turing 17 in February. Acting has always been my dream job, small roles, lead roles anything is alot to me. Acting is one of my two passions, fashion and design is my second. In school i participated in helping plan school activites, band, colorguard, and helping at around the school in anyway possible. I’m just looking for a way to live my dreams, have fun and make money doing it to help out my family. This job would mean more then the world to me. I would love to hear back. Thanks you for your time.
Hi I am Alexis Rangel and i”ll like to be in descendants because i love to act at my school i played in Annie and 101 Dalmatians so i really want to do more acting my friends call me rapunzul because i have really long hair i am 13 years old but people think i am 16 years old. I can sing,acts and kind of dance but I learn fast when I was a kid I dreamt of becoming an actress and I hope this is my chance because my year hasn’t been exciting.
Hello I’m Marissa, I’m 14 years old and I love to sing! Acting is another thing I enjoy doing very much if I’m not Babysitting. I also love to dance if I know and learn the moves!… I’ll try my very best to get you all to like me, me and my family would be truly grateful!! We are also having money troubles and its very stressing.. But I always try to look at the bright side, I’m bullied a lot and I want to gain back my self esteem, if you guys could PLEASE help me out I promise I won’t waste your time!! I try to stay bubbly and help out around my community!! I am a huge fan of Disney! I can always be caught watching pretty much any show there is on the channel, I’m watching Suite Life On Deck right now!! I will put blood and sweat into this! I would REALLY appreciate it SO much if I could be one of the main characters! This movie is just SO creative and outgoing just simply amazing just reading it!!.. It would be SUCH an honor to be and play such a big part of it!!!… I’m begging you, please give me a chance!! I know a lot of girls seem better than me and I understand… it’s reasonable, but please at least consider me, please!!! :) I have Red-Brown hair with a little ombre, I’m sorry if that’s not what your looking for. Even though I kind of just re-did my hair.. I’m willing and dedicated to dye my hair any color I need to for the movie! No doubt about it. Unless I can wear a wig.. I wouldn’t mind that too.. blonde might not look THAT great on me though. I’m Hispanic so I’m kind of “golden” Brown tan.. i think you can see my picture on my resume. I’m 5’3 so hopefully that’s ok, I’ve just always wanted to be on a Disney show and say ” Hey this is Marissa Cevallos from _________, and your watching Disney Channel! ” but I would really love to participate in this amazing movie first!!! Even if I don’t make it in this fantastic movie, I’m sure it’ll still turn out magnificent!! Thank so much for your time just to read all this, by the way sorry about that…
Gender – Female
Height – 5ft 3in
Weight – 115lbs
Hair color – Blond
Eye color- blue
Age – 16
I am attending St.Cloud School of Dance and this upcoming year at Perpich Arts Academy, I have previous acting experience with GREAT and Guthrie theatre and am apart of the Sartell and Youth Chorale choir programs. CONTACT INFORMATION: 16martmad@gmail.com
Height: 5’4″
Eye Color: Light Brown
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde/Light Brown
I have acted in school plays, and fell in love. I sing a bit, but I am terrible at dancing, haha.
I am quite silly and quirky, so I would love to be a charater that is similar to me. I am perfectly fine with any role, though.
Please consinder me, thank you.
Hi, I´m 13 but peoople ask me if I´m in 9th or 10th grade. Once someone asked me if I was in college.
I´m really fun to be around and I´m a lot more mature than my age.
I can dance, sing and act pretty good. I can also play the drums and I have other skills too.
I can act any role.. Villain, Hero, typical cheerleader who is always showing off, “loser” among others.
I would die to have a role.. any role
You won´t regret calling me if you do.
It would be an honor… Thank you!
name: Paulina
age: 13
height: 5ft´ 5 3/4in
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
gender: female
skin: tan
you can contact me at:
+52 9841519084
+52 9841368342
I really hope my 6 yr. old child can get into this movie he has a lot of charisma he is really an actor anything he does or say’s its acting , great smile , good looking boy , great personality , loves being dressed up.
Hello. My name is Isabel Juarez. I am currently 16 years of age, turning 17 in February. Growing up i become very independent at a young age. In school i participated with helping plan activities, history day, band, colorguard, took a few singing lessons and acting for fun. My family i guess you would say wasnt the easiest thing so i learned how to play my character just right to stay strong. I am currently going to be a Junior in High School. My dream jobs are to be an actress and a designer. I may not have to much experience in the acting world as others but i do try hard and never stop trying. I live in Fresno, Ca and would love to have this chance to make my dreams come true. I am 5’3 Hispanic not thin but not too “big” either. My hair color changes because i dye it but i am willing to kept it one color for the show. I would love this chance i hope to hear back. Thank you for your time.
Hello! I would love if you would consider me as one of your animation’s voiceovers. I am 24 years old and a high school English teacher, but my whole life I have been known for the goofy voices I do, with one in particular. Everyone that hears me talk in my voice goes crazy over it and almost always mention that I should apply to be an animated voice. I’ve decided, why not try?! If you need a fun voice for one of your characters, please consider listening to me. Thank you!
Ashley Hebert
My name is Ben Hanik and I am 15 years old. I love all things Disney. I have most of the movies still and know all a lot of the songs. I was in the local theater troup and was chosen as the best actor. I also placed guitar and sing on Sunday nights for the young kids at our church. I am 5′ 9″ with blue eyes and brown hair. Thank you for your consideration.
Hi, i’m Anasha.And I would really want to be in Maleficent. And can I have a part in the movie that you mostly see. I promise I won’t waste your time. I can sing, act, and dance if you teach me the moves. My teacher says I learn fast. And I only get A’s and B’s. I like making friends also. PLZ let me play in the movie.
PS: I’m UNIQUE!!!!!
My name is Sammy I am 13 years old, I love Disney and it would be an honor to hear from you.
Name: Alexa
Age: 14
Hair: dark brown/natural blonde
Eyes: Light green
Height: 5′
Skills: Writer, drama, singer, horse back rider, dancer.
I am going to take drama at my school when it starts back. Thank you for your consideration. I also have headshots if needed.
Hi i’m Anasha and I really, really want to be in the movie. Called Descedants. I don’t care what part I play I just don’t want to be an extra, I want to be an actor that is seen the most in the movie.
I can sing, act, and dance if you teach me. My teacher says i’m a good learner, and I only get A’s and B’s. I’m a friendly person, and i’m nic I don’t give a lot of trouble.
OH Yeah I’m UNIQUE!!!!!!
Hey! My name is Will and I live in Iowa! I am your classic blonde hair and blue eyes. I am 5’5(ish) and I weigh around 120 lbs.
I have a sense of humor that most agree with. I draw as a hobby and I sing a little….don’t think I am very good though… I have a very creative and laid back kind of attitude. I do tend to shout when I talk to people even if they are a couple feet away.
I am a music addict! I absolutely love music! I watch Disney alot even though I am 14 but still think its pretty cool. I really hope you give me a chance in this production! Oh and I have no previous acting experience but i have recently applied for Finding Dory
Hi my name is Cheyenne. I am 15 about to be 16 in January and 5’6. I sing, act and sometimes dance. I was in my schools talent show for 5 years in a row. I got the lead in the school musical. Im Africa America with a great personality. Its my dream to be an actor and I would appreciate it if i got the opportunity to live that dream. Thank you.
About myself:
My hair is brown and I have a shoulder length bob hair cut . My skin is a medium brown color. I have braces at the moment but they are expected to be taken off by the end of 2014 (this year). I have slight experience in acting (theater arts class) I also sing well (choir class). I am 5’6 in height and 140 in weight. Yet I appear to be quite thin (so I have been told)
The only language I currently speak is english but I am working on Japanese. My hobbies include sewing, sketching, painting, cooking, photography, acting, singing, writing, reading, soccer, cheerleading, and much more.
I am a female and I currently live in the state of Texas.
I am 13 years of age and I will be going to 8th grade next month (August) My birthday is April 19th,2001
Thank you for taking time for reading this. I hope I get an email from you soons.
For my headshots please email me so I will not post it on the website.
Thank you!
Hey my name is mylo it would be my dream to get even a small part in something like this. I am 15 years old and I grew up watching Disney channel now I think it would be cool to be on it to. I am an African American and I’m from Philadelphia and would appreciate Amy offer I was given
Hello, my name is Victoria Shroyer. For as long as I could remember I’ve always wanted to be an actress. I really enjoy acting out things, making everything a scene. I don’t have any experience in acting, unless you count a Christmas play I did at my church. I would like to have an acting career anywhere, but I would love to start it off with Disney. My love for Disney, I would not have enough time to explain. I’ll tell you a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in Louisiana. My ethnicity is white. I’m sixteen years old. I have sandy-blonde hair. one thing I absolutely love about my hair is its length. Sort of like a blue-grey eye color, they’re different color blues in different lighting. I’m five foot two inches. I can act, sing, and dance. I’m a sporty girl, very athletic. I am a cheerleader, so I teach myself to memorize things quicker. I’m a very outgoing type of person, love to meet new people. I’m a really nice and sweet person. I would really enjoy the opportunity to work with everyone on Disney. If you give me a chance to prove myself I know you wouldn’t regret it. I will not let you down. When I go for something I give it my all, I give 110% all the time. Please allow me to have the chance to work with all of Disney. This would be a huge opportunity and I hope I’m able to be in this movie or if you think I would be better in something else that’s fine to. Thank you for taking your time to read this. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.
Hi, my name is janay crenshaw. I’m seventeen years of age.I attended an acting school called Break into Hollywood studios.I have wanted to be an actress since the age of 5 years old. Disney channel is a network that i grew up watching and i’ve dreamed of working on disney. I would like to have the opportunity to show my skills. I think this movie would be a great movie because it’s about teens who are trying to find themselves and step out of their parents shadows and be themselves. This movie would be a great opportunity for me to show that acting is what i truly want. I would like to have the opportunity to show that this very serious to me and how i can be dedicated. Please, if you could just let me prove that i can be very useful to this kind of work. my email again Janay.Crenshaw@yahoo.com. please contact me when you get the chance i am willing to prove my self. Thankyou!!!!!!!
TO THE DIRECTORS OF DESECENDANTS, I’m Lauren! I’m 15yrs old, and will be 16 in April. I can play any age from 13-25. It has always been a dream of mine to be on Disney channel! I’ve been watching it since I was a little girl. I would love to get a chance to be on the cast. I think this would be a great opportunity! And a good way to help me really start off my career as an actress. I am a singer/actress/model I love everything In that field and am interested in trying something new(: I have been in choir my whole life, and sing in my church praise band. I have also taken many solos to all state choir competitions. I have also been in several school plays. I had a lead role in legally blonde the musical, and the Christmas story. I have done a couple plays/shows through my modeling agency. And several modeling jobs. I am also a cheerleader and can tumble and am very flexible, so if you needed
any of that. I love working with people and getting along. I feel like you should choose me for a chance to audition because I have experience and I love Disney channel!(: PLEASE CONTACT ME! Thank you so much and have a great day!
hi!!! my name is Irene, I love Disney and I would love to be on this show!! I’m 11 soon going on to 12. I love singing, dancing and acting. I was born in America and lived there for 10 years but moved to Korea because of my dad’s job, but don’t worry my English is still really good. I have brown eyes, shortish, petite, brownish, blackish hair and kind of tan. I love watching movies and hanging out with my friends!!! This would be an awesome opportunity for me!!!! I would come to America for this… anyways hope you can contact me!!! Thanks!!
Hi!my name is sarah and I am 10 turning 11 in September. I have always wanted to be an actor but I never thought I could really be one, so I thought to be a lawyer.i have alwaysed had this dream of having a chance to become another Disney star like Selena Gomez or Demi lovato. I always watch disney channel because I want to know if I have a chance to be like those amazing actors.i am really hopping to have a chance because I am not just gonna say I can sing or dance, I just want to be another roe model in this world some one to look up to and being an actress would make me proud to say I have been a Disney star and I’m proud.I am a young girl with a big dream,I have brown eyes and dark brown hair. I hope you give me a chance!
My name is Alexis Johnson, I am thirteen soon to be fourteen. I have brown hair, green eyes and at the short height of 5’1. Acting is my life and I cannot imagine doing anything else. Ever since I was a small child I have sung, danced and acted on a stage, however acting is my specialty. I love being able to become a completely different person, that is why I believe I would be perfect for a role in Descendants.
hi, my name is marisol paulik and i am currently 14 years old. i have green eyes and brown hair. i do wear glass but that wont be a problem, i am able to wear contact lenses aswell. i do play guitar and the clarinet.i can sing,but i wouldnt say im the best. i am very athletic and play volley ball and basketball for my school. i did win academic citizen of the year. i have performed for many school project and loved the experience. i am a very hard worker and if i do get any lines, i could memorize then in no time.
I can travel to the set, especially if it is held in Los Angles, California. i was born there and do visit the city often to see family.
Geting a part in this movie would be an amazing opportunity for me. not only would i be putting myself out there, but i would be learning new things everyday. just being on the set would be a dream come true.
please consider me for any part in this movie. i would love to at least be an option. please contact me if there is any other information you need or any other questions.
thank you for your time,and please do consider me for this movie.
Hi! My name is Alexa Norwood and I would LOVE to be apart of Descendants. I am 11 years old(12 in December) and 5’4 and a quarter. I love to sing, act, and dance. Besides acting I have danced for 8 years and I sing ALL the time. In my free time I love to sit down and find some short acting scenes and do them with my cousin. I would have my dreams come true if you picked me for any role in this show. I sent you guys my application and I would very much appreciate if you took a look at it. Thank you
I would love to star in a Disney channel movie.
It has always been my dream to act on tv and this is a great opportunity for me. I promise you, if you pick me, I will surprise you and you will be glad that you chose the right decision.
gender: Male
height: 5’0
Ethnicity: African American
Talent: acting and dancing
so I hope I see later!!!!
Hi I’m Olivia I have light brown hair and hazel eyes I love acting, singing and dancing. It is my dream to be a actress and it would be amazing if you could consider me.
Thank you
Hi I’m Karoline!
I am 17 years old with long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
I live for disney and when I read this I thought it was the most amazing opportunity I could possibly have.
I am 5’something tall. Not exactly sure but it’s not too tall and not too short.
I am very active and I dance as a hobby. My future goal is to portray a disney princess on tv or in the most magical place on earth disney work.
Currently my favorite villian is Maleficent and I couldn’t pick a favorite princess because I love them all.
I would love this opportunity so feel free to contact me if I can be of help :)
Hi I’m tyreik cardinal I’m 12 years old I love disney I’ve loved since I was a young boy and it would be an honour to be in this movie and I would love to live my dream of being an actor thanks for your consideration
My name is Jasmine and I am 15. I like to sing and dance hiphop or break.
Hope I can try out.
Age: 18
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 113 lbs.
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: hazel
Skills: former gymnastics student, former cheerleader, 5 years of high school choir, 3 years of singing competitions, and 2 years of high school theater, some experience with karate
I grew up on Disney so I think being part of this production would be an amazing honor! I have skills in singing, some skills in fighting which would come in handy for live action, and I always love an opportunity to use and improve my acting skills. The link provided will lead to my Youtube videos that showcase some of my talent. Thank you for your consideration!
I am 11 years old and was hopping to make my start on this new movie.
Hi my name is Trinity I would love to be one of the main characters in your new movie but any role would be great!
I am funny, kind And love acting and gymnastics and I can be many different personalities and I would love to be in your new movie.
Hi, I’m Devin , a spirited young 10 year old girl with a passion towards singing and acting. Friends and family believe I have a beautiful voice and that I can act all ages.I love to practice acting in front of my bathroom mirror and dream of becoming an actress. Even from early ages, I could be spotted in a crowd as a pretty young girl with wavy caremel hair and aquamarine eyes. I was the star in my school’s hit play, and people love to call me giddy of an actress’ heart.I love that i’m getting an oppertunity to persue my lifelong dream of acting, growing up with the love of Disney.I live by the Beach in the small town of Melbourne Beach, Florida, i’m a small fish in a big pond, lots of oppertunities. Thanks again for this oppertunity and please consider my application. Good luck to all! You can contact me at liamp@gmail.com! Thanks and i shall hope that Disney will love me as much as I do!
Hello, my name is Natalie and I’m a 14 year old singer, model and actress hoping to get more exposure. Please check me out at http://www.onesourcetalent.com/compcard/view.cfm/talent/93921.htm
or email me at zlotnatalie@yahoo.com
I would love to be part of such a fantastic production
I am a young actor hoping to jumpstart a career in film. This is the perfect opportunity for me. Below is my information.
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair color: Bright red/orange
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5’1
Age: 13
Phone number: (850)322-7696
Other information about me:
I am good friends with someone that works on set of many movies such as Hunger Games, Divergent/Insurgent/Allegiant. He says I have great talent and recommends me to many.
I extremely hope you consider me. Contact me at any time if I am needed as any character/role, as I would be more than willing to participate in this production
Thank you for your time.
hey im ivana owona im 16 and i do theather since i was 10 years . Now i search an opportunities to start a career in cinema because im experiment in theather another abilities of me are sing and dance im a very talentous girl i know that because my theathers teacher said that .I have a support of my parent to start a career that have always been my dream .I did many type of peace in theather please give me a chance to start im available and im waiting i love disney.THANKS.
im black brown
my hair are medium
Ok I’m just in It to win it so I’ll start my names Shianne I’m 13 and you can contact me by my email address I think I’m a bit late!!!!
Hair blonde
Height 162cm good height especially when I’m wearing heels then I can play the. Ages of 13 – 17
Eyes blue
Weight I’m 70 kilo but I’m in good lookin shape good body
Nice , kind , friendly and a pretty damn good actor lol :)
Thxs can you please contact me even if I don’t get it so I’m not haveing to wait and no know anything plz thxs
My name is Demetrius Ford. Please contact me concerning a role. I would love to make my mom and dad proud to do what i love which is act. i live in Raleigh, North Carolina. I can dance and i sing a little too. Im black/korean. i have brown eyes and black hair. Im 5’3. Im 13 years old too. please just give me a chance to show what i can do.
Since this is serious I’m going to be knonest I’m not gonna tell you how I’m good how you should have me.and how.I’m amazing..do you actually think :-) kids are going to tell you the truth they just want they role..now I believe that this will be a fun experience and that I’ll follow the directions given to be part of making this a funny hit.but I’m not gonna sit hear and lie to you…so if your interested which I hope you are please call…718-826-3801
I Hope you will consider me for a role in this movie. I have much experience in the arts, such as; dancing since I was four, singing since I was four, and acting since I was eight. I have acted in many plays (with leading roles) and I am looking to start acting in TV and movies, I think Disney will help me do that. I’m 14 years old, 5’6″, slim, Caucasian, with long dark hair, hazel eyes, and straight teeth. I hope you will contact me!
Hi, my name is Felipe. I am currently 13 years old. Living in Texas. ( No Country Accent ) Can sing, act, and draw. Just give me a character, and I’ll make them come alive. I’ve been seeing Disney since I was in diapers. I’ve for a moment like this since I was 8. I won’t disappoint anyone, I promise.
Hi, I’m Ryan Fauglid. I have always dreamed of being an actor. I am an intelligent kid and a talented actor. Although I may not have the money to go all over the place, I will not quit until I get what I worked for. I’m 5ft 1in
and an 11 yr old. (going on 12 August 16th) I’m also an incredible singer. I love fantasy and fairy tales. I have read so many fantasy novels. My AR level is 5.0-12.3. I have Grey/Blue eyes and have glasses. I figure if it was possible to be a nerdy son of Prince Charming who is secretly evil. I love wizardry and spell-chanting. I live in Southwest Minnesota. I hope someone can see this and consider me for something. My emails ryanfauglidstories@gmail.com, website: ryanfauglidstories.wordpress.com
Ryan Fauglid
Sorry, I forgot two things Cx I’m 12 & I’m either 5’3 or 5’4 in height :3 Sorry that I forgot to add that!!
Heyy :) So I’m Gissell and I’d love to get a part in Descendants! I’ve been watching Disney since I was 2 and I’ve always dreamed about being on Disney Channel and be someone’s idol. I look up to Selena Gomez since she’s such in inspiration to me. I don’t mind what part I get since I’m not that picky. I guess you can call me creative since I love art and DIYs. I’m trying to write normal and formal since this is a description but I can’t help it! xD Alright, so I have dark brown eyes, black hair with brown tips, and long eyelashes c: I can be a Tomboy at times, but I can also be a Girly Girl mostly Cx Well, that’s all I got to say I guess :) Have a good day!!
I work the best with Nico Liersch.But if you can’t get him thats ok.
Hello, my name is Daisy Maepu. I am 14 years of age, born in Auckland, New Zealand but now moved and living in Melbourne, Australia. I am 168.5 height. My race is Samoan. I don’t have an agent, but trying to get one. I have been acting, singing and dancing since I was 4. Having an opportunity like this would turn my world upside down and my dreams would be fulfilled. Not many people would get an opportunity to be on television in movies, yet I don’t want to be one of the unlucky people. I want to be one of the people who succeeds in life with their dreams. Please reply to my response or contact me on email please. I would love to hear back from you.
Hi!! My name is Brianna McKenna! It’s been my life long dream to be an actress and work with Disney! Info about me!
Experience: Drama class for 2 years, and my friend is an actress and she taught me everything I need to know!
Hobbies: Clarinet,Piano,Dance,Singer:I’m in the top band and chorus in my middle school, I’m an advanced piano player,I danced 9 years of my life and I still am!
I hope you choose me please reply!
I am an aspiring actress looking for my big break! i love disney channel i am 14 years old and look much older anyways i can sing but i am not an extremely experienced actress but it is in the range of my ability i hope you consider me for this movie!
My son Clinton will turn 11 in nov and his obsessed with Disney. It will be a dream come true if he get a play. His dream is to act and it will be a great way to start in Disney. Please reply me on how to get him in Disney
Hello, my name is Nikki and i wanted to be and actor for a long time. I just hope i can take my acting skills up a notch, if you know what i mean, and i think its the perfect movie to do so. i love all the princess movies and to be actually in one will be honored on my behalf. The adventure part of the movie is what caught my attention i love adventure and taking chances. I’m just hoping that you will give me a chance on this movie. thanks for your time!
Karienne Rios, you know that movie is already filming right?
http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Mal Here are already pics of the movie
Hiii. My name is Britney. I am 5’1″.<<The one counts:). I love to sing and act. I would love to be considered for this. Because you hvae to start small to make your way to the top. Anyways, I have dark hair, brown eyes and tan skin. I can memorize lines pretty easily and I can portray different personalities. Contact me please. Thanks for consideration.
I am thytira lewis im 14 years old . i think this would be a great chance for me to how my talent of acting i would love to join the cast and love to hear back from you .
Hi my names elissa I’m 13 years old and I LOVE acting and I especially love disney I’ve been performing in school playes for a year and have done two performances. I am currently starring in our schools beauty and the beast junior and I can’t wait I also love to sing its my 2nd fav hobby besides actingI think descendants would be loads of fun to star in and I honestly hope I do because acting has been a dream of mine for asong as I can remember so please make my dreams come true
Can’t wait hopefully see ya soon:-)
Hi my name is Micah I am female and I am 12 and 5 3 and I have after before in musicals and I have been the lead and I would love it if you would accept me on this because it has been a dream I can sing and act so I would be perfect so thank you
Yours truly
Micah Norris
Hi my name is Amanda Virtue I’m 11 years old and was hoping to be on Disney channel ever since I was a little girl. Honestly right now I’m in my pjs right now as I’m writing this. I’m happy with any role you can give me. I was in the play James and the giant peach when I was 9 years old and I played James I’ve been acting ever since. Recently I was in the musical beauty and the beast and I played bells father Marice. Thank you for your time.
Hi my names Yasmeen I’m 12 years old and I have been dreaming of being in a Disney show or movie for a long time.I think I have the right potential to be in a Disney show because I am a drama queen and I like to really get in to character and strut my stuff.
brown eyes
dark brown hair
curly hair
light tan colored skin
Parents are Moroccan but I was born in the USA
I hope you email me and let me have a chance at my dream coming true!
Hello. my name is Madelyn Atkinson. I’m 15 will be 16 on 09/09. I have brown hair and brown eyes, I’m caucasian. Willing to cut all my hair off or change my look for any role. Its been my dream to be on Disney, why let my look stop me. I’ve done theater for roughly two years. And I’m still in love with Disney. I go to Disney world as much as possible. I live in Charlotte, nc. And would love an opportunity to audition. My friends and family say I’m very outgoing, optimistic, and loud. :) please make my dream come true
well I will be up front, I never act before so I’m just trying to give it a try and it looks like fun but I know its hard work too, but I can try and see how it goes.
well I will be up front, I never act before so I’m just trying to get it a try and it looks like fun but I know its hard work too, but I can try and see how it goes.
When I scrolled down the page and found out that the movie Descendants was looking for actors. I froze in my tracks because I was so excited. The actors are amazing and the story line is so different from others. I really enjoy acting and singing and love to make people laugh. I have fun trying different accents and am fluent in French and Chinese. I really want to become an actress someday. I hope you consider my application. Thank you. Smile.
Hi my name us Grace and I have dreamed of being a Disney character since forever when I was very little I was acting along with the Disney characters and everything my friends and family always told me that I would be on the big screen someday and so I started looking up auditions and I thought this one looked perfect! Anyway I have been in many plays and musicals I love singing too I have been told so many times that I have a beautiful voice. I live in Maine and am 13 years old and once again love acting so if you can please give me a email back call back anything I would be glad to have a part in the movie even a small role anything so anyway please I hope I can get a part or role thanks!
I am 11 years old and 5″1 I took acting classes at John casablancas modeling and career center in Charlotte north Carolina witch also happens to be where I live
Hi Im Reagan Elizabeth but most people call me Reagan. Im 11 years old and in sixth grade going on seventh. Im five foot eight, i’ve got brown eyes, black and brown hair with a gray patch, and Im african american. I like to dance, sing, and act. I don’t have much experince in acting but my mother thinks Im really good at it. I also play the clarinet. My friends and family think Im fun, funny, sweet, kind, goofey, and playful. I would like to get a big part in this show. Just contact me at 252-885-5778 or at elizabethslove19@gmail.com.
Hi im mady I really want this part I have been watching disney channel for ever and I am almost 11 years old and I really love to sing and act. Every line that someone says on an episode I repeat it and act it out so I have had some practice so I please will ask you to give me this part! LOVE MADY
P.S i sing the National Anthem at baseball games so i have had some practice at singing too.
hi my name is Alison and I would love to be in this. I recently was in the play beauty and the beast also I just saw the new movie maleficent so it all ties together. I am 11 years old, blond hair, and am very excited!!!!!! I hope you pick me. this would be a dream come true for me!
Hi, my name is Linda. I am 16 years old turning 17. I love singing,dancing and acting. Im Hispanic, little dark skinned, dark brown hair and brown eyes. I wear glasses but may change to contacts, i’m also 5’5. I hope im considered for a part in Descendents and given a chance.
Hi I am a 15 year old girl, long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m also 5’2 and 95lbs. It would be amazing to have this opportunity and show my love for acting. It’s been my biggest dream to be in a Disney movie or TV show. I’m also a competitive dancer and I’ve been dancing for 11 years.
i am 10 years old and i would love to be in a movie or tv show.
I would love to be apart of the Descendants crew because:
I am fun, adventurous, weird, silly, love to try new things, and I am willing.
I have been in love with Disney since I was 2. Even to this day, I think I should be chosen because this is my dream.I’ve always wanted to work with Disney, and this will just be a step to getting there.I will literally any roll.
Ethnic: African American/ Heritage Jamaican
Heyyy… I personally don’t think I’m anything special, but my friends say otherwise. Basically, I lie with a straight face, and I never break character when we roll play. I am 100% obsessed with vampires. I love 5SecondsOfSummer, and, at one point, I was obsessed with One Direction. But that’s expected, right? Music and books are my life. The funniest thing about me, in my opinion, is the fact that I could really care less what other people say about me. According to all my really close friends, I’m too random for anyone to even really understand, which, in the end, makes me hard to predict, but there are a few people who can predict me without any problems, just because they stuck around long enough. Another thing about me is I love to Write, read, sing and dance. Creepypastas and music are basically my life, but my friends are much more important to me than that. Thanks for reading, sorry if you thought I was ranting, but… Yeah, Bye.
heyy My name is julianna im 14 yrs old and let me ge tsomething off my chest i love disney .I have watched disney for a long time since let i was six.It would be in honor to work with the cast which by the way i already know i love disney and everything about it please let me show you what i got.!!!!!!!!!
Hi, my name is Kasandra. Most people say and spell my name wrong. I am 10 years old and I live near Chicago. I took dance when I was little and a Musical Theatre class a few months ago. Anything Disney is my favorite! I am the youngest of 5 kids and my 3 older brothers always tell me to stop singing and dancing. I drive them crazy! My oldest sister doesn’t say much. I have never been on TV before, but I have been on stage for many dance recitals. Most kids my age are shorter than me, but that’s OK. I love playing soccer, singing to the radio, dancing, jumping on my trampoline and learning new tricks, and I would love to be an actress starring in a Disney production. My friends and family think I’m funny, goofy, weird, nice, smart, and helpful. Last year I learned to play the violin, but this Fall I’ll start learning percussion and continue to be a Girl Scout. I love many different things, especially pandas and koalas! I hope you choose me! I will work very hard. :) Thanks for reading this!
Hi my name is Skylar and acting is an amazing part of my life where I can create another person and I’m a people person so I love to work with other people and I’ve had practice at school in my drama classes and I’m also in an advanced drama class.
Hello my name is Nelle and i’m soon to be 16. I am a bubbly girl who’s been taking acting classes. I love acting and it’s what my life’s all about. I am from Sweden but my best subject is English.
I have shoulder lengt hair and light blue Eyes. I am curvy and around 5’5. I would love to have a part in this. I know that’s something everyone says but it would also be an opportunity for me to prove everyone that don’t belivie in me that I actully can do this. That I actully can be an actress.
just starting talent looking for opportunity to show my talent.. You are looking for me #95724. Love you Disney
Hi!! My name is Karienne. I know what your thinking “Karienne?? How do you pronounce that?!?”, well, you pronounce it – Kare-ee-en. Or, “Where did that name come from?? And who thought of it?”. Honestly, I don’t know where it came from and my mom thought of the unique name!! Anyways, I would love to be in the cast of Descendants.
My friends say that I am funny, nice, kind, spontaneous, outgoing, bubbly, and chill. My family thinks I’m weird, funny, nice, loud, outgoing, and unique. I consider myself uniquely different because I have a mixed personality. A mixed personality means I can be geeky and dorky, then cool and chill, then weird and loud, basically I can be friends with mostly anyone. But no matter what, I am ALWAYS going to be myself, which is weird and bubbly!! I LOVE to eat!!! But I never gain weight because I have a high metabolism. Im not anorexic, but I am skinny. I am the kind of person who will be honest with you no matter what.
I also love rain. I dont know why, I just do.☁⚡☔
Well hello, I saw the casting for this movie and I thought that I can pursue my acting dream, my sister & I loved the idea of this movie but I really want to be a villains daughter. Though I was born in New York but I currently live in Puerto Rico, I have a beautiful mix being half Dominican and Puerto Rican. I’v always loved the Disney Channel shows and I always wanted to be on a show or movie, so I really want to be on this interesting movie. Thank You For Your Time sincerely Tyara *.*
Hola !, a warm hello all the way from the enchanting Island of Puerto Rico, I’m 17 years old and I have watched Disney Channel all the from Hercules, Boy Meets World, Even Stevens, That’s So Raven, Proud Family, Kim Possible to the brand new Girl Meets World. I have been an aspiring singer/actress since the day I have use of reason and I hope that this movie can be my big break.
Warm Island Breezes, Good Mellow and Awesome Vibes,
Tamara <3
Hi my name is jakya johnson im 11 years old and i’ll be 12 august 1 and i’ve always wanted to act ecspecially aside with disney’s most precious disney characters and I would love to act any part it would just be an honor to act with disney stars and if I do get any part even if its small I dont have to get payed I would just love to be on tv.so give me any imformation
Hey, I’m Amber…not much to say. I’m in Florida… I want to try out… I’m planning on being a tour guide for Disney World. I LOVE Disney and the villians, so it’d be cool to be a part of a film that includes them. I started acting when I was 6 and singing a few years ago.
My hair is golden brown, my skin is Hispanic tan,
my eyes are deep brown. I take martial arts so I could do
a fight scenes. I love doing skits and mini plays. I’ve watched
Disney channel shows for as long as I could remember.
I have been wanting to be a actor my whole life its been my dream for as long as I can remember it would be a dream come tr
Hellooo , please chhose me, I have blue eyes, long brown hairs and nice shape not fat.
Hello my name is Amber and I’m 12 years old! Acting has always been my dream for a long time! I’m not the best ever but if you give me a chance I will do my best to become a great Actress!
Kailey is 7 and she is the one pushing me to apply, she is a natural performer ,with an eye catching personality, she’s a caracter of herown and loves to entertain people.She has a spark that makes her stand out from the rest. She’ll be verry excited to audition and star in your movie. Thank you and God bless you and your projects.
Hello. My name is Elisabeth and i live in germany. I’m now 14 years old but i’m going to be 15 in less than 3 weeks (april 28th 1999).
my eyes are green-blue-grey and my hair is brown, but i’ve dyed it a year ago and again on new years eve so they’re a little red on the tips.
My grades are not that bad but i don’t think i’m a super exellent pupil. i’m still doing many mistakes. my english is well, i guess and i also write english and german storys and stuff like that.
i’ve never done acting before but my friends and my family told me, i’m good at it.
I speak german, english, russian and a little french. My hobbies are: mostly dance, i danced ballet for 1 year and hip hop for 1 year. Drawing, painting, go out, shopping, stuff like that.
Please, email me if you’re interested. It would mean the world to me.
Thank you. Elisabeth.
Olivia loves a challenge and learn new ways to act. She has Long red hair and blue eyes with long black eye lashes. She did a pageant and everyone kept saying she reminded them of the Little mermaid. I guess the aqua green dress she wore pulled the whole picture together. I think she would be a good fit. Good Luck
Tammy Lynch
Hi my name is Jessie and i would love to be in this movie! I love watching Disney! i haven’t stopped watching it since i was 4. i am 13 years old but will turn 14 in September. I am Latino. I have Light brown eyes, tan skin, long, straight black hair. i am 5’3 and weigh 95 lbs. I speak both English and Spanish. I am fun, out going, energetic, nice, and i get along with others. I can master a lot of accents including a British accent and New York accent. I prefer to be called Diana. Thank you for your consideration!
hello! my name is Desiree Fontana but everyone knows me as Skylark Angel. I’m 17 and I’ve been singing and memorizing Disney movies since i was 4. i have always wanted to be a part of Disney. i can do different voices and various accents.
Height:172 cm / 5ft 8in
Shoe size: 8.0 UK / 9.5 US / 42.0 Euro
Weight: 55 kg / 121 lbs
Hair color: Naturally Brown (currently red)
Ethnicity: White/ Caucasian
Hair length: Medium
Skin color: White
Hair type: Wavy
Eye color: Blue (changes to grey and green)
Dress Size: 3 – 4
Waist 63 cm / 25in
I have always wanted to be apart of the world that i saw in Disney. I acted and sang along with the movies. I can sing like belle, sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas, and can sing like Elsa too! I live in Toronto and my mom travels a lot. It’s just me and my mom. Everyone else is scattered across the globe to follow their dreams and live out their life. I am very talented and i can sound like a little girl , English and southern accents, My Little Pony characters, and even Stitch from Lilo and Stitch! i have no doubt i can be a “Disney Descendant”. My schedule is pretty flexible and i love the idea. I greatly appreciate your consideration :)
Name: Daniel
Height: 4′ 10”
Weight: 111 lbs
Ethnicity: Latino
Age: 12
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
I am an aspiring actor looking for a small role, or even as an extra. I play guitar, bass guitar, and drums, as well as baseball. Please consider me, I’d appreciate it.
My birthday is April 2. I want a role on this show for my birthday
I’m carlos rodarte I’m 16 and I have always love acting is a passion of mine and I just want to say if you all can give me one chance to audition to see what it takes to be on disney I really love disney I always wanted to be in it since I was 5 years old so please call me or email me if I can get a chance to audition
i love to act im 10 and i am small but i have a huge voice
My name is Mya Margetts and I have dreamed of being part of the magic that is Disney since the beginning of my childhood. I am 14 as of May 2013.5’3 with long brunette hair, and hazel eyes. 135 pounds and willing to drop if necessary. I am eager to try any roles given to me minor or lead. I have been in multiple musicals and plays with minor and lead rolls. I have been a cheerleader since infancy and am quick to learn any routines. I am athletic and a straight A student. I realize part of the Disney roll if I were to be included in any cast is to be a role model. I believe I fit that all the criteria for the position. I am my freshman class president at my school. I have been on the student council since it started in elementary school so I know how to lead others and I also work well with others. the arts are my passion and if you were to give me this great opportunity to be apart of this experience I can promise you will not be sorry. I ask that you please consider me for any upcoming roles in the future. I do know what I am signing up for and am ready to take up the challenge. Please consider me if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone. Thank you.
Mya Margetts
Hi, my name is LIANNA GRIJALVA, I guess I will start off by saying that I’m 16 years old and will turn 17 in July, I’m 5’5, Mexican American , I have brown hair and tan light brown skin. Unlike many other young adults like myself, my goals have never been set on acting, nor have I ever thought of acting. I have not had experience in acting either, but there’s a certain drive in me that knows that I want to try something spontaneous, I want to try something new, and I don’t think that is necessarily a bad aspect of my-self . All great successes come from the smallest irregularities. I am that irregularity. People describe me as shy but also outgoing and dedicated. I have never been afraid to set goals for my-self or testy limits. If I do get this opportunity of playing even the smallest role in this movie, it will be a chance to show my true personality, and my abilities. Acting doesn’t just come from years of proffessional classes, it comes from deep down inside of your heart, it’s a passion that you feel certain of, and it is a feeling like no other. There isn’t anything that is impossible to do in life, and what’s better time to live life than now. That is what I live by. Hopefully I get recognized as the unique individual that I am, it would be a privilege to be apart of an original disney movie like this.
Thank You!
Hi my name is Caitlyn. I am Chinese and I love to act. I am 12 and will be thirteen in September. I act a lot older than I am. I have been acting since I was five/four. I would love to be in a Disney movie because I grew up with Disney and I have always wanted to do this please consider me thank you. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Hi I’m Lia. My story: My family is middle class but sometimes we don’t have a lot of money to buy new things. Whenever my little sisters ask for something we have to say no or maybe later. When I became older and wanted things my mom joked around saying go get a job. I love singing and dancing and playing the piano ( when I have access to one) anyway I love the arts and I think this would be a good opportunity to get a job. I really want a chance to be in this movie.
Sex: Female
Age: 11 almost 12 in May
Height: 5′ 3″
Eye Color: brown
Race: African American or Black ( I really couldn’t care less)
Talents: Singing, Acting, maybe Dancing
Hobbies: singing, acting, dancing
Experience: I’ve been in mutiple Musicals, and Plays. I’ve taken music classes and acting classes. 2 Years ago my team won an Acting Competition, for best in the state. I’m also very tech savvy.
I’m really trying and pushing it to start young. Thanks for reading if you did!!!
Any other questions just email me!!!
Hi my name is Chloe. I have never wanted to be anything but a singer or actor. I love Disney I think this show is an amazing idea and I would love to be apart of it.
Hair:dirty blonde
Eyes: Green
Age:13 in July
My name is Clyde DeClouet. I am a 17 yr old ,6″1′,mixed (black and white) male. My life is singing and acting I was singing out the womb. There has never been a performance i have missed> For high school I’ve always been a lead and have even been in several performances at a local college (Chipola College to be exact). I’d be okay with any role if i was to get one I am very dedicated to what I do and revolve my life around perfection. IF you give me a chance I promise you wont regret it I have a very outspoken personality and have a knack at making people around me smile and happy. I’ve been told I’m a joy to be around and want to be able to show y’all what I can do if i can.
Please take a moment to view my nephew page. He is eager and ready!!!
Im Destynee and I am 13 yrs old and i am 5ft 4. I have dark black and brown long hair and light brown eyes. I am a cheerleder and have been the lead in every one of my school plays since i was 9. I have been told i have amazing acting and singing skills and i would really make it on the silver screen. I can cry look angry scream and do any emotion on cue. Since i was small i was bullied and was old i “you wont make it” or “you stink” and many more. I would love to show everyone who didn’t believe in me that i am worth it and i will make it. This is my chance and i really hope you let me shine through and take it
Hi my name is Amanda I’m 13 years old. I’m 5’1, I have brown hair and blue eyes. I know that you probably get TONS of things just like this and it might not be very different but you should know about me. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. I really like disney channel! When I was little ever since I could get out of bed and turn on the t.v. by myself, I would get up sometime before the sun came up and everyone else in my family was awake, I would watch disney channel every morning and whenever I go to hotels or my grandma’s I watch disney channel. I’m almost always really happy and bubbly, even if I’m actually very upset I hide it. I LOVE to act and I’ve wanted to be and actor ever since I was little. When I act I can pretty much become that person, that’s what I especially like that about acting, it helps me get away from my real life. I also really like to sing it’s soooooo much fun! I’m kinda good at it, I’m actually in the honors choir at my school. I know that a lot of people want to be in this movie so I don’t have a very big chance, but I would still love to be in this movie or at least audition for it. I’m sorry if this was boring, but it’s still would be a dream come true just for you to read this! Thank you for this opportunity!
Thanks a bunch,
I am experienced in acting and would like to be a part of Disney Channel because I feel my personality suits the position. I want to strive and try new things and I think it would be Amazing
Hi my name is Elizabeth smith. I am 19 years of age age. I am African/Irish. I have watched Disney since I was 8, its always been my dream to be in a Disney movie. I love to act and dance I have been in several plays. I would describe my self as out going, sporty, funny, smart, enthusiastic, silly, brave and energetic. I absoultly love profroming and making people laugh. I have recently finished filming as an extra for the new locazade add 2014. I have been on RTE speaking on an art piece. Height: 5’5
Hair: black
Eye colour: Brown
I would love the opportunity to audtion for the casting of Descendants.
Contact number: +353-085-7353820
Email: smithalizabethhh@gmail.com
Looking forward to hearing from you.
I think this would be an amazing opportunity. I have a unique look, and I’m confident that I would be able to fit a role on this movie. I’m enthusiastic and funny, Im also outgoing and friendly. I’m athletic, so i would be all for doing my own stunts if i needed too. I learn quickly and would bring everything I have to the table. I left a website that has pictures and my information,
I hope you check it out, it will not dissapoint. Thank you very much.
Hi my name is Hannah Daniels and I am 13 years old. I am filipino and black and white. I would like to be in this production because I feel like it would be a great experience and something new for me. Also I have been in many plays and I’m currently in the production of west side story at my school. Also I am fluent in Spanish. Some other things that I can do is sing and memorize lines fast if necessary. I would also be able to fill any role that you needed me too. I hope you consider me for a role. I really appreciate you taking your time to read this.
Height: 5’6
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: dark brown
Hobbies: singing, sports, academics, and acting
Phone number: 1562-852-8802
Hello there! My name is Hannah Smith (as you can see above) and I am fifteen years old! I have mid-length brown hair and (naturally) tan skin, and I am 5’7″. Tall, I know! Anyway, my dream has always been to work on Disney Channel. Descendants sounds awesome and it would mean the world to me if I could act in it. I play the piano, flute, am learning the clarinet, and I can sing on key if I try! I may not be the most talented or experienced actress you will ever meet, but I can assure you I am the most passionate and willing to be the best I can be. Thank you and have a great day!
I’m Natana, I’m a Laos, Thai, and Vietnamese Freshman almost 15 year old Asian. Throughout my first year in high school I’ve been apart of the theater program, I also have been in the Musical “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum” and the play “Up the Down Staircase” for my school so far in the year. Additionally, I am in my schools’ Thespian club and I enjoy to play the ukulele and have been playing the Viola since I was 9 years old. It was be an honor if I had the opportunity to participate in this film.
Thank You!
Hi my name is Julie I live in Circle Pines, Minnesota, I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I’ve always dreamed of being on Disney, I take acting classes at my school, and i’m going to acting camp in August. I’m outgoing, sweet ,kind , and fun to be around. So I hope you pick me
Hi my name is Chay . I am looking to join this spontaneous film . I will like to choose me I am a13 year old girl in Atlanta Georgia. I hope it well also help that I have been trained in martial arts . I am sending to you my application I hope this comment will be read by you thank you for your time.
I would love to do this And please email me This is my dream!!!!
Hi my name is kayla iI am a aspiring actor I am ten years old and can look younger. I worked at John Casablancas for months. I also watch disney channel and will like to apply. thank you
Hi my name is tishina and i am 16 years old i would love to be in this tv series i am 5’2 and weigh 125 i am also african american but look mixed anb i also look i am 14-16 year
Hi my name is tishina and i am 16 years old i would love to be in this tv series i am 5’2 and weigh 125 i am also african american
My son Jayden is a natural born performer! He can sing on pitch since he could talk. When I say he has rhythm!!! He is a great dancer! He is not shy and will perform at the drop of a dime! His dream is to be on Disney channel! If he is given a chance, he won’t disappoint you. I’m from a small town called Ruston, Louisiana and there is very few opportunities for him to pursue his dream. I’m a mother who believes in her son and I have a big support group who does as well! Please check him out! I only have home videos of him dancing and singing. Nothing fancy but talent doesn’t need all the fancy bows and ribbons! True talent is enough all in it self! Thank you and I pray you consider him for any part in your production. Be blessed!
Hello how are you doing? My name is Lamar and I am 20yrs old. I decided to enter the acting/modeling world because I am a very positive and social person. I also still have a baby face which makes me look 16 which is a plus.lol..I have taking professional acting classes and been in a couple Indie films. I would love to be a part of this project and I feel as though I could make it far if I get that break.
Hi there… :)
My name is Shané Bartels, I am a 17 year old born and bread white South African who now lives in Brisbane Australia.
I am honestly one of Disney’s biggest fans, iv basically seen every movies Disney has ever made and will probably never stop watching them. I have a strong personality with extreme determination and dedication. I have great acting skills that have been taught me me throughout me entire schooling career and multiple performances and plays. I have great skill sets for a Disney character due to my vast flexibility in character capabilities for example; I am able to be very friendly, kind and enthusiastic in my characters to being very fierce and obnoxious. I’m am easy leaner and can be transformed into any character iv been taught, due to my many years working in the modelling industry manly as a photographic model iv had to learn how to portray a a characters emotions and feelings onto a single photo, which has in return taught me how to capture a characters entire being in a single look.
This will be a great opportunity and I know that I’ll be the best candidate for this roll.
Thank you!
Hair: dark violet
Eyes: blue
Skin: olive
Hight: 169cm
Body type: slender, active and healthy
Hey i am DeeAnna Landers I am 16 years old and i have been wanting to act since o was 5 years old I love disney and their movies this sounds like tons of fun and i would be very very interested here is my info.:
Heibht: 5’3
Eye color: brown
Hair color: blonde
I love to be outgoing and i have alw ays wanted to act
Hi my name is Renee and I am 15 years old. I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I commented previously but did not get to finish. Something that I think is really cool and have always wanted to do is be one of the Disney stars that says high I’m Renee from …. and your watching Disney channel. Also Disney stars get to reach out and help children; people from all over the world look up to them as a kind hearted, sweet child. Tons of Disney stars get involve in tons of great organizations and get their voice heard. Being od Disney channel would be like a dream that it would take me at least a month to actually believe to be true.. Also I think that Dove Cameron is an amazing actress and I would love to act along side her. Please read this, contact me, and consider me for this movie. Thanx luv Renee. :) :) :)
Hi my name is Renee and I am 16 years old. I am 5 foot 8 inches tall and have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I would love the opportunity to be an actress.. I have watched Disney channel every since I was a little girl. Some of my favorite Disney shows and movies I have watched are suite life, wizards of Waverly place, that’s so raven, Hannah Montana, Halloweentown, high school musical, the color of friendship, and cadet Kelly.
My name is Nava Siavoshy. I am applying to audition for a role in Disney’s new movie The Descendants. I am 13 years old and about 5’3″. I have tan skin and dark hair. I am also Middle Eastern so I might fit well into a role as a daughter of Jafar if that role is available. I can also sing very well. I’ve always admired Disney actors and wanted to become one someday, so now that I have the chance to, I will jump at the opportunity. I live in California and am willing to visit another city for shooting the film or auditions. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hopefully, I will hear from you.
-Nava Siavoshy
Age: 11 (12 next school year)
Height: 4’5
Hair: Medium length light brown
Eyes: light brown
Hobbies: Gymnastics, dance( Classical, hip-hop, modern, jazz etc), acting, singing, sports, academics, swimming
I think I should be in this movie because I’m a hard-working kid that
deserves a chance at an amazing film like this. I am also playing Maleficent/Carabosse in the dance version of Sleeping Beauty and Juliet in Rome & Juliet this year.
Hi I know you get this alot but I really want to be on this show! I want to be one of te main characters now I will tell you about myself:
Name: Keeley Stuff
Age: 13 turning 14 august 16,2014( born in 8/16/20)
Hair: i have curly brown hair
eyes: light brown eyes
Fav.color: I love any kind of color but I really love pink and purple and white.
I love wearing pigtails or just having my hair down.
I know you might not read this but I can be really funny! so I hope I can try to be on this TV show. I know you might not want me but at least I tried saying this to you.
I really want my family to laugh out loud if they ever see me on TV.
Call plz to say I am in if I ever am: ( 415) 386-6305, we might not pivk up but pleae leave a voice message! or call my mama
mom: (415) 596-0382
plz I want my family to see who i am and I want them to see me on TV and make them laugh! it would be a dream but if you really wanted to that could be start.
Hello, my name is Maya. I am 15 years old and i love acting. My dream is to be in a movie or TV. I’ve been in plays most of my life and enjoy being a character I love on stage/screen.
My hobbies are: Reading, writing stories/scripts, singing, and swimming in a mermaid tail.
I’m very good at singing and have a wide vocal range.
It would be amazing if I could be in a disney production.
Thank you
Um , Hi I love Disney and its just the idea is freaking cute . Disney has been a dream of mine for along time .
I am 5″5
African American
Brown eyes
Pitch black hair
weigh 132
That’s me
First of all you should know that im fabulous!!!
Hello my name is Jannai Simmons I am a 13 but I could play the ages 12-15. I am very charismatic and I have been wanting to be in a Disney production since I was a bout five years old. I have been in many plays where I have played the lead role or another supporting roles. I am an African American girl who can speak fluent Spanish on cue whenever that is necessary. i am very committed to what I do and take every task seriously and do it to my best potential I think that I would be best for this production because IM FREAKING FABULOUS!!!!! well that and the fact that I can sing, dance, act, and speak fluent Spanish.
Hair: brownish black
Eyes: light brown
Height: 5’2 (shut up im still growing ok!)
skin color: brown
Gender: female
Why should you pick me?: well no one will work as hard as I will
i want this sooooo bad just to gets a chance will just be amazing!! It will change my world in ways you can’t even imagine. I will not give you 100% of my effort that’s too easy, I’d much rather give you 300% doesn’t that sound better? Please!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, give me a chance to show you what i can do.
And remember………. IM FABULOUS!
Jalen Gipson
Black Hair
Black Eyes
African American
Hi im jalen and I have looked up to Disney my whole life. I am physically fit. I play 9 different sports so I Love to be active and i also love to entertain my friends. I always wanted a chance at a different life and I really believe acting could be it. Hope to hear from you!
I would love to audition for Jasmine and Aladdin’s daughter for the movie Descendants. I’m 5’2, light brown skin, black/brown hair, brown eyes, female. I really love acting and have acted as tiger lily in a local Peter Pan show. I’ve always wanted to be a disney channel actor and want a great opportunity.
Name: Anna Niznik
>>Age: 17(18 in December)
>>Height: 5’3-5’4
>>Sex: Female
>>Hair Color: Light Brown (sometimes darker)
>>Hair Length: Long(reaches mid back)
>>Eye Color: Light Brown, almost a golden brown.(amber color)
>>Ethnicity: white(European origins, parents from Poland, but I am 100% American. Born in America, no foreign accent)
>>Skin color: white, Not tan at all. Almost would say “snow white” color
>>Primary Language: English. I do know some Spanish as well.
>>Weight: Fluctuates between 113-115 lbs
Talents: Singing and drawing are my main talents, however, I can act as well. My main dream is to become a singer and hopefully also become an actress. Here is a sample of my voice:
I am a quick learner and can pick up nearly anything someone shows me. I am very patient, cheerful, hardworking, and motivated.
I grew up with strict rules and know discipline, but I also know how to have fun. I believe it is important to have a balance between those two. When I was little, Disney was always there for me when I had no one else. I want to be a role model for other girls, and also want to be part of an amazing project that will brings smiles to other people around the world. If acting comes before my singing dream, that is fine too and I will work just as hard to make it a success.
My absolute favorite subject for any show or movie is fantasy fairy tales. I watch Once Upon a Time, which I believe is amazing. I believe “Descendants” also sounds like an amazing production, perhaps even better! It sounds very exciting to incorporate the children of past Disney villains and put a teenage modern twist to it! I would love to be a part of it!
>>My Personality: I can be very playful and crack jokes, but I can also be very serious and withdrawn. I am often sassy in making smirk comments or with comebacks to what people say. This is just for fun and so my friends never take it personally. I am very kind to everyone I meet because I value friendship, love, and just genuine courtesy toward every human.
I am very familiar with every fairy tale villain and protagonist, as well as with every story. I really hope to be a part of such an amazing movie!
Hello, my name is Ariana, but I go by Pheonix, because of my love, or what some would call obsession, with the mystical/magical bird. It’s spelled differently however because of a typo that, to put frankly, I was too lazy to correct :D
I turned 18 a little over 3 weeks ago (February 14, 2014). I’m from a little town in Connecticut, well not exactly little but, not exactly large, and have been told constantly from a young age to pull my head from the clouds and start thinking of a real career. For as long as I could remember I knew performing would always be in my future. Although, to please my mother I’d have a back up plan.
I always loved performing but I didn’t realize the passion I held for it until I was in middle school. I had turned 11 and had decided to audition for my school’s talent show as a singer covering Taylor Swift’s ‘Our Song.’
I had managed to secure a spot on and was all set to perform. Come the day of the show, the teacher’s in charge had told me I would not be performing because they did not want me to embarrass myself.
Rather than let that get me down all my life, I decided to use the experience as something to drive me to success.
I am now a newly graduated high school student and have done several things I am both proud, and ashamed of.
I am proud that I’ve moved past the whole 6th grade talent show fiasco, yet also ashamed that for a brief time, I did let it have me question everything I had seen for my future. In high school (which I finished 3 weeks ago), I joined my high school’s drama club. For three years I was part of something that accepted my flaws, my quirkiness, my shyness and my flare for performing. Coming out of high school I can proudly say I was co-president of the Drama Club, an actor, play-writer, director, techie, and friend.
The Drama Club helped me re-realize my passion for performing.
Many of my fellow members, which are still in fact in high school, have told me to, in other words, “Kill those haters with kindness, and success.”Which, even before they told me that, I had planned on doing. Although, that does make it sound like I only want to perform to prove all those who said I couldn’t, wrong. But that is in no way the case. I truly do love performing. I love the butterflies it gives me, the adrenaline the crowd gives me and the burst of pride I feel when a show has gone smoothly and the curtain either opens or drops.
Like I said, my name is Ariana, but I go by Pheonix, wrongly spelled due to a typo I, and my loved ones were too lazy to ever bother to fix.
I am 18, and a newly graduated high school students looking to make her mark in the world.
I am 5’6 have brown eyes and brown/ombre effect brown hair that comes to just below my chest.
I love acting, singing, baseball/softball(which I’ve played for 6 years now), music and food.
I’m a bit of a perfectionist and give everything my all.
I can’t promise you I’ll be perfect, but I can promise you I will try my very best to reach perfection.
If you give me a chance, by giving me the info to this or any other auditions that are open in the New England area, I can promise you I will do my best so you don’t regret it.
Hello!!! I am a fun loving and full of personality 4 year old. I love to watch the Disney Channel and I have said I want to have my own show on Disney since I was 2, but now my mommy is taking me seriously since I keep telling her. When she takes pictures of me she always tells me to “Use your Disney smile”. I would love for a chance to show you my smile.
Thank you
-Fourteen years old.
-Blue/Green/Gray/Hazel eyes.
-5 foot 6
-120 lbs.
I’ve been a singer my entire life and am confident in my ability.
I am a very believeable actress and work well with people.
Im great at dancing and catch on to things very quickly.
My name is Ariedlee but everyone calls me Kiki because my name is difficult to pronounce. My mom likes to say Im as complicated as my name even though she chose it. I was named after the little mermaid. Which is part of the reason why I have always wanted to be in a Disney film. I am sixteen years old with green eyes and reddish brown hair. I speak English and Spanish. I attend thunderbird high school, where I am in dance class. I love to sing and watch Disney movies. My friends describe me as loud, bubbly, funny and “fun size” because I am only about 4’11 so I can portray a character of a younger age. I love to have fun but become serious when it is time to work. I have always wanted to be an actress or in the music industry. An opportunity like this is what I have been waiting for and I would be extremely honoured if I was chosen.
hi! i’m Valentina Flores so since little i’ve been wanting to be an actress and if i could only get this chance it would be the world to me (literally) :D. well now here are some of my facts.
race:full american
height:5 feet
eye color: hazel green
hair color:golden brown
build: slim
language: full english and spanish
i am also good at drawing and i’m not christina augilera but i can sing:D
i hope i can get on the show i have all my hope on this thank you soooooooooooooooooo much if do get in.
name: Adi Dadon
height: 5.05ft
hair color: dark brown
eye color: brown
gender: female
age: 13 [ sept 1 2000]
ethnicity: jewish [ but i speak fluent English]
acting is my life i will do anything to become an actress i love acting my friends and family and people at school say i have a really good sense of humor i make people laugh all the time and people say im a really good actress and that they could see me on tv one day but i dont want to start to be an actress when im like 20 i want to start now and once im 20 ill already be an actress anyways im done dreaming of one day becoming an actress and i wanna start to ACTUALLY become an actress and ill do anything to become an actress and i know that i need this so please contact me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeee!
thank you
Hello, my name is Isaac. I’m 18 going on 19. I’m 5’9 and weigh 197 lbs.
I have moved to Long Beach, CA recently because I’m an aspiring actor. I am a versatile actor. I can be both silly and series. I can do physical comedy like throwing myself to the ground. I am mainly aspiring to be a voice actor so I can do many voices, both serious and silly. I have loved acting for as long as I could remember. I would be very grateful if you consider me for a role. I would love any role.
Thanks for reading this.
Hi! My name’s Kelly Hixson! I would absolutely love to be in this show! The idea of Disney character descendants sounds super interesting and I would have so much fun being anyone of the characters! It would be the best if you could contact me and tell me more about the audition process and story of the show :)
Hello! My name is Kiara Esser and I am really looking forward to an acting career when I’m older. My parents told me that I have to start somewhere, and I decided this is as good of place to do so as any!
I am very skilled at math and I am a remarkable reader. I am a very kind person and I love to act.
I am 5’4″ and I have blue eyes. I weigh about 110 pounds and I have shoulder length brown hair. I am very athletic.
Please let me know if you are interested in me, any response would be very appreciated.
Thank you,
-Kiara Esser
hahaha funny story actually… i dont think before hitting send… but…
age:14 (soon 15)
hair colour:light brown/brownish light hair, cant explain it
skin colour:white
eye colour:blue
(i will get somebody’s attention eventually.) haha now i’m done ;)
hey again this is gogog again haha i just forgot to say that my parents are in it with me the whole way they are actually here with me helping me to figure out what to say and i am fully committed if its a small part or a big part doesnt matter because well….you’ve got to start somewhere right ? please contact me, its really hard trying to be noticed by disney when you live in iceland but i will…eventually. XD thank you sooooo so very much for reading this and please give me a change, you wont regret it i swear.
hello my name is Gogo. i am 14 years old and i will turn 15 this september 2014. i live in iceland but i have been saving up money to move to america and hopefully get the green card since i was 9 yrs old. even though i am icelandic i can speak english fluently and can also “fake” an american accent :D i am a HUGE fan of disney channel and i have been taking acting lesson since i was 7, i love acting and dancing more than anything in the whole entire world. (i get bullied alot 4 being a drama freak but i don’t care, i still keep doing it) i am an “A” student and when i want something i work my butt off to get it and please…just please consider me 4 any role at all i would really appreciate it (and please look past the fact that i live in iceland, cuz i can pay 4 a flight to america and everythin)g
Hi, Im cristina my age is 14. I have been wanting to be in a disney movie since i was 6, and have been watching it since the age of 3. Anyway, i know a lot of spanish, i have dark brown hair, light brown skin, and thin.
I’ve never been in a movie honestly but if theres any character I can play, maybe an extra or just whatever, please please give me a call +52 686 542 9639 & capp_1999@hotmail.com .
I know spanish too, ( a lot) . Well thanks !!
Hello my name is Dayana Mendoza, but a lot of my friends call me Day sometimes. I am a very outgoing yet somewhat shy girl, but I know that things like this only come once in a life time and I thought why not give it a shot who know what will happen :) I love disney since I was a child, your never to old to watch the amazing stores disney has to offer. I have always thought about voice-acting or singing but I thought it would be a one in a million shot, though my friends keep telling me to never give up or that I will find a way. Well this is a good way to take their advise and see what happens next. You never know what the future holds.
My info:
I am Female, born May 17, 1994.
Height: About 5’6
My family is Peruvian, but I born and raised in Brookyln, NY
Talent: Well I love to draw & sing
Hobbies: Spending time with family and friend, drawing/sketching, singing, watching movies or reading, and etc.
I went to Frank Sinatra School of the Arts as a Vocal Major & I was lucky enough to take part in an elite chorale during my last years of high school known as the Collegiate Chorale which performs in Carnegie Hall and abroad during the summers. I used to do some musical theater when I was younger, it was fun to be in groups and making new friends.
Well that is all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you find the people you are looking for and wether I take part in it or not i’m glad I at least took a chance to write this down, and now I am so excited to see how this turns out when it is premiered! :)
Hello, My name is Jessica. I’ve been a huge Disney fan since I was born. I used to make my grandmother watch all the Disney princess movies over and over again.
Being in a Disney movie for me would be a dream come true. Every time I try to audition for something, I tend to have bad luck, but whenever it comes to Disney, I just usually never find out until the movie/show is already done its castings.
Here’s a little about me:
Sex – femal
Age – 18 (May 18, 1995)
Height – 5’1.5″
Eye colour – brown
Race- Caucasian
Talents – singing, dancing and mainly acting
Hobbies include playing video games and collecting all Disney movies.
Experience – I’ve been in a couple school musicals, and I used to take dance and vocal classes/lessons. I’ve been in a few short films and have been in many vocal talent competitions.
My vocal range is alto-soprano.
If you have any other questions feel free to email me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time.
I am twelve years old. I am mainly Hispanic but
half European. I am actually really tan. I may be twelve but I am pretty
tall. People think I’m 14-16. My hair in brown with
gold highlights I take Kung fu so I can make great
fighting scenes. My singing is really good you will
like it. Acting is very important to me since 2nd grade
I got good grades when we got to do skits in school.
I’d like to play as Belle’s daughter . A lot of people said I look
like the younger version of Belle.
Hi I’m Lia. My story: My family is middle class but sometimes we don’t have a lot of money to buy new things. Whenever my little sisters ask for something we have to say no or maybe later. When I became older and wanted things my mom joked around saying go get a job. I love singing and dancing and playing the piano ( when I have access to one) anyway I love the arts and I think this would be a good opportunity to get a job. I really want a chance to be in this movie.
Sex: Female
Age: 11 almost 12 in May
Height: 5′ 3″
Eye Color: brown
Race: African American or Black ( I really couldn’t care less)
Talents: Singing, Acting, maybe Dancing
Hobbies: singing, acting, dancing
Experience: I’ve been in mutiple Musicals, and Plays. I’ve taken music classes and acting classes. 2 Years ago my team won an Acting Competition, for best in the state. I’m also very tech savvy.
I’m really trying and pushing it to start young. Thanks for reading if you did!!!
Any other questions just email me!!!
Hi..I´m Kerttu and I´m twelve years old. I love Disney and acting in USA and being different are my biggest dream cause hey i´m from finland. What interesting there ever happen? Nothing that´s right, i wanna achieve something because nobody don´t believe that twelve years can reach anything in USA or anywhere. So i´m gonna keep doing this until somebody gives me a chance!
So my height is 5`4″, i have brown long hair and brown-green eyes, i speak finnish and english, my skin tone is white and i can sing, dance, write (songs,storys and poems), run fast and use computers and other electronic pretty well.
I believe that i can do something relevant. Can you give me a chance show it?
Thank you
Hello! I am the aunt to a very energetic and eager to learn 9 year old boy, Kaleb Johnson. He is gearing up and willing to audition for any position that requires his youthful talents. Please watch his movie viedo, I am sure u will be quite pleased!
Hello, my name is Kelsey Jeffs and I’m from Buffalo, New York. I have seen Frozen and am absolutely head over heels for it. Any role or participation in the production would mean the world to me.
Name: Kelsey Jeffs
Age: 18 (April 12, 1995)
Height: 5′ 7″
Weight: ~ 140
Hair Color: Auburn (but willing to dye it)
Eye Color: Varies from Brown to Green
Caucasian Female
• Townsperson in The Emperor’s New Clothes (2003), Townsperson in The Pied Piper (2004), Evil Stepsister in Cinderella (2005), Marilu O’Connor in Axe of Murder (2006), Rhonda in Touchtone “M” for Murder (2007), Pepper in Annie Jr. (2008), Miss Garfield in Much Ado About Coconuts (2009), Mary Millar in the Marble Orchard Ghost Walks (2009-2011), Deborah Sue in Bye Bye Birdie (2010), Joanne in Godspell (2010), Sister Berthe in the Sound of Music (2011), Dancer/ Ensemble in Jesus Christ Superstar (2011), Puah in Puah’s Midwife Crisis (2011), Rebecca Swain in Town of Porter Historical Society Walks (2011), Silly Girl #1 in Beauty and the Beast (2012), Chick Boyle in Crimes of the Heart (2012), Apprentice Nun in Artpark’s Sound of Music (2013)
• Participated in Shea’s Exploring the Arts theatre workshop/program which required writing an original piece and a performance of it. (2011)
• Re-enactor at Old Fort Niagara (2006- present)
• Student Director/Assistant for Seussical the Musical (2013)
• Performed in the 2011 American High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Auditions were required and performance was with 200 or less students from all over the U.S & Canada
• Participates in various elite NVMEA and NYSSMA choirs in WNY (All County, Area All State, Solo Festival)
o NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association)
o NCMEA (Niagara County Music Educators Association) 2007-2012
o American High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall (under the direction of Dr. Eph Ehly) 2011
o Solo Festival 2006-2013
o Area All State Choir 2007-2012
o Falkner Park Concert Series Jazz vocalist with the Water Street Quartet 2012
o National Anthem (local) 2009-2012
o Community Caroling 2009-2012
o 3 Charity “American Idol” themed concerts 2009-2011
o Church Choir 2007-2010
o Dinner entertainment with Water Street Quartet 2012
o Community and Church Recitals 2010-2012
o Junior Miss Scholarship Program vocalist 2011.
o Director of a student run a capella choir; Notoriety 2012- 2013
o President of School Senior Choir 2012- 2013
• Studied voice privately
• Church choir (2007-2010)
• 1 year of musical theatre dance class
• Years of dance in previous musicals
• Experience in Local Theatre Shows
• Some French (3 years)
• Sing (Vocal range of Alto II – Soprano I)
Thank you for an amazing opportunity! Please contact me soon regarding any further information. Thanks for your time!
Kelsey Jeffs
Buffalo, New York
HI!!!! Im 14 yrs old turning 15 in April I guess I cant really show you my acting skills but I can tell you that I love acting. I can be a very good or evil person,and its kind of weird how my face can turn from a bubbly girly-girl to a wicked evil minded girl. i can do accents, i’m a fluent Spanish speaker (but when I speak English I DON’T have that Spanish accent,unless i want to).I have acted in various plays before and I don’t have a problem with doing stunts at all. since I was in gymnastics, karate and dance (for 7 yrs since I was 5 ) and am currently in diving and yoga.
Thank you so much for the opportunity!
i would love to be on a tv show im fun creative and i love acting i first acted when i was 1 to my family i would make up little plays for them please pick me
hi my name is carrington.its always been my dream to act,and i look up to people like jhonny depp,will smith, james dean, and robert downey jr.i want to be like these people.so thank u for the chance
I’ve always loved Disney and wanted to be apart of disney. I act and model for short films and different fashion shows. Starred on several commercials and would love to join the disney team.
Hello, my name is Kristy. I love acting and have since I was a little bitty baby! I also enjoy almost an Disney movies! I am 12 years old, and am Mexican/Peruvian. Please email me for more info and a headshot!
I wish I could apply! It’s really too bad that I’m from Canada.
Hi my name is kiley johnson and ive watched disney channel but never really like got obsessed with it. I prefer the original disney movies, and ive always wanted to be apart of something like this my entire life. Im only 13 but I think I could go a long way if I really set my mind to it. So I really wanted to try this and see how it turns out.
Hello, my name is Miriam and I will be 16 years old in June. I can’t go to any audition because I live in Norway, but if someone see this an knows something about a posibility I can get, I would have liked to hear about it.
My look is Norwegian, I think I look like Anna in frozen.
Hiyah! I’m Makayla but you can call me Mik most people do, I’ve loved acting and specifically scaring or pretending I’m a Disney character! I would love to audition for Disney for absolutely anything! I’m 15 years of age I’m 5’2″, 5’3″ on a good day haha:) I weigh in at 115-117 lbs. I’m curvy so I’m not a stick but I’m not heavy either. I have long dark hair and medium olive skin with blue green eyes. I would really truly appreciate it with all of my heart if you were to contact me!
Makayla Myers
hi am jackye and i live in mexico but i have a house in los angeles california and my dream is be actris plus consider me
I am zena and I am 12 years old and female.
I would love to take part .i would like a chance to have a role in this movie. I have experience. I am confident and very talented and can do many accents and it will definitely achieve my dream to act. For more info about me you can contact me by email.
I hope to get a response.
Thank you very much
Hi. My name is Demetrius. I am 12 years old and turning 13 in July. I am a male. I have brown skin. I have brown eyes and black hair. I have no immense amount of acting experience but over the course of almost my whole I have been in school plays with more than 5,000 people out in a crowd and have been able to grow better at the craft. in a
Hi I’m Amy Callec,
I’m 13 years old but most people think I’m 15-16 because I’m very tall for my age. I live in South Australia, Australia. I have not had much experience at all except a small classroom drama play were I played Red Ridding Hood and also the practicing in front of the mirror. My friends say I’m Funny,Bubbly, Crazy/Weird and most of the time very out there (if you know what I mean). My friends say that I’m good at my accents (but aren’t friends mean’t to give you complements, so I don’t know if they’re lying) .I have always wanted to become an actress but not for all the fame but because I love to act. I love the idea of being someone else for a day and being able to forget about everything going on in the real world.
Just a little more information:
Age:13(mistaken for 15-16 year olds)
Country: Australia
Hair: Brown with a little natural blonde with a little curl in it
Height:5 foot something
Eyes:Brown with a little green
Hobbies: Acting, Surfing, Basketball, Hanging with friends, Watching movies (Picking up tips, Haha) and spending time with family
Personality:Funny, Bubbly, Crazy/Weird and most of the time very out there (If you know what I mean)
I also want you to know that I don’t mind what role I get (If i get one not likely) I will be happy to do most things. I will try hard and do my best.
Thank you,
Amy Callec.
Hi! Im lauren, im 12 years old and I love disney!!! It would be amazing to see myself in something disney created! Ive seen so many disney productions and i have so many disney things! it would be amazing if you picked me!
Hi my name is Sage Hawk
04/03/98 (15 year old)
Height: 5’7
Weight: 130
Hair: red
Eyes: Dark Brown
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Grade: 10th
Acting is my passion and I would love a chance to be on your show I have been in many plays. I have trained with Ryan Glasgow when I was in an undiscovered talent program.
Jello, my name is Leslie Caballero, from L.A. I’m a very fluent speaker in English and Spanish, being of pure Salvadorean descent, and I know a bit of Korean, Japanese and French. I’m 13, turning 14 this October. My father works under the artist Sheryl Crow, and I’ve been inspired by her and many other artists to sing and act as a living. As it might be obvious, I love singing and acting, and I’m teaching myself how to dance and play guitar. Being able to act in this project would make one of my many dreams come true. I’m very cheerful but I can change expressions quickly and get into any character, so I think I could be of use for this project. I’ve also had a bit of experience, being in a talent show last Christmas and thinking of being on it with my friends this June. If you consider accepting me, please contact me. Thank you.
Name:jessica Warby
Age:14 soon to be 15
Hair:slightly Dark Brown blonde tips (ombrè)
Height:156cm I think
Hobbies:singing,hanging with friends ,beach and watching movies
Personality:I’m fun, love to laugh,bubbly ,determined,silly,caring,wise from what I have been told ,mature and I stick up for what’s right and serious when needed to be
Bio:hi I’m jessica but I prefer Jess . Personal fact I’m a twin!!(not identical)it’s fun 99.5% of the time . I love to sing it’s my passion , hanging with friends and watching movies . Especially disney movies and romance I’m a sucker for happy endings and love stories. I have no experience in acting but I do drama and I enjoy it very much.i am both confident and shy , but when it comes to speaking up I have no problem speaking .i have always thought about pursuing an acting career and always thought about what a great experience it would be to actually do it.I live life I the fullest and try to do the best things in life and I believe that this is one of those things . I know the chance I have of you picking me is a million to one out of all the great actors or actresses you have to choose from and from my lack of experience in the industry my chance is very little but all I am asking for is a chance . I catch on quickly and I never half do things . This is a once in a life time opportunity and I intend on trying my hardest to have a go .i hope you at least read this and consider me as an option.i am determined and I will do my best to do what you want me to do . Please at least consider me
Please read this and my e-mail is jess_rosey@hotmail.com if you wish to contact me please use it
Yours sincerely
Jessica Warby
I am 14 and it’s been my dream to be in a Disney movie ever since I saw my first Disney movie, the Little Mermaid. Disney inspires me and teaches me so many great lessons and I love it. It showed me a whole new world ;) and to always be yourself. I love Disney with a passion.
I am Mandarin Chinese and I am very hardworking; I always give it my all and never slack off. I hope you will consider me! ^.^
Hello disney universe, i have been dreaming of doing a production or at least something with disney. I am like one of the biggest fans of disney.
Name: maria
Height: 5’3
Age: 11
Discriptions: hazel eyes, brown hair, goofy one, will do silly dares, outgoing, athletic, and will always be willing to work with disney i am from arizona. If you have more information email me at marvizudiaz@yahoo.com
Hi my name is bassem hammoud I am 14 years old and I really want to be the best actor the world has ever seen if you give me just one chance to audition for you I promise that you will be smiling after. Since I was 5 years old I always wanted to act and go to hollywood and I really know that my acting skills are one of the greatest but not only in london ontario canada but in all the country, all I ask is one chance a d I promise you I will nkt let you down.
I am fifteen and interested in pursing a career in acting. This would be an amazing experience and help me get started in the acting world. Acting is my passion and I will always try my hardest! I take criticism well and am always looking to improve. Also I love my Disney movies and being able to be a part of this would be spectacular!
Name:Sebastian Hernandez
Talent:Acting,Trombone player
Hair:Black/Brown Curly
Body Type:Thicker
Personality:Creative,Fun,Joker,Mature,And I Give my all
Bio:I Come from a Regular Family I Have Just Recently (Came out) I love acting I act when I get the chance plus I Love Gameing….but anyway I Would Love any Role I Will Be happy I have been told by many people that acting is a gift and I was lucky to have it….I do odd life I have a sister hafe way across the world and Ya sometimes it’s a petty but my acting keeps me going every day but I will say my father is not very accepting
Thank you for reading this and if you need to contact me this is my e-mail Sebastian1220@Yahoo.com ….much love Sebastian!!
I’m 12 years old and female! My dream has been to be on a Disney Channel show or movie for as long as I can remember. I was a model with the Campbell Agency for 2 years and modeled in everything from cheerleading magazines to Neiman Marcus catalogs. I was also in one commercial for water conservation a couple of years ago. I was in acting in front of a camera classes for 1 year. I was in a drama class for 1 year at a fine arts school. I am in at least 2 plays a year with my school, and that is not counting my church. I have dance, tumbling and gymnastics experience and I love to sing! My eyes are green and my hair is brown. I have white skin, but I’m pretty tan. I’m thin, but not skin and bones. I’m 5 foot, 3 inches and growing! I’m looking for a start to my acting career, and this is perfect! I will take any part you give me and put 200% effort into it! Give me an audition and you want regret it!!!
Hello my name is Elizabeth Pagan and I would so very much love to be a part of “Desendants.” I’m 16 years old although I don’t look it. I’m roughly 5’2 and weigh somewhere in between 80-90lbs. I have dark brown hair and eyes. My hair naturally goes down to my mid back and is a mixture of wavy/curly/straight (I don’t know why). I was born in New York but moved to Florida when I was very young. I get along with just about everyone. I have a very unique personality, but in a good way. Ever since I was little I loved to act. It also just so happens to be one of the many things I’m good at. I play the piano and trumpet, and I sing very well. I grew up watching all the shows on Disney channel and always dreamed of being on one of the shows. Acting is my passion and I get so thrilled even if I get just a small part. I recently was in my high schools play “The Outsiders” and was able to play different parts (child in the church fire, a greaser, and sometimes Johnny’s mom). Also during rehearsals I would fill in for characters if the actor couldn’t make it. Not only was I an extra, I also did some tech work. Currently I am doing tech for the musical we are doing (Beauty and the Beast) because I wanted to be experienced in both. Anyway, I would love to be a character on the show and would be very thankful. I just want to say that I am already so thankful for this opportunity. If you are interested in having me as part of your cast, please contact me and I promise I will not disappoint you.
My name is Luke and I am 16 years old (17 in April) and I have been performing since the age of 9. I am 5ft 7″, light brown hair, brown eyes. I am a tenor, please consider me!
I’m Chauntelle and I am sixteen years of age, I would absolutely love and be honored to be apart of your upcoming project “Disney- Descendants”. I am from Brisbane, Australia (but am able to put on required accents).
I have blue eyes, freckles, wide cheekbones, fair skin, dark blonde curly hair. I weigh 55 kilos and I am 5’6.
I am currently in grade eleven at my high school, which I take part in the school’s Musical and Theater Program, as well as it’s Drama Program. I take acting classes at Red Music Center.
I have watched and cherished Disney films ever since I could remember, and still absolutely enjoy watching them.
I understand there may not be many roles left, but I would not mind even playing a small part in any of your projects.
If you believe that I am a possible candidate, (even for a stunt girl) and I hope I am, please contact me on one of my email adresses
Yours Faithfully,
Chauntelle Mariah Munro
When I tell people how old I am, they look at me in awe. I’ll be 21 in April, but I usually look like I’m 16. Being tiny tends to do that to people. However, I have a sharp hourglass figure, and I’m corset trained.
Sometimes my friends call me Mary, which also seemed appropriate for my Korean teacher and classmates to call me. “Maryann” is a bit awkward in the Korean language. I know bits a pieces of a few languages and I want to someday be fluent in at least three.
I go to Montgomery College and am transferring to the University of Maryland for a degree in Criminal Justice. My focus will be Forensic Science. If you’ve seen NCIS, you know Pauley Perrette’s character of Abby. I want to be Abby incarnate.
Judging from the sheer diversity in the friends that I have (9+ groups), I’d say I’m a very accepting, friendly person. I can also be very abstract, and people sometimes describe me as eccentric, humble, and sometimes paradoxical. You could also ask me anything and I’ll respond truthfully. Why would I have anything to hide?
I’m also a giant nerd. I love video games, video game music, conventions, science fiction, anime, Dungeons and Dragons (I’m not even kidding), and tabletop and strategy board games. I’m also a member of the Gamer Symphony Orchestra at the University of Maryland where I have played guitar for four years.
My inspiration for acting came at a young age from Shirley Temple, Elisabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and Judy Garland. I’ve been previously enrolled in John Robert Powers, Model Productions Management, and ExploreTalent for acting and modeling. At my current InterFACE, I’m enrolled for modeling. I can do anything but dance.
This past Halloween season, I was payed to work at the Field of Screams in Olney, Maryland, a Halloween attraction. Around the same time in 2012, I was in a fairy-tale themed murder mystery, where I played Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I also have experience on stage as an extra, a named musical extra, and two main roles.
I’ve played guitar for coming up on 7 years, I’ve been singing since I could talk, (my first song was “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics) and I have a number of unfinished written works, including songs, plays, novels, and musicals.
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Age: 20
Age Range: 16-21
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 104 lbs
Dress: S
Skin: Very fair
Hair: light brown, long and wavy
Eyes: Green with long eyelashes
Ethnicity: Caucasian. I’m a Celtic mix with Native American ancestry.
If you wish to contact me, here’s my email address: maryann.moses17@yahoo.com and feel free to check out my Facebook for current pictures: https://www.facebook.com/MaryannM0ses/photos
Thank you so much for your time, and I hope to hear from someone soon!
Lets see, I’m Nina as you can see from the bold print up above. I just celebrated my 21st birthday on the 8th. I’m 5ft nothing and my weight is 108lbs. I live for Disney films. Yes I am that 21 year old that plays Disney Radio on my Pandora station and dances around my room with my Chihuahua. No shame in that right….right. Don’t just consider me to be apart of another great creation by Disney. Call me in and say “YES”. I’m out going and out spoken as you can see. I would love to tell you more about myself like the things I do, Talents ect. However then where would all the surpirse be. There is no need to spoil what can be a great face to face conversation don’t you think.
Hi my name is Michael Rasin, I am 13 turning 14 I have beautiful brown hair with natural Highlights. Dark Chocolate eyes, I weight 140 my height is 5 feet 7 inch. I am a little chubby but am working on it and have already lost 10 pounds. I live in Brooklyn, NY and go to the top middle school of Brooklyn (Bay Academy) my talent is drama, next year I will be attending the top talent high school in the U.S. Fiorello H. LaGuardia. I want to be in this movie because I have been watching Disney since I was Two and loved every second of it. I truly loved Mickey mouse and the other cartoons but there was something that I liked more and that was the Fairy Tales Like beauty and the Beast and Sleeping Beauty. I loved those stories because of the Romance and magic which was in act how the villain had a choice just like the hero and while the villain made the wrong choice the Hero made the right Choice and always won, but always I felt that it was unfair that the hero always won and it seemed that their was no true choice for the Villain and when I read what this movie is about I knew that it was going to be fantastic and the Hero and Villain will have a true choice. I have been acting all my life and never had a real chance to stand out but I feel that this is my chance for it was Disney who inspired me to act so I hope it will be Disney that builds my career. I hope that you can call my legal Guardian Faina Rasin at 646-400-2972. Thank you for your consideration.
With hope,
Michael Rasin
20 years old
Light brown hair
Hazel eyes
5,6 in height
7 stone in weight
light brown skin
medium length hair
no tattoos or piercings
I am a singer and have great acting skills
Would be honored to be a part of this, I live n a rural area so its rare to get any opportunities.
i am 13 years old and i want my life long career to be acting and i think being an extra in this movie would be a great start
My name is Laura Feliz Camacho and I am 12 years old. I understand that there might not be a lot of roles left, but I would highly appreciate even being an extra. I don’t have lots of experience but I am looking to get my big break. Below I will include some information. If you would like to contact me, my email is trueblue563@gmail.com
Name: Laura Feliz Camacho
Age: 12
DOB: 09/13/2001
*If you would like to know anymore info or other ways of contact, please email me and I will gladly send anymore info*
My name is Kyrsten, I will be twelve in March, I am caucasian, have brown eyes, auburn hair, and I also work with Manikin Modeling. Acting is my dream contact me if you wish for my full resume. Thank you for your time.
Hi, im mikki brian (like the mouse). I am 13 years old. I have tannish skin dark brwn eyes and hair andim 5’6 i think…Now i realize nobody will probably care enough to read this, but, what ive always wanted most in my small life is to be special. To be worth something and to be known. Im quite shy but im pretty good at speaking and love acting! Ive always been a bit of a drama queen, butim never really brave. I wouk lve a part in anythingso i can start being special. This job description was sooo cool and i would live a part in it. I know that NOBODY will read ths, but im perfect in english, and i also love singing. My past expdriance is that i have been in many plays in my 3rd, 4th and 5th years of school. Im in choir and i love reading! Im in love with disney, but who couldnt be? For loooks im not really confident but im sorta pretty i think. Im 103lbs so im pretty skinny. Ill sign up for any addition, thanks. Ok and bye i guess
contact me if you think im good for a role, or this role. Thanks. Oh btw im a girl, did i say that? Oh well, goodbyre! ( sorry for mh bad typing.) Btw im going into highsvchool so id be good at playing a freshman. Thanks and bye:-)
I want to audition for the role of the son of Belle and the Beast
I want to be in this movie I have been watching Disney Channel since i was 2 i always wanted to be in a movie and i have been practicing i live in Brooklyn and not in a really good neighborhood i want to get out I am 13 turning 14 and people make fun of me cause my last name is Rasin. They call me Raisin, they say i cant do anything right but i have been proving them one by one, i got into Bay Academy Drama Talent and am going to Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School. I have a dream and I will not give up I hope this is my chance.
I want to be in this movie
Name: Elizabeth Leigh Mackay
Age: 15 (and a half)
Height: 5 ft 4 1/2 ”
Eye Colour: Mostly green with some blue
Hair Colour: Russet brown
-I have a very pale complexion
-I am British
-I am a dancer but I would love to be an actress also
-I have preformed in several productions (mostly of dance). These include pantomimes at HMT Theatre in aberdeen, Scotland for 7 years at Christmas. I have also preformed for a week on a cruise ship with some of my dance school.
-I have a very active imagination for my age.
-I can be shy sometimes but I am creative, loud and fun the majority of my time.
Thank you for taking some of your time to read this, if you do.
hi , im 15 years old and live in florida. I believe I was in 5th grade when I started to want to become an actress. just last year I was doubtin myself saying that I had to choose a realistic path but when I see the shows on tv I break down every part and I notice parts in when they crack and I can see that the characters are acting. I feel that I can do this I just need an opportunity, a door to open, a break I don’t have connections or anything so the only way I could ever make big is by a chance I really hope you bcan give me it, I give it my all and im very determined. I also have a great personality. once I get comfortablel around I am hilarious, sweet, and a great person. I have what your looking for . I am not always so confident but that’s what this journey will take me to. I can show everyone how determined I am. I want to make a living out of this so I can show my family that I can provide for them. they support me 150%they know I have the talent now all I need is the chance please.
It would be amazing to do this! My name is Megan I am 12 years old I have brown hair and hazel eyes. Contact me!!!!
hello im Maranda Obrien I am not going to sit here and just tell you why you should pick me but im also going to tell you why I want to be an actress. Its not that I want too be an actress because of fame and money like most the kids that have applied here it all about how they want to work with these people it is not all about who’s in the cast it is how you and your cast get along you are family though out the whole production and must work together you are a team. but not just casting they are not focused on there acting I many only have school Esperance but im not a fake that wants fame I am an actress working on finding her big break and will not stop here acting is my life I love that you can build on someone else and make them better I may not have a lot of experience but I work hard and as a team I think if you pick me you will see we can make the best movie you have ever seen or produced thank you for your time plz contact me.
Maranda Obrien
Hi. I think it’s really cool about the whole idea of the show. My name is Arial and I’m currently 14. I can dance, sing, flip, stunt, and emotionally connect with an audience. Anyway, this show sounds cool even if I’m not in it. Bye!
My name is Lilly Van der Meer, I am 14 years old and live on the Gold Coast Australia. I am currently training at Take 3 Acting Studios where I have been studying film and Television acting, improvisation and filmmaking. I have recently been cast the lead role in two short films, and would love to take part in your project, to gain experience and knowledge. Thank you for considering my application. I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Lilly Van der Meer
hi im Adi im 13 years old and i love disney channel ive watched it since i was like 5 years old and ive always dreamt of saying hi im Adi and youre watching disney channel and i LOVE acting its like my life and i want this so bad i will do anything to become an actress and i want to be an actress not for the fame but for the fact that im peoples entertainment and i wanna be an actress because i wanna play a different character with a different background and different life with everything different and acting makes me happy and people say im a really good actress because i have amazing sense of humor and all of other things PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me i am dying for this oppertunity and some facts about me im 5.05ft so im not short or tall and i have really dark brown hair but i dyed it like a sorta redish and i have brown eyes and i work really hard for things i want and i dont give up! i have white skin PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider me
thank you
from Adi Dadon
Hi~! I’m Hana Sala, I’m Half korean ad 15 yo. Im tan, i have naturally dark brown hair and one dark brown eye and one golden brown eye. I’m 5′ 4″. I’ve always been interested in acting but didn’t know how so i’m just going along with everyone else. I know how to play lots of musical instruments and i can learn things visually. It would be cool to play an extra ^_^. Thanks~. The link included is a screen cap of me currently. I have a fun bubbly personality and I’m a very exciteable person.
Hi i’m Dila Kannisa. I’m Indonesian and 17 yo. I have tan skin, black hair, dark brown eyes, and 155cm in height. I’ve been loving acting since i was 3 yo. To be an actress had always been my dream. I have the ability to act well as i practice my talent at school. I’m be able to dance and a leader of my dance team. It would be an honour for me to work with you guys. Im looking forward for your best response. Thank you for considerig. :)
Hi, my name is Rashad Murphy I am 14 years old and I been waiting my whole in life to be in a disney production.I pray to God that you could make that happen.Somethings about me is that I am a twin, I am a singer, and an actor.I hope that I would be able to play a role in Descendents.Thank you for your time and may God bless you.
Yours Truly,
Rashad Murphy
Hi my name is Cristina Esparza and I am 10 years old I am going to be 11 in march 20th I am 5ft 3″ and a half my hair is light brown my eyes are also brown. Ever since I was 7 I have wonted to become an actor I am a good actor and I very funny you can call me at 6028722321 or 5202509839 or send me an e-mail love Cristina Esparza
I am 11 years old going to be 12 in April. I have colored hair,brownish,blondish hair. I always wanted to be an actress since I was younger it’s been my dream. When I was a baby I always used to watch Disney jr. And sometime I still do with my baby brother. I always wanted to be in an Disney movie and this is my chance to be in one. Please if u pick me I promise you that you will not regret it. Thank u to everyone who took the time too read this and a special thanks to Disney channel.
I am 15 years old who just want to be the best among the best Actors and think Disney Channel is a best opportunity to start off.I can do anything for acting in any role
Hi! I’m Ashley Kim and I’m Korean. I’m 11 years old and at this age, I would likely enjoy being in Descendants. This movie seems like an interesting topic and it caught my eye for a very specific reason.
I had always loved acting, it was the second half of my life. I’ve been looked down on because of my race, but it started to change when I discovered the beauty to acting. I realized that acting could bring a “second” you, and it brought more color to your inner-self. Through acting, I could express myself in different ways and bring my emotions to life. And if I could act as anything I wanted to, if I could that is, I would do it forever and more.
Disney was also one of the main reasons why I chose to audition for this movie. I’ve always enjoyed Disney, and every show lives in my memory ’till today. I also really enjoy all these fantasy Disney movies, and if there’s a certain chance that I could be part of one, I would give it my best shot.
Thank You for giving your time to read this passage. I hope and pray you would give me a chance. Thank You again. :)
Hello, I’m Leslie Michelle Baca, I go by Michelle.
I’m 18 years old and a senior in high school. I’m 5’6 tall. Brown hair, brown eyes. Native American. I like acting, I find it very fun and this sounds like it’d be quite the experience.
I’m artistic and like to sing but I need an extra push to get me to sing.
I am also in the U.S Army reserves and capable of taking orders and following through with them. I’m a strong leader as well.
I absolutely love Disney and have been a fan since I was a little girl. I’ve never done anything of this sort and the idea sounds intriguing. So, why not take a crazy chance? That’s all I have to say.
Here’s my contact info.
email: heavymetalstuff3@gmail.com
phone: 612-965-3587
Hello, My name is Kenya. I am 14 years old. My height it 5’4. I would love to be apart of this movie because I love Disney Channel. People say i should be an actor but i never took the time to look into it. They say I’m funny and fun to be around. So I finally decided to look into it. It actually seems pretty fun to be an actor. I’m a Light Skinned African American. I have brownish hair. Like I said i would try my hardest and put my all into being into his movie. For more info email me @jones.kenya73@gmail.com
Hi I am Megan Jump and love Disney movies from the first time I have seen one. My address is 2507 East Truitt Road in Chillicothe IL and my phone number is 3096789321. I am 5’4″ with brown long hair and green brown eyes plus I am 189 pounds also I am 13 but will be turning 14 in May. I love to act and write poems. Please have me on your set.
Hi Megan! Just wanted to tell you to be careful about putting your full address. And the phone number wasn’t very safe either.
Be safe! Lots o’ love!
Hi I’m Cayla and I live in Hagerstown MD
I weigh 120 pounds and I’m 12 but I’ll be 13 on March 30th. I’ve always wanted to be an actress more than anything in the world.I am a bit shy and it takes me some time to get used to new people,but othe than that I might be able to wow you.
I am 5 foot 1.
Even if I don’t get this role I would very much like it if I were contacted about any future auditions.
I am black but I have a skintone that could make it appropriate for me to be the daughter of a byracial couple.
I have dark brown hair,
Dark brown eyes
and not to thick eyebrows
Thank You and please do contact me about future auctions
Hi. My name is Makeda Browne.
I’m 18 and I live in Trinidad and Tobago, in the Caribbean.
I would love to be able to play a role in this movie. I’m open to new experiences and my character is one that is weird and a bit sarcastic. Though I am shy at first, I am not one to disappoint where my performance is concerned. Please allow be to join your set
Hi im Susan but everyone calls me Susie
I am 12 but soon to be 13 I have red hair and
Im 4’11” im short but I am loud
I have acting experience in school plays and I have
Done a beauty in the beast one
I have loved Disney for as long as I can remember
I know I no chance but I still have faith
I am a hard worker and will take every chance I can to make it
Hello, my name is Ashlie, yes Ashlie, not Ashley or Ashleigh, although I am generally shy when it comes to meeting people, I gain this sudden confidence which I have no idea where it comes from but its there. I am 17 going on 18 in November, I am a brunette with blue eyes, 5″4′, and have only participated in a few small school plays, one of which we made. I have played and director where everything has to go my way in my vision, Skipper (Barbies little sister) in the play of Barbie! Get Real!, as well as a few men in a Shakespeare parady play. I have always loved disney, my mother grew up with it and so did I, if i were to chose my favorite disney character it would be extremely hard.. however I just love love love Megara! I dream of being a director/producer some day and Tim Burton is my main insparation I just love all of his works and I admire him and hope to be just like him someday. I would be very happy to recieve this oppertunity to be able to be part of something so great as this. Especially sence I would like to direct for Disney some day. Thank you for your time.
Hi, my name is Dominique Beckstrom. I am 14 years old, turning 15 in August 2014. I am a little bellow 5 foot 4 inches, I am thinned waisted and have a slim body frame. I am flexible with hair coloring, but my natural is a dark sandy blonde, light brown hair. I primarily speak English, but know some French. I have been in two one-act play competitions. Both occurred in middle school. I was also in a student film production titled “Three.” I have always loved Disney films and, as an aspiring actress, have always dreamed to be in one. I am a hard worker, and value leaderships skills. I hope you consider my application! Also, thank you to anybody who took the time to actually read this!
Hello my name is Bailee Biby. I am just going to just say stuff haha I am 14 I just turned 14 in January but I look as if I am 17,I am 5’8 and live in Colorado. My dream my entire life has been to play in a movie haha so now I am gonna try I guess! I have acted in all of my school’s plays since I could talk (yes this includes my kindergarten alphabet play ;) ) And so I am experienced in that way..I would love a role in this movie or even just to be the girl who brings everyone oreos haha but uh yeah..okay…bye now hahha
I always had the dream of becoming an actress from the Disney Channel, and if I can I’ll be the happiest person in the world!
Hllo my name is dina im from lebanon so my chance in this audition might be very rare but i hope i can get this part its been my dream since i was a kid to be on a movie or a show on Disney channel important 15 so i might be big for the role but i hope u’ll use me even if the role was small . Im tall for my age , i have a tan have hazel eyes brown medium hair i have sense of humour I’ve been for a year g struggling to be an actress so i hope this would be my rising star moment . This is my number 76995402 any 1 can call me if u want a young actress . P.s i can do any role trust me ;)
Hello my name is Jerrimia :) (everyone calls me Jerri)
I probably stand no chance in this but oh well, I am gonna be honest I have never done any acting :P
But I think that this would be a good opportunity to get a good start in a career :D (maybe)
I am 5’6-7
I weigh about 120
And I am 15, turning 16 in May! :D
Like I said I have no acting experience which is why I more than likely will not get picked, but I saw this and I have always loved Disney. I just thought “Hey, it’s worth a shot :) “.
And what do I think of this new movie? Hmmmmm… Well I think that it’ll be an interesting one, interesting and entertaining. Beauty and The Beast was one of my favorites growing up :3
(The following punctuation and letters were used as emoticons in my reply :D , :) , :P , :3)
Hi! my name is Karenna, I am currently working on a Bachelors degree in Animation to hopefully work for Disney in the future. I live in Seattle Washington and would love to at least try out to be part of your project. My stats are:
Eyes: Blueish Grey
Hair: Medium Brown
Height: 5’4″
Age: 20 (in June)
Weight: 125 lbs
Hello, my name is Andrea. I’m a 20 year old aspiring actress living in Ottawa, Ontario. Here are a few recent photos of myself:
It would be a privilege to gain some more experience working on Disney’s Descendants project. I grew up with Disney films and shows and to be part of one would be brilliant.
I have a good work ethic, I’m a fast learner, and I have a fair degree of versatility when it comes to acting. Thank you for your time.
I’ve loved Disney my whole life and my dream headrests been to be in a Disney movie.
Age:14 but can play anything from 10 to 15.
Hi, my name’s Lauren
I am a 14 year old actress that has always dreamed to be something bigger then myself. I have dirty blonde hair, blue green eyes and I’m about 5′ 5. Despite my young age I’ve been acting for a very long time and singing for even longer. I am talented at the arts and as a freshman in highschool i am a member of the international thespian society.
For years I’ve heard that disney makes dreams come true and I believe it. Please consider in making my dream come true.
Hi! My name is Serena Kobayashi-LeBel, i’m a Caucasian 16 year old girl living in Toronto, Canada. I’m aware that the auditioning is meant for Americans only, but i’d love a chance to audition!
I’m approximately 5ft 6″, long brownish-red hair and big blue eyes with glasses. I have an average body type, but more on the slender side.
Ever since I was the lead in my school play in grade 6 I have loved to act! I don’t know how to explain it, but it gives me such a rush of accomplishment. Being on stage as either a member of the chorus, or as a lead, it’s constant for me to feel an incredible burst of pride for everyone involved.
I’m very creative, love to sing and act, i’m at a tenor level. My biggest skill, though would be in my visual arts abilities. I believe that would be able to help with costume and make up design. My personality is bright and bubbly, i am kind of your typical Canadian in that i’m nice to every one i know. I always do my best to encourage and help others. My best characteristic i would say is my kindness and ability to work with others. I am friendly with everyone, making sure that everyone feels welcome and included. With my acting though, i am quite good at playing an antagonist. I can easily embody a more snarky, sarcastic character while still adding different levels to their personality.
I have experience in live action plays and some musical performances. No large scale events, though. I have a small background in ballet, which i like to think helps me keep my actions more fluid. I’m also fluid in French speaking if that helps at all!
Overall I am a fast learner, hard worker, I have a keen eye for details and i always do my best. I really hope you will consider me for an audition, thank you very much!
Hi I’m Sabrina, I am 5’4”. I have mid length black hair, deep brown eyes (some might even say black), I live in the Bay Area, I’m 13 and I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in acting. I’m very outgoing and enthusiastic. I have been a main character, evil character, motherly character, and even and extra. I love singing, dancing, and acting. These 3 are my passion and when I get free time or just bored I start to do either one of those. To be able to be an actor or extra on the movie Descendants would be a chance to start something I’ve been chasing after my entire life. I wouldn’t say I’m the best at singing, but if you teach me a routine or give me a script, I’ sure to get it down as soon as I can. I’ve been in musicals, plays, drama class, and I was even the director of our play “The lion, The witch and the wardrobe”. This would be the start of something new. Thanks!
Hello, I’m Monica Monteiro, I’m 13 years old on 19/04 I do 14, I’m 1m71, I’m black, I have black hair, I have black eyes. I’m Portuguese of Cape Verdean family. I live in France with my mother.
Since childhood he saw telenovelas, series and I tried to imitate the actors, and since then I wanted to be an actress. My family says I have the body to be a model, but I always wanted to be an actress.
I can speak Portuguese, French, Creole and English I am giving at school, and I’m very good at speaking English.
Thank you for contacting me!
My name is Paola Silva. I’m 21 years old, Hispanic, and bilingual. I’ve been singing my entire life and in all of my schools I’ve performed in musicals and talent shows, but I would like to reach out for greater opportunities such as the one offered in Descendants! I’m a singer, dancer, and a progressing actress. I’m confident in my singing and dancing, and I’m sure that I can expand all of my skills with the necessary training. How do I look? As I said before, I’m Latina, I have long brown hair, brown eyes, my skin is a medium tone, I’m 5’4″ in height, and have a thin body structure. I have more than talent skills to offer, a personality that I can bring out on the screen. I hope you will give me this opportunity to show you the best that I can be. Thank you for your time.
My name is Cassidee and I have been taking Drama as an elective in middle school for the last 3 years. I have also performed in a missoula children’s theater Secret Garden the Musical summer production as Mary and have performed school house rocks and Suessical in our spring musical at Hanscom Middle School. We are a Marine Corps family and so I am very outgoing, love to watch the Disney channel and am excited if I can audition for you.
Hi I’m quaynisha, I am 5’6″ drak brown hair and brown eyes I’m mixed with African American and Caucasian I’m a female and ever since I can remember I have been dreaming of being and actress I’ve been in four theater events 2 musicals and 2 plays I was a lead in godspell, I ththink that the idea is great and many people will truly enjoy it. I hope you pick me This could be my chance to live my dream.
Hey, I’m Mohammed Choudhury, but everyone just calls me by my middle name, Shahan. I’ve been told to by friends, family, and strangers that I should be an actor. My love for acting started in elementary school, getting several lead roles in school plays. From then on I continued acting through youtube and recently started a Vine account. My enthusiasm and personality helped me earn my position as Commissioner of Public Assembly for the student body in my high school.
Im a Bengali American.
Age: 16.
contact me at lightning924@icloud.com
Hi, I’m Lauren. I live in the Bay Area. I’m 15 and I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in acting. I’m very organized and enthusiastic. I’m also a quick learner, very dependable, and works very well with other! I hope you consider me for one of your roles in this upcoming film!
I’m Collin I’m 11 years old turning 12 in June! I would love to be apart of this show because I love acting and been in the school plays of Lion King and Pecos Bill! I had a leading role in each part! I am not that musical but very interested in acting! My dream is to be apart of a tv show! I’m white and weigh about. 90 lbs
Please consider me!
Hello, my name is Pauline Mariscal. I am 15, I would love to be part of this production. I’ve never done any acting before but I’m a risk taker and I would really like to be an actress. Some people may say that I am too young or that I don’t have any experience but if people doesn’t give me an opportunity then how am I supposed to have a professional experience? please consider me because I promise you I won’t dissapoint you.
hair colour: brown
eye colour: brown
weight: 101 (46 kg)
Thank you!
Hi, i”m Krista Wheeler, i live in ohio and am known as shy at first but crazy when you get to know me.i’m quite easy to work with and would be up for anything. I would love if you would consider me.
Hi my name is Amber DuQuesnay. I love acting. I am a great actress because im funny and serious about my work. I am 10 years old but can portray a nine and eleven year old. Thanks!
contact me at : amber.duquesnay@gmail.com
hi I’m sofia its a pleasure meeting you I’m 13 and I would love an audition please I hope you get to read my message,I’m very good at acting and I’m from a vitual.and performing arts magnet school and I’m also a great trumpet player and it would be great if u wrote back
thank you for your time
p.s. u can call me sofi for short thank you once again
Hi, my name is Isabel Gharibo ( my friends call me Izzy) and I am 13 turning 14 soon and I would absolutely love to be in this movie! I have been watching Disney for as long as I can remember and I was always especially in love with the princess. I pretty sure when I was little I had every Disney princess item to own! I would love to be apart of this production even if it’s a minor part. I have been acting since I was 10 years old and 3 years old since I was singing. I have been in many shows and productions growing up. Here is my personal information:
Hair: long light wavy brown with natural highlights
Eyes: Hazel
Height: short considerably
Skin color:in the middle of tan and fair
Age: 13
Birthday: 8/12/00
Grade: 8
State: New Jersey
Characteristics: funny, artistic, caring, sneaky
Hobbies: singing, acting, reading, biking, swimming, watching movies and TV, and hanging out with my friends
I come from a small town but I have a big dream!
Contact me at izzybusy@optimum.net!
Hi i am Maria Perez from Elmhurst IL. I have some acting experince I went to Maywood fine Arts when i was younger also did some improve with the Elm Classic Players, and did Graveside Stories in Elmhurst. Resentley finished Chicago Performing Arts Academy.
hi my name is Lauryn im popular and my friends say im very unique and amazing. Im a funny and class clown, and in a talented and gifted class in my school. Im eleven years old have brown hair and 5’2 tall and love video games.I would love if you noticed me for this online audition.
hi am iam Dylan gover and I wood love to act like to sing and I have only 1 dream to become an actor so I wood be over the moon if you accept me hear is my email dylangov13@yahoo.co.uk and hear is a vid of me singing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faXFjRaCVy8
Hello, my name is Madison I’ve been watching Disney as long as I can remember I’ve also been wanting to be in a Disney channel movie/show ever sence I was little, I believe I would be the perfect fit for a leading roll in this Disney channel movie.
Age: 13
Height: 5’3.5
Eye color: brown/hazel
Hair color: blonde
Hi Disney channel,
I am Rania i am 13 years old and took drama classes. ii also sing really good. I wright my own songs and love disney movies. My parents saw this opurnity for me and told me to make a comment.I am 5 foot something. My hair is curly and brown i am african german. When you need the number of my parents or acting scences from me,. Send me a script i can study for. I have a pretty face. And it would be great when i could be on thje evil side in the film, just email me pleass. I am living in Philadelphia and where the casting gonna be? I am speaking english german and french fluently. For mor information email me .
Hi my name is megan i am 11 and will be 12 in may i love to sing and dance i also do gymnastics so i am pretty flexible i have short brown hair and brown eyes i am 4’7 acting is also one of my many passions and disney has been my inspiration since the mfirst time i watched it if you cast i wont let you down you can contact me at angelmeg1@hotmail.com
Hello, I’m Christian, I really want to be apart of this! I’ve been inspired by Disney for so long, I love everything about it. I literally used tot make my dad watch The Lion King 7 times a day! I’ve just recently got into wanting to be an actor, but I really think this is what I’ve been waiting for. I’m currently working in my school play “Cinderella” and I’m loving it! Afterwards, I will be attending some acting classes to improve my techniques. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you. I just want to take the chance, and I’d LOVE to start my career with Disney. Thanks for your time! :)
Hi I am Rave Joshua Juico Alvarado,
I have been watching disney since i was young with my grandfather i told him that i wanted to appear in one of those shows someday but i was wondering if disney would accept me because I am a filipino and I might not be accepted well some of my relatives discovered what i have that i am good at acting and singing but too shy when i grew older i am 12 today as of febuary 2,2014 i became strong since my grandfather died 2 years in my past as if 2014 so i came out of my closet and joined my school’s programs and always looking online to see if i can audition in some shows here in disney and some of my family says that why be a star in america you can stay here i told them i would like it there because it is more powerful that you are an international star and i don’t even know if i can get a role if i am gay but i accept boy roles if it has to be given by the director i accpet it because i wouldn’t be a star if i had to be so choosy so yeah thanks for reading
my number in the philippines is +639169411097
my address is in Subic,Zambales,Asinan Poblacion 27 and 28 fabale street
hi, i would like to have the opportunity to be in this movie, it’s time to have a new great face, me! so let me know if you want me, e-mail me and i let you know all about me! thank you for considerate me
My name is Erin Rosiland Monique Hamilton and I’m thirteen. My grandfather is a musician and a singer, he plays many instruments and a while back he had his own jazz band. I have an uncle that is also a musician he has worked with Dr. Dre and many other artists, I also have a cousin that works with Mindless Behavoir as a music producer. With all this talent around me it was hard to not become talented. Once I became of age I joined school plays and the choir in elementary and continued into middle school. I have been in choir for four years now and I am currently attending still. I have been in more than 10 plays and 20 to 30 concerts. As I became older I really noticed that what I was doing wasn’t just a hobby, but was something I loved doing and wanted to continue it. So with my computer skills I started to search acting auditions, talent searches, agencies, etc., and I noticed that I am so determined to get started that no one is going to get in my way. After a couple of agencies that, called me back I know that this is real and that I know that this is real and that I can become what I always dreamed of. I know this is long and boring, but if this talent search doesn’t work out for me. I am going to move on to the next one and keep going until I live my dream. I know is right for me because god, my family and heart told me so! I’m 5’2 and still growing I have black brown hair I’m African American ( mixed too but mainly african American) I have an amazing singing voice and is now auditioning for OCSA the performing arts school in Santa Ana. Please consider me thank you for your time!
Hey………..my name is real name is Nashliz………..although i rather be called by my nickname NaeNae/N.Stars…….im am a young teenage girl with lots of potential. I am very outgoing…….extravert person if i may add. I am very fun, nice, and a cool person to be with….I am in love with Disney so any upcoming auditions in general i would love to be a part of…..and Descendants were one of them…… and i do have a little thing for the classic stories of superheroes and villains and would like any part in general. Then you will get more of this person i describe and get to know me even more……..(although haters will hate so they can go ahead….) Im also a good actor, singer and dancer and also have sideline talents……..MAYBE THIS COULD BE MY BIGBREAK THANK YOU…………please email me at god_child258@yahoo.com
hi my name is mackenzie nighswander and I would love to be part of your film I watch Disney channel all the time because I love al the shows you guys come up with but now that I’m done kissing up even though every one else did it better I would like to tell you a little about my self I’m currently 14 years old and will be turning 15 in November of this year I have al ways wanted to act ever since I was a little girl I’m short for my age at 5’2 I have brown natural hair and brown eyes I think I sing good but I have never gotten a professionals option before well I’m done ranting on about me I hope you can make my drams come true thanks for listing
I’m Sarah I’ve wanted to be an actress scince I was little. I love performing and think it is amazing, scary and wonderful I hope you will give me a shot to audition for this movie it sounds so interesting and incredible I would love to be apart of this movie please give me a chance
Hello, I’m Donovan DeLand,
I am a teenage actor I’m 15 i wear glasses however i can use contacts.
I am about 5’6 and grew up on disney movies, my mom has all the classic disney movies on VHS and DVD. I live near LA so it would be convenient and i could go in every week. I also sing fairly well and I’m in the Chior at school i know you may just read the small amounts of info and view the picture however i figured I’d be careful and post a reply as well. Thank you for your time.
My name is Kenna Washington and i have always loved disney movies and being in one will make my dream come true. I am 13 and have dark brown hair and dark brown/black hair. I am a singer and actress. I wanted to be an actress since i was 7. A little while after that i started to sing. And to this day i don’t go one day without singing atleast one note (usually more). I’m 5’1″ . And i just wanna say thanks for just considering on letting me in the movie
****Lookey Lookey over here****
Look so if you haven’t noticed teens of all ages want to be a Disney channel and when they write in the comments they all say,
Hi my name is blah blah and blah and i am amazing. I mean honestly how boring can we all be, am i right? So here is the deal.
My family had to move to a small depressing town in Idaho, and i am ready for a life change. My parents said if i get a shot they will let me try. All i ask is that you give me that shot!
I’m a teen girl, blonde hair blue eyes and have a strong personality if you haven’t already figured that out. So email me if you ready to get blown away with pure talent.
Hi! My name is Savannah Miles. I have light brown hair and crystal blue eyes. I am 13 and 5’6. I do pageants, sing, and act. This would really be amazing! Please call me at 6786284907. I am just a country girl with a big dream. Maybe this is my chance.
Hey Everyone, what’s up?!
My name is Michael Milne, and I am 18yrs old.
I have blue eyes, light brown hair, I’m 6’4, and I’m very athletic.
I’ve always been a fan of voice acting and acting in general. I’ve performed in my school plays and a variety of other minor roles. I have a hard work ethic, I get along with everyone, I’m friendly, smart and have a good voice! If you’d give me the chance, I won’t let you down. You see, I can’t prove anything if I don’t have a way too. This is my way. I believe it’s my time. I just need a chance, and if you give me the shot, it’ll be the best decision you ever made!
Hope to hear from you soon,
Michael M.
Hi, I have been watching Disney Channel my entire life and as a 16 year old, I still do. I grew up watching only Disney shows and have learned many lessons from the shows. I would be honored to work with such an amazing and inspiring production company. If you click on my name, it will take you to my website. Feel free to look through my resume and photo gallery on the website. If you decide that I might fit the description of what you are looking for then please contact me. I am willing to travel and possibly dye and/or cut my hair if needed.
I’ve watched Disney channel ever since I can remember. I love the shows and the music. I grew up with shows like Saved by the Bell and Phil of the future to Lizzie McGuire. I also love their movies. My favorite is Avalon High.
, my name is dakota and i would adore achieving my career in performing arts. Im the type to not get tired for a long time while working. Im a great singer and have youtube videos downloaded by noel medina. I enjoy singing with my two friends and we are going on the xfactor in April 2014 and im excited! I hope you can watch the new york auditions and see us. This could really help and make me very happy. I also wish to inspire many people at any age to follow their dreams and let no one in their way. Please choose me and if you dont i’ll just have to keep trying but thankyou for your time.
Age:12(13 in july 16)
Lives in: bronx ny
hair/eye color:light brown
weight: 140
Height:5’4 or 5
P.s: I love doing extra practice!
P.p.s i’ve taken chorus and been in dance camps.
Dream highschool: bronx theatre
well, I’m Peruvian and I would love to participate in this series actress’m a little here and these are my characteristics:
Age: 14 years
complexion: Slim
Height: 1.56 m
hi my name is imani I am a huge Disney fan I have been watching since lord knows what age I just wanted to show off my talent i can sing and remember lines it will be a huge deal if i will make it.
I have 2 brothers and a sister.
im the baby and I’m sassy im not brat but yes i will sass it up if i have to im really have good facial expression in plays and movies and im just really good ive been acting since i was 8 im 10 years old born may 23 2003 hope ill make it fingers cross……
have a nice day or night,
imani asiyah abdul-malik
I love disney and i always wanted to be an actress it’s been my dream since i was a little girl. thank you for reading my comments thank you
Hi my name is McKenna, I am 14 years old, turning 15 in October. I have blonde hair, blue eyes & I am 5’3 1/2″. I have dreamed of being an actress all my life , I am very outgoing and not afraid to try new things. please, this is my dream .
Hi my name is leora I love Disney and have always wanted
To be in one of their movies it’s my dream I have acting expirence
I have been on stage before in many plays I would love to be a
Part in this movie
I am 13 years old 14 in April
Height “5-3″
Weight” 98-103″
Hair color-brown with blonde highlights
Eye color-blue
I would really love a chance to auditions for this movie
I really think I can do it
Hi, My name is Jenna. I am fourteen and have experience on the stage. I have been in beauty and the beast as well as other productions my church has put on being the lead as mother Mary. I very easy to get along with. I have brown hair and brown eyes and currently reside in Pennsylvania. thank you please send me an e-mail if you are interseted
-i am 16 years old
-107 lbs
-eye color: green
-hair: straight, brown, medium length
-petite figure
-i can also sing, dance and ive been a cheerleader for 7 years
i have watched disney since i was a little girl and given the chance to work on a disney project would be amazing
Hello, my name is Cassidy Newman. I am fourteen years old, almost fifteen. I have acting experience. I am in Children’s Choir of Southwest Mo. I played Ophelia in the 2004 movie Chrystal wrote and directed by Ray McKinnon. I’m a quick learner and I adapt easily. I’m easy to get along with and I’m a team player. If reading this has interested you, you can email me at orange_pumpkin63@yahoo.com. Thank you.
My name is Aiysha Khan, 16 years of age (dob 05/03/1997) I am based in Essex in the UK. I have been waiting for a Disney opportunity to arise as I have grown up watching and adoring Disney films basically all of my life. To be a part of Descendants would be amazing! The outline of the film sounds brilliant and it will definitely be another successful Disney film adding to the long list.
Height: 5”6
Skin colour: Olive
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: Dark Brown. Length: Long
Email: aiysha1997@hotmail.co.uk
To even be considered by you would be amazing, so thank you
Hi! My name is Shira and I am 16 years old. I have red hair and blue eyes. I look a bit younger than my age, ages could range from 12 to 18. My weight is roughly 110 pounds and my height is 5’2. I absolutely love to sing and act. I have always felt like there was something bigger for me and this is so exciting that I get to audition for Disney! I have been doing shows since the age of 10 and when I perform I feel the most happy and confident I could ever be. Thank you so much and I hope I get the opportunity to show my talents to you all.
Hi, i’m Shawn. I am 13 years old and i am 5’3″. I have experience in acting in musicals. i have been in two Disney musicals and two others musicals. i was Razul in Aladdin Jr. and Chef Luis in The Little Mermaid Jr. I love Disney Channel and i absolutely love the movies. My favorites are The Little Mermaid and The Lion King. I am an Honers student at Agassiz Elementary school In Chicago IL. and i have loved acting since i was in fourth grade. Please put me in consideration. I feel like this can be the start of an Amazing acting career. Thank you for your time. ~ Shaw A. Colapietro
Out of the hundred of faces you will see and the comments you will read , I am Andy Villa a teenage boy that is passionate about acting and is trying to find his big break in the world of acting . Descendants sounds like such a fantastic film. I would love to star in this new upcoming Disney film. Please contact me if you are interested in me.
Hi I’m 13 years old and I love acting. I have done some acting camps at Northwest Childrens Theater. I play electric guitar and have performed 5 times and I like to sing. I also do choir. I’d love to be in this show!
Out of the hundred of faces you will see and the comments you will read , I am Andy Villa a teenage boy that is trying to find his big break in the world of acting . Descendants sounds like such a fantastic film. I would love to star in this new upcoming Disney film. Please contact me if you are interested in me.
Hi,i am Dilip Gurung.i dream Desny star.plz,give me chanch.i participant descandants.my cnt 08486728923
Hi,i am Dilip Gurung.my age 18years.i dream Desny star.plz,give me chanch.i participant descandants.my cnt 08486728923
Hi,i am Dilip.my age 18years.i dream Desny star.plz,give me chanch.i participant.my cnt 08486728923
I also have a great personality and am confident and have great expression in my voice.
Hello! I am 16 years old and I would love to be in this movie. I’ve been acting since I was 6 years old and I love it! If you have a part for me I would be eternally grateful. I’ve also been singing around the same time I started acting. I’ve had alot of experience with acting and singing. I’ve done musical theatre also. I LOVE DISNEY!!! I know all of the songs and some of the choreography. If you are in need of someone I’ll be there in a heartbeat. Please consider me and get back to me if you can. Thanks so much for this opportunity! F.Y.I. I have brown shoulder length hair. I am from Las Vegas NV/ Provo Utah.
Hey there! My name is Zara Hewson. I am Caucasian and live in San Diego, California. I love to play basketball, surf, and horse-back ride with my friends and siblings. For two years now, I have gone to John Robert Powers (JRP) for both acting and modeling and have been meeting a lot of new people, and learning a lot as well!
my dream is to be in disney..I always wanted to be a singer and actress..please let me and my firernd rosa vera and sulima cervantes…
I wanted to start off with saying how much I would love to be casted as an extra or a stand in role. I’m 16 years old. I will be 17 in February. I grew up watching Disney and I still watch it to this day. I’m in my 3rd year of High School Theatre, 2nd year of advanced. I played Priness Ingrid in Get Smart at my high school. I’m currently signed up for an acting workshop with the Blackbox Improv Theatre. Acting is believing in my opinion. Acting lets me escape reality and play as someone else. BECOME someone else. It’s my passion and my life. If I couldn’t act I don’t know where I’d be today. I’m so driven and determined to make my dreams of being a professional actress come true. I take acting very seriously. I had to grow up at a young age, I’m very mature and i would work really hard at any job I got! If you picked me, I’d promise to give you my all. (: thank you.
My name is Emma I am 13 years old in 8th grade I’m 5″6.5 Im in honors society I’m a straight A student. I’m very outgoing, polite and I love my family. I’ve always wanted to do acting but I never knew how to get started. I am so happy I found this site I watch disney all the time it never gets old. I have brown curly hair and brown eyes with an olive skin tone. I really hope I gave you good information and thank you for your time.
My name is Diana Cedillos-Bonilla, and I am 14 years old. I love to sing, and all of my family and friends tell me that I am getting pretty good at it. I love Disney movies and I always love the music from the movies. I would love to be able to sing for one or to just sing for a Broadway production of one. I have a very open mind, and I think I would do great. I would love it if you gave me a chance to prove myself, because I think I have what it takes. Thanks for your time.
Hey im Corey, I would love to be able to be a part of Descendants. This would be the perfect opportunity for me to start my acting career and hopefully further it also, the film sounds like something that would be absolutely amazing to be a part of aswell!
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
DOB: 25/05/1996
Phone: (+61) 435 324 390 (Australia code)
Height: 178 cm
Weight :62 kg
Thanks for your time.
HI! My name is Trevin Lebbie. I am an enthusiastic, whacky guy :) I would love to be in the upcoming Disney show “Descendants″ I have always wanted to be an actor when I grow up :) One of my reasons why I want to be an actor is because I love to make people laugh and to spread that around the U.S.A or even around the world would mean everything to me. Thank You for this Opportunity :)
(oh and already submitted a photo of myslelf if you want to know what I look like)
Birth Date: 01-02-01
Age: 13
Weight: 138
Height: 5 ft and a quarter
Race: Mixed (black and white)
Where I live: San Diego, California
If you are interested in me Please Contact me at: Trevrlebb01@gmail.com
Thank you everybody :)
My daughter Sabrina is 9 years old now, she always wanted to be a actress, she also loves to sing. She loves Disney and would like to be a actress for them . She has a great personally and always great to work with i love her so much and only want to help her on her dream in life, I always wanted my kids to give it their all in life and whatever they want to do career wise i’m be hided them 100% to help them as much as i can!!<3
Hello my name is Lily Fishman and I have always dreamed of being on a Disney show. I have been in many local plays but I have always wanted to be an actor. I will be twelve years old in April and I have long, dirty blond hair and green eyes. I am almost (if not) 4′ 10″ and wiegh about 110 pounds. I have been in Alice in Wonderland, Into The Woods, Pirates, The Jungle Book, and The Emporers New Clothes. I have been taking piano for five years and dance for three years. I am very intelligent for a sixth grader. I can fluently speak Russian and English and I can understand Ukrainian. I can also speak a little in French and Spanish. My cuurent intrests are art, making jewlery, singing, swimming, and of course acting!!!
I would really like to be a part of this, all I think about since I was 2 is how I wanna be an actor, I have expirience in plays, and this would be a great opurtunity for anyone you except, but I enjoy acting more than anything in life besides food, but while I’m serious about acting, I like being funny, outgoing, and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my goals, while putting on a great show, cause I believe that the viewers are who matters!!!
My name is Megan! I’m 15 years old and it would be awesome to work with Disney! I’ve always wanted to! I’m a perfectionist and do everything 110% In my spare time I like listening to music, I see myself as a girl with multiple talents. I also like to draw, a lot! I’d love a role in this movie! Thanks!
Height: 5’7
Hair color: Medium brown
Eye color: Light brown
Gutharo, I cant believe I almost missed this one!! :) Hello. My name is Erin. As you can tell The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie. I am 19 years old and want to be a part of the The Descendents whole new world. :) I am a white female and as of many I am an actress/singer.
I can hit those high notes and promise I won’t sell my voice to a mean old sea which to get what I want. :) This is Disney were are talking about so it is a given that there is going to be a few songs here and there to tell a part of the story . . . I am just letting you know I am a soprano 1, but I can also sing as a soprano 2 as well. :)
I have an average sized body with an hour glass shape to it. I am 5’7. I have long blonde curly hair, blue eyes, and a large chest. (that is just the basic look for me) All I need is my fairy god mother to say Bipide Bopide Boo and I just might be able to pull of Cinderellas daughter or something.
Funny because I work as a housekeeper at an Extended Stay America Hotel here in Austin, Texas as my means of income. cleaning is in my blood bro, but so is acting/singing.
Anyway if you need to get a hold of me I am just around the river bend. Contact me either by email or twitter.
Thank you. Acuna Matata to you guys. I hope to hear back.
Grace Daniel
Hair: red
Eyes: blue Phone:(804) 513-9445
Height: 5’9” Email:mdaniel445@aol.com
Weight : 130 Vocal Part: soprano
“Thoroughly Modern Millie” ensemble New Kent Trojan Theatre “Beauty Lou and the Country Beast” Sally Mae Missoula Children’s Theatre “The Emperor’s Birthday Suit” Nancy Clue New Kent Middle School Theatre
Vocal 2 years Michelle Edwards
Dance: Ballet 3 years Miss Linda’ School of Dance Tap 1 year “ “
Jazz 4 years “ “
Modern 2 years “ “
Special Skills
Foreign Language: French
Reenactment: 12th Virginia Infantry
Odyssey of the Mind – 3 years
Thank you for your time!
Hello, I’m 12 years old and would be absolutely thrilled if I could audition for a role in this Disney show. I’ve always been very committed to acting and would love to have a shot at this, please consider having me, thank you!
Hi! My name is Elaine Wu and I am 13 years old. I don’t have a lot of experience acting, but I love to do it more than anything in the world! Also, my friends do say I am over dramatic ALOT! I am about 5’4 tall and am not fat although I have an adiction to chips and junks. I am a pretty good singer, I play the piano, and asian. I thought I would fit the part of the desendant of mulan. See yeah!
Hi! im Carter and I would absolutely love the opportunity to be a part of this film. It would mean the world to me to pursuit my acting career and Descendants sounds like the most fun film to be a part of! Please consider me and thank you.
Age-18 (19 in March 2014)
Height- about 5′ 5″
Weight- 160 lbs
Eye color- brown
hair color-sandy brown
african american female
Thank you again!
Hey! I’m a 21 year old female who has been told her whole life that I needed to be a character in a movie because of the way my voice sounds. I can make myself sound like a chipmunk without helium when I want to even! I also am a pretty good singer and have sang at church several times. I have loved Disney my whole life and all their animated films, and I think it would be awesome if I could use my talent in one of their movies. The movie Descendants sounds awesome and I can’t wait to see it! I just saw Frozen not long ago and it was amazing! Props to Disney!
-Rachel B.
i am 11 years old and i had a blsck hair/eyes i hope you would like me to be in your movie just because this reasons
i had a good personality
and also charismatic
i loveeee act
and i love disney chanell
i also performed in my school theater class and i win
also i am very funny
so if you can put me in your movieee i would be so gratefuul
thank you for you attention
ana paula rodas vasquez
Hello! My name is Raven Tisdale, I’m 14 years old, & singing, dancing, & acting is my whole life. I’ve sung in District Chorus, 2 musicals, middle school graduation, & had many solos in my school’s chorus concert. I even got the chorus award. In the musicals, I was the 2nd main character, but I guess there’s always going to be someone better than you one time or another. My dream is to become a famous actor. It’s my whole life goal & I figured it’s probably easier to start while I’m young so I can capture my dream a lot faster! Everything in my heart wishes & prays that someday this dream will come true. I truly am chasing this dream as fast as I possibly can! I wish to one day be an inspiration to people. I have so much to say & there’s so many people to say it to. I want to be there for everyone when they have no one else. I believe one day this dream will come true.. & hopefully it’s very soon. Thank you. <3 -Raven
HI my name is Roberto Maeso i live in Puerto Rico i want to be in the movie descendants. i have been in school plays, i play instruments to ( ukulele and electric Bass) i can imitate different voices ,sing and dance.im 12 years old im turning 13 in march 23. the good thing is that i can talk spanish and english. thank you
Hi my name is Brysha Mone’t. I’m 12 years old in the 7th grade. I love to sing and act. I lead a song with my church choir. I also preformed in my school talent show. I enjoy singing and entertaining my friends and family. I write my own songs. I watch all the Disney television shows and movies. Disney you should pick me because I will bring so much fun and excitement. I always dream of becoming a television star and a singer on Disney channel. I’m very confident in working with Disney and I would love for you to hear me sing. Thank you.
I’m Mitchell, 14 actor at AYT (Actor’s Youth Theatre). Just look me up on Facebook or Instagram (@mitchabone).
Hope to hear!
eye color: brown
hair color: brown
gender: female
Hey everybody, I know this sounds kind of cheesy but, I have wanted this for five years. I am eleven now. I have had a Disney channel audition but haven’t heard a call back. Hey, everyone deserves a second chance. Being on Disney would make all my dreams come true. It is all I have ever wanted and will ever want. I know that being on tv isn’t about the fame or the money, it’s about loving what you do. Making people happy, make them smile, and laugh. That’s all I want to do. I know inside my heart that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Please, who ever is reading this give me a chance. I promise you won’t regret it. Thank you for your time.
. Love the one and only,
. Tessa Valdez
Age: 14
Height: 5’4
Hair colour: dirty blonde
Eye Colour: blue
City: Vienna, VA
I’m Shaina Smith. It would be amazing to be a part of Descendants. I have always wanted to participate in a disney channel movie or television show and I think this would be a good acting opportunity for me. This movie sounds like a great way to get out into the acting business. When I heard about this I knew I had to sign up. I know that there’s almost know chance I’ll get a part, but it’s worth trying. I don’t want to look back and say, “What if?” I hope you consider me for a part in this movie. The film is is so creative! I mean, it’s awesome how it’s about the children of the disney favourites. I’m looking forward to seeing it!
From, Shaina Smith
Hi I’m Gabrielle or gabby I’m 11 years old my birthdays December 27 2002 I have blond brownish hair I’ve been watching disney channel since I was 2 I would love to do this it has been my dream to be on Disney channel I would play anything I would not let you done this would mean everything to me and I would never let you guys down thank you
Hello my name is Yuki, I am 17 years old and trilangual. I love all Disney movies and shows. I am a very hard worker and I am a very determined person. I would love to have the opportunity to work with Disney. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Yuki
Hair color: brown
Eye color: brown
Height: 5’3
Heyo! :3
I’m a 14 year old girl who lives in Kansas. I think it’d be an awesome-tastic opportunity for me to be a part of this! I’m in Drama Class, but that’s about all the experience I have Cx!
Hello I’m an Australian girl and I prefer to go by my nickname Macy, look I could sit here and write pages upon pages about why I love acting, disney channel or about how I’m different than everyone else here writing to you but I guess these things are something we all have in common, but at the same time I do believe in myself and my acting ability and fun nature around people to contribute happy vibes and hard-work and effort into helping myself get into this career. Nonetheless it would be an incredibly amazing opportunity to land a role in something like this!
Location: Australia (QLD)
Age: 16
Can look 13 – 16 (maybe 17)
Personality: well people tend to describe me as bubbly, smart, down to earth, modest, have a great sense of humor but also serious, I think my personality changes around the situations I’m in but I think I have a great head on my shoulders and can make people feel comfortable around me.
Height: 5’2
Weight: 132 lbs (pretty much like an hourglass figure)
Skin: tanned, clear complexion
Hair: dark brown, wavy, I’d say 16″-18″ long
Eyes: brown – hazel with long eyelashes
Ethnicity: Australian, Latina, Canadian (people say the dominant in my looks is the Latina) *Argentina ~ just if you were curious
Accent: Australian (although people ask me if my accent is either American or Canadian)
Able to put on a range of accents
Features: ski-slope, button nose, no dimples, plump lips, high cheekbones, naturally straight, white teeth, no freckles, roundish almond shaped eyes.
Talents: trumpet, ukulele, percussion, recorder, creative writing, I also believe my acting ability is a talent
Hobbies: touch football, cross country, surfing, snowboarding, cheerleading, eating nutella and acting of course!
Experience: none; besides school plays, school musicals, school choir, school drama classes and featuring in local newspaper (school related)
I hope this gets read and maybe, just maybe makes you think, Huh *cue half-smile* then *cant get this reply out of head because it stands out* hahaha!
Kind regards, Macy
Age: 16
Height: 5′ 8″
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Once Upon a Mattress
The Secret Garden
Special skills:
Dance, public speaking, memorization, French, flute
I was one of the leads in my 6th grade musical and was in the cast of two of my school’s musicals. Though I don’t have much experience, I am an extremely hard worker and very dedicated in everything I set my mind to. I’ve had straight A’s since 5th grade and am in all AP classes this year. I’d really like to get out there and show the world what I can do, so thank you for considering me!
Hello, My names Tearyn Belanger its been my dream since i was 5 years old to be on disney, ive been in many plays when i was younger and ive been a background artist for starcrossed, ravenswood, 22 jumpstreet, and selfless. Ive also been a stand in for Starcrossed, and Ravenswood. i love acting, i can make my self cry when told, i can get angry when told and im a very joyful person i always have a great attitude.
Age: 18
Hair: Long, Brown
Eyes: Blue/Green
Height: 5’7
Weight: 120
SkinTone: Medium to Fair
I really would like to pursue my career and do more so if there is any chance you could give me a shot even if it was for a small part id be glad, because to me there is no small parts everything is important.
If youd like to see pictures please email me.
Thank you very much(:
I am a 13 year old girl, black eyes, darkish brown hair, about 5’4, brown skin, I am hard- working and will do my best to impress, and I live in Porterville, California. I love acting and it is even a hobby for me, I act for fun in front of people. I have a lot of talent and all I need is a chance.
also, I am getting my braces this March.
Hi name is E’mani, I’m 13 years old. I’ve never had a real acting job but I think this a good start! I have Brown eyes, I’m 5’2, my hair is about medium length and its light brown. I’m African American. I love to act and sing and I’m told all the time that I have a very colorful personality and very lively.
Please email me if you want photos and I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you very much.
Hello my name is Jessica and I’m 19. I have always loved acting, singing and dancing and been searching for the perfect way to get into the industry and this seems like the ideal way. I absolutely love Disney and to be able to be a part of this would be unimaginable and perfect. I have experience with acting, singing and dancing and I hope you consider me to be a part of this production.
Thank you for your time.
I would love an audition for Disney channel. I have wanted an audition for years if I could get on it would be a dream come true!
I have brown hair and eyes.
I am 13 but my brithday is 3/15/00
Hi, my name is Deanna I am 12 years old 5 ft. tall and i weigh 85 lbs. I don’t have as much experience as some of the other people who commented, but I think if you gave me a chance I would be a great addition to this new Disney movie. Even if I get a small part it would maybe start of my dream career of someday being a famous actress and I would like to start that now. I have been a big fan of Disney and have always dreamed of being one of the princesses or T.V. characters and now might be my chance. Please consider/contact me and thank you for your time in reading this have a nice day.
hi my name is Tamina, i am 14 years old and i live in london. i have always wanted to act because i really love it and it would be a dream come true if i get a role in this film.
Hello, my name is Deanna I am 12, 5 ft. tall and weigh 85 lbs., I have brown hair, tan skin, and chocolate brown eyes. I am European, American, and Pacific Islander. I love Disney and have been a fan for as long as i can remember although i don’t have much experience it would be a dream of mine if you would even consider me to be part of the cast. Thank you for your time if you have read this.(:
Hi I’m Madelynne and I am 13 and I think it would be a great opportunity to be in Disney Descendants. Even the smallest role like being an extra would be really helpful. Thank you for this opportunity.
Hi my name is Vivian Birungi.
I am 13 years old and I live in Dublin,Ireland.
I love acting and have been acting since I was 5 years old.
I have also been dancing since I was 8 and singing all my life.
I have a strong American accent but can perform other accents such as English,Irish, Australian.
I speak fluent English but also study German.
I have brown hair and brown eyes.
I am 5’3″ tall.
I am size 8 small.
I would like to take part in this because I think it would be a good way to build my acting career up and learn new technics.
I am well spoken, confident and always ready to work hard.
I am 15 I live in Greenfield IN and I love acting. I am African American and I have dark black hair and dark eyes
I an 15 African American I live in Greenfield IN. I am 5’7 and I’ve had little acting experience.
hello my name is Edilyn, I have thirteen, I encanteria act on their Disney show, I like to sing and different cultures. I am Venezuelan, currently study English and learn to play guitar, I’m of average height, I’m white and brown eyes. I would appreciate your time to read this and give me the opportunity to participate in Disney. On facebook I can search for “Edilyn del Carmen u”. I would love to give me the opportunity to go to the United States to introduce
Hi there :)
Im a 19 year old girl looking to pursue an acting career. I have experience acting as an extra but wish to pursue and get bigger roles!
Physical appearance:
Hair: Long, dark brown
Eyes: Green
Skin tone: Pale
Height: 5ft 6
Weight: 117lbs
I think this is a brilliant opportunity and hope this can help reveal my full potential in the acting industry :)
Please email me if you wish to view photos of me.
I look forward to hearing from you! :)
I’m Emilie and I’m 16 years old from Australia. I’m about 174cm tall, with brown curly hair and hazel-green eyes.
Acting and singing is my passion. I feel happy and safe when I’m performing – no matter what I’m doing. I havent had a lot of experience, but I have done plays and monologues etc at school. I was cast in the Wizard of Oz, and performed a joint monologue with my best friend. Some spectators came up at the end and praised us for our acting skills, and that only made me want to pursue this more. :)
I would gladly move if I was able to get into acting.
Hi Im Jasmine, Im 15 Years old. I lived in the Philippines.Acting is my passion, I really love to act in front of the camera.I do training. For me acting is not all about how you looks like, Its all about the talent that you present in them and you have a determination to do this such as great things. Dont think that you’ll be a famous or star just think you doing this is because you are enjoying it and at the same time you giving a happiness into the audience. I really Want to be a part of the Disney channel ♥ Just give me a chance and I’ll prove it ! Seriously! Just give mwe an oppurtunity and i do it in all my heart..
Hi Im Jasmine Nacion, Im 15 Years old. I lived in the Philippines.Acting is my passion, I really love to act in front of the camera.I do training. For me acting is not all about how you looks like, Its all about the talent that you present in them and you have a determination to do this such as great things. Dont think that you’ll be a famous or star just think you doing this is because you are enjoying it and at the same time you giving a happiness into the audience.
Hello, My name is Lucia . I’am 14 years old and I’am from Argentina but I’am moving to the United States in a few months, I really want to the role of Mulan’s daughter , I have white skin and medium straight black hair . I can speak 5 languages : Spanish, English, French, and chinese (2 types: mandarin and cantonese) I can sign and dance . I really want more information about the audition , but I don’t know if I can go to the audition because we have to sell the house and we have to wait please wait me I worked so hard to convince my parents to go to California , I really hope to have the role please send me an e-mail with all the information
Hi my name is Parker and I have been acting since age 3. I’ve always wanted to be in Disney movies/shows and I am looking forward to taking the big leap in my acting career. I am really interested in this show and would love to be in it (here’s some info about me!)
Age: 12 (will turn 13 July 10, 2014)
Can look 11-14
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5’4
Weight: 100 lbs
Skin tone: Light olive skin
Thank You again.
Hi my name is mckenzie and I have alway wanted to be a actor I have been in all my school plays as a lead or a supporting charecter I have always want to be on disney I have been looking for auditions but this one caught my eye and I really would love to get a audition for it my age is 12
Hi :) my name is cristina and I am 10 years old i speek english and spanish and I can count to 30 in korean. I am also a brown belt in Taeknowdo i am a good actor i live in tucson az I also get good grades if you are interested you can seend me an e-mail
Hi im Cyeria. I have been watching disney all my life. It is one of my dreams to become an actress on one of the shows. I am 12 years old, and turning 13 in June of 2013. I hope you choose me.
Hi im Cyeria. I have been watching disney all my life. It is one of my dreams to become an actress on one of the shows. I am 12 years old, and turning 13 in June of 2013. I hope you choose me to participate in auditions ^.^
Hi, I’m Abby. I’m 12 years old, but on February 5th I will turn 13. I have watched Disney channel since i was little and still adore the Disney movies to this day – My favourite is 101 dalmatians, I love dogs sooo much!!! I’m or Scottish and American descent, and this would be the most amazing thing to do ever. I’ve dreamed of being a Disney actress since I was 3, and I would be over the moon if i were to be chosen. I know this is what I was born to do, It’s my aspiration to achieve it. I’m kind, hard working and have a great sense of humour. I’m definitely not shy, I could stand up and just start acting in front of any audience, and I’m not camera shy at all. I can adapt to any situation, and have a history of acting within my school. I feel I could definitely bring that special spark into what sounds to be the best Disney movie yet.
Age: 12 (13 in February)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair: shoulder length, Dark brown, straightish
Height: 5′ 2
Descent: Scottish, American
Languages: English, French
Skills: Ice Skating, Cooking, (but acting is my true passion)
Thankyou for your time, this wouldd be the best experience ever, please please reply, I would love this opportunity and would definitely not let you down.
Abby :)
Hi, I’m Venezuelan, I love to act, dance and be free on stage or in front of a camera. My dream is to be a Disney actress or actress, I never had the chance to do it but I believe in my potential to act, I always wanted to be in a Disney show. I’m thirteen
Attn: Casting Director
Hello, I’m very interested and would welcome the opportunity to audition for any role in which you feel I would be an asset to your show.
Experience with Indie films, commercials, non-equity theater, Live pageants. Acting is one of the greatest joys in my life. I enjoy bringing joy, distraction, amusement and possibly inspiration to others. I try to bring everything I have into each part. I’ve been cast as just about any character you can name. Formal training, including workshops. I’m always training to improve my craft. I work well with others of any age, gender, culture. Children’s Summer Camp Counselor, School, Church, Community Theater, Orchestra (1st chair Violin), Choir, Lady Lead Vocal Country Band, 20 plus Indie films over past 15 years.
Thank you for your consideration.
Best Regards,
Gavriel Leigh
Hi, my name is Amanda Lentine and I’m 22 years old. I have medium length brown hair and light brown eyes and I’m Caucasian. I know everyone on here wants to be in this movie and is saying all of this but I can show you I’m very different and have something special inside of me waiting to prove to you guys i can do this. I love Disney and everything associated with it! I have been going to Disney world every year for vacation since I was ten and it never gets old. I would love to be an actress because that is my dream and I believe I will be great because I’m not shy in front of a camera, I’m very hardworking, nice, bubbly personality and I love animals. To be in any movie, and especially a Disney one would be my dream come true because I love all Disney movies and think ‘The Descendants’ will be amazing because not only is it new and no one did it before but having the twist of kids of villains/heroes will make it more dynamic and have everyone be engaged. I’m looking forward to see it and hopefully be apart of it. I would love to be considered for any part/role in this film because to be apart of something, even a small role, amazing as this will be fantastic and traveling will not be an issue. I hope you will consider me and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. For more info, please contact me. Thank you for your time.
acting is my dream and i would love any part in this series i am looking for my big break and i am looking to get my career started before or shortly after i graduate i have been in multiple plays, and musicals, and been in a few short films with my friend.
Gender: male
Age: 17
ages i can look: 15-20
Hair color: red
Eye color: Blue-green
height: 6’4
weight: 153 lbs
ethnicity: concision
My name is Diamonte Henry
I always wanted to be on Disney
Channel since is was 8 years old
I also keep begging my mom if she can
Put me on Disney Channel so please
call so I can do an audition for Disney Channel.
Hair:dark brown curly
Eye:light brown
Please call as soon as possible
I’m a 17 year old girl. I can look a range of ages starting at 14 and ending at 20.
Weight: roughly 110 pounds
Height: 5’3
Hair: dirty blonde in the winter, getting blonder in the summer
length: right below shoulder blades when curly, mid back when straight
eyes: blue/green
freckles: yes
I’ve been playing soccer, softball, and basketball my whole life. I also took a little bit of gymnastics and ballet. I started singing when I was in 3rd grade and now I’m in 4 school choirs and 1 church choir. I’ve been in a couple of plays and have work backstage when I didn’t have the time to be in it. I can play some piano and guitar and was part of my high school drama club. I love to act and hope that one day this can be my full time career. I’m a people person and am said to be very outgoing with the ability to adapt and can display a wide variety of emotions. Thank you for your consideration
hey my name is siddhi tiwari.Me n my sister Riddhi tiwari are twins and want a chance to showcase our talent in acting world.We both are fresher.We would love to work for disney and want to audition for same.our description would be Fair,height 5’4 n 5’3 , and good looks. kindly consider us for some role we wont dsappoint u . THANK YOU.
Hi my name is Gloriana Carballo I am from Costa Rica I have 17 years old but I look younger my hair is long and dark brown my eyes are brown
I am a person who loves making people smile I am very social I love acting thats why I always practice it I like to sing but I need to practice more I want to be a good actress, it is my dream, and I want to make it come true and it could be an amazing opportunity
I love Disney
I don’ speak English very well but I am a quick learner and I have a great pronunciation
I am very determined with the things I wanna do
And the reason I want to audition for the movie “descendants” is because the history of all this amazing characters of Disney can be together in one movie and the descendants who fight for the kingdom is so incredible and I would like be apart of this
If you give me a chance I promise I’m not going to disappoint you.
I want to live in the USA* for make my dream come true
I can travel for this if you give me a chance
Hi my name is taylor i have always wanted to be an actress this is my dream i would love to be given a chance.
Hair:brown curly
Eye:dark brown
Please dont call just text
Height: 5’0
Age: 19
Weight: 128 lbs
Body type: Chubby
Hello, my name is Wendi. Recently, I was in a play called “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder where I played Rebecca. I am currently pursuing a career in acting and hoping to get as much experience as possible. Currently, I taking theater classes in community college. I am always eager to try new things and I am not afraid to act silly.
Hi! My name is Sona and I am 17-years old. I think this film is a good idea. This would be an exciting opportunity for me because I love Disney films so much. Thanks for consideration.
hi my name is david. i’m 14, turning 15, and would love to be in descendants. im a good candidate for a role because i’ll work hard to achieve anything. also im really good at acting and can sing. I can also memorize things well. it would be great to hear back.
Email: thisisdpayne@gmail.com
Hey! My name is Spencer Shelton, I’m 15 years old and when I was in elementary I was bullied, the main thing that helped me was performing. Ever since I was little I have always loved making people laugh. I have been in the school choir since 8th grade, been in skits at church and at school, been on the dance team my freshman year, cheered since I was five, and ran track since I was six. I enjoy acting, and I also love dancing and singing too. I not only want my dreams to come true but I want to be a role model to everyone out there, I want to make sure they know no matter what obstacles you have been through your dreams can come true when you dedicate yourself.
Age: 15
Ethnicity: African American
Eyes: Brown
Skills: Acting, dancing, singing, cheering, and running track
Please consider me for any role. Thank you for your time.
Hello my name is Alyce white I have wanted to be an actor/singer/dancer since I was a very young girl I have been in school plays and I am extremely fun and cooperative with others I love making people happy and being on Disney channel would change my life this is my dream and I am willing to do absolutely anything to achieve it I am 14 years old and hoping that I can achieve my dream :)
Hi I have two kids Rodolfo Arriola who is 8 loves disney and would love to be part of a movie especially one with a twist. We are of hispanic heritage with brown hair and brown expressive eyes. My younger daughter Jasmine which is 4 and would be available as well. She has long brown curly hair and brown eyes. They both love to sing and love everything disney.
Hi, my name is Georgia Pellkofer
I am an aspiring actor. I am 5’5″ and a half with brown hair with golden highlights and green gray eyes. I am 16 years old and am very interested in this role. If you are interested in contacting me my email is gisagreen@gmail.com.
I am an energetic 16 year old female with previous chior and theater experiance. I have wanted to act and be on Diseny Channel since i was five or six. I am hard working and determined. My contact number is (702)587-3719. I am great underpressure. I am 5’6″ mexican and caucasian. I love to preform and I’m very confident.
I am an energetic 16 year old female with previous chior and theater experiance. I have wanted to act and be on Diseny Channel since i was five or six. I am hard working and determined. My contact number is (702)587-3719. I am great underpressure. I am 5’6″ mexican and caucasian. I love to preform and im very confident.
Age: 28
Height: 5’9
Weight: 170
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Disney is one of the big companies to work for in terms of acting, the great and rich history of all their shows. Who doesn’t want to work on one of their projects. I’m still very much undiscovered actor looking for a lucky break so hopefully I can hear back and audition for you guys, would love an opportunity to work on this project. ssonic85@hotmail.com is my email, I have my headshots and c.v. on hand for you guys wish to see it, Thank you.
Hello!! My name is Madison Khan and I live near Providence, Rhode Island. I have been acting with Trinity Rep since the third grade and I am currently in the sixth grade. I love acting and singing and I travel to Disney World once or twice a year. I hope I am considered for your new series. Good luck on finding the right actors!
Hi my name is Samantha :) I am 14 year old, blue eyed with blond hair. I am 5’3” and 130lbs. I have been dancing and singing my whole life. I have been acting since I was in 2nd grade (im in 9th grade now). I have been in multiple plays and musicals, and taken acting classes. I love preforming, it is my life. My dream is become the actress I know I am and can be. My family has always put me down saying that I will never make it and I want to take this chance to show them that I can.
Hi! My name is Brianna Fay Sanchez and I’m 13-years old Latina. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. I’m a student at Actor TV and Films in Coral Springs, FL. If given the chance I would work so hard because acting is what I have always wanted to do. Thank You!
I am Heaven Martinez. I am 15 years old and I think this is going to be amazing project. I’ve acted in school pays and performed singing in churches and school shows. I want to start going after my goals now. I want to be apart if this movie to show that you can put your mind to it, if you stay focused ! <3
Hi I’m Katlynn! I’m 12 years old! I love Disney channel I’ve been watching it for years! I would love to audition for them! I have brown eyes and brown hair I’ve been acting for a couple years in school plays. The only problem I havis getting to the auditions! I live in Warsaw Indiana and I barely ever get any opportunities there is s lot of talent in this town and I would lobe it if Disney brought some auditions to warsaw! If not I’ll never have my dreams come true! When I now up I’ve been dreaming to be an actress! The only thing that I’m asking is for Disney to give Warsaw a chance to show them what we can do. There’s a lot of talented people in warsaw. If someone from Disney is reading this hen please I’m just asking for you to give Warsaw Indiana a chance! From a Disney channel fan please give my town a chance! Thank you for your time and I hope you consider my thoughts. Again thank you for your time and consideration!
Hi I’m Katlynn! I love Disney channel I’ve been watching it for years! I would love to audition for them! I’m 12 years old with brown eyes and brown hair I’ve been acting for a couple years in school plays. The only problem I havis getting to the auditions! I live in Warsaw Indiana and I barely ever get any opportunities there is s lot of talent in this town and I would lobe it if Disney brought some auditions to warsaw! If not I’ll never have my dreams come true! When I now up I’ve been dreaming to be an actress! The only thing that I’m asking is for Disney to give Warsaw a chance to show them what we can do. There’s a lot of talented people in warsaw. If someone from Disney is reading this hen please I’m just asking for you to give Warsaw Indiana a chance! From a Disney channel fan please give my town a chance! Thank you for your time and I hope you consider my thoughts. Again thank you for your time and consideration!
Hi, we’re Alyssa and Caitlyn Clark and we are twins! That is very rare so I hope its a bonus for consideration for parts. We love acting, and have been like that since we were toddlers. We are 16 years old, Caucasian, and slim. Heights are 5-4 and 5-6. We have experience on stage through music, dance, singing, and acting. We are experienced in: Ballet, tap, Guitar, Piano, and sing a lot for large congregations. This would be an amazing chance for us to get into the business and start to be cast in film. We are very confident and love performing for people. We love countless shows, movies, dramas, music, dances, and etc… This would be an amazing opportunity for us and we would love any part, together or separate, big or small. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Hi, We’re the Clark twins who love to perform and are very confident. We live in the Northern Virginia, and are very active in are community. We are 16 years old, heights 5-4 and 5-6. We have watched Disney Channel for our whole lives and love every movie and show. It would be a dream come true to act with other Disney stars. We are very trainable and love new experiences. We have performed on stage through dance and music, and have auditioned for school plays. We also sing for huge congregations every Sunday. Any role would be loved, together or separate. We hope that you consider us for a role. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Hi my name is Deena Davis. I am 11 years old and I love Musical Theatre. I have been dancing since I was two years old and preformed in the nutcracker every year. I have been singing my whole life and I take private lessons. I have been acting since I was around four years old and I do acting and Musical Theatre lessons at a local very popular place called “Players By The Sea”. I have A’s and B’s in school. I love Disney movies and probably have been to Disney World Florida more than Mickey Mouse has! When I was little I had A Cinderella Carriage bed from when I was four until I was nine. It would mean so much to me to become part of the Disney cast. I have brown hair and blue eyes, and I am White. You can contact me by (904)614-3619. or my mom at (904)629-1336. Thank you for taking your time to read this message and I hope you have a MAGICAL day!
Hi, My name is Alyssa Clark and I’m 16 years old. I would love to be in The Descendants and look forward to start my acting career. I have watched Disney for my whole life and love all shows and movies. This would be a very exceptional chance for me and I wont let you down. I’ve performed before an audience, so I’m not shy whatsoever. I also have a twin (girl) so if there are any parts for one or both that would be amazing. Thank you for considering me!!
I’m Megan, I am from Saraland, Alabama and I am 14 years old. I am a dancer and i have been dancing for 12 years. I love watching Disney movies. I was watched almost every Disney movie ever made. I would like to be in this movie because i think it will be a great opportunity to experience something new. I am very outgoing and have a bubbly personality. I get along very well with people and i have experience in commercials for the local photographers and my dance studion, nothing too fancy. I would really love to be in this movie and i love love to get a response. Thank you!
Hi my name is john Dovel I’m a 6 feet 1 inch 19 year old Caucasian male. I have blue eyes ,brown hair, I’m athletic with a slim build. I have a great sense of humor and always willing to try new things. I’m a hard worker and all I need is a chance to show what I can do and you won’t be disappointed. I am currently registered with onesourcetalent.com my talent number is 88883. Thank you for your consideration
You can contact me at my email johnadovel4th@aol.com
My phone number is 7863997673
My daughter Claire would love to be on your show. She is five years old from south Louisiana and steels everyones heart. She asked me to sign her up to be on a disney show so here we are. I told her I would try. Thank you
I would be a great candidate for this movie because I have a great personality. I can switch up voices to better suit the character I have been given. I am a fast learner and easy person to get along with. I would be great for a role in Disney because I am a 90’s baby and I can remember too well the plot of most of the Disney movies while I was growing up.
Bonjour, bonjour:
My name is Kaitlyn, I’m 17 and I the youngest in a house full of girls that love everything Disney. We own every movie, my sister is so fanatical that she ended up working for Disney World…which at the time prevented me from being able to audition. Well, there’s a new future in the horizon, she has since moved on and no longer works for Disney. I’m so excited to be able to participate in Disney auditions now, and look forward to hearing back from you. I’ve always been told I look like Belle, big brown eyes, very fair skin, sweet disposition and a fantastic smile. I would be honored to work for Disney (it’s somewhat a family tradition) and would be proud to even be considered. Wishing you all the luck and good fortune in the production of Decendants…i know it will be amazing!
hi im justine
not much i could say about me but i just want to leave my life i have now. acting help my leave and get away from all of it. i believe i have fake friends and if i do get this chance it might help me see who are my real friends. my family is not rich, we don’t have a lot of food or money. i think this will change EVERYTHING for me. also i have a lot of ideas for other Disney channel movie if your writers have writers block. thank you, Justine
email: justinemarissa@aol.com
Hi I am Mickensy Kranch, I am 16 years of age and will be 17 in February. I also have a thing for fairy tales. I am 4’11, long dark brown hair, and blue eyes. Some of my talents are: Singing, Dancing, ( I have danced for 12 years) I am also good with a pencil and paper. I love to draw and paint. I am a very creative, open minded person. I love music. It runs in my veins, kind of like acting. It comes naturally. I have been in many performances. and plays It would be so cool to be in Descendants.
My name’s Jeni, and I’m also in the awkward age of teenagedom-ish kind of. I’m fourteen, but since everybody’s writing their birthdays and all… I won’t.
Ethnically, I’m Korean, but I was born in LA, and live in Eastern Europe.
My qualifications: Hmm.. Good question.
Oh yeah! I speak three languages fluently. And no, I don’t speak French or Spanish.
I’ve had to endure 10 years of piano and 6 years of violin, so I can tell whether or not people have used autotune excessively.
I’d like to think I have a comedic side, but at times, I’m stuck with peasants that don’t understand the beauty of irrational thinking.
I am Sonic incarnate, but only in reading. It comes in handy when I’m cramming for tests.
Can I come back to this later? I want to do disqualifications, because this all just sounds like I’m a pompous bookworm that wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.
Disqualifications [This is just for me, I guess]:
I enjoy being snarky.
I enjoy memes way too much to be healthy.
I’m pretty blunt when it comes to things I really feel like I have to say.
Born in LA but am a Rockets fan… I know. Utter betrayal.
I tend to get people injured when it comes to soccer. Well, technically, the ball does, but I’m technically the one who punts it way too hard while a person just randomly decides to jump in front of me.
Back to qualifications… Real acting qualifications?
Well, I had a lead in a fifth grade musical.
Hahaha. I know, it’s pathetic. I still laugh my head off when people compliment me on a “performance” I did three years ago.
To be honest, living in Eastern Europe doesn’t give you a lot of opportunities to act.
I love acting because I love the thrill in it.
Not the thrill as in.. “What if I forget my lines?”
But more like adrenaline rushing through my blood stream as I know I can do it. Confidence.. maybe.. But not exactly.
Thanks. A lot.
Name: Zoe
Height: 5′ 2″
Hair:long blonde
Eye color: brown
Skin color:in the middle of tan and fair
Age: 12
Birthday: 10/30/01
Grade: 7
State: Virginia
Characteristics: Funny, bubbly, saracastic, sneaky, athletic
Hello, my name is Micah Weese. I’m 16 years old and a junior in high school. I have a lot of experience with acting on stage including Shakespeare, musicals, comedies, and dramas. I have won multiple awards for roles like Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” Prospero in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” and Evelyn Oakleigh in Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes.” I can also sing and dance. I would be honored if you contacted me and requested a resume. Thank you for your consideration.
Hello, my name is Corinne Dunton! I am 14 years of age, my birthday is December 10th, 1999. I am interested in any acting jobs. I can not sing, but I am open to dancing as I used to take lessons a couple years ago. I live in North Eastern Ohio.
Height: 5’7
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Prior Experience: I’ve been in my Middle School’s production of American Idle, I played the female person of Todd Khool. This year I am playing Alice in my Middle School’s production of Dorothy In Wonderland.
Thanks a bunch! :)
Hi my name is Alexandra but you can call me Alexa for short. I have been watching Disney channel since shows like that’s so raven suit life of Zach and Cody and Hannah Montana were on. I’m 15 my birthday is December 2 and I am ball of energy always smiling girl. I think with a role in the descendants I can really progress into a great actress. I love drama it is my favorite subject. I have always been a sports girl I use to play 7 sports at a time until I started my freshman year. I was put into a drama class and i was very upset because I didn’t act my spot was on the field but after the first day my mind had changed. Drama opened up my eyes now when any of my sports teammates ask me why I like drama so much I tell them because you can be anyone you want on stage you are never you. When you’re offstage you are the same person but when you play your role you become that role. So far I have played June in The Man Who Came to dinner and Amy March in little woman
My name is Reilly Chisholm and i would love to be considered for a role in Descendants. I have previous voice-over experience as well as live and televised acting roles. It would be great if you could contact me so I can send you a headshot and resume. Thank you.
My name is Ashley Garcia.
Age: 17 (18 Oct. 2014)
I have short (dyed) copper gold hair, I can play 14-17 year old roles, i have brown eyes, i have a little bit of acting experience, i love disney channel because it isn’t violent and great for all ages, i can sing, draw, act, i can do accents:british,southern, steriotypical cheerleader. i am a senior in high school and will graduate in june 2014, i am hoping that i will be able to be in this movie. i will happily play a villain’s daughter or a princess’s daughter. i have a gentle and caring personality like, but i can play a villianous role. My appearance may be altered if needed to fit a certain character.
if you are interested in a teen with the dream of being a disney star, contact me:
Phone:6264428098 Cell:6264754841 email:iam_ashleygarcia@yahoo.com
Hello! My name is Bailee Christe, I am 16 years old, and I would love to be in “Descendants”. I have been acting for the past five years, I am going to be in my 16th play very soon, and I am ready to pursue my acting career to the next level. For as long as I can remember, Disney has been a huge part of my life. Thanks to Disney, it has spark my creativity, my imagination, and my belief that every impossible thing can become possible as long as you work hard and believe in yourself. I am 5’7″, I have brown hair, brown-green-hazel eyes with silver specks, and I have a few freckles on my nose. I am a cheerleader in high school, I am very committed to my acting work, and I believe that this could be my chance. Please send me a message soon so that I can know if I can audition for this movie- as Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” And I believe in the magic of my dreams.
Hi, I’m goofy, odd and a Disney fan. I’ve never really acted before and I can’t prove myself through the few words I’m currently typing, but I can say that I love Disney. I’m from Manchester, England and I’m 14, 15 in July, I’m blonde and look like a teenager with my few differences that make me who I am. Thanks for reading, Have a great Night. -Don’t know what I’m going on about.
M11 1HU -Home address,
:) – Cheesy Smile – :)
Hi, I’m goofy, odd and a Disney fan. I’ve never really acted before and I can’t prove myself through the few words I’m currently typing, but I can say that I love Disney. I’m from Manchester, England and I’m 14, 15 in july, I’m blonde and look like a teenager with my few differences that make me who I am. Thanks for reading, Have a great Night. -Don’t know what I’m going on about.
:) – Cheesy Smile – :)
My name is Delfina, I’m from Argentina and I love to sing.
I am 12 years and the last 4 I take singing lessons and acting.
I am 1.65 tall and weight 60, light brown hair and my mom says I’m beautiful!
It is very difficult for us who are in the end of the world get a chance to audition for a Disney movie, but when we get a chance we achieve incredible things like MARADONA, MESSSI, UP TO A QUEEN AND PAPA. If you give me this opportunity will know because if you can!
I hope your message
Hi, my name is Sarah. Come from Croatian (Europe). I’m 13 years old and I’ve already played a lot of times on different occasions but never in the movie. Watch disney channel since he was 5. Admire Selena Gomez and I would like to act in a movie or series like it. Tale I have to dance and I am very flexible. Someone with time practicing karate and gymnastics and went to acting classes. Natural hair color is brown to me. I was born in June.’ve got 45 kilograms and I’m 160 cm tall, I have green eyes. Acting is my dream and I would be actress.I can speak croatian and englisch
Hi my name is Sophie Greaves and here is my basic information:
Age- 13
Location- Brisbane Australia
Hobbies – playing guitar,singing, netball
Height – around 164cm
Weight – around 50kg
Eye colour – blue
Hair colour – brown/golden
Hi, I am a young determined teen and it would be a dream of mine to be on Disney channel, I try my best at everything I set my mind to and if I get put down I pull myself back up, I do not make excuses and I think I have what it takes to be on Disney channel, I was inspired by Austin and ally to follow my dream and not be afraid of what anyone thinks of you an it would be an honour to work with the people to helped me overcome my stage fright and my excessive thinking, I work very hard at everything I do and make sure the finishing result is the best that I can do. I have a fun bubbly personality and smile as much as possible, I love people and making other people smile and hopefully one day I can make a career out of it. If I was on set of Disney channel tv shows I would lighten up everyone’s day and work my butt off to make everyone satisfied with my work ethics. I consider myself smart and talented also loving and caring and I have what it takes to be on Disney channel even as an extra or major roll, but if I was an extra I would not take it lightly I would knuckle down and not let anyone down and doing all that with a smile.
Thank you for your time.
I hope you consider me as a future roll on Disney channel
Hi my name is Sugey Briones and I am fluent speaker of English and Spanish. I have brown eyes and brown hair. I am a tan skin, I’m at least 5″4. I’ve been trying to find casting calls since 3 years ago but I can never find the right one. I hope this one is and you would contact me ASAP. I really want to become an actress because I wanna work with the most incredible actors and movie producers. I just want someone to give me a chance and prove them I can do it and won’t Fail them. I also have great ideas on books that they should become a movie because they are just so thrilling and full of suspense and will leave you speechless! So please contact me, or recommend me to someone who is doing a movie please, a t.v. I live in Apple Valley, Minnesota. You can call me (952)-236-9157. I just want to show my mom and my family that dreams can be accomplish and never give up on them, this world is full of opportunities! Thank You! Background info( play lacrosse, played soccer, I do dance, like skating, taking my dog for walks, love reading books, play flute piano and guitar. I love helping others who needed and will always make someone laugh when they need it! I like to do feed my starving children!)
this is my dream! please
i send all now.
This is my dream! please i send my informati
I have watched Disney ever since I was a little girl. I am very comfortable onscreen and learn lines very fast. Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to be an actress.
My name is Mary Woods,
I am 16 years old. I look like I am 15-20 years old.
I am a white American with brown hair, blue eyes.
I’m a hard worker and would love this great opportunity.
Hope to hear back from you,
Mary Woods
I would really love to have a role in The Descendants. I’m what you would describe as “The next big thing” in acting. I know if you give me a chance, I will make many people proud. I’m not just another teen commenting on this review. Something about me is meant to be in front of a camera. Please this could be my big break and you creating something extraordinary.
Manuel Castillo
2901 1st street
15 yrs.
Eye color:Hazle/green
Hair color:Brown/Black
Shoe size: 9.5 (US)
Please contact me through text/letter/email.
Thank you and you will not be disappointed.
Age:12 well 13 in 8 days now
Race: African American
Attributes: Black hair,Brow eyes, Baggie eyes(getting cleared up though)
Things I like to do: Hangout with , Chill at the beach also play outside in the snow(Michigan weather), Hang out with the Fam. aka Family, Video games, and Making videos with friends
Why I want to be in this Movie/Play/T.V Show/Music video/:
I’m ready to take my life to a next level while I’m waiting to go to College. So I think why not start off my career now I’m black, young, and ready to take on anything. It hasn’t been a long life dream or anything no come on I’m not one of the guys lets be real. But I know how the world really is. It will crush your dreams at a second notice. I want the part because I’ll chew it up and spit it out and it’ll look like a million angles. I’m determined, I fell great, and I think I’m the guy your looking for. Thanks, sincerely Jaumare Lockhart next in line
Name: Na Lee Her
Ethnicity: Asian, specifically Hmong
Age: 16
Hair: Medium length, long/ Dark Brown or black (depends on the lighting)
Eye color: Brown
Hobbies: Sing, Dance, Soccer, Badminton, Knitting
Height: 5′ 1″
Currently living in: Saint Paul, MN
Hello! I just have to say that I LOVE Disney! I haven’t been watching Disney my whole life but I think my first ever Disney show has to either be Hannah Montana or That’s so Raven. The only acting that I’ve ever done would be having to do many short skits for French class, being in a school musical, reading lines from Romeo and Juliet as the Nurse, and acting in short scenes for school. It would definitely be a dream come true if I was offered an audition for Disney. I think I would be great on Disney because I am very easy to get along with, very energetic, not shy, and love to learn new things. I hope to hear a reply soon, thank you. <3
Hi my name is Emmy. I am 11 years old. I love to act and would love to have a part in this movie. I love disney channel and have wanted to be an actress since I was 4. I have been in a few of my schools productions. Including Sleeping Beauty as Maleficent, Oliver as an orphan, Underground Jungle as Bushy, and I am about to start rehearsal for my schools production of Peter Pan. I like to sing, act, and write. I really hope you consider casting me in this movie.
Age: 14 (but I can play some roles that are a year or so below my age, according to people who guess my age) I will also be turning 15 this month on the 12th
Height- 5′ 3
Ethnicity: Korean American
Grade: 9th
Hi, I live in Springfield, Virginia and I have always dreamed of what it would be like to act just like all my favorite movies and tv shows. I don’t have a lot of experience in acting, but I practice from all the Korean dramas I’ve seen and also loved. I have also done some of those acts and stuff for some of the churches I’ve attended. I am in my 5th year of choir and I have succesfully been selected for district choir last year and this year. I have a … I guess, unique personality. Please contact me for more info on myself, because I would love to be able to share them with you. If I do not get a major part, then please allow me to become an extra, or something, so I can have a real, tangible experience to let me know if I want to someday become part of major movies on the screen.
My name is Angelina, i like to act. i also hava experince in acting. I hadthe leading role in my school play. The play was The Wizard of Oz. I did good in the play. I will like to be in this movie. I will also like if u guys can give me the opportunity to be in this movie.
Thank You!
Angelina Ramos
Hi i have experience with acting and would like to have a role in this movie.
Thank you
Im ordinary just like any other ordinary replies you see on your page whats different about im a rapper, singer, and dancer I play all sports now matter how wack or frustrating it can get Im unique well devoted determined my dads a rapper he’s been on tours concerts ect. me growing up as a young kid watching that inspires me now my rapping skills don’t come from my dad they come from Kendrick lamarr singing skills myself and dancing chris brown im passionate understanding and really just likes to take what I can grab
Hi!! I am a 12 year old girl with brown eyes and hair.I am 5″3
I would love to be part of this project I love Disney and this seems vary interesting. I have experience in acting,singing,dancing,and modeling I am also a fan of sports,I love action and adventure. I have been in school plays and choir concerts. I am in advanced choir and theater arts,I have also participated in the after school dance sessions and sports teams.
Languages: Fluent English(reading,writing,speaking)
Fluent Spanish(reading,writing,speaking)
(learning) Italian,French,Portuguese,Mandarin
I live in Ecuador ( Guayaquil ) but I can go to the place where the movie will take place .
I speak english , spanish and french .
If you want more information about me visit my Instagram profile ( ludwigmenab ) .
I am 13 years old , I’m tall , i’m in good shape , I can do many movie genres ( drama , action , etc )
Thanks .
Name: Karly DeVries
Age: 15
DOB: October 28, 1998
Grade: 10
Hair: Dirty blonde, wavy, medium length
Eyes: Dark green
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Dark eyebrows.
Experience: December 2011, I had a main role in the Christmas musical Angel Alert that was performed for my church and for some at a retirement home. This role involved many lines and a singing solo.
May 2013, I was part of the production Rock Around: The Musical. I had gotten a callback for a main role but it was given to someone else because they were in grade 12X and I was in grade 9. I ended up with a minor role with many lines, though.
In my elementary years, I have done many short plays for French class.
In my drama classes at school, I have done many short plays.
In May 2014, I will be playing a main role in the play Masques of Love. My role is a married woman and her husband is drafted to go to war where he cheats on her. It is a very emotional role.
It would be super awesome to get this role. :)
Name:Jilary Cuevas
Grade: 9th
Dob:November 26 ,1998
Hi, My name is Jilary Cuevas and I really hope i have a chance to make my dream come true.
Height: 5’3
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Experience: Every school musical/play for five years. “Orbitz” Preforming group.
Hometown: Port Orange, Florida
Disney has been my everything as a child and even now. A princess character is a perfect role for me because I’ve been a princess every Halloween and it really suits my amazing, outgoing personality.
Thank you and I hope to hear from you guys soon!
Hello, my name is Anjelique Alexander, I am 13 years old and am very passionate and dedicated to hopefully be an actress. I have been to auditions, worked a film festival, and have had lead roles in my 5 musical theater plays that I have participated in; Nutcracker, North Pole Radio Hour, Best Little Theater in Town, Wizard of Oz, and Pinocchio. I am very athletic with my two favorite sports for soccer and archery. My twin sister Nayiri and I have been an everlasting fan of Disney Channel since I could crawl. I am an all honors straight “A’s” student in the 8th grade. I hope to major in drama and film in high school and take AP classes with a scholarship to USC. Please consider me for this amazing opportunity and traveling is no problem at all. Thank you for your consideration!
Age:15 going on 16 May 8th
Race:African American (light brown)
Hair: dark brown/small Afro
Eye: dark brown
Body: six pack
height: 5’8′
experience: very fast learner ( monkey see monkey do with me when it come to learning)
nice smile (straight teeth)
I’m a hard worker looking for his big break
I am a great investment
Fort Wayne, Indiana
i am a big fan
Age: 17
Height: 6’0
Build: Average
Eyes: Hazel/Green
Hair: Dark Brown
Vocal Range: Counter-tenor/Tenor
My appearance can be deceiving. I appear to look two to five years older than my natural age, depending on whether I’ve shaved or not. I have acting experience (most notably from drama classes and a workshop I attended during summer one year). I am however an experienced singer. I have had some classical and contemporary training. It would be a great experience to be a part of this future project.
Hi, my name is Matthew Scot. I am busy trying to pursue a career in acting and would love for the chance to to prove myself with an audition for this project. I recently turned eighteen, though I look young for my age. I am 5ft 7in tall with dark brown hair and blue eyes. My hobbies are writing, drawing, and improv theatre.
Thank you for your consideration, I hope to hear from you sometime soon.
NAME: Allison Green
AGE: 15
BOD: 12/15/1998
HAIR: LONG/brown
EYE COLOR: green/blue
HOBBIES: figure skating, art
I think that i would be a very good audition to this show because im energetic, talented, talkative, not shy but expressive i can memorize lines and i love disney channl and Zendaya Coleman. i have been watching disney channel for my whole life. i havent been in any real acting things. all i have been in is school plays and thing like that. but for my whole life my dream has been to be on disney channel. i am a figure skater and i have been in many on ice productions, which have all been disney movies. just recently i was in the little mermaid on ice. since i am a figure skater i love to preform very much. i have tried out for a tv show called DEAD TIME STORIES. I did not make it because i was to old. that made me very sad. but i got up and now i am trying again. also at my hight school we have a team called comedy sportz which is improv comedy, head to head word play, where there is a red and blue team. i tried out for that and got a call back but did not make the team but all the people casting the team came to me and told me i was one of the best ones the only reason i did not get it was because by the time they got to my name they had a full team. but they told me that I HAD TO TRY NEXT YEAR. i told most defenetly. this shows my determination, modivation. i love acting and am hopeing that i can get this part! MY LIFE LONG DREAM HAS BEEN TO BE ON DISNEY CHANNEL! and i honestly hope that you guys can at least audition me and see if you could make my dreams come true.
NAME: Allison Green
AGE: 15
BOD: 12/15/1998
HAIR: LONG/brown
EYE COLOR: green/blue
HOBBIES: figure skating, art
I think that i would be a very good audition to this show because im energetic, talented, talkative, not shy but expressive i can memorize lines and i love disney channl and Zendaya Coleman. i have been watching disney channel for my whole life. i havent been in any real acting things. all i have been in is school plays and thing like that. but for my whole life my dream has been to be on disney channel. i am a figure skater and i have been in many on ice productions, which have all been disney movies. just recently i was in the little mermaid on ice. since i am a figure skater i love to preform very much. i have tried out for a tv show called DEAD TIME STORIES. I did not make it because i was to old. that made me very sad. but i got up and now i am trying again. also at my hight school we have a team called comedy sportz which is improv comedy, head to head word play, where there is a red and blue team. i tried out for that and got a call back but did not make the team but all the people casting the team came to me and told me i was one of the best ones the only reason i did not get it was because by the time they got to my name they had a full team. but they told me that I HAD TO TRY NEXT YEAR. i told most defenetly. this shows my determination, modivation. i love acting and am hopeing that i can get this part! MY LIFE LONG DREAM HAS BEEN TO BE ON DISNEY CHANNEL! and i honestly hope that you guys can at least audition me and see if you could make my dreams come true.
Hi, my name is Ashley, I’m 15 years old with limited experience in acting, but its something I’d really like to venture into. I’m in my school’s drama club and also in the school’s spring production of Into The Woods. I would be forever grateful if I got my first acting job in a Disney film because I’m such a huge fan of Disney and I love the live action work they’ve done recently, namely Oz The Great and Powerful and Alice in Wonderland, which was a childhood favorite. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
Hello, I’m Age: 15
Height: 5’1
I have long, brown, and wavy hair. Dark brown eyes. Tan. I have a thin figure.
Ethnicity: Guamanian/pacific islander
Hobbies: drawing, badminton
I’m known as the creative one in my family.
I’ve been in two community plays and classes, I also took two theatre classes in school. I used to be in ballet.
I can play the ukulele. I took flute and piano classes. I’m learning guitar.
I’m currently in California. I should be picked, because I’m very familiar with all things Disney. I’m an absolute fan.
Hi, my name is Chyna Jones and I am 17 years old. I always wanted to be on Disney. I love to act and sing. To be on Disney would be a dream come true for me. I have been watching Disney channel since i was 3 years old. So many actors that have been on Disney or that still are have inspired me to be an actor. I love being in drama class at school and love to be on stage and act. I think that i would be very good for this movie. I would love to have my big chance to be an actor. I need someone to give me my big break.
hi i’m a 15 year old boy and i love acting i think i should be on descendant because i’m a young talented actor and i’m going to be the next star, height (5’6) eye color (brown) hair (black) i’m african american
Live (Columbia Md)
i look a little younger than mi age my little brother looks a little older than mi, i have a soft voice but i can be loud i worked with (addition america) and model shop i can model ect……
Hi I’m jayda. I’m 13 years old I’m a dancer and cheerleader. I love disney fairy tales. All my friends and family say I look like princess jasmine so I’m hoping in this movie I can pull off her daughter. I’m 5’4″ and 93lbs thanks and bye
Hello! My name is Laniece Gallegos an I am beyond interested in auditioning for the “Descendants” movie. I don’t have much experience in the acting community, but it is one of my biggest goals that I must and will achieve! I have taken a few beginners acting classes, I believe they will come in handy. I don’t mine being an extra, or even having a little role. I am 19 years of age, my height is 5″0, and my weight is 116. I am mixed with Black, Indiana, and Mexican, so my skin is a light brown. I also have dark brown hair, and brown eyes. I really hope that I fit a description that you guys may have, and you guys contact me back. Thank you for your time, and I hope you guys have a safe an peaceful day.
Hi, I’m 14. I have a strong passion for acting, I went to acting school and I have starred in many school plays. In my school’s play the lion king I played Timon and since then had had many praises and had gotten alot of recognition for it. I love acting so much, I hope to become an actress when I’m older starring in big movies (Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Romance, comedy,ect.) and series. Please give me an opportunity to see what it’s like to be in a movie even if it’s only as an extra.
I think I am good for this movie, because I love Disney Channel. I am tall and I love acting, singing, and performing. I have been in chorus since last year and I get to do solo’s most of the time. I write my own songs and I share my songs online. I want to play the part of Aladdin’s son or any other male character that I could fit in to. I can do drama, comedy, action, adventure, fantasy, horror and many other movie genres. I hope you will consider me. Please e-mail me or my agent.
My name is Justice Robinson! This is my second message. I am in all state choir, I play the cello, I am a top soccer player, and I am also writing a book. Give me a chance please. Please at least let me try. I will not let you down. You will be impressed. I PROMISE. Thanks for listening to me for the 2nd time! My name is Justice Robinson.
Dear Disney
Name= Soraya Moses- Turner
Country= New Zealand
Height= 5’3
Eyes= Brown
Hair= Brown
Hi my name is Soraya, I would like to be apart of this film because I have always watched disney. I love almost everything disney has created. The reason I am applyig for a part in this film is because I want to be a good role model to youngerkids. I don’t have any experience in the acting industry but I think this would be a big break through for me.
I am considered to be a bubbly, and kind person by everyone who knows me. I love meeting new people. I can be quite fierce sometimes as well.
Please consider me.
Yours Sincerely
My name is Laura Stone, 19 years old….I can look 15-25 years of age.
I am Japanese American, and yes I can speak Japanese.
I was on a show called “Reckless”, on CBS.
I work with the StoneWhite production, I film act and produce.
Acting is life, I do not want to live with a regular 9 to 5 job, I want to travel work late nights early mornings during the day and all day. I will not lie, I am shy at first but when I know my surroundings and my job I am good to go! This doesn’t seem normal to “comment” on a audition site, but im willing to follow the instructions. Hope to hear back soon! -with respect Laura Stone
Hello Disney, my name is Melanie Hunter and I’ll love to portray a character in Descendants. I’ve always watched Disney Channel ever since I was a kid and I wanted to be part of their shows. Getting a part in this movie will be a dream come true. Here’s some of my info:
Birthday: January 15, 1997
Age: 16
Lives: Michigan
School: Waverly High School
Race: African American
Height: 5″5 1/2
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
At My School:Once Upon A Mattress-Lady-in-Waiting/ Chorus(2012)and Aida-Nubian Slave/Ensemble(2013)
All-of-us-Express Children’s Theatre: Robin Hood-Set Mover(2012), Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen-Lights(2012), and Aladdin and His Wonderful Magical Lamp-Lights(2013).
Hope you consider me(:
I intrigued about this new film.. Have always wanted to act in Disney… Love acting and singing, and also challenge my self.I am 18 years old, am from Africa and I live in Canada.
I intrigued about this new film.. Have always wanted to act in Disney… Love acting and singing, and also challenge my self
Hey Disney I’m Jacqueline.I am very interested in being on Disney Channel.It has allways been a dream of mine since I was very little.Please contact me!:)
Hi my name is Gloria! I just turned 8 yrs old! I started acting in theatre when I was only 6 yrs old! Everyone says that
Hi my name is Gloria! I just turned 8 yrs old! I started acting in theatre when I was only 6 yrs old! Everyone says that I am a natural. I have been on a dance team for 2 years. I love to act, dance, and to play basketball.
Hello! My name is Justice Robinson! I think I have what it takes! I have dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a voice of gold. I am in the state choir. ( I was determined!) I will never give up. I am almost 12. Please consider me! I KNOW I can do it if I try. Give me a chance, you will regret it if you don’t. I am looking forward to this. I love to sing. I am a top soccer player too. PLEASE AT LEAST LET ME TRY! I will not ley you down.
My name is Caitlyn I am 14 years old and I love to sing, dance, and act! I have red hair, brown eyes, I am probably around 5’6″, and I have a great personality. I am also very athletic I have played many sports including: volleyball, soccer, track and field, field hockey, golf, tennis, basketball, and swimming. I love my family and friends. I have grown up watching disney channel. My grandma and I would always watch disney and we would sing and dance and just have fun! I’ve always wanted to be in a disney movie or show and I really hope you give me a chance! This would be a dream come true and I won’t let you down! Thank you for your time, I really hope you consider me!
My name is Jada Ford and i am interested in being casted this movie. I am 15 years old, African American and in live in Newport News Virginia.i will be happy to take any available part. i Have some acting experience. I have taken drama three years in a row, Written the school play my seventh grade year and starred as Juliette in Romeo and Juliette during my eighth grade year. I am currently working on hair and make up for our school play, Beauty and the Beast. Acting is my passion and i would love to take any part in any of your projects. I am an ambitious person, i make good grades, i am humble and i take criticism very well. If this come as an interest to you, please email me. Thank you. Have a blessed day.
I would like to be in this movie because this sounds like a fun experience to be in a Disney movie with all the disney princes and princesses. How many get to ever say that? Especially when your there kids!!! If you would let me try out I would like to know where the auditions are being held in New York also what day and time? Thank you
I noticed that all these comments are the same and mine was too. My name is Erin Rosiland Monique Hamilton and I am thirteen years old as of last year. I live in a apartment with two bedrooms with five people. I have always always dreamed of becoming a actress since well before I could walk ( 8months). Every time Disney channel came on I would dance to That’s So Raven and jam out to the Buzz on Maggie. And one day Disney ” a dream is a wish your heart makes” song came one I know that my life was set. I would say all the time “My name is Erin Hamilton and you are watching Disney channel” I know, my heart know that I would become an actress some day. But things happened and fell apart for years I tried to keep the dream alive in me and it did. Every time a show would come on I would always be told we don’t have the money right now and transportation was a problem. So I have never been to a acting school or anything really. Because it cost too much and and we didn’t have that money. So I did school plays and joined the choir at my school and I have did more than 20 concerts with an active auditions and I love doing it I am in cheer and I’m the captain. I thought that doing something I love would help my family and get us the house we never had and be happy for once or twice. I’m not saying be sorry that’s the last thing but I’m say please be proud of me for not letting nothing, no one get in my way for my dreams. I’m a African American woman that is proud of herself and I’m different because no one has my heart, my mind, my soul, and my ambition. Thank you for your time! Happy New Years To you and everyone.
the web is down for mainatance but I would love to be on disney, i love acting,and can play any part, i ahd an oppurtunity to be part of an agency but figured i didnt feel the right time for it, but now i feel im ready, and im ready like never before… i am 14 i have brown hair, i am 110 pounds and 5″1 I am a very nice person and I love helping people out. I have stories to share, and you can email me back at gabrielleeato@gmail.com
i would love to be in a movie me and my family will drive far and wide if i am picked i was in the play annie so i have some acting skills
Seen that new Jahlonte video and it was nice. He is a real cute kid with talent. Hope to see him soon on your show. I think you should seek him out.
I love acting I was in an acting and singing camp in twelve years old I am average hight I have golden blonde hair Ii love Disney channel and I would love to be in. A movie or show please reply
Hi! My name is Kylee Moberg and I am a fourteen year old girl who lives in Minnesota. I am willing to travel and have flight benefits. I have a few statistics:
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 120 pounds
Hair: Brown (Natural highlights during summer)
Eyes: Brown
Age: 14
Experience: Alice in wonderland jr. — Highview Middle School 6th grade play (Card 5 of diamonds)
Aladdin jr. — Highview Middle School 7th grade play (Townsperson/Baker)
My Son Pinnochio jr. — Highview Middle School 8th grade play (Fairy in training – Arancia)
Voice Lessons for two years.
Special Skills: Singing, Acting, Piano (Took lessons from kindergarten to 3rd grade.), and I have played the cello for 5 years and am still playing.
Sports/Athletic abilities: Soccer (Goalie and field positions), Basketball (All positions), and I can run fairly fast.(I got a 7:40 on my mile)
I have freckles and size 9 feet. I hope I will be considered for this role. Thank you for your time.
Kylee Moberg
Name: Alina Mai
DOB: December 4, 1999
Age: 14
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Height: 5’3
Weight: 125 lbs
Build: Average
Augusta, Georgia
Ethnicity: Asian
In five school plays, three out of five was the lead.
Tried out for Augusta Players, and got in.
Performed in countless dance competitions since 3 years old.
Won more than one talent shows in local area.
Singing, basic ballet, basic hip hop,can memorize/learn things quickly, tennis, basic ice-skating, basic roller-skating, intermediate piano, typing, and writing.
Brief note-
I look older than I really am, and can portray ages from 13 to almost 18. I have a very strong passion for singing, and have been doing it since I was two. I also fell in love with dancing which I started at 3 years old. In my free time, I enjoy singing, dancing, writing, acting, and playing piano. I can play a variety of characters, from being very shy to being feisty and out going.
Thanks for your consideration!
Hi my name is Anthony Lopez and I’m 15 years old turning 16 in April. I have always been a fan of Disney Channel and I would love to be a part of the Desendants. I have been singing since I was 5 and I’ve been singing ever since.
Name: Anthony Lopez
Age: 15
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: brown
Height: 5’8
From: Gilroy, California
Sports/Hobbies: singing, football, swimming, volleyball, diving, and acting
Experience: High school plays, talent shows
Training: Christopher High School Drama Depatment
I’ve always dreamt to being a part of disney and I was just flicking through acting auditions and saw this film needing actors!
It sounds like an amazing film and it will be a smash hit!
I’ve always loved fairytales and when I saw that this was a collaboration of different fairytales, I was very eager to audition!
I love acting and enjoy it as one of my subjects at school (drama).
Name: Carolyn Yee
Nationality: Chinese
Country: Australia (NSW)
Hair colour: Black, straight
Height: 163
Skills: drumming, piano, sport in general, dancing, art.
Experience: Drama at school
I will give it a try. I am 14 years old and I have black hair, brown eyes and loads of freckles, I love to sing and dance and act and I hate it when people say stuff and call me names, I want to prove them that I can do this without being scared. I am a shy person but this will help me get my convidence up, I have a good personality, I am that kind of person who isn’t bothered about being popular, even if I have that chance to be popular, I would feel sorry for the people that are being left out. At least if I get these auditions I won’t have to worry about falling out with my friends, at least I will get to know new people and get along with new people. When I was 3 years old I had cancer and nearly died so this will be a good opportunity for me. I don’t give up easily I will keep trying. Please give me a chance as I live near blackpool and there’s not alot of a acting career there. I have no experience at all, but please….. Thankyou.
Hello my name is Sheherazade and I’m 16 years old . I’m a mixed girl my mom is from Morocco and my father is from Guadeloupe.I have a litlele brother and a Twin named Farah. I’m a joking ,fun-loving and determined girl but I can be very serious when it’s necessary . I’m energetic , and athletic , I can dance and I’m green belt of teakwondo forthemore I love Disney’s movies and one of my favorite caracter is Jafar because is mysterious and powerful so please give me a chance to fulfill my dreams .
Hi! I’m Aysha, I’m thirteen and I’ve been dancing since I was three years old, I’ve been singing since I was six but I started taking professional classes since I was ten. I also started taking acting classes when I was twelve as well as ballet, I started when I was much younger then gave it up to continue with hiphop. I’m from Puerto Rico and have audurn hair and green-blue eyes c:
I’ve been wanting to be an actress for as long as I could imagine, I remember as a kid I was always scared to eventually turn too old to be able to be on Disney channel. Truth be told I still am, but I know the chances of being hired are small as it is. I’m hoping I will still at the very least be allowed to audition. Being an actress has always been a big dream of mine, though to be honest all my dreams are big… if I don’t make it as an actress now I actually want to find my way into NYADA, and hopefully broadway… Being on this movie would be a great chance for me to finally take up the career I’ve been waiting for my whole life. The opportunities that come with it included. I’m a serious person and I know what it’s like out there, I’m ready for whatever I have to do to get this, it’s all I’ve ever wished for…
Sincerely, Aysha
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
hi im Andre. i am a big fan of disney. and would love to take part in this movie. i dont have much experience, but if you give me a chance i will try my best
I have been watching Disney ever since I can remember. I ‘ve always had a dream to become one of these actors. I have also wanted this for a while. I want to be someone in the world and I figured that acting was the way to go! This is a way that I can achieve my childhood dreams.
Name: Jatinder Dhaliwal
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color:Dark Brown
Height: 5’7
Weight: 132
Date of Birth: Aug,8,1998
Acting objective:TV shows, Films, Commercials
Training: Elementary School Theater Intro, 101
Experience: School Plays,talent shows
Special Skills: singing, acting, dancing
Sports & Hobbies: singing, track and field, basketball, badminton, dancing, acting.
Hair: Brown and straight
eyes: brown
skills: roller skating, dance, swimming.
live: Florida.
Experience: three workshops (2010-2011-2012)
I really want to be part of this cast, and I hope you choose me, if you do it, you will never regret.
I’m hoping this one does not fall out like I’ve heard they do
Hi, I would very excited to be apart on Disney magic. I have never acted pro before but I did a few school plays where I was main roles. I would prefer the role of Jafar’s kid. I am female with a slender, slightly curved body. I am African-American with dark brown eyes and hair. I am 5’5 and weight about 120. I would happy with any role I receive.
Hello, I am Chante’. I have been acting for a year now and think I have the potential to be a part of this movie. I am very outgoing and smart. I have a good memory so I can easily memorize my lines. This movie can be my big break. Please contact me. Thank you.
Hi I’m Kathryn Newton I’m 14 years old (11-26-99). I live in Illinois and have brown hair with blonde highlights and hazel green eyes I have always wanted to act and/or sing but I don’t have any experience because family and friends always held me back but I’m not going to let that happen so I obliviously have to start somewhere so why not here?
Experienced and professionally trained young actress from Centennial, CO seeks role in this production. Please visit my website for resume and bio. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Hi! My name is Leah and I am 16 years old. I would love to be in Descendants. It would be a pleasure to be there. It would be my first time to have a audition, but I will make you proud. The reason that I want to audition is because I like to act a lot and I love to meet more people and express my feelings. I want to try my hardest to be in this show. Please give me a chance to be in this show to make people enjoy watching and you won’t regret this. This would be a amazing opportunity for me. Many people said I couldn’t do this, but I’m ready to prove them wrong! Not only to them but to me! This has always been my dream, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it come true.
Name:Leah Barklage
Hair Color:Dark brown, fades into light brown
Eye Color:light brown
Height: 5’3
Weight: 102
Date of Birth: Sep.7,1997
Acting objective:TV shows, Films
Training: High School theater Intro
Special Skills: acting, writing ( was in choir for a few years)
Sports & Hobbies: singing,writing, soccer (love soccer), cheer,
Hi!!!! My name is Maddy and I am 14 years old. I currently reside in California. I would love a audition for this new film. It sounds like loads of fun. Here is a little info about me:
age: 14
height: 5’5
hair: light brown, medium length, wavy
eyes: green
Hobbies/Skills: back handspring, cheer, swimming
Thanks so much for your time!!!!
Madison Strasmann
Name: Allison (Ali) Zatlin
DOB: September 4, 1998
Age: 15
Eye color: blue/green
Hair color: red
Height: 4ft 9in
Weight: 100lbs
Build: short/ muscular
Thousand Oaks, CA
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never Commercial-Pranked fan
Pleasant Valley School District CineMagic- 2006-08
Camp Broadway (Roxanne Diesel) – Speaking and singing roles in: Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and the Lion King. The Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonder Land (Main Role)
Dance Classes- Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, and Gymnastics: 2006-2013
Santa Rosa Technology Magnet School Productions- Elephant’s Child (main role), Three Little Pigs, Halloween Play(Main Role), Tearing down the White House (Main Role), Gold Rush play, 5th grade history play, It’s S’cool (main role)
Pleasant Valley School District Speech Tournaments
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church- Christmas and Easter Productions
Acting Classes- Beginning acting (twice)/Hillcrest Center, On screen acting with Roxanne Diesel
Soccer, dance, singing, swimming, intermediate cheerleading, intermediate gymnastics, basic skiing, basic snowboarding, basic ice-skating, running, basic roller-skating, basic clarinet, basic piano, typing, and basic wakeboarding.
Brief note-
I am very small for my age, I can potray any of the ages from 11-16. I am built like a gymnast, so I am very muscular. I do spirit and competitive cheerleading. I am also a contortionist. In my free time i enjoy singing, dancing, acting, and cheerleading.
Thanks for your consideration!
A oui j’avais oublier de vous dire que je fais des scripte
Bonjour je m’appelle Océane j’ai 13 1/2 j’ai les cheveux châtains un peu roux j’ai les yeux marrons vert mais sa se voix qu’au soleil j’adore la dance et j’adore joué la comédie on me dit souvent que je joue très bien la comédie sa serais génial pour moi de jouée dans un film pas pour la célébrité mais pour le plaisir de jouer et j’aimerais tanter ma chance je dit toujours ce que je pensse au autres même si sa leur plaie pas c se que me reproche mes amies a oui je suis française et je ne parle pas très bien anglais même presque pas et puis on me dis souvent que j’ai quelque chose dans le regarde qui respire la joie de vivre et je ne me vente pas après je ne sais pas trop quoi dire de plus alors je vais arrêter la et si il manque quelque chose dîtes le moi. Cordialement
Hi, I’m a 14 year old from London. I am interested in becoming an actress for Disney since it has previously produces many outstanding shows. My passions are singing, acting and dancing and I am a confident individual . I prey that you can see the potential in me and give me an opportunity to showcase my talent.
Please view the link below:
Thank you and please be in touch.
My daughter Madison has been singing in front of the tv since age 3.
Now 6 yrs old she sings every song from the fisney channel.
She loves to sing & dance and full of personality.
An audition for disney would be a dream
Hey Disney,
My name is Aya Lund, and I’m 14 years old. I live in Copenhagen Denmark, but my family is moving to Canada summer 2014. My BIGGEST dream is to become an actor or a singer, I am very outgoing and love to meet new people! I really hope that you guys will give me a shoot in this movie, it sounds so good. I am 164cm, and have long brown hair and light brown eyes. I also have a younger sister, she is 10 years old, has brown hair and blue eyes she has a great voice loves to song and loves acting! Oh top of that I also have a younger brother he is the born comedian! He is as funny as can be, he loves acting to!! He has brown hair and brown eyes he’s 8 years old 9 in April!
Hope to hear from you, we shure have a talented family!
Best regards Aya
Hi i am Julia i am from mongolia, i live in china right know, i love acting. This is a great opportunity.
Name:Julia Hansen
Hair Color:brown
Eye Color:light brown/Haezell
Height: 5’2
Weight: 110
Date of Birth: November 16 2001
Acting objective:TV shows, Films
Training: Middle School Drama Enrichment and After School Activities
Experience: school Plays,talent shows
Special Skills: act
Sports & Hobbies: singing,dancing, hanging out with friends, reading magazines, watching movies
My name is Danya Hamad. I love to sing and act. I can pretty much play any role you could ask me too. I was chosen this year to play Flounder in The LIttle Mermaid musical for our community. I am middle-eastern so ifyour looking for a a daughter for Jafar Im your girl. I have dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and am somewhat short for my age. I have many personalities and truly can hit any note you want me to sing whether it be high or low. I currently am 12 years old as of June 8, 2001. I would love to be part of a movie that has a bunch of Disney classics. If your interested I would take any role and you can contact me and my family at softballgirl367@gmail.com I also have 2 brothers and 2 sisters that would be able to take a role.
I always give my 110% in everything I do please please please consider me I am a very kind young lady and am super sweet and does everything on time and perfect. Thank you for your time. P. P.s I am really good at acting more than 5 of my friends or family have been on TV and award shows
Also to go along with that because I can play someone much older than I am I could play one of the younger children. Or a younger sister of the other cast It would be an amazing opportunity. Please consider me.
Thank you!
Hello I am Abdallah Mohamed.I grew up in San Diego ,California.A couple months ago my family and I moved to Minnesota.I am five feet and five and a half inches.I have really straight teeth.I am getting my braces off in a couple of months,before the shoot.I have soft hair.I am light brown and I can do a pretty mean Indian accent,even though I am not Indian.I am in my schools basketball team.I am really skilled in basketball.I also know Brazilian jiu Jitsu.I am really athletic.I also know how to sword fight.I have been in many community and school plays.My drama teacher always compliments me on my ability to look angry on cue.I want to play the part as the son of Jafar.I think it would be cool.I also heard that one of the executive producers was part of High School Musical.I did a play of High School Musical before.I played the part of Chad because I have good basketball skills and because I grew my hair out and made it curly.I always loved acting and this movie is epic.I read about the main idea of the movie.If you want to see what I got I can send you a video If you contact me at amohamed595@gmail.com trust me you won’t regret it.
Hi I am Abdallah Mohamed from earlier I forgot to mention that I am fourteen from my earlier comment.I was born September 30 1999
i a 10 1/2 and i have started my acting career. I have stard as Fern Arable in the play Charlotte’s Web at my church if i get a role i promise i wont let you down
Hello, I’m 13 years old I’ve always wanted to do something like this I can act, sing, and dance and I have had professional help on all three of those. I really hope I can get a audition with you guys!
Thank you,
i a 10 1/2 and i have started my acting career. I have stared as Fern Arable in the play Charlotte’s Web at my church if i get a role i promise i wont let you down
The best thing to ever happen is to be a star
Hi! I have always wanted to be actress and this show would be a amazing opportunity for me! I am allmost sixteen, blond, blue eyes, European girl. I am hard working and i would just love to get a chance to audition for this, to show what i got to offer!
Please contact!!
Susanna Nissinen
My name is anelisiwe I’m 16 years old turning 17 in 2014. I live in south africa but I would really love it to move to new york and be in disney channel. I enjoy acting, singing and dancing. I’ve got an outgoing personality, I’m a self-driven young lady with a lot of confidence. If you would give me a chance I would appreciate it
Thank you
My name is Krystina and I would love to audition for this role. I am sixteen years old, five feet two inches, brown eyes, black hair, I am Hispanic. I have grown up on the stories of the beauty and the beast as well as many others mentioned above and it would be a blessing if I could have the opportunity to be one. I love the idea of the next generation telling the story and about how the parents are. I pray you give me a chance.
Krystina Bonoan
I always wanted to be on Tv and people tell me I cant .So please give me a chance so i can prove to people there wrong. My name is achol nebk and Im, 13 years old and I really want this so please give me a shot. PLEASE,I WONT DISAPOINT YOU.
Hi im sharon, ive grown up watching disney channel and I feel its a part of me. I have wanted to be co actress since I was 9 years old and now I am 16 years old, I want it more than ever. I can sing and dance and I also write songs I am 5’7. I have black hair, brown eyes and I live in England. This would be a great opportunity and I would be greatful to get a reply.
This would be a amazing opportunity for me. Many people said I couldn’t do this, but I’m ready to prove them wrong! Not only to them but to me! This has always been my dream, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it come true.
Name:Shawna’cee U. Smith
Hair Color:brown
Eye Color:light brown
Height: 5’7
Weight: 128
Date of Birth: Sep.17,1998
Acting objective:TV shows, Films
Training: High School theater Intro
Experience: school Plays,talent shows
Special Skills: singing, acting, writing
Sports & Hobbies: singing,writing
songs,and dancing!
This would be a amazing opportunity for me. Many people said I couldn’t do this, but I’m ready to prove them wrong! Not only to them but to me! This has always been my dream, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it come true.
Name:Shawna’cee U. Smith
Hair Color:brown
Eye Color:light brown
Height: 5’7
Weight: 128
Date of Birth: Sep.17,1998
Acting objective:TV shows, Films
Training: High School theater Intro
Experience: school Plays,talent shows
Special Skills: singing, acting, writing
Sports & Hobbies: singing,writing
songs,dancing,and play with different characters.
my name is rj and I would love to get a chance for a role In movie
Hi! My name is Marilyn and I am 13 years old. I would love to be in Descendants. It would be a pleasure to be there. It would be my first time to have a audition, but I will make you proud. The reason that I want to audition is because I like to act a lot and I love to meet more people and express my feelings. I want to try my hardest to be in this show. I would like to have the role of the daughter of Mulan. Please give me a chance to be in this show to make people enjoy and you won’t regret this. Thank you! Please reply to me if you think it is fine for me to have an audition.
My name is Erin Rosiland Monique Hamilton and I’m thirteen. My grandfather is a musician and a singer, he plays many instruments and a while back he had his own jazz band. I have an uncle that is also a musician he has worked with Dr. Dre and many other artists, I also have a cousin that works with Mindless Behavoir as a music producer. With all this talent around me it was hard to not become talented. Once I became of age I joined school plays and the choir in elementary and continued into middle school. I have been in choir for four years now and I am currently attending still. I have been in more than 10 plays and 20 to 30 concerts. As I became older I really noticed that what I was doing wasn’t just a hobby, but was something I loved doing and wanted to continue it. So with my computer skills I started to search acting auditions, talent searches, agencies, etc., and I noticed that I am so determined to get started that no one is going to get in my way. After a couple of agencies that, called me back I know that this is real and that I know that this is real and that I can become what I always dreamed of. I know this is long and boring, but if this talent search doesn’t work out for me. I am going to move on to the next one and keep going until I live my dream. I know is right for me because god, my family and heart told me so!
It actually sounds like a great idea. Love how it’s creative, and different from what Disney has done previously. Well my name is Ana (obviously it’s right there) I am not after a specific role. I am 14, with brown hair with light brown tips. I have brown eyes. I am Hispanic. I also wear glasses. I love to read, sing, and draw. I’m pretty tom-boyish, so I wear a lot of t-shirts and over large sweaters. I would totally love to be part of this awesome upcoming project!
Hi, I’m Brooke! I am twelve years old and I live in California. Acting and singing have been my hobbies since I was three, and I have participated in several productions with a local youth theatre (Peninsula Youth Theatre). I work hard, and I receive good grades from all my teachers. I would appreciate the chance to audition for any part. Thank you for your consideration.
I’m a girl and I’m 8 years old. And my life long dream is to become a world famous actress. And it’s the only thing on my bucket list so far. So I really do hope that you choose me. Bye Bye!
I would LOVE to go on I Love the Disney channel I love acting and singing this would be perfect
My name is Lucia , I want to go to the audition for the character of the daughter of Mulan .
My name is Lauren. I’ll be turning 15 next month and am a freshman in high school. Acting is a passion of mine and something that I like to do. I have acting, singing, and voice-over experience for video and musical productions. I would love to receive audition information for Descendants. Thanks so much!
Hiya, I’m Melanie and I’m 13 years old. I believe I should be on “Descendants” because I love to show my creativity and compaction into something I love doing; also I’m very intent on making you guys proud. Thanks for reading; and I hope you reccomend me.
Hi I know how you feel, I’ve wanted to be an actress for ages xxxx I hope youget a part
Hey,I’m Keivn, I’m 14years old. I would like to be in Descendants.I am in Shrek The Musical for my school and we are going to Scotland. I have expierence with acting in skits, and plays. I love acting and it would be my dream to be in a Disney show.
Hello, Disney, I am Nathaniel Douglas, I’m thirteen years old, I’ve been interested in acting for longer than you can imagine, I always wanted to be a unique character on Disney Channel, this would be a lot of fun for me! Please contact me, I would be a very good actor for any main character or extra.
– thankyou Disney
– Nathaniel
Hello, I’m maya, I’m 11 and 1/2 years old (but I could pull off a 14 year old) I would love to be on Descendants. This can start my acting carrier. I have a wonderful personality, I have brown hair/eyes. Please give me a chance and I won’t let you down. Thank you.
Hi. I’m 8 years old and I have wanted to be on TV since I was 3 years old. I have lots of talents. I can sing, dance and act. Someone once called me a triple threat. I just need the right person to believe in me so I can get my big break. I am so excited about getting into acting. Hopefully I will be discovered soon.
Sounds Great, I’m very interested!
Hello, My name is Jaime I have Stand in, Double,background and principal experience working in film, over the last five years. I love Disney, and would appreciate the chance to audition. I am 6′ 175 brown hair, blue eyes, plays 28-38. Thank you very much for your consideration
I have been hoping to get my grandson Jahlonte an audition with Disney whenever possible. He has a lot of personality and charisma at 5 years old! Here is the link to his video:
Hi I am Rose. I’ve watched Disney channel since I was 3 years old. Ever since I have wanted to be on all the tv shows. I’ve dreamed of being on the show acting with the cast. It would be a dream come true to be on a disney tv show.
Hello my name is Abdallah Mohamed I came from San Diego,California a couple months ago I moved to Minnesota.I would like to be in the movie descendants.I am 5 feet and five inches.I am 14 years old.I will be turning 15 September of 2014.I have been in many school plays. I want to be the son of one of the villians.I have good acting skills one of the things my drama teacher compliments me on is my ability that I can make myself look really angry on cue.I have really soft hair so the make up designers won’t have a hard time and I am light brown.I can do a really good Indian accent even though I am not Indian.Please contact me at:amohamed595@gmail.come
Hello! My name is Cheyenne and I am 17 years old. I am a cheerleader and extremely bubbly. I have been in school plays and I love talking and having fun and I am hoping someone notices me. I have been told I have a warm, sweet personality. I am African american and 5’1. I would be captivated if you would consider me for a role of any kind. Please and thank you.
My name is Carlie Russell and I am 14 years old but can look between the ages of 13-18. I have had experience in several plays as well as one musical. Within those performances I have been cast both lead and minor roles. I am happy to act as any character you might need me to fill. No matter if that role is significant or insignificant. I am also currently in the process of filming a short movie, “Compound 39”, with an upcoming new business, That Purple Shirt Studios. Other than acting, I was a competitive cheerleader / dancer for seven years and can pick any routine rather quickly. As of right now, I am black belt in tungsodo and training for my second don. Height: 5″4 and 1/2 Hair: soft curls, medium brown with natural blond highlights. Eyes: dark, hazel green. Weight: around 140 but dropping. Age: 14 as of October 2013 Thank you so much for your consideration and valuable time.
Well Cheyenne I might not be from Disney but if I was I’d sumbit you the minute I got this
Ello! My name is Sofia Sanchez and am 15 years old almost 16 in March. I’d honestly love to become part of this movie. Just reading about it makes me all giddy because it’s brilliant. I’ve a few experiences in acting. I’ve done a few dance and singing school show since you have to show the emotion that goes with the song/dance. I’ve take a theater intro class & am taking an other theater class second semester. I have tanish skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes, and curly/wavy long hair. I’d say I’m about 5’3 (not sure). I’d really like to become part of this movie and and experiance. I know I don’t have much experiance but I can assure you I’m determined and hard working. Just take a chance on me. Thank you! :)
Hi my name is Joaquina.Ever since I was little I would watch Disney. I remember repeating what an actress would say right after she said it, hoping one day I’ll be on Disney channel. I would also act like I was the one drawing the Disney sign with my sparkly wand. Well anyways thats my story. Oh and I’m twelve, 5.4, African American, with shortish black/brown hair.
I wanna be an actress it’s one of my dreams
Hello, my name is Ali Gerber, I’m 12 years old and I am around 5″6. I have blonde hair and greenish bluish eyes with a light tan complexion. I have a bubbly, outgoing personality and love to laugh and have fun. I am looking to pursue a career in acting and would absolutely love to participate in any of the films. I really enjoy acting, singing, dancing, and playing soccer. I have participated in many musicals, payed productions, I play piano also. Thank you for your time and I hope the film works out great!
Hey there! I am Alec Pourmoghadam. I am 13 years old (almost 14) and I live in South Carolina. I am an older brother, a vocal major, and a Disney lover. I believe that one day I will star in a movie or any Disney production. I know you see like thousands of these, but I would like to thank you guys for stopping and taking a look at this.
Hello, I am Priscilla Gomez I am 12 years old about to turn 13 on March 13, 2014. I have dreamed of being on disney ever since I was little. I remember watching Thats so Raven reruns. I would not want to get my eyes of the screen. I am a dancer at the California Military Institude In Perris,California. I am a great singer. I am 4″11 with brown eyes and hair. I am tannish. My personality is fun, creative, goffy, wierd, sweet, and sometimes sensitive and shy. I am really flexible I can do the right and left splits, I can do a cartwheel, a backbend, and many more stunts. Well I hope you can get back to me.
Hello my name is Tatianna Santiago. I am soon to be 12. I am Puerto Rican/Colombian and currently live in Orlando, Florida. I always wanted to be an actress because I love pretending to be someone else and to share someone else’s story. I am your natural hispanic/american role and would love to be in Disney’s the Descendants.
Hi my name is Jane, I aspire to be actress. I live in Melbourne, Australia and am Samoan. I have been acting since I was a little child, and it has been a career opportunity. I have experience in theater performances and working on a TV set. I am 17 years of age and would love to start working while still in my teen years. Hopefully you give me a chance. From a dark brown eyed girl.
i wanna be a actress to i have been dreaming sence i was 3
Hi! im Carter and I would absolutely love the opportunity to be a part of this film. It would mean the world to me to pursuit my acting career and Descendants sounds like the most fun film to be a part of! Please consider me and thank you.
Age-13 (14 in September 2014)
Height- about 5′ 4″
Weight- 116 lbs
Eye color- hazel
hair color- sandy blonde
tan skin
Thank you again!
Hi i have been acting since i was five and would love to be in this movie production. I’m 5″2, i have twist with extentions so i can change the color of my hair. Im black, have big brown eyes, and will be 111-12 by the time the production starts but im stil pretty tall and with make up i can look older, ive been in many theater productions. I sent my application so you can contact me from that if you choose, i currently have two agents/managers so they will be the ones you speak to if i get a role.
Hi there! My name is Kimberly, but you can call me Kim. I am fourteen years old, born and raised in Los Angeles, California and I would love to be part of the production for any role. I am an aspiring actress, and I have been hoping for a huge break! I have had theater class in my school since the sixth grade. I am about 5’4 in height, have light brown hair, caucasian, and hazelish eyes! I really hope that you look into me because I truly believe I could be up for a part. Thank you bye!
I would love to be in this movie because I enjoy trying new things and I just love acting because acting is something we do in everyday life and I have so much to offer.
Hi my name is daniel scott aurel,I am a 16 year old male from chicago illinois and currently reside in merrilllville indiana. I also attend merrillville hichschool as a 10th grader. Ever since i was little I wanted to be on tv/movie,my parents never really took me seriously until recently.My parents told me if I want to be on a tv show or movie, I have to go out and start making my on moves. During my search for audtions I came across descendants,and read the description and felt like this is a good start for me. I have been in school plays but mostly in 7th and a little of 8th grade,other activities like football and wrestling got in the of my parts in school play. I would be honored to have a part in descendants.
Name:daniel scott aurel
body type:stocky a few extra pounds but not overboard
Skills:good with people,able to memerioze lines,good at impervising
Phone number:7736715111,or 7135849247
merillville indiana 46410
Hello! My name is Hannah, I live in Fredrick , MD and I’ve been watching disney since I can remember. I would love the opportunity to be in the movie descendants. I am 5feet and 8 inches tall and I am 15 years old, turning 16 in May. I have been in choir, dance, and in a couple plays as the cast and stage crew. I am told by all my family and friends that I’m dramatic all the time. I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes, and if you give me this chance I promise you won’t be disappointed. Thanks for your time for read this.
Hello my name is Ma-Nya I am 12 years old (born and raised in Brooklyn, New York) I have dark brown hair and big dark brown eyes. I am around 5ft tall. I am very athletic, flexible, funny, smart and caring. I have not had full nearly any experience as an actor (a little school play for the boston tea party) but I have yet to show what I am capable of. Thanks you for reading this please comment below if interested or not and which other additions I should try out for. :-)
Hello my name is Ma-Nya I am 12 years old (born and raised in Brooklyn, New York) I have dark brown hair and big dark brown eyes. I have a dark brown skin completion and around 5ft tall. I am very athletic, flexible, funny, smart and caring. I have not had full nearly any experience as an actor (a little school play for the boston tea party) but I have yet to show what I am capable of. Thanks you for reading this please comment below if interested or not and which other additions I should try out for. :-)
I love the idea of this movie and I would love to be a part of it. My brother got me into acting about three years ago, I acted in plays at school and in the summers at a drama camp in Brooklyn. I’d love to get an opportunity to audition for Descendants.
I am Isabella I’m 14 years old and go to Perfessional Performing Arts School. I have been in all the plays at my old school and would love to be considered for a role!
Thank you,
Hey I’m Aviana. I really love Disney and it’s my dream to be an artist for Disney, by I’m also a good actor. I think this would be awesome move to make and a good start for me. I haven’t ever done any acting gigs but I’m very open minded and I want to start my career now and early so that I will have experience. I have dark dark brown hair that’s wavy (but super good looking, lol.) umm my skin color is darker then tan. I’m Mexican and Indian (the Pocahontas kind of Indian). I’m like 5 foot 1 I think.. Don’t quit know. I’m 12 years old but everyone says I look older. And I’m a vegetarian, also if I did like get a part of an extra I won’t wear any animals tested products.. Sorry maybe. I’m really exited and please contact me if your interested for having me
Hello my name is jayla. I am 13 years old and love to act, sing, dance, and model. I love watching Disney channel and I would do an excellent job at any part you can give me. I am serious about my career and please contact me back from my manager.
Hello,my name is Rachel Coventry and I would like to audition for the new Disney movie,Descendants. I recently turned thirteen years old and my date of birth 01/03/01. I was born in London,England but am currently living in Los Angeles,CA. I am willing to relocate. I have experience,but it is limited. Acting and singing have always been a dream of mine and I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to try them out yet again.
I have hazel eyes, dark brown hair and am pale. I am 5’1 and weigh 84 pounds. I play between the ages of 11-14.
Thank you for this opportunity.
hi my name is lesly beltran. I am 5’2 I love to act and have fun ,I am an outgoing girl and it would be an honor to participate. I just really want to make my parents happy by accomplishing my dreams
Hi! My name is Caitlyn, and Disney has always been my favourite, especially anything that has to do with the Disney princesses. I live in Colorado, and an aspiring actress. I’m currently 16, but will be turning 17 in August of 2014. I’m 5 feet 3 inches, with hazel eyes and dyed hair. Naturally, I have ashy-brown hair, but I dye it black currently, but am growing it out to possibly go pink. Even just the possibility to be in something this amazing would be incredible.
Hi my name is Laresdanya ruiz
Training dialects- Italian,Russian, french,deep southern, standard British,British RP Irish Scottish,German, Californian,
Skills – singing
Languages – English, Spanish
I grew up in the circus
I’m 16
Brown eyes
Brownish black hair
Hi my name is Janeth I am ten years old but in august 3 2014 I will turn elevenand I have been watching Disney channel ever since I was a toddler which inspired me to want to be an actress , and finally I have found an audition I have been dreaming to be an actress long enough and I hope to have this chance to be on descendants please contact me in janethmadrid2003@gmail.com thank you
Hi my name is Emily. I love Disney and I would be honored to be is this wonderful sounding film.I would most likely fit to be Cinderella’s daughter.
Hair:dirty blonde
Height:about 5′ ft
i am a british actor and because of that i cannot register and submit the application. i would fly out to america for this auditions so please if someone could find a way for me to adress the director or someone of that importance so that i can register i would appreciate that greatly.
I’m Koumini and I’ve watches Disney Chanel since I was 2 years old and loved it ever seance. I’m 12 I may be young but I’m passionate and its my dream to be on T.V I’ve done drama and dancing also a little singing I’ve been in school plays I have black hair and brown eyes I hope you consider me thanks for listening.
Hello my name is Hanna and I’m 16 years old. I am an outgoing person and am told that I am dramatic by my family and friends. Since I was very young I have loved the Disney movies. It would be a dream come true. I think I could really add depth and personality to a character. It would be an honour to have this opportunity.
Thank you
Hi, my name is Maddie and I am 15 years old. I take acting classes all over NYC and train with many different casting directors. Also, I am a pre- professional dancer. I dance at several studios in my area as well as in NYC with some of the top schools in the world. Please consider me for your movie. I know I have the talents, so please just give me a chance to prove myself.
Hi I’m Brooklynn Fergerson. Birthday :June,28,2002. Age:11 year old. Hair color:brown. Eye color:brown. Talent:Acting,Dancing,and Singer :I been in drama club and School play. I been dancing seen I was 5 year old.I been on Dance team.I alway been singing I been in school music concert.I know a lot about disney history. I know I have what it take to be in this amazing movie. I would love to have a role in this movie . Thank you . Contact:Brooklynnfergerson @me.com.Thank you again.
Hey guys! My name is Shawnna. I will be 17 by the end of this February month and I am dying with desire and passion to be a young actress. I am motivated, strong, shy, but willing to try anything new. My heart has been in acting ( and singing ) ever since I was younger. I like the fact that I can be someone new every single day but come home to who you are, with your family and loved ones. But one thing that I truly love about acting and singing, it’s the part where I can move people emotionally, physically, and mentally. I want people to hear me. I want people to see me. I want to move people for the best. I want to talk and help others about their passion, bullying, the sick and dying, or if they just want a good laugh! I want to be there.
I think I’d be great in the films. In my highschool, I am currently in Theatre Arts. It’s amazing and beautiful. When I act, I get lost in my character to where I am that character. I love it. It’s like, if my character is upset, I’ll end up crying. If my character is angry, my face will get red and I can feel my heart beat in my ears. I love it. I don’t care about the money. I honestly don’t. I love acting and singing. Just being able to act in the films or sing on stage, is MY payment. THIS is what aspires me. I’ve always watched Disney Channel and all the other shows. But when I watch it, I don’t usually watch the story. I watch the actors. I watch how they move, their voice pitches, their facial expressions, little jerks of pain and or excitement. I watch where their eyes water or when they get a lump in their throat. I watch how they get nervous, where they cry excessively, scream like they are in deep agony, or love to the fullest. I feel what they are feeling. I want to be them. I envy and yes, I even get jealous! But who wouldn’t? To me, it’s a WANT and a NEED.
“If you want to succeed, you have to want it as bad as you breathe.”
( Sorry for rambling! =] )
Hi!! My name is alexus wetzel and im 14 years old..ik my last name is werid but i love it..i love acting so much its my dream to be a famous actor..ever since 6th grade i have been dreaming to be on disney channel. .i applied to a performing arts school in hollywood but idk.if ill be accepted..well i just wantes to say if i get picked you wont regret. .ill give 100% no matter what..well thankyou for taking your time to read this bye!!!;-)
I’ve been really wanting to be part of a Disney show or movie. I’ve loved Disney ever since i was little. I have a bubbly personality but i can make myself be sad or angry. I’ve had little acting before this but i pretend to be different people sometimes. I am only 10 years old though. This might not be seen but i hope you look at this. You can contact me at sofiakemeny@gmail.com. Thank You
My name is Estephany and i would love to be part of your team. I’ve always had a passion for anything that had to do with acting or singing. I would love to be part of the movie regardless of the role. My experience begins from when i was 8 years old and i began by making a juice commercial in a foreign language. Not so long ago i was also part of a school play. Im SUPER energetic, i like to make people laugh (commonly known as the clown of the family). I like to smile, have fun and just do what a girl does.
Height: 5’5
Eyes: Green with some blue
Hair: Dark blonde
Thank You for your time and if you can please consider me i would be jumping of happiness for weeks!
First of all you should know that im fabulous!!!
Hello my name is Jannai Simmons I am a 13 but I could play the ages 12-15. I am very charismatic and I have been wanting to be in a Disney production since I was a bout five years old. I have been in many plays where I have played the lead role or another supporting roles. I am an African American girl who can speak fluent Spanish on cue whenever that is necessary. i am very committed to what I do and take every task seriously and do it to my best potential I think that I would be best for this production because IM FREAKING FABULOUS!!!!! well that and the fact that I can sing, dance, act, and speak fluent Spanish.
Hair: brownish black
Eyes: light brown
Height: 5’2 (shut up im still growing ok!)
skin color: brown
Gender: female
Why should you pick me?: well no one will work as hard as I will
i want this sooooo bad just to gets a chance will just be amazing!! It will change my world in ways you can’t even imagine. I will not give you 100% of my effort that’s too easy, I’d much rather give you 300% doesn’t that sound better? Please!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, give me a chance to show you what i can do.
And remember………. IM FABULOUS!
the end.
I think that this a wonderful idea and you should really go through with it. I am 12 years old and I have dark brown and brown eyes. I am half Japanese. I know two languages excluding English(Spanish and Norwegian) I can do many pitches of voices and I pick up dance move quick as well. I love that this is live action because everything seems to be animated. You can contact me at (615)500-5874 and thesushicatguardian@gmail.com ; please consider me.
Hi a just gave you my information I love to act I’m passionate about it I been in many plays in my school well what I’m trying to say is that I would love to get a chance to audition to see if I got what it take thank you and hopefully you give me a chance
Hello my nae is Cannon Harshfield i woul like to get an audition for Descendants i am 11 years old and 5ft tall i can play the teenage son if no one is already casted.
Hello my nae is Cannon Harshfield i woul like to get an audition for Descendants i am 11 years old and 5ft tall i can play the teenage son if no one is already casted. I am not experienced but i am trying to get a debut.
Hi my name is Samantha Powers
I’m 11 years old
I’m a dancer,singer,acting,and I’m great in action movies
Hello Disney! I am Madilyn Hermansen and I am turning 13 in February. I love to act and I have been in musical theater twice now, once as the main role and the other as a side character. I also auditioned for Fresco Arts Academy and I got 5th place out of THOUSANDS that auditioned. Unfortunately only two people got in.
I love to act and I used to write plays for me and my cousins to perform. I can be any character and fit into any role perfectly.
My physical features are;
Light brown hair (with faint highlights)
Blue eyes
About 90 pounds
About 5.3
Fair skin tone
I love to act and it would mean so much to be a character in the Descendants. Thank you so much for reading this! You can contact me at madihermansen@icloud.com. Thank you so much! If you’d like a picture of me or if you have any questions, just contact me! Thank you so much Ive always wanted to work with Disney!
Sincerely, Madilyn
Hello Disney! I am Madilyn Hermansen and I am turning 13 in February. I love to act and I have been in musical theater twice now, once as the main role and the other as a side character. I also auditioned for Fresco Arts Academy and I got 5th place out of THOUSANDS that auditioned. Unfortunately only two people got in.
I love to act and I used to write plays for me and my cousins to perform. I can be any character and fit into any role perfectly. I can memorize a script in a short amount of time, and I can be very perky.
My physical features are;
Light brown hair (with faint highlights)
Blue eyes
About 90 pounds
About 5.3
Fair skin tone
I love to act and it would mean so much to be a character in the Descendants. Thank you so much for reading this! You can contact me at madihermansen@icloud.com. Thank you so much! If you’d like a picture of me or if you have any questions, just contact me! Thank you so much Ive always wanted to work with Disney!
Sincerely, Madilyn